-Roaring Brook- ~ Rev. and Mrs. Louis Bryden, Mae nd James Bryden spent Sunday aft-| |g _ernoon at the C. H. Bonham home. “Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Thomas, Am- er Bonham and Vernard Lamoreaux pent Labor Day in Philadelphia. There will be an ice cream social in e Baptist hall on Saturday afternoon “everybody is welcome. ~ Keith Bonham of this place cajed on his friend Elmer Lanning on Suns day. . Mr. and Mrs. A. IL. Roderick and family entertained relatives from New York over the week-end. ; Miss Alberta Harrison spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Harrison. Miss Lewis of Ohio is visiting her||g % “ff } ! HH dS T Y uncle and aunt, Rev. and Mrs. H. A.|E : 8 3 k ¥ y y Tewis. ERE a SA £45 ; ED SER Mr. and Mrs. George Reese called at the E. E. Harrison home on Sunday. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Luke Lamoreaux and ~ family of Muehlenburg spent Friday . = evening wit h Mr. and Mrs. Howard ~ Lamoreaux and family. ~ Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Roderick and relatives spent Saturday at St. Clair and Philadelphia. Miss Mildred Bonham called on her : cousin ‘Miss Delphine: Bonham on Sun- day. : Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Lewis have re- turned home after spending a delight- ful week at New Castle. Miss Viola Davis is spending some time with her friends, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Harrison of this place. Callers ‘at the K. A. Lanning home Continued on Page 5 WHITESELL REUNION “(Continued From Page 1) FOEOBUBORIT BUTT TBOTUBUEE Whatis a Commnnity with- out its own Newspaper? } IIE OT JR ZED On Sickler. From Sweet Valley—Mr. and Mrs. George Callender, ™rs. A. E. Ed- wards, Mr. and Mrs. Corey Foss and Catherine Foss. Dallas R. D—Mr. and Mrs. Charles{ Whitesell and Sheldon Whitesell, Mrs. Eliza Cobleigh, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Finch, Mrs. Anna {Kocher, Kenney Kocher, William Cobleigh, Lydia, Ed- ward, Theodore and Freida .Cobleigh. Prom Bloomingdale—Mr. and Mrs. Rolin Culver, Ella, Arista and Leo Culver. 3 4 Muehlenburg—Harry SCragle: Frucksville—Oliver "Williams, - Mr. and Mrs. Ray Isaacs and children. ~ Parsons—Mr. and Mrs. Amos Mitch- ell ~ Endicott, N. Y.—Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Whitesell, Mr. and Mrs. Carl ‘Whitesell, ‘Margaret and Henrietta Whitesell. Washington, D. C.—Jack ‘Pritchard. Visitors— Alderson: Miss Bessie Kocher; Bloomingdale: Mrs. Dora Cragle. \ ’ ; on RTT JO TOBE ¥ NE IS so used to the convenience and interest of the ET The community without a newspaper is dormant and ASA daily newspaper of one’s own community that it is hard to appreciate the real importance, influence and service of the weekly paper in our life. The only way to awaken oneself to the necessity of a local newspaper is dependent on its neighboring towns, not only for news but for many if not all. the daily needs of life that the stores NET Oi a Bulford Reunion ASA of other places advertise in the local paper. The town gL ie Ralph Hess and daughter Doris, Mrs. . (Continued From Page 1) and son Harold, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rineman, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice, Mrs. Mary Cobleigh, Mr. and .Mrs. Phillip Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul ~ €roekstt, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rodda and son James, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Moss and sons Lawrence and Robert, Mr. and Mrs, Marvin Elston, Mrs. . Owen Ide and children, Mrs. Bertha SURV to know the experience of living in a town that has no local paper. The Community that supports an enterprising newspap- ‘er is the active, growing town, alive not only to news of the day, but keenly awake to its own interests and affairs. Neighborhood and community activities thrive: in such a place and civic management and affairs are more the pub- with a good newspaper is the thriving place—self sup- porting, interested in Town affairs as well as those of the rest of the world—and usually helping to supply the daily needs of the less fortunate communities wa its vicinity. Such a town is Dallas with THE DALLAS POST to - “awaken its civic consciousness and to supply it with the lic’s concern. Local society, sports, church and municip- : al affairs are promoted and bettered where there is a local "paper to keep the people in contact with each other. ~ 3de, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and _ children, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Stanley Elston and children, Elizabeth Breckenridge, David Ross, Richard Ev- ams, Claude Evans, Jr, Harry Rodda, ‘Alice Cobleigh, Elizabeth Cobleigh, ~ Guy Daubert, Ruth May Hazel, Roy ~~ Moss, Ferris Fuller, Daisy Russell, Robert Bulford, Elizabeth Mission, Thelma Bulford, Junior Mission, Harry RMission, Corey Bulford, Nora May Brown, Dorothy Elston, Mildred Isaacs ° and Verna Warner. news of its people and its neighbors—and, just as import- I IN UY ARO ant, of its stores. OE In ZOO 3 ARORA RAR RS SOO 0 TBO BBB -Noxen- 2#r. and Mrs. David Edwards, Mr. ‘apd Mrs. Ray Libenguth and children pent the week-end as guests of rela- tives at Oneonta, N. Y. Mrs. Mae Eswick of Netcong, N. J, spent Sunday among relatives and LAAs . . : : : : friends. Mrs. Estwick was formerly We want your criticisms and suggestions—not your knocks—if there are things you would like to see in this news- Miss se Biekl we hapt a mln: paper or suggestions that you think would help the paper aad make it more interesting, do not hesitate to let us know ery-shop a his place for several]; ; : Te : them. + Mr. and Mrs. KF. Buckingham and daughter Mayme of Endicott, N. Y., ~ spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and ~ Mrs. E. J. Miller. : Mrs. Ira Kresge was hostess recent- || ly in honor of her mother, Mrs. Ed. ~ Dendler’s birthday anniversary. Games ~~ and, cards were enjoyed. A dainty lunch was served. \ ~~ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pogar, - August; 28th, a daughter. Congratu- - lations. : “Mr. and Mrs. James Wyant, Miss ~ Saloma Hackling and; James Patton enjoyed a motor trip to Harrisburg and Philadelphia over the week-end. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Straley spent Labor Day at Binghamton, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Hackling, who has been ‘seriously ill is much improved at this writing. A fact which her many friends will be pleased to learn. Mr. and Mrs. E. Engleman, Benja- min Engleman, Howard Engleman and Edgar Engleman attended the funer- ~ al of William Engleman at Williams- ~ port on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Risley enter- tained over the holiday, Mr. and Mrs. AW. West, Miss Vera West of Tunk- hannock and Miss Myra Ziezer of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Monroe and Dav- id Race have returned to their home in Grand Haven, Mich., after spending a week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. William Race. Phillip Loveland spent the week-end at Williamsport. Mrs. I. Yiengst was. pleasantly en- _aertained at her home recently by theg _amembers of the Ladies’ society in hon- or eof her birthday anniversary, An enjoyable evening was spent and af tasty luncheon was served to about ~~ thirty guests. : {Continued on Page 8) You can help to make The Post a better Newspaper by telephoning your news items to Dallas 300. TOV AXON TOT- TONY RORORARY Remember The Post Is Your Community Newspaper— “A LOCAL INSTITUTION WORTH BOOSTING” TOBUBUTURY A IR BOB EOE IOn NSLS Na