* AUGUST 8, 1930 DALLAS POST, FRIDAY" | MEARD A SWOT | RING opr IN Tad DISMAL ‘2 Eh L RES O° THE NIGHT ZBUEC NEI) BUEVE AL USOR NEARD FOOT STERS on Twi. DOORSTEPS, THEN ALL Ler A ODEN THE DooR = WAS PUSHED — ON) EaMID WEED Bar TERETE - GARDEN CLUB MEETS : AT HARVEY'S LAKE ears S————; | ~~ On Monday afternoon of last week the members of the Wyoming Valley arden club - were delightfully enter- | tained at the beautiful summer home! ~ of Mrs. George Carey of Point Breeze, ~ Harvey's Lake. This was the regu- lar monthly meeting and was very well attended. : The speaker of the afternoon was Miss Annie Gereche of New York City, who gave a very interesting talk ~ on European Gardens. © After a very tasty luncheon the members visited several nearby gar- ~ dens and also the rock garden at the Carey home which is considered one of the beauty spots of the Lake. The ~~ next meeting of the club will .take place the latter part of August. Classified Advertisements > ‘RATES FOR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS One insertion, 25 cents for thirteen words or less. Over thirteen words, 2 cents per word. Call Dallas 300. HANDMADE BRAIDED and woven rugs. Inquire of Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, Wyoming, R. D. 3, on Wy- oming - Trucksville road near Hefts’ Mills 8-8-2t* FOR RENT 7 room house on main Call Dallas 125. FOR SALE Used chairs, dressers, bedroom suites in good condition; also buy old furniture. American Home Shop, 48 ‘Main street, Dallas. 7-4-tf WANTED to list small farms or plots suitable for poultry raising, trucking, etc. John A. Williams, Realtor, 48 Main St., Dallas. 7-11-tf. FOR SALE—4 ROCKING CHAIRS, 1 Maytag washer, 1 Rotary White sewing machine, I cupboard, } iron bedstead, oak finish; 1 “Faultless”™ road, Dallas. - Dallas Socials Mrs. John A. Girvan Editor : Phone, Dallas 6 "Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz of Trucksville are vacationing at a cot- tage at Lake Sheridan. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Hildebrant spent Sunday at Inake Winola. Mrs. Willian Geyer of Shavertown entertained at a birthday party in honor of her husband’s birthday. Mr. H. Van Campen won first prize at cards. The guests included Mr. and Mrs. Van Campen, Mr. and, Mrs. H. J. Harter, Mr. and Mrs. eGorge Shaver, Miss Emma Shaver and Mr. and Mrs. William Geyer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cairl and family and Mrs. Doll Shaver have gone to Sea Side Heights, N. J., where they expect to spend a two week's vaca- tion. Mrs. R. J. Webber of Detroit, Mich., and brother, Robert Eyerman of Shrine View, have returned from a visit to New York City. Mr. and Mrs, Jake Heffner of Col- lege Point, L. I, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Girvan of Claude street on Friday of last week. Mrs. Jerry Lancio and daughter, Betty spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frank of Claude street. Mr. and Mrs. Sandel Hunt and chil- dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrish of Dallas. Dorothy Patterson has returica from Lock Haven where she took a summer course. Mrs. Harold Titman of Lake street had as her guest Mrs. Russell Frantz of Kingston, Pa. Mrs. Wesley Humuler of Lake street entertained his mother, Mrs. N. F. Montross of Luzerne, recently. Mrs. F. C. Johnson of Orchard Knob Farm is spending some time in Wis-, consin. | Mr. and. Mrs. Morgan Wilcox and Mr. and Mrs. William Lynch of Allen- town who have been guests at the Wilcox home, motored to Binghamton rance, 1 pipe organ, 1 boiler, 1 pcgch swing, 1 flour bin, *hclds 1 bbl of flour and has thrice cudrawers. For sale at the residence of Mrs. C.F. Rood, Dallas, Pa. (Next to Brickels) 8-8-1t Wanted to Buy The following books for library: . Little Women Mayflower Ben Hur Moby Dick Evangeline 1844 1880 1851 ‘01d Creole Days Little Men Maggie Virginia 0ld Swimming Hole «...~rvve.- 1883 Clay Price, 41 Elder Barre. Phone 5028m HIMMLER THEATRE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT “With Byrd at the South Pole” Commander Admiral R. E. Byrd NEXT WEEK TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY “Spring Is Here” ALEXANDER GREY ALSO SIAMESE TWINS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY “The Tiger” GARY COOPER &. OO. OO. 0 0 9, 962067067 06% 97 44% 267 449 04% 6 XaX 9.2 ooeds 9, & & Xa) Oo 0% Lode & refed 9 A & ood ees & RC * 2 new copper | 76 Main street, “| Kingston. | St. Wilkes- | and Endicott, N. Y., last week. { “Rev. and Mrs. W. E. Webster left ion a motor trip on Monday. They will | {have a,month’s vacation. | Mary C. Lyons of Binghamton, N.| iY. is the guest of her uncle, Rey. J. J. O'Leary of Shavertown. | Mr. and Mrs. Smith Phillips of] | Wyoming are spending the month of | |Ausust at the DeWitt cottage at] Shrine View, Dallas. Mrs. Grace Rustine of Main street is {entertaining Dr. Herman White and | family of Philadelphia. i Edna Woolbért who will be married I'shortly was entertained during the] | week by Mrs. Harold Titman of Lake | i street; a number of friends were pres- | ent. | Mrs. L. Yaple of Church street had as dinner guests on Sunday: Mr. | and Mrs. John Evans of Park Place, nN ML. | Miss Catherine Webster left for | Baltimore, Md., on Sunday after hav- ing spent the past four months with Rev. and Mrs. Webster of Church street. Mr. and Mrs. George entertaining Miss Jean Courtdale, Pa. The following Dallas people mot-| ored to Love's cottage at Forkston on | Sunday, where they enjoyed refresn ments: Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Hone} well| and Helen Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Whipp, Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant and children, Mr. and Mrs. | George Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Love, Mr. and Mrs. R: C. Love, Edna Woolbert and Beth Love. Mrs, Minnie Benscoter ville is spending a week in Pittsburgh. Rev. and Mrs. Henry and son Ells | worth and Mrs. T. M. Jenkins of Shavertown were dinner guests on} Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ross of Berwick. Mr. and ‘Mrs. John Drum of Harvey-! ville have moved into the Shappert home on Parrish street. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parrish and family of Rohrsburg motored to Dallas on Sunday. Mrs. Parrish spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Ms. Williams are Bennett of of Trucks- with friends Keithline aca, N. Y,, W. Bosworth, Mrs. Ear. Kiwanis club of Plymouth were oh] Mr. and Mrs. William Baker and and Mrs. Thomas Homey | tertained Wednesday evening by Am- | daughters Harriet and Helen of Wy- have left for Indian Lake in the Ad-|brose West at “It'll Do Farm.” joming, visited Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Saxe irondack Mts. Baby Liva Weils of Plymouth, who recently. Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Schooley of|1S Just five weeks old, had her first Mr. and Mrs. £awin Abbott and Shavertown have returned from a mo- trip to “It'll Do Farm” on Sunday. pLomily of Luzerne, Mrs. R. DeWitt of tor trip to the west. o | Rochester apd Mrs. C. W. Dana mot- w on ; : : $ . ° |ored to Eatonville recently where they ie a fof Centre Hill road is -Trucksville- ue guests at a picnic supper at the Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shiber of Dallas| The Epworth League will hold 1 en on an accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. D. W.| Picnic at Harrison Lake, Sweet Valley.iy, ;. land "Miss ER 4 - of Roberts of Trucksville motored to Ith-| Mrs. Holcomb of Shavertown an- | Frnkhannock Sate 5 on Sunday, where they | nounces the engagement of her daugn-| Miss Ar x dow % spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. War- | ter, Mildred, to Claude Johnson of this | Spoke. ee A Xa I ren Wallace. place. ; i ne : ion Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Parrish of Carverton Miss Elinor Rockwell ‘has been sic | Mes. George W. Carey, Harvey's Lake who has been ill is slowly improving. |at her home. 3 on Gardens of Europe. Jacob Rice of Trucksville called on Miss Helen Reynolds of Mt. en) Miss Agnes M. Trainor of Philadel- Eli Parrish of Main street on Sun-|wood spent the week-end with Miss | phia who was a guest of Mrs. John day. | A. Jones of Scranton. { McGahren has returned to her home. William Gregory of Kingston and Al-| Miss Frances Downing entertained|- Miss Christina: Sword has returned bert spent the day with his parents, | her Sunday school class from Luzerne | Fcme after having spent a year at Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Parrish. |M. BE. church on Monday evening, |Peoria, Ill, as Y. W. C. A. instruct- Mr. and Mrs. George Travis of Shav-| August HA, lor. ertown have been entertaining Mr. and | Mr. and Mis. Jebharg of Carbondale, Mrs. Theodore Knorr and daughter Mrs. Arthur Swanson of Wilkes. | Pent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Roy-| Alice of Kingston have returned home Barre, tal Lynne. after spending some time at the home Mr. and Mrs. Paul Laux visited rel- |, DpEss Mars Jackson of Beaumont, al of Mrs. Mary Knorr. : atives in Duryea over the week-end. |ormer Trucksville girl, is seriously, Mr. and Mrs. George Brown, Mr Miss Marguerite Farrell of Duryea | 111 = the hospital. Her many friends and Ms. Ralph Hefft and children vis- spent Wednesday with Mrs. Paw| “Sh her a speedy recovery. |ited at the home of Sidney Levitt at| Laux’ of Shavertown, Dr. and Mrs. Schooley have returned | Centermoreland. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laux of Davis | Dome after having been on their vagos John H. Jones of Wilkes-Barre, who | avenue, Mt. Greenwood, spent Friday | tion In the west. Dr. Schooley Wwill}iz spending the summer at Harvey's with (Mr. and Mrs. Rother of Ply.|l¢ at the baby clinic on Thursday at|1-ke, called on his brother, Hugh O. mouth . | the Shavertown schoolhouse and in-|Jenes recently. A LI vi xc o hi a Sr Miss Ruth ‘Laux atiended a card | Vites all mothers and all children or re-school age party Monday evening at the home ot| Pt - {| A party was Miss Jean Davis. 2 36 — S 24 and! Mr. and Mrs: Clare Winters notor-| Miss Naomi Besteder. The following | children. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Prynn| ed to Noxen one day last week. | were present: Ruth E. Mathers, El-|.nqg daughter Doris, Mr. and Mrs. H.| {eanor Staub, Betty Schrech, Eleanor o. jones and children, John O., Eliza-| Mrs. Howard Appleton of Shaver~|— > : } town - delightfully entertained a few | tockwell and Naomi Besteder. | Leth, Robert, Jane and Ruth, Sarah! friends at a chicken and waffle dinner | Miss Margaret Glahn has returned pratt und Blaine Wilson of this place, | last week in honor of Mr. Appleton’s| ome after spending some time In nigss Nancy Jones of New York and | birthday. Those present were: My. [Forty Fort. | Mr. and Mrs. Ferman Wilson of Dal-| and Mrs. Appleton and family ahd| Mrs. William Hansen, who Ss been | ja5 motored to New Milford and Har- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hershell ofl at her home has been removed Wivey's Lake on Sunday. Wilkes-Barre. | the Homepathic hospital. Mrs. Edwin Abbott and Mrs. Pat-| Miss Lettie Lee and Miss Beth Love | Entertains rika of Luzerne and Mrs. J. R. Mer- entertained at Miss Lee’s home Fri-| A party was held at the home of jy. of Kingston visited the Dana Gar- day evening at dinner for Miss Edna |Miss Eleanor Staub. Cards were| gen this week. Noolbert, a bride to be. A variety played and lunch was served to the shower was a feature of the evening, | following: Ruth Howell, Eleanor | and Miss Woolbert. wad the recipient | Rockwell, Ruth Mathers and Fleanor of many beautiful gifts. There were; Staub. also cards. Those who attended were| Mi. Glahn is "building a house in| Barbara Hoffmeister, Dorothy Biesel, | the Trucksville gardens for Mr. Gabel Catherine Gebhardt, Ella Sutton, Alta |“ former resident of this place. Thompson, Jane Coursen, Eva Mach- Ruth Howell and William Howell Mrs. R. | | The Home Guards 'met at the home {of Adeline Prynn on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Prynn held at the home of ¢ x ha n 1 | -Mooretown- | Preaching at 9:30 Sunday morning in the M. E. Church. Sunday school at 10 o'clock. We are glad to see 30 | home were: | Tf you want | sermons. many comune out to church. Elizabeth Reinhimer entertained her Sunday school class Saturday evening. Those present were: Mrs. Thelma Cornell, Betty Rinehimer, Alma Keller, Clara Labarr, Margaret Wallace, Rob- ert Stroud, Elsie Rinehimer and Mrs. Rinehimer and family. Ferris Roberts called on his parents Sunday. ¥ 7 Mrs. Thomas Roberts and son Eph- rain attended church at Patterson’s Grove Sunday wufternoon and called on Mrs. Lillian Coolbaugh, who is spend- ing the summer at the camp. The Labars entertained friends from Kingston Sunday. Afternoon callers at the Roberts Basil Steele, Melvin Kei- ler, Arthur Steele. : Harry Dixon of Kingston called on G. Roberts Sunday. Clara. Labar spent with Margaret Wallace, The weather is very hot; Monday at two o'clock the thermometer registered 94 in the shade. We have been with- out rain 21 days. Mrs. Mary Moyer is visiting at the Hess home. Mrs. Hess, who has been sick with tonsilitis, is better at this writing. Mr. Milton > Rosencranz sick list. Ralph Bronson and family visited at the heme of N. G. Roberts on Sun- day. Mrs. Jane Bartleson called on Mrs Perry Hess Tuesday evening. The men are through haying in this the week-end is on the The vicinity. Oats are nearly ready to harvest. The apple crop quite promising, is | but rain is badly needed at this time. 0 Patterson Grove begins August cool time, go to Pat- terson’s Grove, where you will find good bathing, lots of things to eat and a fine shady grove and plenty of good Everything is in good con- ion at Patterson’s Grove. Every is’ ‘welcome. meeting 18tk. a Camp dit one Erectign ‘of our new schoolhouse is ng rapidly. Mr. Keller is the work and we will 800i: new building. prog ri ing ne a ell, ‘Eloise Titman, Marguerite Frantz, attended a ‘house party at-Harveys{= 7-7 Margaret Veitch, Alverda Cooke, Flor- lake recently, at ence Anstett, Ruth Reynolds, Anton- Miss Alng Robbins 18-1n the ette Coolbaugh, Florence Frantz, Ruth pital recovering from an operation. Waters, Alice Yop'e. Emily Wallace The Queen Esthers will hold their Verna ror rassn Tiazel Alger, Edna | 2nnual picnic - at Beaumont at the Woolbert, Lettie Lee, Beth Love, Mrs.| home of Mary Jackson. R. C. Love and Mrs. G. B. Lee. The! Charles DeWitt, Mt. Greenwood, toe ER has returned home after taking a winners at cards were Florence Frantz] 3 2 : and Emily Wallace I special course at Mansfield Teacher's ana milly atiace. I Mrs. Mary Baker and niece Joan,| are visiting Mrs. Warren West. | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pierce of Allen-| C { town spent the week-end as house arverion | guests of Mr. and Mrs; Clarence West. | | "Miss Irma Hartman, of Plymouth, Sunday services, August 10th: Sun-| was a guest of Miss Betty West, who day school in the morning at 9:30 o-| entertained in her honor on Saturday | lock; church services in the even-| evening last. |ing at 7:30. Howard Teek will bz Mrs. Clifford Ide of Shrine View |the speaker. had as callers on Tuesday, Mrs. Walt-| George Schmall called at the home er Brown of Dallas, Mrs. Albert Major |of Billy and Eddie Gensel recently. of Shavertown, Mrs. Elwood McCarty| A number of residents from this and sons of Lehman. {vicinity have entered their gardens in Lester McCarthy of Lehman jsfthe garden contest to be held on Aug-| spending the week with Mrs. Albert | ust 6th and Tth. Two judges will| Major of Shavertown. | visit gardens. hos- PICKADILLY college. | ——— eee) i { and get enough of those fine, There is still time to Dean Ide of Shrine View is spend- register gardens and it is hoped that! ing the week with his grandparents, | Trucksville-Carverton district will Mr, and Mrs. Walter Brown of Dal- have a large number of entries. To | enter your garden call Miss Nellie Tucksville or Mrs. Charles las. i Mr. ‘and Mrs. James Jones of Loy |Leach, alville had as callers on Friday even Dana. { ing, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Ide and son] Miss Kathryn Hefft called on Mrs. Dean of Shrine View. Knorr recently. Mrs. Fred Riley had as callers on The Epworth League will meet in Tuesday: Betty Breckenridge, Ruth the church on Wednesday evening. Hazel, Helen Splitt, Ella Harvey, Ruby Miss Etta Knorr is spending =ome, Ellston and son Harold and Frank|time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. | Bulford. Harry Brown of Old Forge. Mr. and Mrs. Albert McDonnell ot| ,A meeting of the Wyoming Valley | Albany, N. Y., are visiting at the home| Garden club was held on Mond + af-| of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.|ternoon at the residence of Mrs. Geo.| ° . G. A. Learn of Chase, Carey of Harvey's Lake. | y Mrs. Charles Parrish who has been | | td l y Mr. and Mrs. James Copin of Nan- ticoke apd Miss Ethel James of Peck- seriously ill is somewhat improved, al fact her many friends will be pleased ville were callers on Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George|to learn. Learn of Chase. Mrs. Learn is also Miss Edith Pollock has returned to] entertaining her parents, Mr. and Mrs. | her home after visiting Mrs. Allan] Albert McDonnell of Albert, N. Y. Schmall in Wilkes-Barre. i Pickedilly home made pies are Sandwiches for the whole family BARBECUE On the new Luzerne - Trucksville Highway at Hillside. Stop on Your Way From the City Tonight- - big toasted Pickadilly Barbecue Pickadilly Buttermilk is the coldest and best you have ever drank. just the best you ever tasted. Jack Weidner’s 26 years of making sandwiches and serving good food to the public has developed this being Pickadilly Barbecue. Barbecue ‘Ample room to park for curb service On the New Luzerne - Trucksville Highway at Hillside > 02 0 6% 60.4% % 6% 4% 4% 26% -6% o%-¢%-¢%-420 6% 6%-6%5 4% % 4% 42-42% 4% 420-42 4% 4% 20-050 430 030-030-430-050-450-430-430-430 430450 430-030-430030 430400 000400 LO THEI I SII I SIRI SIG 4003 STAPLETON’ Drug Store Next to Luzerne Postoffice > > 0 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 8 OO 0% 2% Ps Os 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 0 bb OO 0 0% o% o% oo age adr ode odo feedoatoadeafeadraduofeodefertratosfofeadnafooo elo afees fale elo dr utr alo ear ogee aera 9, oe Treat yourself —SOON. %° 9, 9009 % <0 6%5.0%.4% 4% 6% 6% 62-47 ¢%.0%-6%-4% 2% 625-620-6206 6% 6% 62-67-62 % 2% 26-4% KEXIXDXIXI XIX IRIRIX IX IX ZRIX INL XX I XXX GXG XG XS XIX GXIX EX X XXL <] AGAIN—you can buy Ice Cream at Stapletons in convenient packages. FAIRMONT CREAM, particularly “RAINBOW” is a most palatable delicacy and with ample food value as well. 0 0% OO 0 0 0 Ob 0 FIO 0 0 0 Oe e% 0 0o% CIR SOIR JOR OR IK IR JOR RR, XXX XIXTXIX IX GX SX g Xg XIR Xe xg Xa Xa XX Xa Xa Xa XX XaXaXaXaXa el a eliel 2 | rege, ©, & 7 4 ON / 0000304, 0, & / * 9 ho? Ve? Ca) © ® 200% 5-020-0309, &