The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, August 08, 1930, Image 3

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    CI Mr Ar WC pm
a RE
In The Post “Everybody Wins” Grand Prize
Free Voting Coupon
I here by cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit
of Miss, Mr. and Mrs. .......
This coupon, neatly clipped out, name an
address of the candidate filled in, and mailed or
delivered to the Election Department of THE
POST will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does
not cost anything to cast these coupons for your
favorite candidates, and you are not restricted in
any sense in voting them. Get all you can and send
{ them in—they all count.
l This Coupon must be voted on or before Aug. 11.
econ Se 0 80 cc 00s s PRN ges eset.
dative widda tuted snbinddudedeitd biti
PAINTS and Oils
Automobile Accessories
Sporting Equipment of All Kinds.
Main Street
Mr. and Mrs. William Shoemaker
and son Bobby, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Long of Forty Fort spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoemaker.
Arthur Oakley of Endwell, N. Y,,
spent the week-end with his father,
Charles Oakley.
Celia Bush of Scranton has been
spending the ‘past two weeks with
Mrs. Ruth Peterson.
Mr. and Mrs. Miers and family call-
ed on Mrs. William Smith of Dallas
Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Price and
children Florence and May of Ed-
wardsville called on Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Brace Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Landon of
Kingston were the guests of Mrs. Ro-
annah Landon on Sunday.
Miss Marion Kunkle is visiting her
aunt, Mrs. Emil Young, at Buffalo, N.
Mrs. Ruth Peterson and guests, Miss
Celia Bush of Scranton, Frank Van-
derpool, Mr. Seamoni and Mr. Jones
of Binghamton, N. 'Y. motored to
Lake Ariel on ‘Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Mr.
and Mrs. ‘William Brace and family
called on Mrs. Elizabeth Kunkle at
Dallas Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wertman and
son Austin spent Sunday evening with
Mr. and Mrs. William Miers.
Marion, Martha, Ida, Carl and Loren
Kunkle have returned from the Gen-
eral hospital, where they have been
the past five weeks with typhoid fev-
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sickle visited
their daughter, Mrs. Creston Gallop
on Tuesday. 3
Mrs. Charles Herdman and Mrs.
William Conden were Wilkes-Barre
visitors on Tuesday. >
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Sweezey and
children Marvin, Jr., and Betty called
at the C. W. Kunkle home on Sunday
the Needs of Millions
or Peonle
every detail of the business — design,
production, the wages paid and the sell-
ing price. All are a part of the plan.
The Ford Motor Company looks upon
itself as charged with making an auto-
mobile that will meet the needs of
millions of people and to provide it at a
low price. That is its mission. That is
its duty and its obligation to the public.
The search for better ways of doing
things is never-ending. There is cease-
less, untiring effort to find new methods
and new machines that will save steps and
time in manufacturing. The Ford plants
are, in reality, a great mechanical uni-
versity, dedicated to the advancement of
industry. Many manufacturers come to
see and share the progress made.
The greatest progress comes by never
standing still. Today’s methods, however
successful, can never be taken as wholly
right. They represent simply the
best efforts of the moment. To-
morrow must bring an improve- within the
The low-priced automobile has brought greater opportunity
and added hours of recreation to millions of men and women..
B= the automobile is such an im- ment in the methods of the day before.
pertant factor in the lives and pros- Hard work usually finds the way.
perity of so many people, the purpose of Once it was thought impossible to cast
the Ford Motor Company is something gray iron by the endless chain method.
more than the mere manufacture of a All precedent was against it and every
motor car. previous experiment had failed. But fair
There is no service in simply setting prices to the public demanded that waste-
up a machine or a plant and letting it" ful methods be eliminated. Finally the
Ra turn out goads. The service extends into way was found.
Abetter way of making axle shafts saved
‘thirty-six million dollars in four years.
A new method of cutting crankcases re-
duced the cost by $500,000 a year. The
perfection of a new machine saved a
similar amount on such a little thing as
one bolt. Then electric welding was de-
veloped to make many bolts unnecessary
and to increase structural strength.
Just a little while ago, an endless chain
conveyor almost four miles long was in-
stalled at the Rouge plant. This conveyor
has a daily capacity of 300,000 parts
weighing more than 2,000,000 pounds.
By substituting the tireless, unvarying
machine for tasks formerly done by hand,
it has made the day’s work easier for
thousands of workers and saved time and
money in the manufacture of the car.
All of these things are done in the
interest of the public — so that the
benefits of reliable, economical
transportation may be placed
means of every one.
= ®
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Isaacs of Shav-
ertown, Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Mrs. Ralph
Ashburner and W. S. Kunkle attended
the funeral of Marshall Dixon of
Tunkhannock on Wednesday. Mr.
Dixon belonged to Co. B, of the 109th
regiment and was buried with military
Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Makinson of
Forty Fort and Hazel Kellar of At-~
lantic City, N. J. spent Sunday after-
noon and evening at the home of Olin
Mrs. Owen Ide recently entertained
at dinner: Mrs. Craig Herdman and
daughters Jane and Rebecca, Mrs.
Frank Hess, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner
and Bobbie, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Dor=
othy and Estella Elston and Mis.
Ralph Hess and Doris Hess.
The Kunkle ILadies’ Aid will hold
their regular monthly dinner at the
Grange hall on Wednesday, August
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boston and fam-
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and
family and James Kittle attended the
Kittle reunion at Kittle’s farm near
Kitchen Creek on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Fish of Brook-
dale, who have been spending sone
time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W.
0. Washburn of West Dallas, spent
Sunday and Monday with her sister,
Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and family, return-
ing home Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Ralph Hess and Doris Hess
spent the day recently with Mrs. Seth
Howell of Fernbrook.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman had
as their guests on ‘Sunday evening,
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Case of Forty
Miss Vivian Herdman is spending
her vacation with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H .Herdman.
Mrs. Ralph Lutes of Johnson City,
N. Y., and Mrs. Kiler Richards called
on Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Updyke on
Saturday. ;
Elsie Johnston spent the week-end
with Mrs. J. S. Kunkle.
Frances Sweezy spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mr. and Mrs. William Brace enter-
tained Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wertman
and son Austin on Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Delaney and
family were the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. F. P. Kunkle on Thursday even-
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Warden and
family called on Mrs. Roannah Lan-
don Sunday.
The following motored to Benton
Park on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. Mar-
vin Elston, Raymond Elston, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Martin, Howard, Elwood,
Charles, Jr., and Vera Martin, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Hoyt Mr, and Mrs. Frank
Martin and son, Robert, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Elston, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Hess Doris Hess Mr. and Mrs. Owen
Ide, Jane and Donnie Ide, Mr. and
Mrs. John Isaacs, Gower, Marvin, Fst-
ella and Dorothy Elston, Edith Mar=y
tin and William Weaver.
Mrs. Anna Padoskey who was struck
by an automobile while crossing the
road near Pottsville on Sunday receiv-
ing a fractured skull and other injurr
ies, was taken to wa hospital where
she died Monday evening. Mrs. Pad-
oskey was a niece of Mr. and Mrs.
William Gavzdinsky, with whom she
Mrs. Fred Boston, who was taken
seriously ill with pleurisy on Sunday
is somewhat improved at this writing.
Mrs. Alex Johnston, daughters Alice
and Elsie were the guests of ‘Mr. and
Mrs. W. S. Kunkle on Sunday.
Mrs. Margaret Snell and niece Ro-
berta Eaton are visiting the former's
sister at Cleveland, Ohio.
Robert Eaton spent the week-end
with friends at Altoona.
Mr. and Mrs. David Emmanuel and
sons, Leon and Billy and nieces Mar-
jetta and Jean Emmanuel attended a
birthday party at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alf Dymond of Trucksville Sat-
urday evening. .
Miss Margaret Snyder of Brooklyn,
N. Y. is spending her vacation with
her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. F. A. Sny-
Miss Shirley Snyder had as her
house guest over the week-end, Miss
Lilljan Mann of Pittston. \
The local Boy Scouts are camping
at White’s Pond near Meshoppen.
Miss Marian Baird of Tulsa, Okla.
is spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Baird.
Rev. and Mrs. Greenfield and fam-
ily are spending their vacation in New
Jersey and Michigan. The pulpit
will be occupied on Sunday by How-
ard S. Leek of Shavertown. Services
will be at 10:30 A. M. :
Henry Graves of Lehghton is visit-
ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al-
onzo Bailey.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dymond, Mary
Sickler, Gwen Sickler and Marion Ide
motored to Stephensville on ‘Saturday
Jean Harris of Binghamton, New
York is visiting relatives here.
Mr. and Mrs. George LaBarr visited
the former's mother, Mrs. Belle LaBar
at Tunkhannock over the week-end.
Miss Eudora Gay recently entertain-
ed many of her friends at the Iren
Temple Country Club. A picnic sup-
per was served to Myrtle Swartwood,
Mildred Snyder, Shirley Snyder, Rob-
ert Snyder, Henry Graves, Glenn Sick-
ler, James Mitchell, Helen Baird,
Clarence Boston, Donald Boston, Capi-
h ’ ’
Sleep On Right Side,
Best For Your Heart
If you toss in bed all night and
can’t sleep on right side, try simple
glycerin, saline, etc. (Adlerika). Just
ONE dose relieves stomach GAS press-
ing on heart so you sleep sound all
night. Unlike other medicine, Adlerika
acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel,
removing « poisons you never knew
were there. Relieves constipation in 2
hours! Let !Adlerika cleanse your
stomach and bowels and see how good
you feel! Sold by leading druggists;
in Luzerne by R. M. Stapleton, Drug-
gist. :
tola Boston, Elsie
Dymond, Mary Van Campen, Dorothy
Brace, Ernest Gay. Eudora Gay, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Hislop, Rev. and Mrs.
Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mrs. H. B. Woolever and George
Woolever of Binghamton, N. Y., visit-
ed Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woolever on
-Sweet Valley-
_ Miss Vera King of Nanticoke is vis-
iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F.
M. Hazelett. .
Miss Elizabeth Hartman of Kings-
ton is spending her vacation with Mr.
and Mrs. Perry Wesley at North Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Birth of Har-
veyville, visited relatives at this place
on Sunday.
: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hontz of Nan-
ticoke spent Sunday at Sweet Valley.
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Keller of Jack-
son visited their daughter, Mrs. Max-
well Huttner at North Lake on Sun-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mitchell of
Kingston called on relatives in this
vicinity recently.
Mr. and Mrs. William Post and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Post
and family of Wilkes-Barre spent the
week-end at their summer home here.
The Funeral Directors association of
Luzerne county held an outing at the
Forest Hills park recently. The day
was a most enjoyable one, games and
contests keeping everyone busy.
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamoreaux and
son Earl and friend called at the Wes-
ley cottage on Sunday.
Fire of unknown origin, destroyed
the barn on the farm of J. C. Birth
on Friday morning. Nearly all this
years crop of hay was burned.
‘The Foss family reunion was held at
the community hall at this place on
Saturday. ‘About thirty members of
the family partook of a fine dinner,
served by the ladies of the Christian
church. The seven sons of Miles
Foss were present at the reunion.
Mrs, Jennie Thomas is entertaining
her brother, Byron Adkins of Shick-
Miss Hilda Allen of Alderson is
spending some time with her grand-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Corey Allen.
Mrs. Fred Bredbenner, ‘Sr., of Beav-
er Meadows and Mrs. Paul Becker and
son Paul of Connecticut are visiting
relatives here.
‘Mr.- and Mrs. M. H. Adkins and son
Billy, James Kingsbury of Shickshinny
and Mrs. McGowan of Maryland call-
ed on Mrs. W. H:. Thomas on Sun-
J. B. Mullison of New York has
been visiting relatives here.
Mrs. Mary Welliver and family have
returned to their home at Berwick,
after spending three weeks at North
P. D. Wesley is spending a few days
at his home in Kingston.
Mrs. Mary Williams and family of
Harvey's Lake spent. Sunday with her
sister, Mrs. Elmer Masters.
The following are the services in
the churches of this place: At the
Church of Christ—Prayer meeting on
Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, Bible
school on Sunday at 10 o'clock fol-
lowed by preaching and communion ag
11. Evening services: Christian En-
deavor at 7:15, followed by preaching
ati 3. At the Christian church—
prayer meeting on Wednesday even-
ing at 8 o'clock. Sunday services:
Bible school at 10 o'clock. Preaching
at 11, Evening services—Christian
Endeavor at 7:15. Preaching at 8
o'clock. :
On Friday evening, August 8th,
Prof. Edward Young, a famous magic
ian will give an entertainment in the
Church of Christ hall. Refreshments
will be served after the entertainment.
The Church of Christ parsonage is
being beautified by a coat of paints
Frank Edwards and A. M. Hontz are
doing the work.
Rev. and Mrs. Frank Foss and
daughters Vivian and Mildred and sons
Paul and Herbert of Lees Cross roads,
spent Saturday evening as the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foss.
The Willing Workers of the Church
of Christ will meet at the hall on
Thursday to do quilting.
Rev. and Mrs. James Foss of Endi-
cott, N. Y. spent Sunday night with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foss.
The Luzerne County Letter Car-
riers association, and the Ladies’ Aux-
iliary of that organization held their
annual clambake at the home of F.
M. Hazelett, Sweet Valley, on Satur-
day evening with the largest attend-
ance in the history of this association.
Nearly one hundred guests enjoyed the
excellent menu. This organization is
one in which every rural ‘mail patron
should be deeply interested, for, each
day, regardless of weather or road
conditions, these faithful servants of
the United States Post Office depart-
ment ,bring to our door the news of
the outside world. ‘Once cash month
the members of the R. L. C.'A., meet
at the home of one of Ats members,
where the business of the association
is transacted and where also the dif-
ficulties of the carriers are discussed;
and here too, many suggestions are
received for the betterment of the
mail service. The association had as
its guest of honor on Saturday even-
ing, Congressman C. Murray Turpin
of Kingston, whose words of advice
and assurance of hearty co-Opera-
tion for the advancement of the serv-
ice were much appreciated by the Let-
ter Carrier's Postal Inspector, Charles
Reese of Berwick, who was present,
and he, too, gave some Very timely
suggestions along the line of the mail
service. The next meeting will be
held at the home of Carrier Henry
Fetterman, Cunningham, on the first
Saturday night in September.
Boy Scouts will meet Tuesday ev-
ening as usual at the church hall.
Warren Boston of Pikes Creek es-
caped with minor injuries when ‘the
side car{ of the motoryecycle in which
he was riding came loose, causing him
to lose control of the machine and
crashed into a telephone pole.. The
motorreycle was completely demolish-
ed. The accident happened near
Sweet Valley. £0 ks .
Dymond, Frances
Bosworth and
Mr. ww Mrs. Clifford Fink and
children motored to Camp Acahela on
Sunday where they visited their son,
who is vacaticning there.
Dr. and Mrs. Sherman Schooley
have returned home after spending the
past two weeks
through the west.
hen Harry F. Henry occupied the
pulpit of the Nanticoke M. E. church
on Sunday; Rev. L. N. Davis of Mil
City occupied th i in
e local pulpit.
Mrs. Earl ‘Keithline, Mrs. R. Ww.
2 Mrs. Thomas Horney
a spending some time at Indian
i in he Adirondack Mts. >
iss r i
Sidney Ei gi Ri
week. Miss Averett SHE an
£ s been a dean
of women for a number of years.
; Leon Weise and John Whipple at-
ended the convention of the Timber-
men’s League at hotel Carleton in
Scranton recently.
Miss Ruth Lamoreaux has returned,
home after spending some, time with
her sister in Virginia.
. The annual Sunday school picnic of
St. Paul's Lutheran church will be held
at Perrin’'s marsh next Thursday,
August 14th. x
Alvin Suttle, Jr, of Pittsburgh,
spent a few days here with his moth-
er and sister at the Lutheran parson-
age. J
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thant, Mrs.
Anna Haslinsky, Joseph Pisoney, Bet-
ty, Rosie and Agnes and Mr. and Mrs.
William Snee and children of Wilkes-
Barre were guests on Sunday at Fern-
brook Inn of Miss Sue Haslinsky.
i Harris Reunion
The annual reunion of descendants
of Charles Harris will be held at Nay
Aug park, ‘Scranton, August 22nd. All
relatives are requested to be present
and friends are cordially invited to at-
tend. Take the Nay Aug car from
Lackawanna avenue ,Scranton. For
further information address Mrs. Pur-
sell Johnson of 117 Main street, this
The annual picnic of the Glen View
P. M. church was held at Sans Souci
park on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Trumbower
visited with Frank Foss and family
at Laceyville recently.
Miss Doris Lewis of Wilkes-Barre,
spent Saturday with her sister, Mrs.
Katherine Malkemes of Chestnut
street. 2
Mrs. Lambert Swingle is a patient
at the General hospital where she un-
derwent an operation.
The Brotherhood of the Lutheran
church will play the Dallas Old Timers
at Dallas on Tuesday evening. *
Mr. and Mrs. Forrester Geyer and
children of McAdoo were week-end
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Geyer of Main street. :
Miss Mae Dilley of Forty Fort was
the week-end guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs: L. T. Schwartz.
The Ladies Amwmxiliary of St. Paul's
Lutheran church were entertained on
Tuesday at the Puritan cottage at
Worden Place, Harvey's Lake by Mrs.’
Mary Phillips.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Coolbaugh and «
daughters Peg and Wanda of Forty
Fort were guests. over the week-end
of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold Lloyd.
Mr. and ‘Mrs. Sheldon Dilley and
daughter Emily of Forty Fort were
guests on Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. S.J. Woolbert.
Mrs/ John DeWitt and Samuel De-
Witt spent a few days during the past
week at Watkins Glen, N. Y. |
Samuel Dewitt, manager of the lo~
cal 'A. & P. store, is spending a two
weeks vacation at Wildwood, N. J.
Willjam Craigle was the guest at a“
surprise birthday party at his home
recently. Dinner was served to. the
following guests: Mr. and Virs. Wir-
liam Cragle, Mr. and Mrs. Loren Dod-
son and Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodson of
Muhlenberg; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hen-
dershot of Luzerne; Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
son Cooke and Mrs. Bertha Barnes of
Wilkes-Barre; Russell Jones or
Trucksville and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Cragle of Forty Fort. :
Mrs. H. G. Roberts ‘of Bronx, N. Y,,
was a guest last week at the M. E.
Miss Francis Thomas and Mrs. Paul
Fckert entertained in honor of Miss
Helen Harvey, who will be married
this month.
Mrs. Raymond Price has been re-
moved to her home from the General
hospital where she underwent an Op-
eration for appendicitis.
Mrs. Lambert Swingle is a patient
at the General hospital where she un-
derwent an operation last week.
Mrs. Harry Eckert, who was injurea
in an automobile accident last week
and who was a patient at the West
Side hospital ,has been removed to her
Miss Elyse Ritts has returned howd
after spending some time at Sidney,
New York. }
Hugh Williamson who has been a
patient at the General hospital is im-
proving slowly. y
Louise Malkemes has returned to her
home after spending the past week
with her grandmother, Mrs. Hannah
Lewis at Wilkes-Barre.
Fred Eck has returned home after
spending the past week at Ocean
City, N. J.
The Brotherhood baseball team will
play the Dallas Oldtimers this even-
ing at Dallas, weather permitting.
Mrs. Hannah Lewis, Doris Lewis,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacobs and sons
Donald and Joseph, Mrs. George En-
on a motor trip
gel and daughter, Margaret and Mrs.
Frank Lynch and Sarah of Wilkes-
Barre werg guests on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lewis.
Mrs. Eva Dressel and daughter Ruth
and Miss Roat of Kingston and Mr.
Jones of Wilkes - Barre were guests
on ‘Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Dressel of Goeringer av-
enue, ; .
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice King and
children and Miss Esther Hausenich
motored to Eagles Mere on Sunday.
Charles Ayers, Dorothy Ayers, By-
ron Kocher, Charles Monk and Obed
Hontz motored to Camp Acahela Sun-
day, where they visited the boys of
this place who are camping there.
~~ i