PAGE EIGHT _ "DEATH OF NES. PATTERSON | OF SOCIAL INTEREST IN AND ABOUT DALLAS (Mrs. Annie Patterson, a dearly be- ~ loved and highly respected resident of Trucksville was called to her re- ward on Tuesday night July 22 at the ~ Nesbitt Memorial Hospital to which place she was admitted several weeks ago with complications. She was aged 65 years. Surviving are heri daughter, Mrs. Thos( G. Davis of Philadelphia, x her mother, Mrs. Fary Klein of Kings- Park, L. I > 2 ton, and the brother. following sisters and Mrs. Charlotte Front Ozone Mrs. Emma Phillips and Mrs; Jennie Poeifsuider, Barre, Mrs Lulu Frank Klein of Kingston also 3 grandchild- ren; Patsy and Tommy Davis and Muriel Mann. Mrs. Patterson was a and Frank ~ very devoted member of the Memorial Presbyterian Church of Wilkes-Barre, She was a resident of Trucksville for the past eleven years. Classified Advertisements "RATES FOR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS One insertion, 25 cents for thirteen “words or less. Over thirteen words, 2 cents per word. Call Dallas 300. Farms, Dallas. Call Dallas 209. ~ a month. Call Dallas 123-R-9. nace and bath. FOR SALE Chinchilla rabbits. $2 a pair. Orchard ( 7-25-2t FOR RENT “House on Ridge street, Fernbrook; 6 rooms all improvements. Rent $28 7-25-1t FOR RENT 7 room house on main road, Dallas. Call Dallas 125. FOR RENT 5 room modern bungajow. Garage, fur- Call Dallas 229-R-12. 7-2-51t FOUND Large heavy covered tin pail, silver and two dozen or more cups left at "office of Dallas Post several months - suites in good condition; also buy ol = ago by mistake. Owner 'nay have same by calling at this office. The Dallas Post. FOR SALE chairs, - dressers, bedroom d| 48 Used American Home Shop, 7-4-tf furniture. Main street, Dallas. FOR SALE Reena. hand pulleys, made by the American Pulley Co.; several of them practically new; inch, one 8-inch, one 3-inch. seen at the office of The Dallas Post. 7-18-3t WANTED 1 to list small farms or plots suitable raising, trucking, ete. Realtor, for poultry John A. Williams, St., Dallas. 7-11-tf. FOR SALE Two lots of oats for sale, ready to ‘harvest in a few weeks. Inquire J. M. Reese, Franklin St. T-25-1t FOR SALE For Sale—One couch, ered,3 rockers. Shavertown. tapesty cov- Wanted to Buy The following books for Little Women Mayflower Ben Hur ‘Moby Dick Evangeline library: ~ 0ld Creole Days ~ Virginia Little Men Maggie Old Swimming Hole Clay Price, 41 Elder St. Barre. Phone 5028m ° APFLICATION FOR CHARTER Notice is hereby given that applica- tion will be made to the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County on Wilkes- Monday, August 4, 1930, at ten o'clock | a. mn. under the Act of Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ducted by St. David’s Society, at the corporation and regulation of certain ~ Corporations” approved April 29, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation to be called “The Shavertown Firemen's Relief Association,” the character and object of° which is the maintenance of - a society for beneficial and for pro- 716 Oct. Term, 19304 ° tective purposes to its members from funds collected therein; and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of said Act of Assembly and its sup- plements. The proposed charter is now on file in the office of the Pro- thonotary of Luzerne County to No. A. L. TURNER, Solicitor. BIDS Bids will be received for the plaster- ing of the ceilings of the Dallas Town- ship High school. Specifications can be . had from the secretary, M. L. Mosier, Dallas, R. D. No. 1. Bids must pe in the hands of Secretary by July 21, 1930. The Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. M. L. MOSIER, Secretary. SEALED ALED BIDS Sealed bids will be received by the Directors of Dallas Borough School District up to 5 p. m. August 5, for the furnishing of the following: 1, of Wilkes- | two 100-inch, one 9-| Can be 48 Main | All O. K 126 Main St, “| sister, Miss Lillian Carpenter PN Mrs. Sterling Machell delightfully entertained recently at a shower for Miss Edna ‘Woolbert. The lawn proved a pretty setting for the occa- sion. Dinner was served to the fol- lowing: Mrs. John P. Wilson, Mrs. R. Moore, Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Roland Shoemaker, Mrs. Harold | man, Mrs. Clarence LaBar, Ruth Wa- | ters, Elizabeth Love, Lettie Lee; Mar- | guerite Frantz, Gertrude Wilson, Bar- bara Hoffmiester, Eleanor Machell, Edna Woolbert and Mrs. Sterling Mac- hell. A variety of beautiful gifts were received by Miss Woolbert. Lenora Robinson of Tunkhannock, w popular member of Dallas Township Vocational school faculty, was a guest during the past week of Elizabeth Love of East Dallas. Before leaving Whipp, Mrs D. P. Honeywell and Mar- garet Girvan of Dallas. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Dj F. Westover and sons are leaving for Philadelphia this week-end. Before leaving Philadel- lphia next week for Ocean City where they will spend their vacation, they will attend the base ball game bet- ween the Athletics and the Yankees. Mrs. Clare Winters of Claude Street entertained her sister, Mildred of Lake Carey, on Sunday and Monday. Scotty Robson of Hamburg N. Y,, stopped in town Saturday on his way to McKeesport. Sam Wilcox, who has been the guest of Mrs. Amanda Yaple of Church Stret for some months, accompanied him on the remainder of his journey, Mr. and Mrs. Sandel Hunt and fam- ily motored to Benton last week and at Rohrsburg called on Mr. and Mrs. Albert Parrish. : Mr. and Mrs. John Girvan Sunday at Oneonta, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Kingsbury of Claude | street entertained Mr. and Mrs. Craig- ley and Mrs. Gingler of Kingston on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. spent Tit- |. for home she called on Mrs. Ernest Thomas, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. George Learn of Chase spent Sunday evening with Rev. Mrs. Henry of Shavertown. Mrs. Clifford Oberst and children of Chase spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Durland of Wyoming. Ys visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Honeywell. - Among those who spent Sunday at H..S. Winola on Sunday were: VanCampen’s cottage at Lake; Mr. ville; Mr. and Mrs, Mr.. and Mrs. William Geyer, Ray Shaver and Mr. Daniel of Shavertown Jr., of Detroit Mich. are spending some time with Mrs. Webber's parents, Mr and Mrs. Edward Eyerman of Shrine View; Robert Eyerman has recently returned from Susquehanna where he was the guest at a house party. Mrs. William Reynolds and daugh- ter, Roxie of Norwich, N. Y. and Mrs. Fred Rineman of Trucksville were the guests of Mrs. Fred Riley on Tues- day afternoon. E Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Beline and fam- ily of Trucksville spent Sunday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux. On Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Laux entertained Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Rother of Plymouth. Charles Learn of Kingston spent the week-end with his parents Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Learn of Chase. Stewart Girvan of Forty Fort called on his mother, Mrs. Lydia McDonald, and |. Helen Honeywell of Binghamton, N. [ and Mrs. | ‘days with her Mrs. Robert Webber and son, Robert county | DALLAS Post, FRIDAY, JULY 25, 1930 Miss Vida Post of Forty Fort spent) Wednesday evening at her home here. (Mrs. Esthed Rummage, one {of the oldest residents of Sweet Valley, is ‘quite ill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Foss are caring for her. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Naugle and Renald Davenport spent Sunday at the home of Torrence Naugle. Byron Snyder and family of zerne spent the week end at i cottage ! at North Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Perry D. Wesley of North Lake spent Saturday at their home in Kingston. , ‘Mr. and Mrs Joseph Newitt of King- with Mrs. Leroy Callender Lu- their | ston are spending a few days | their daughter Harry Harter and children of Trucks-|,¢ this place George Shaver; | Mrs. Corey Allen has returned to, | her home here after spending a few sister, Mrs. Harry Wolfe of Bloomingdale. Mr. Asa M. Smith is on the sick list. | | Mr. and Mrs Wm. Post and family of Wilkes-Barre recently spent a day jat their cottage here. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Lewis of Wilkes- Barre are spending some time with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lewis. . ~Shavertown- turned home after spending the past week at the home of Mr. and John H. Batey of Franklin street. Mrs. Cy W. Hoffman, Meta; Mary Arn Hoffman, motored to Lock | Haven on Sunday where they have spent the past few days visiting with friends. play the Pressed Steel company team at Kirby Park this evening. of Claude street on Tuesday afternoon. | Margaret Sutton of Trucksville has’ returned home after spending a week. at Binghamton, N. Y. : Katherine Shepherd of Wilkes- | Barre entertained at a picnic supper at her Dallas cottage on Satusdor night. Mr. and Mrs. Welch | tained the Young Woman's Missionary: Fred enter-! Elmer Parrish were Society of Centermoreland. | the guests of Eli Parrish at dinmer on | | Sunday. In the afternoon all motored, to Harvey's Lake, Orange and Carver- At. Orange they | and Mrs. Frank Casterline and at Car- | verton they visited with Mr. | Frank Mrs. Emily Mr. Parrish’s housekeeper, ed them. Mr. {ily of Wilkes-Barre were the guests of | Mrs. J. B. Erank on Sunday. Bobby Westover is home after sub- mitting to a tonsil operation at Nan- | ticoke State hospital. Mr. and Mrs. William Baker motored | to Falls on Sunday, | Margaret Girvan entertained Jane and Bertha Thomas of Dallas and] Miller of ® Wilkes-Barre Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts, who | are spending the summer at Harvey's ton. Parrish. Barton Chester called on Mr. accompani- | and Mrs. Jerry Lancio and fam- i 1 Lake and Charles Dobson of W ilkes- | Barre were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frank on Sunday. Mrs. Stanley Doll entertained of Fac- her toryville, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. JJ H. Frantz enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Orange on Sunday. Mrs. George Russ of Fernbrook, who | recently Wilkes-Barre General hospital, has re- | cently returned home. Her many friends will be glad to learn that she 2 is gaining strength rapidly. Jane Hughes of Kingston was a re- cent guest of Margaret Thomas. Mrs. J. i Thomas and Mrs. Hill and her mother motored to the Girl Scout camp at White's Ferry on Wed- nesday. 5 iT Mr. and Mrs A. M. Garinge, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Roberts and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hislop enjoyed a pleas- ant picnic lunch at Stull Sunday. Mrs. Groblewski of Trucksville and Mrs. J. C. Thomas of Dallas, members of Plymouth Civic Club, attended the Club’s outing at Harvey's Lake on Tuesday. In the late afternoon Ald- erson M. E. church members served a delightful dinner to the club. . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Jacobs Trucksville are entertaining relatives from New York City. Betty, Dorothy and Elma Harter of Trucksville attended the Commander Picnic at Irem Coffitry Club this week. Robert Hislop, Jr. has returned after spending some time with his grand- ‘parents in Forty Fort. He was ac- companied by his cousin David Miller of Detroit, Mich., who will be his guest for a few days. was the guest of his aunt, Mrs. J. C. 2, general school supplies; 4, janitor supplies; 5, home economic supplies and equipment; 6, type- writers; all as per requisitions which can be obtained from the undersigned. All bids must be properly marked and the Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JAMES F. BESECKER, Secretary. coal; 7-15-3t° "Ira Frantz of] underwent an operation at| | | | of | = Clarence Jackson of Akron, Ohio,| | a a i ~Sweet Valley- Nearly 200 attended the outing con- dtcted by St. David’s Society, at the {Park on the R. A. Harris at Sweet Valley, Thursday. Alice Holcomb is spending ‘days with relatives in Kingston Owen White of New Jersey is visit- ing his brother, Earl White. Ir. and Mrs. Maxwell Huttner and Mary Welliver and son called r. and Mrs J. F. Keller at Jack- and. Mrs. | farm a few Thy Mr ison on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kingston are visiting Stanley Post. Mr. anr Mrs. Torrence Naugle and 1 invghter, Merle and Mr. and Mrs. D. | E. Davenport and son Renald spent | Sunday fit Eaglesmere. The Willing Workers of The Church- f Christ will on Thursday. Come early and bring your needles. Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Rummage and Mr, and Mrs. F. M. Hazelett motored; to Thornhurst on Thursday. Bownan of Mr. @nd Mrs. meet ed (Mr. and Mrs. recently. | Rev. and Mrs Waterstripe spent Friday in Wilkes-Barre Mrs. F., M. Hazelett and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Davenport visited friends at Beaver Meadows on Sunday. Miss Althea Keller of Kingston; spent the weekend at North Lake. Mr. H. B. Hoover and Mr. Cletus | Holcomb called on Mr; and Mrs. J. F.| Keller at Jackson, on Sunday. | i Mr. and Mrs. Reese and sons and Miss Mary Moyer of Wilkes- Barre | called on their father. Mr. vevinl Mayer on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. Milton Birth of | Harveyville spent Sunday with friends at Sweet Valley. Miss Nell Holcomb Tas returned from Berwick, where she visited her sister, Mrs. Wm.,, Warner. Miss Catherine Warner of Berwick is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holcomb. HIMMLER THEATRE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT The Great Divide DOROTHY MACKAILL NEXT WEEK TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY The Viking With Pauline Starke FRIDAY AND SATURDAY | Bachman of Audendreid were | Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Davenport visit- | § Fred Youngblood, | Mr. and *Mrs. Phillip Bachman, Sr. of Audendried, Mrs. Phillip Bachman ! of Parsons and Mr. David guests | on Sunday at the home of Mr. Mrs. James Harfman. and Mrs. | Plans are under way for joint dance | lto be held by the Shavertown Firemen | and the Dallas firemen, at Fernbrook tot been set, but it will take place on | some Monday night before the close of the season. ‘Richard Drum, in quest of the tree sitting champion- ship came down out of the tree on Saturday up for ! four hours. after being On Friday Drum went to his perch in the tree but came down on Sat- urday night when boy friends, called on him to go to the Dallas theatre. He expects to try again but promises to remain aloft until he sets a record. { Clifford Fink, Alden Cleo | Piatt, John. Gallagher and Robert Jackson left on Tuesday for Boy Scout Camp Acahela for cation period. All are membrs of the troop 231, sponsored by the local M. E. church. twenty wéek young his a number of Ayers, a two weeks va- Mrs. Billy | The Brotherhood baseball team will | and | ! who climbed a tree | night of last | Mrs. Alonza Prutzman and daughter to the South. Miss Henrietta Ruff of Pittsburg was the guest of Rev. and Mrs. G. Elson Ruff ot the Lutheran parsonage during the past week. Mrs. Kathryn Malkemes and Child- ren Louise, Billy; Charles and Shirley and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lewis were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Rauch, of Kingston. A minature golf course in the rear of the Ayers store on Main street is course was constructed by Alden Ayers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ayers. Alden is a member of the local Boy Scout troup 231. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkin Thomas Wilkes-Barre, were guests of Mr. Mrs. William Vinian recently. Mrs. George Towler spent the past week visiting relatives at Reading. and house on Monday evening, all mem- bers are requested to be present. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Keller are oc- cuping their summer cottage at Pat- terson Grove. Elsie of Ferguson avenue have return- ed home after an extended motor trip Charles : | Stella Reynolds of Norwich, of -Jackson- Mr. and: Mrs. Fred Shouldice are en- tertaining relatives from Ottawa, Can- ada. : Mrs. George Bond will entertain the Jackson Ladies Aid Society at its all day meeting in August. The Ice Cream Social held on ‘tlie lawn of Mrs. Charles Miles was large- ly attended. Proceeds went to the La- | dies Aid Society. Misses Evelyn and Caroline Rice and Ruth and Leona Linsinbigler enjoyed attracting considerable attention. The a hike to Trucksville Gardens on Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rineman. and Samuel Bulford of Truckville and Mrs. N. Y. vis- ited Mr; and Mrs. Splitt. on Sunday. Gustav The following were among those | Mrs. ‘Albert Splitt, Mr. and Mrs Den- | who motored to Forkston Mountain The firemen wil meet at the school | on Sunday to pick huckleberries: Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Linsinbigler, Mr. and nis Boming. ° Mr. and Mrs. Sam Reakes, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reakes, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Reakes, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reakes. D. W. Richards of Plymouth has re- | oF Rp iy In The Post “Everybody Wins” Grand Prize Campaign Free Voting Coupon GOOD FOR 100 VOTES 2] of Miss, Mr. and Mrs. . Address This coupon, neatly { I here by cast 100 FREE VOTES to the credit clipped out, name wid address of the candidate filled in, and mailed or delivered to the Election Department of TEE | POST will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does not cost anything to cast these coupons for your favorite candidates, and you are not restricted in any sense in voting them. Get all you can and send them in—they all count. This Coupon must be voted on or before Aug. 11. ! JAA Artis ido | Park in the near future. The date has | Evan’s Phone 222 Late books are SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SPECIALS ICE CREAM 49¢ Quart Pharmacy Hit of the Week Records 15¢ Library for your week-end reading. SHAVERTOWN. in our Circulation MUSLIN 7c yard - JAI Ladies Hats Now $1.00 Ladies Silk Dresses $1.88 Saturday, July 26th. The Last Day of the Great BON-TON Luzerne July Clearance Sale Special Startling Leaders for the Last Day Boys Golf Shoes 14c pair J&P Coates THREAD Full Fashion STOCKINGS 862 Enna Jettick SHOES Slightly Imperfect $2.95 Only The Brave With G 3 spools 10¢ Full Size Window Shades 38¢c Black Diamond OVERALLS $1.00 Huck Towels 45¢ dozen Boys Caps FREE With a Purchase SNEAKS