= or DALLAS POST, FRIDAY JULY 18, 1930 PAGE F ee H i M i LS GOOD FOR 200,000 EXTRA VOTES Aly Don’t Let it Pass By a handsome Cash Prize, worth all of the effort expended. . Bvery worker will be a winner. If you cannot among the leaders, NOW is the accepted time. Don’t waste it. It is surprising indeed how few real active 7 absolutely free to men, women, boys and girls of this territory in exchange for only spare moments which es. © hink of it-—- SEVEN BIG PRIZES and all active non-prize winners GUARANTEED 207% eek. See That your name is in the list. 5 This coupon, when accompanied with five yearly subscriptions, or their equivalent; entitles the candidate to 200,000 extra votes. This coupon must be voted during the FIRST WEEK of the candidate’s ENTRY. No restriction is placed on the number of coupons a candidate may use. Name of subscriber Ahaha li ear aarti NAME Of SUDRCTIDOY vr iis sve vv orviales wine viernes Name of subscriber ] Name of subscriber Name of subscriber mA Ee eo en 0 ee ee ee ee ee ee 2 0 eR ee oe oe eI oe THE GRAND CAPITAL PRIZES BE Do You Know? DO YOU KNOW--that The Dallas Post has divided the territory into two separate districts, and that one of the three beautiful cars and a complete set of cash prizes is guaranteed to each district? DO YOU KNOW-—that candidates from one district do not compete against candidates in the other district, except for the choice of the beautiful cars? DO YOU KNOW-—that you are not restricted to work in your own district and that you can secure subscrip- tions to The Dallas Post anywhere you choose? DO YOU KNOW-—that The Dallas Post’s $5,000 Free Gift Distribution is the most liberal, most fair profit-sharing campaign ever inaugurated in this section of Penn- sylvania? DO YOU KNOW—that every person who participates in this mammoth circulation drive is guaranteed either a, handsome automobile or a cash award and that there will ABSOLUTELY BE NO LOSERS? DO YOU KNOW—of any other proposition whereby you can make as much as $1,285.00 in the next few weeks, without one cent invested? Or could you suggest a more fair plan of campaign than the one outlined by The Dallas Post. EEE BBR BEEBE] gE EE BB BB EE BBG Ee) 1930 Ford 2-Door Sodan § $585 Purchased From and On Display -At J. F. Besecker Co. Dallas, Pa. Bd Re ee ee ee eo ee oe Be ee BB Be BE Bp BE Bp BU RRR BIR WIN SOMETHING! 20 (ash Sts la i ARR RRS D Sed i yon ogam plise 1 285 Dallas, Pa. 9 ee ee eB ee 0 eB SR Rr RR RR HRREER EE E4248 PA PEPE 2 4 PE PEE EGE EP PE PE EE PAPA PE PE EA ER DSSS RR RB BE EE eR EE BR Be Bape vy 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 p 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 < 4 4 4 <4 4 4 4 1s will be Published Next Week r Name Be One of the Few in Next Week's Publication? | You Can Win Big. 1f You Do Not Need a Car, Surely You Can "hey Represent. Every Active Candidate Wins a Prize. See That This Blank Is Mailed Today Cer NOMINATION BLANK NOMINATION COUPON IN THE DALLAS POST'S “FREE GIFT CAMPAIGN” aa Ahh hana Fo - Ada 2 3 & = a 5 o _as a candidate to The Dallas Post’s “Free Gift Campaign” distribution. NOTE—Only One Nomination Blank Accepted For Each Candidate Nominated yRsaRgRRsRggRyRgigly iy VT TTY VV YY YY YY VIINATION AND SHARE IN THE GREATEST LIST OF HANDSOME PRIZES EVER OFFERED BY SPAPER IN THIS SECTION OF PENNSYLVANIA. FY RB J : not cost anything to cast these coupons for your HR 3 favorite candidates, and you are not restricted in | : EV ) any sense in voting them. Get all you can and send | them in—they all count. This Coupon must be voted on or before Aug. 11. \ Pe : 3 RN NAIA Ay . t In The Post “Everybody Wins” Grand Prize | . : : TE = ] H Y Campaign J TE we E Ee = Smt a =r 1 \ [ > offered in The Post’s $5,000 Prize Campaign wil be awarded exactly as advertised. Here is a 1 ere 1S our [ Bree Voting Soupen unity staring you in the face and YOU will say so when you know the full details of of this most @ I here by cast 100 FREE Vor to the credit $ . The territory 1s equally divided, so when you know the details of this most liberal offer you will ] ne 1 : of Miss. Mr: and Mis : ] » y oie Seta ie as eek nie Ca ain ieee Serie ede 4 re will be an equal distribution of prizes, There are two districts, one or two cars and complete sets i Adress 3 | : Adress win a a a zes GUARANTEED to each district, however, a person entering is not restricted to his own district 1 O t ity : — Sept, i clipped out, name and rs = = : ~ a ] b address of the candidate filled in, and mailed or cure NEW and RENEWAL subscriptions anywhere. NOW IS THE OPPORTUNE TIME. TO ENTER 1 PP or Uni [ delivered to the Election Department of THE 4 > 3 a p 4 AAA NAD APIS PPG PtP feb PAP aif PADD Pate Peed oh Id tte b 4 4 4 POST will count as 100 FREE VOTES. It does < 4 { =] — = — sm rm: ey EOC EERO es or x ; ¥ . ) : vy THT ES Es Ltd ani Eos