E Observe Wedding Anniversary | mr. and Mrs. Verne Kitchen cele-. rated their tenth wedding anniver- | y recently at the home of Mr. and s. Byron Kitchen of Hillcrest ave- | Those present were: Mr. and’ ~ Verne Kitchen and children, re. Sara and Nellie, Mr. and Mrs. john Kitchen and children, Betty, Minnie, Florence and Ruth, John and dith, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Kitchen d children, Beatrice, Verna, Doris, dys, Irene and George, Mr. and @rs. Ray Kitchen and children, 3ay, Elsie, Mary Lilley Dorothy and rillard, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Kitchen snd children Jack and Arthur, Mr. “Thomas Kitchen: ‘bers of the Girl Scouts, Troop 39, pponsored by the Lutheran church, at ‘her home last Friday afternoon. ois Clerical Force Robert Eck, son of Mr. and Mrs, hn Eck of Lehigh streef, has ac- ‘pepted a clerical position with the Jen Alden Coal Company, River treet, Wilkes-Barre. He argaret Coolbaugh of Forty Fort ent the past ‘week as the guest of , and Mrs. W. W. Brace. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk and family ent Sunday with relatives at Pitts- gis Unsanitary Bathing A number of dams have been built y children in various parts of the wn along Toby's Creek that are be- used for bathing and wading pur- ses by children. This is a very bad and unsanitary form due to the ge number of sewers that empty into the creek from points above. Par- pts should warn children ot to use the creek for bathingi SEEN AND HEARD By Will Wimble The glorious Fourth is here. xt you are an average | American, ere is a safe way you will celebrate v3: At 7 a. 'm.,.shut off the alarm clock and take anctiice nap. 9 a. m.—Crawl ut of bed and hustle downstairs for reakfast. 10 a. m.—Watch and help e children shoot their cap pistols so t they don’t pinch their fingers. Noon—Eat dinner. 1 p. m.—Take a Pp 2 p. m.—Go to a baseball game, swimming, or to the park 'c e movies or take the family for an automobile ride. At 6 p. m-—Eat gupper. 7 p. m.—Loaf a bit and listen to the radio until it gets dark enough to shoot the night fireworks for the children, but see that no. one gets burnt. Let's make it a safe and sane Fourth of July. = ag Sunday at 11 a. m. we started out on a drive towards Dallas.. We, turned yight at Dallas, went: on through to Kunkle and Beaumont,” ‘turned left at the cross road and stopped off’ at Or- vs ~~ VERTO WN By “RED SCHWARTZ =30? at the dance at Fernbrook Park last ; Saturday night. Whether Fabe did any dancing rier | we left. we go not know. 5 ) R Brick Roushey has an old woman chasing him at Fernbrook.’ Whether it is a man ‘dressed up ‘as a woman we do not know. But it is said that Brick just dreads it when she makes her appearance. 2 ; Short Notes and Personals Rev. Clark Callender, who died re- cently, in Scranton, was well known here, forme the first minister to occupy the pulpit of the local M. E. church. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eckert have re- turned home from their honeymoon and are now located in a newly inr-y nished apartment at Trucksville. Rev. J. J. O'Leary, pastor of St. Therese’s church, has returned home after spending the past week at New Orleans. Arrangements are being made for a series of baseball games between the 01d Timers of Dallas and. the Brother- hood team of St. Paul's Lutheran church. If arrangements can be com- pleted the first game will be played on the Weiss farm at Dallas on Tues- day evening of next week. Miss Esther Thomas spent the past week with relatives at Stroudsburg. Rabbi Marcus Salzman of Wilkes Barre preached the sermon at the local M. E. church last Sunday morn- ing. The Leadership Training School bes ing conducted on Thursday evenings at the M. E. church is growing in in. terest and attendance. Mrs. Robert Henry and daughter of New Jersey are spending their vaca. tion at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Henry. : Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Ray and family have moved from Main street to Leh- man: : Township employees, under the supervision of Supervisor Sam Wook bert, are resurfiting Shaver avenue. ‘When completed the street will be in first class condition. At the present time there are numerous holes Which make driving very uneasy. x Because of the growth of the chil. dren’s division of the Sunday school in the local’ M. E. church jt has be- come necessary to arrange a room for the kindergarten or beginners’ class in the room formerly occupied by the Dr. Place Bible class. The men meet in the auditoriwm of the church. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of St. Paul's LutHeran church will hold an anniver sary outing and meeting on the lawn of Mrs. Christine Malkemes of Hill- crest View on next Wednesday eve- ning. The local organization was formed seven years "ago. All mem- bers who are enrolled at present and those who are charter members are requested to be present! A good time is assured all who attend. _ At the Sunday school board m\>t- ing held. recently. Mrs. William Ockenhouseé was. elected superinten- dent of the beginners’ department and Miss Jane Courtright superintendent | of the. primary department. | utt’s chicken dinners, that is served’ the: @ every Sunday. Boy, talk about “youl meal! Noxen may be noted for its tannery and good baseball, players; but | hat chicken dinner we had last Sun- day was the best that we had in some time. ‘We loafed around unti il~ about 3 p. m. Then we started: ‘out for a- v ride which included the central pait | * Noxen. Not much doing. in the old | wn, Must have been 4a ball game er at the Tannery. ' Mr. Phoenix and the minister 6f the Noxen church were | the only persons we knew that were aking things easy on “the front porch. Coming on to the Lake we . noticed one party cutting his children’s hair on the front porch. Nothing seemed 40 interest us more than - a potato | field that a party has planted on a mountain side. The plants looked | strong and healthy. A boy was hav- ing the time of His life with a bird of some kind that would | fly ‘down near him and then fly back. It was; ejther a kingfisher or a swallow that had a nest in that locality. - Proceed- ing to the Lake we found the picnic grounds were packed with machines. On to Sandy Beach, more machines than at the picnic grounds. How they managed to get them all in there is some job. But getting out is worse. On we came until we stopped at “Fernbrook, just as dead on Sunday as it is during the week. We then came on down to our resting place where this is being written and we wish that we had one of those chicken dinners before us now. We won't charge you for this publicty, Mr. Orcutt, if the editor does not use his scissors, for he hails from Noxen, too. We were on the watch out for him, but most likely he had his best girl out for an automobile ride. What say, Ris? It must be true what Earl Monk told the writer about Fabian Odell having a girl, but we disagree with Earl Fabian has two girls, Tor we saw him Grove for. one of the delicious : the months of July and August. , Brotherhood of the Lutheran | will meet” at the church on ~The” chureh Monday evening. number of important questions’ to he quested to be present as there are a discussed. All members having tatters or ‘money from the clam bake held recently are urged to make. re-| turns. A capacity andienee witnessed the rresentation of ‘the Keller class min strel ‘Show at the M. E. church: on Tuesday evening. The evening service at the local M. E. church will be discontinued during State highway patrolmen’ patroled “the lower road on Saturday night be- cause of the heavy traffic Rev. Harry Bo ‘Henry attended the | Kiwanis convention at Atlantic City this week as a delegate Jof the Mt. | Greenwood Kiwanis club. } Mrs. E. \W. Guernsey is spending the summer months at the Guernsey cot- tage at Lake Ariel Mrs. Elizabeth Healy of Pioneer avenue has returned home from a business trip to Reading, Pottsville and New York City. } Mr. and Mrs. Charles McGroarty and Mrs. Anna Owens of Wilkes-Barre were guests on’ Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gethens. Mr. and Mrs. H. S. VanCampen and son Jimmie spent Sunasy at Lake ‘Winola. Mr. and Mrs. Lionell Snyder, Ruth Snyder and Beth Myles of Wilkes- Barre and Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle Gay of Scranton were: guests over the the past week. Rev. Anthony Iveson has purchased a, new Chrysler sedan. Fred Eck has purchased a new Ford sport roadster. Mr. and Mrs. James Harfman enter- tained a number of friends at their home recently. After cards, luncheon week-end of Mr. and Mrs. William Brace. - All members are re- |: ‘after Carverton Mrs. Frank Locke of Trucksville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Paulhamous of Plains, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Inman of Luzerne Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jones. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harry Eustice spent an evening recently at the home “of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Prynn. a Mrs. Bertha Andefson was a caller recently at the home of Mr ‘and Mrs. William Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, Miss Helen Smalley and Elfison Gay have returned to their homes after having enjoyed a motor trip to Buffalo. Mrs. Allen Schmoll and sons, Allen and Amos, of Wilkes-Barre, were 1e- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Sax. Miss Esther Sax has purchased a new car. Mrs. Amos Sax recently had as her guest Mrs. C. H. Sharpless of Blooms- burg. Miss Gladys Frantz, student nurse at Wilkes-Barre General = hospital, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frantz.\ Curtis Swisher has been removed to his home after having been a patient at Nesbitt Memorial hospital recently. Miss Edna Frantz of Forty Fort spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Frantz. Clyde Swisher of Berwick is spend- ing some time with his brother, Curtis Swisher, Mr. and Mrs, Tompkins of Wilkes- Rarre were recent guests at the Dana home. John Dana and Henry ‘Bailey of Wilkes-Barre. have returned from Allentown, having gone there by air- plane .to witness the opening of the new airport... Mrs. Mary Knorr and sons Herbert. Mrs. Bertha Anderson, Stanley Knorr and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knorr of Trucksville, called at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Ezra Hoover of Carverton road. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dara and daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Dana were visitors at ‘ke home of Arch Griffith at Blytheburn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Kemmerer and Donald were callers at the Andreas home on Sunday. Mrs. Luther Coolbaugh and children, Sarah, George, Olin and Junior are spending some time at,the home of the latter’s ‘mother, Mrs. Mary Knorr. Miss Laura Lewis of Wilkes-Barre was the house guest of Mrs. Kathryn Malkemes of Chestnut street during was served to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Rayner, Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Parrish, | Mr. and Mrs. David Lewis, George | Kane, Henrietta Evans and. Mr. and Mrs. James Harfman. Mr. and Mrs, Karl Keuhn and son have moved from the apartment over the American store to the Jeter resi- dence at Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming have moved from Spring street to the State of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. William Deremer have moved from Hillcrest View to parts unknown. : Engagement Announced The engagement of Miss Mildred Meeker was announced at a ‘luncheon and bridge Saturday afternoon at Colonial Inn, Fernbrook. A color scheme of yellow and orchid was used, announice- ‘ment being concealed in the center of large daisies used as place cards. The centerpiece was a huge basket of orchid canterbury bells and yellow daisies. Table of bridge were formed the luncheon and attractive prizes awarded the winners. Guests were: Mildred Meeker, Ruth Meeker, Gertrude Wright, Clare Leuder, Eliza- beth Jones, Verna Zubres, Helen Alex- ander, Jeannette Ellowitch, Ann Ello- witch, Catherine Spayd and Margaret Dorsch. The Mule Didn't Kick Because = Anthony Makitis found a man who wanted to buy him through a Post Classified ad. Everybody reads the Classi- fied. Whether you want to buy or sell something you will find these little ads just the thing to convey your mes- sage to the right people. Take a chance and try onc for a couple of weeks and get a pleasant surprise at the re- sults. Thirteen words for a quarter. Two cents for each additional word. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Post, Mr. and | spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eard Kemmerer and son’ to Willard Wright of Dallas | -Alderson- Miss Emma Odenkirchen with her father, Fred Odenkirchen, visited rela- *l tives in Warrior Run on Monday. Miss Iris Kitchen, a student nurse at Wilkes-Barre General hospital, is enjoying a two weeks’ vacation at the home of her parents, Mr... ‘and Mrs. Amos Kitchen. ; The Alderson Epworth League will hold a business mccting at the home of Misses Iris and Marjorie Kitchen on Tuesday, July 8, at 8 p. m. The business session will be followed by a social hour. : Because of the rain the lawn social which was he'd at the Ruggles church recently, was transjor:aed ‘nto an indoor affair. Home-'made ice cream, soft drinmas, cake and péanuts were purchased nnd enjoyed by those who gathered in the Community hall The Ruggles vand furnishei an excel- lent musical program. Miss Marv Kuchta, a teacher in the schools of ngton, Pluadelphia, has arrived home for the su.xmer va- cation. Miss Dorotliy Anderson is spending a two weeks’ va:sticn®*at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grover Anderson. Mis: Anderson is a student nurse at’ Wilkes-Barre Geieral hose Ks» pital. \ Miss Mars Xuchta ard brother George spent Wednesday snopping in Wilkes-Barre. Children’s day at Alderson was a very. successful one. This fact was made manifest by the many compli- ments which the able coaches of the children received. Due to the beauti- ful day many of the cottagers. from about the lake ‘were: present. Edwin and Rohanna Shoemaker furnished the music . for part of the program, while Genevieve York was. piano ac- companist for the pageant, “The Glit- tering Gate.” Enoch Thomas very ably carried out the part of the Spirit of Knowledge. The church was beau- tifully decorated with flowers from the gardens of Mrs. A. A. Stull and C. B. D. Wood, E: E. Davis and several other persons donated flowers. A sil- ver arch wound with red rambler roses was the “glittering gate.” Six small members of the cradle roll experienced their first graduation in white caps and gowns from the cradle roll to the primary department of the Sunddy school. Many of the summer folk at- tended and enjoyed the program. Nirs. York, Mrs. Harvey Witchen and Bethie Allen are responsible for the success of the event. Mr, and Mrs. Charles Kasper and family have opened their cottage Lere. It was thought last year that if Mary was modern she would not get her skirt went when she atempted to go over the mountain, due to the briefness of it. But’ we fear that if Mary is in style this July 2, she surely got her skirt wet. H. R. Garinger, our local has hired a new butcher for the sum- mer months... butcher, Ne £ or 1 0 ww Eo o } He Huntsville Noe Se Church service Sunday—At the M. E. church: ‘n; Sunday school, 10:30 a. m. At the Christian ‘church: 19:30 a. m.; Sunday school, 10:20 a. m.; Morning worship, 9:30 a. Morning worship, Young People's meeting, 7: 30 p. m. The Woman’s Home Missionary So- ciety Ww. ‘G. Laidler next Thursday afternoon at Mrs. Ralph Shaver will lead the devotions and have charge of the program. ; will meet with Mrs. 2 o'clock. — Mr. and Mrs. O. M. Wilcox will en- tertain the Adult Bible class of the M. E. Sunday school on Monday eve- ning. Farewell Dinner Mr. and Mrs. John N. Ross of Huntsville gave a farewell dinner at their home on Sunday in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Honeywell, Mrs. Stella Scribens, Mrs. Vienna Moran and daughter Dolores of Nebraska, who have been visiting relatives in this vicinity for the last month. HEADACHE RELIEVED . QUICKLY ARTERS This Purely Vegetable Pill uickly corrects the : tive disturb : ances, removes the in- testinal | poisons, Be sick headache \ quickly disappears. Your whole sys- tem enjoys a tonic effect, constipa- tion vanishes, and you feel a renewed vigor. Avoid bromides and dope, they are depressing and harmful, All Druggists 25¢ and 75¢ red pkgs. Gay-MurFay Co. : Inc. es The last few days. of real grow- ing weather have kept the farm- érs * “hard. at it? cultivating, A spraying and haying. We're: just as busy, however, furnish=- ing them with hay carrier out- fits, mower guards and, knives; spray materials etc. our low: prices help to keep us busy. OIL STOVES id $6.00 Everyday Gay Murry Specials ....$35.00 Cast Kitchen Ranges.. 3-Ply Ashphalt Roofing.. 1.40 Mower Knives and Rivets, 3 CARTERS EH PHILS boxe FM. lS 7a 1.15 Hay Carriers’ ........ AR 5.00 Milwaukee Mowers ....... 75.00 Best Fly Spray ........... 1.15 Your Dollar Buys More At GAY-MURRAY’S ; ps ¥ C3) Near All the Large Depart- ment Stores 1000 Rooms of Solid Nearest Largest Hotel to Holland Tunnel | Atmosphere No charge for cot- bed or crib for third person in a room. Comfort and Homelike 3 v New pupils may Glenn Kitchen spent Monday With his sister, Mrs. A. | K. Haryey "at Scranton. | Bathing Beach Comr'eted Under the direction of Arthur L.| Stull, a bath’ng beach has been com-| pleted at the Alderson end of the | Lake. The seach is fuliy equipped with a small pier, diving board and] the private use of | floats and is for | | wi . SCHOOL for June 30. Regular courses or “special work arranged for. fog on n request. Phone W.-B. 1252. WILKES-BARRE BUSIN ESS COLLEGE enroll this week lene Cata- PP, ho? 6 0 Xa) THE DETAILS: RIOR TR AR JK RK AR AR RN ) ba 0d 00 0.0050 00-00 049 009-05 (One Each Week, for the Eight Weeks, July 7th to August 30th) Lucky Coupons in Circulars You Can Obtain at Any Grand Union Store — Ask for One Every one of the weekly circulars distributed by Grand Union Stores during the eight weeks, July 7 to August 30, will contain a coupon. Get one of these circulars each week. Remember every week a Ford sedan is given away to a Grand Union customer! Watch for the Grand Union Aeroplane! Mr. Stull’s family and their friends. i 3 Lotito todd Jodo 43o% So o20 450 204 2043043030 3043040020 00400 0430 oSoado 30 a50od0 elo 0 clos 20 2030430 4003 0-30-4304} ve EX os $ & Grand Union Inaugurates * *%° ° 2 o LX 4 & Biggest Sales Campaign a @ eo LJ 5 In Chain Store History! 5 > A Feature of Which Will Be > ® 5 8 FORD SEDANS FREE! 5 9, 0, 30-030 0304; Ou 0% 0% 0% 9% o%% o¥ CEREX TRIN IRIXEXIX ® ny © oats ® NC RA eile dled ® oD 90 So It will drop circulars containing coupons worth kd > 10c and also a Free Ford Sedan coupon & KS GET YOURS! » L) > Your Nearest Store is Located at Dallas o% o& Help Your Local Manager Put His Store Over the Top During This Campaign Ld % cy CS Sritriteed ede eirefeedeedeets feeder ede eds oate ade ado ode ede ofredeefoefoedosd So-s20i204% 0-s30ed0 do edo ede fo sfoafeedeatosde LL i Bran hl a