in * DOROTHY DARNIL Vv 4 ‘By Charles \ McManus -l Good: 15 Your FATHER AT HOME? | MmorNING! + = YES. HE WENT Down. To (UMVALL STREET: wm BTR TO 5 PECU LATE? NAW! VEE pre, (Copyright To muy SOME WALL PAPER! ( R—— a EE —— Classified Advertisements RATES FOR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS One insertion, 25 cents for thirteen words or less. ver thirteen words, 2 cents per word. Call Dallas 300. POSITION WANTED ~ High school student would work for summer months; housework or restaurant work preferred. Call Dallas 121-R-0. FOR SALE % Second-hand doors and window sash - of various sizes; suitable for garages or poultry houses. Call W.-B. 20378. WANTED Old rags; must be clean; will pay good prices. The Dallas Post. : Party will buy, old and second-hand furniture. Address Box 23, The Dallas Post. WANTED TO BUY Second-hand books, Clay, Price, 41 Elder Street, Wilkes-Barre. Phone 5028-M. A 6-13-3t : FOR SALE Rabbits, all kinds, colors and ages. ~~ Make the youngsters happy with a Hve rabbit. Weis’ Farm, Dallas. ‘Phone 124-R-15, List your property For Sale or For liké OF SOCIAL ‘Mrs. John A. Girvan Editor Phone, Dallas 6 \ John W. Girvan, son of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Girvan, arrived home Monday morning for a very short visit. ' The Oberst boys, James and Fred. had as callers on Sunday, John Novak, Cyril Yatko and John Brawley of Wilkes-Barre, all students at St. Francis’ Seminary, also David Jones of Shavertown and John Brawley of Wilkes-Barre. ® di ‘ The Shavertown branch of the Nes- bitt Memorial Hospital Auxiliary wil! held its annual picnic and covered dish luncheon on Friday, June 20, ‘at the home of Miss Margaret Hildebrant of Norton avenue, Dallas. Michael Yudin of Binghamton, N. Y., a student at St. Francis’ College, at Staten Island, spent Saturday night at the home of Fred and James Oberst of Fernbrook road, students at the same college. The St. Therese’s Card Club were entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Dunham of Mt. Airy Terrace, Shavertown. Thelma Bulford of Trucksville and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard McNelis of Lu- zerne, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Oberst of Fern- brook road. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lancio and sons INTEREST Sh IN AND ABOUT DALLAS Mrs. George Hoffmeister, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Kiefer and son Billy of Shrine View visited at the {home oi Mr. and Mrs. John Davis of Nanti- coke during the: past week. Mr. and Mrs. Zel Garinger of Lake | road motored to Moscow on Sunda when' they spent the day with Mr and Mrs. Leslie VanCampen. Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee Scott of Cen- ter Hill road, Dallas, among those ’ iwho attended bridge Among the. local graduates of the Coughlin school are Miss Elizabeth Culbert and Walter Rau. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gordon are en- tertaining Mrs. George Phillips and children, Barbara, George wand Rich- ard gof Philadelphia. Mrs. Georgia Patterson is spending some time at Norristown, Pa. Among the people who attended the were the by Mrs. HI A. Smith of Machell ave- nue, vy is summering at Dallas. At a dinner party recently given Reynolds-Bell adi fot Mr, and Mrs. W. D. Roberts, Mr. an” 3 Sbelin ‘wedding at Goodleigh Mrs. Ray Shiber of Dallas were farm last week were Mr. and Mrs. A. ; SS. Caibert and d 7 4 | among the guests. wa P V | ; ort an Righter Euzahoth and/ Mrs. F. H. Gordon of Norton avenue Mr. and Mrs: G. A. A. Guehn of Dal-| 3 + tas : | had her hand painfully injured a aM : : 5 week. , tati I wo 4d > ood Goeringer, tee Miss Devens’ Bible Class of Dallas ty ay es rh Yanfers oF M. E. church will hold a bake sale in em a 2 i > He Stay ith her the old Reese building on Saturday at pA oe ae Sa return trip 10: O'clock.. + Every. member is-.Tc- Os laana, ey witheo 28, far quested to contribute some ‘form of as Allentown in the Curtiss Condor : = L 3 baked goods. plane. an Tons here by. automobile. The services to be held at the Free On Sunday evening, June 15, at the ji Methodist church will be as follows: Capitol Theatre, Wilkes-Barre, de- : Sunday school at 1:30 p. m.; preach- grees were awarded the graduates ihg service at :230 p{ m. Rev. A of College Misericordia of Dallas. The Mahler will deliver fic SSrmOL. theatre was filled to capacity with bis Howard Risley, editor of the Dallas terested relatives and friends of the; graduates; A splendid gddress wasiv, M. Chait of Kingston, and William: delivered by Rev. Edward B. Jordan, pq of Scranton, returmed Thursday 8S. T. D., whose theme was “What $o-| after a week's motor trip to Hanover, ciety Expects of a College Graduate.” | H., where they attended the cow NEL, o~- _ + 2 4) It was most interesting and thorough | mencement week program of Dart- ly enjoyed by all * __ |'mouth College. Mr. Chait, a former Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. ci Foi ; : Dartmouth student, advertising ark on Friday, June 13, at: General manager of the Boston Store and Mr. hospital, a daughter. Mrs. Clark : . PF Ball 8s a member of the Freshman was formerly Miss Elizabeth Williams clnss at Dartmouth. ’". is luncheon during the past week given last | | Post, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. | ADDITIONAL ALDERSON of the Society The extension members “Woman's Foreign Missionary will meet at the Trucksville M. E. church on / Friday evening of this] week. A. speaker from the foreign | office will be the feature of the eve- ning. The Dallas chapter of W. C; T. U. met at the home of Mrs. A. A. Nealy on Tuesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Thomas and family of Warrior Run are occupying their summer, home. Dr. and Mrs. W. W. Waters and their two children have moved to Al- derson for the summer. They are liv- ing in part of Edgar S. Stem’s honse. The Rescorlas, who own a cottage at Alderson, are visiting friends in Detroit, Mich. When they return they plan to open their cottage for the summer. . Harriet Ann Stem was from the Plymouth High school on | Tuesday of this week, Harriet his | been attending Plymouth schools for two years. Previous to that time she | | was a student at Laketon high school.! | Harriet is a good student and while | at Plymouth distinguished h~rself in [any ways. She was valedictorian of her class, had a position on the | editorial staff of the Plymouth high | school yearbook, and was first 'prize | winner among the girls in the Mc- | Alarney oratorical contest. | Mr. and Mrs. George Gwilliam and | son George are now at their sumnier | cottage. ree (rere ees | STARS TO SWIM | Members of the Women’s Olympic | swimming team wil be among the | i graduated; The old woode- =" in’: iy 5 head, a likeness of Tecumseh, thi Indian Chief, which stood for year on the grounds of the U. S. Nav Academy at Annapolis, has been re placed by this bronze duplicate. : LEGAL. NOTICE Kingtons Township School District solicits bids for hzuling . coal from Rauty Coal Cog Luzerne, to the Shaver- town sechols of said district fer the school year 1930-31. Bids must be in the hands of the Secretary of ‘the . | contestants Friday aftermoon at 2:30 BUYS PICKIC GROUNDS | when the new Weckesser swimming . pool is dedicated. at Irem ‘Temple Johm A. Redington of Wilkes-Barre | Country Club The pool this week sold the Harvey's Lake pic-| the finest outdoor ‘pools of its kind in nic grounds to Mrs. Nettie Winter-| the country and if good weather con- steen of Harvey's Lake for a sum said | ditions prevail it is expected that a to exceed $60,000. Included in the number of new swimming records will sale are the baseball grounds, bathing be set. Certain it is that mew pool beach, roller coaster and other park records be estabitshed for the: [Wecnense pool. of Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre, \ { daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Wil- liams, well kmown. Dallas summer residents. L. W. LeGrand spent the week-end trip to Gloversville, Rent with John A. Williams, Realtor, 48 Main Street, Dallas. Board ef Directors not later than 8:15 p. m., July Tth, 1930, and marked “Bid for Coal Hauling” For further infor- matiom eorrespond with or call How- tard 'W. Appleton, Secretary, 1.0 Shaver avenue, Shavertown, Pa. ‘ ee LEGAL NOTICE Kingston Township School District solicits bids for the tramsportation of pupils im said district, bids will be re- ceived untl 8:15 p. m., July Tth, 1%30. For \nformation relative to routes traversed and other requirements of bidders see any member of the Board of Direcotrs or the Secretary, Howard W. Appleton, 140 Shaver avenue, Shavertown, Penna. Y Billy nad Hayward of Wilkes-Barre, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs J. B. Frank of Claude street. Mrs. Frank, who was ill for some days, is now able to be about again. 3 rt FOR SALE Second-hand mules and horses. Also ‘a few dandy young ponies, all kinds, gentle, just the thing for youngsters. George Bulford Farm, located on Trucksville-Huntsville road. Telephone Dallas 252-R-16. ° : 6-13-2t on ails ores [pba my is one of on a business N. vy. Thomas Higging of the Collegiate | Shoppe attended the funeral of a rela- tive in Johnstown, Pa., last week. ~ Miss Gertrude Landers of Fernbrook: enjoyed an airplamrre ride on Sunday | last in the large passenger plame: Mr. and Mrs. Clare Winters of] Claude street entertained at dinner on | Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charles H| Cooke and Mrs. Helemr Winters of Dal-| las. | Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts spent an evening last week at the home of} Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frank of Claude street. Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Westover and family motored to Montrose om Sun- During the past week Mrs. Fred Youngblood of Norton avenue enter- tained Mrs. H. Deutch and Miss Elizabeth Deutch of Wilkes-Barre. will equipment. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Smith are among those who will spend the summer in Dallas. They are occupying their cot- tage on Machell avenue. FOR SALE : Danish round-head and Penn-State bald-head cabbage plants. Fred F. Honeywell, Kunkle, Pa. New Ford Car Wins Favor ~~ SRE ER BR SL REE " HIMMLER THEATRE Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Goeringer of Long Island, Ny Y., were overnight guests on Friday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Winters of Claude street. They following young people had 2 delightful week-end at a house party at Beth Love's cottage at Forkstoa, ny. Pa., and were chaperoned by Mr. and Mr. and Mrs: Joh. A. Ciirvon of] Mrs. Ernest Whipp of Dallas: Zsl9n Claude street spent Sunday afternoon | Prinsky ‘of Avoca, Beth ‘Love, Leftle at the home of Mr: and Mrs: Harry | Lee, Lenora Robinson, Barbara and |p ten of Wilkes-Barre. aCtherine Hoffmeister, Donald Xes-; ter, George Stevens, Lloyd Drake and’ Everyday Bargains at GAY-MURRAY ,Moore’ Paints—At Any Price Flashlight Cells Dockash Ranges Reavy Duty B Batteries. Scout Axe with Sheath. . Five-Light Electric Fix- tures Single Light Fixtures Myers’ Hay Carriers. . .. Barb: Wire, 1b. TONIGHT AND TOMORROW NIGHT Sons of the Gods BEAUTIFUL COLORS RICHARD BARTHELMESS > At a recital to Be held Friday eve-| ‘ning by Mrs. Alice Taylor of Kingston| Jack Honeywell of Dallas and Russell] the thrée young sons of Mr. and Mrs} Milter of Luzerns. D. F. Westover of Nortom avenue, | = | Billy, Bobby an@ Kenneth, will take] On Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs] part. Clare Winter of Claude street, ACCOM”! Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Keifer and Mr. | i M >i | panied by Me and Mes Elwood Sosy and Mrs. Louis Wolfe amd daughter inger, the latter being a co-pilot on i 3 Nancy Lois, will return to their home | sthe Curtiss Candor cabin biplane; mo- Sie View thlurmasecd. | tored to the Wyoming Valley airport. Mr. and Mrs. Winters were treated tc HYDROPLANE AT LAKE an airplane ride. After a delightful | luncheon at the Airport Inn they re-{ A six-pasenger hydroplane visited turned to their home in Dallas. Harvey's Lake on Wednesday grening, | Among ‘the ‘recent Wyoming Sem-| It landed near the dock at the Lenion) inary graduates were Donald Doll, the | Valley picnic ground. Several Inters) son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Doll. ested people took flights. Ce Electric TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY ~The Return of Sherlock Holmes CLIVE BROOKS —— ee NEXT : FRIDAY AND SATURDAY The Rogue Song LAWRENCE TIPPET LAUREL AND HARDY STAPLETON’S Drug Store Next to Luzerne Postoffice Materials “Ford Phaeton ‘"PVHE Ford Phaeton, shown above, is equally popular as a family car i and as a sport car for young people. The seating arrangement pro- vides for the driver and one passenger in front and three passengers in the rear. Seats are upholstered in two-tone cross cobra grain arti ficial leather. The top is of the quick collapsing type, easily handled by one per son, and folds flat. The windshield, of Triplex shatter-proof glass, is of the folding type and can be laid flat forward. The windshield wings fold over it, emphasizing the sport effect of the car. Ey — Lime Blue Stone Bordo Panto YOUR DOLLAR BUYS MORE At GAY-MURRAYS TUNKHANNOCK - Aarau hd WR RRR RRR RR RR on a Aaa ddan A a CE At aaah HOT WEATHER AIDS to health and beauty are yours almost for the asking. Low in price, high in efficacy are our toilet and medicinal items for summer. Buy efore your vacation.