The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 06, 1930, Image 6

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Mrs. Harry Brown and daughter
Dorothy of Old Forge spent
sister, Mrs. George Knorr.
Mrs. Ezra Hoover, Miss Edith and
Myrtle Schooley visited at the home
of Mrs. Mary Knorr recently.
Children’s day exercises will be held
at the church on June 22.
Mrs. Harry Brown, Mrs. Minnie
Lord and Mrs. George Knorr called at
the home of Mrs. Bertha Anderson re-
cently. 3
Miss Edna Hefft of Camden, N. J.
spent a few days at the home of her
brother, Ziba Hefft.
Mrs. William Labar and son spent
a day recently at the home of Mrs.
Sheldon Prynn.
Miss Mary Hefft has returned home
with her sister, Miss Edna Hefft of
New Jersey.
Sunday services,
school, 9:30 a. m.;
the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Fitzer
have moved from Luzerne to Claude
Conklin’s house.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray King and family
spent Sunday at the home of Ziha
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert. Bronson and
family spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Conklin on Sun-
Mrs. Bertha Anderson spent a few
days visiting her daughter Ida.
a few
days at the home of former's
June 8—Sunday
chyrch at 7:30 in
and family
Mr. and Mrs. ‘George LaBar had as
their week-end guests Mrs. Harold
Hildebrant and son Harold and Mrs. |
Hatten of Elizabeth, N. J., and Mrs. |
Bruce Hatten of Trenton, N. J.
Among the local people spent
Memorial Day at O. H. Love's at
Mehoopany were: John Berlew, Ms.
and Mrs. George LaBar, Mr. and Mrs.
Horton Bell, Lillian and Mildred Bell,
Grace Larrish, 'Mr. and Mrs.
David Emmanuel and sons, Billy and
Miss Shirley Snyder, who recently
graduated from Bloomsburg Teachers’
College, has returned .to her home
Miss Norma Agnew of Upper Darby,
Pa., spent the week wiith her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otis Agnew.
On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs.
David Emmanuel entertained Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Dymond, Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Dymond, Madge Dymond,
Mary Sickler, Robert Dymond and
Marion Ide.
Mrs. Giles Gay is ill at her home,
Miss Fannie Berlew is caring for her.
Mrs; Susan Dilcer and Maude Dilcer
of Washington, D. C., are visiting
relatives here.
Capitola, and Donald Boston of West
Pittston spent the week-end with their
aunt, Mrs. G. M. Ferry.
Mr. and Mrs.
returned home after visiting Mr. and |
Mrs. ‘Elmer Agnew at Stephensville, |
Amaza Agnew have]
a geal
“= =Jackson-
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sprow and |
family of West Nanticoke vis.ted Mr. |
and Mrs. Corey Smith Sunday after- |
Mr. and Mrs. A. Dana Rize spent a
day recently at Luzerne.
Mrs. O. L. Harvey of Dallus and R.
A. Duckworth of Wyoming spent Fri-
cay of last week with Mrs,
Freda Shouldice has ac’epted a
position at Dallas.
The Children’s Day service of the
local M. E. Sunday ‘school is scheduled
for Sunday June 9:
Mrs. Dennis Bonning recently
tertained Mr. and Mrs.
Smith and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Fox and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Orville Cragle of Sweet
First National Bank |
United States Depository:
Surplus and undivided profits
Officers and Directors: |
Wim. H. Conyngham, President
C. F. Huber, 1st Vice President
Capital * Stock «vv. + $750,000.00
earned... ue. $2,000,000.00
Geo. R. McLean, 2d Vice President
Francis Douglas, Cashier
F. 'W. Innes, Assistant Cashier
Richard Sharpe C. F. Huber
C. N. Loveland Edward Griffith
W. H, Conyngham Lea Hunt
Geo. R, McLean Francis Douglas
F. O. Smith T. R. Hillard
Wm, W. Inglis
Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent
3 Per Cent Interest Paid On
Savings Deposits
$1.00 Will Start An Account
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Rodgers and
Miss Alherta Lamoreaux visited
friends here on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Makinson and
daughter Nellie spent Tuesday evening
with the Olin Kunkle family.
i Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Updyke enter-
| tained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Lutes and son Richard of
Johnson City.
Mr! and Mrs.
Ralph Elston
mourning the loss of a little son, born
on Sunday, June 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kunkle. enter-
tained recently brother-in-law,
Emil Young, of Buffalo, N. Y., and Dr.
and Mrs. Harry Van Tuyl and children
of Kingston.
Miss Julia, Litwit of DeMun's and
Miss Elizabeth Newman of East Dal-
las were the overnight guests of Miss
Dorothy Elston Tuesday of last week.
Miss Oma Herdman spent Decora-
Valley visited relatives at this place| Strohl of Forty Fort spent Monday
with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoemaker.| Sunday with Mr.
M, C. Miers is the owner of a hand- | Kocher of Laketon.
some new Ford sedan, purchased re-|
cently from J. F. Besecker.
Henry Shoemaker and George Landon |
children of Shickshinny Valley spent
W. H. Herdman, Harry Sweezy | Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith spent
and Mrs. Frank
Mr. and Mrs. Edward - Kittle and
| enjoyed a motor trip together on Sun-
aay to Centermoreland, Falls and West| CONSTIPATION
| Pittston and making a call at Hay- |
{ |
| fleld on the return trip. |
Miss Alice Kunkle returned to her |
home in Ferty Fort last week after a
visit with relatives and friends herve. |
This Purely Vegetable Pill
will move the bowels
without any pain and
: depressing after ef-
fects. Sick Headaches, Indigestion,
1132 nN ER
bo? ¥%
o T3 0 3 3 i -, . |
Mrs. Willlam Miers and criidren. Biliousness and Bad Complexion
Hannah and Clarence, Mrs. A | quickly relieved. Childrenand Adults |
Kunkle and children, Martha, Carl, can easily swallow Dr. Carter's tiny, |
[Ida and Loren and Mrs. Clarence | Sugar Sosted Pls They Bre free |
: I calomel and poisonous drugs.
R 3 |
Re i a Shrenes We | All Druggists 25¢ and 75¢ red pkgs.
ie, e Mrs. Joseph Shoe- | 9
: i ;
maker Monday evening. | CARTERS IZ:PILLS
| i
LN NN VN NN RN IRN —it : )
Ya? 000 Do? Uo? 09 0000000004 0 S000 530 050459 0 009 09 00-0, oe mainte gave) in ii
RS ’ + oS) fiche 3s ve minutes gaine
o% lin the living room—with books,
music, or whatever your leisure
moments mean to you. The efficient
Cut it out and post it up in your
kitchen. Then, when your recipe
calls for so many cups of a certain
canned food, you have only to run
your finger across the list and see
Earl Momk
Shavertown |
ra el (cH
We pride ourselves upon the increasing number of women drivers
wno drive in for our service. Courtesy, cleanliness and quickness, we
know, appeals to them.
Without question, also, the ladies much prefer Goodyears — they tell
us they’ve found them “more reliable,” they “feel safer” on Good-
years. As should be the case! Doesn’t Goodyear build
MORE tires than any other company? Isn’t the fact that more peo-
ple ride on Goedyear Tires directly traceable to their super-measure
of troublefree performance?
Consult us, without obligation, as to the most economical type of
Goodyear for YOUR driving.
a BEAU BRUMMELL for Looks...
a HUSKY for wear...
Strikingly handsome! A big, stout tire with an extra-thick, extra-safe All-
Weather Tread over six plies of sturdy SUPERTWIST Cord — selling at ordi-
nary heavy duty prices!
James F. Besecker Co.
oeople ride on Go
! : : oo mens mean fo ” : ; Th
tion Day and the week-end with her F R PLANTING & hocsewife, realizing this, has a bul- what size can. to buy. e mea
sister, Miss Doris Herdman of Hemp- | %® 3 & letin board of useful information | surements are based on the stand-
tead, I. I “0 posted for her convenience. ard 8-ounce measuring cup.
5 gan - fore o% It is also useful to know that a Cons i ARIAT
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wardan, | ¢%e © A Bushel No. 214 can of peaches or pears con- Sis Weioht nts
Miss Elizabeth Wardan, Sherman | ¢¥ ; °° tains from 12 fouls balyss, ar Hs I~ is o 11/3
: ] g 0 vary widely in the number of halves: | No. Zz.
Banke ang George. Bronson. (of ld Lare’s Market 3 a Fancy can may contain 24 small| No. 2 1b, 3oz 21/3
Shavertown were callers at the home oe ** halves: a Standard can usually con- Ns 2 i 7 oz. 2
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman XC taing 40 smaller halves o. LI oz.
Sunday evening. %° LUZERNE Oa sre is a most useful table No, n gs So 7
ATT . i | of 0,0. 0, 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 0 0 bb 0 0 6 0d id wich translates cans into cupfuls. | No. Sey oz. 3
William Shoemaker and James GIO 00 0000000000000 09 009059 CF SPP POI CoO OY 00 069 0eP 0600
When SHE dri
en ives . . .
no tire can be too good