The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 30, 1930, Image 8

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One insertion, 25 cents for thirteen
words or less. Over thirteen words,
2 cents per word. Call Dallas 300.
Lot 60x80, improved with seven-
room house, all improvements, two-car
garage, young fruit trees and berry
bushes; one block from St. THerese's
church, *Shavertown. Mrs. Mary
Oberst. 5-24-1t
sharpened and repaired. Work guar-
anteed. 'B. F. Hightower, near M. E,
church, Shavertown. 5-24-1t
Old rags; must be clean; will pay
good prices. The Dallas Post.
y Ford ton truck in good condition,
: $25. Still has original tires.
White enameled refrigerator in good
condition. Call 367-A-10.
Party will buy old and second-hand
furniture. Address Box 23, The Dallas
Post. if
White enameled refrigerator in good
condition. Call 367-R-10. 5-24-1t
; Two tons of loose hay for sale. A.
R. Holcomb. . Phone Dallas 272-R-2.
Rabbits, all kinds, colors and ages.
Make the youngsters happy with a
live rabbit. Weis’ Farm, Dallas.
Phone 124-R-15.
Three or four Sales Ladies
now until Memorial Day. :
2_Hill The Florist
List your property. For Sale or For
Rent with John A. Williams, Realtor,
48 Main Street, Dallas.
Save money. Quality materials.
Good workmanship. Sorber, Claude
street, Dallas.
Four Feathers
Richaid’ Arlen
Chasing Rainbows
All Talking, Singing and Dancing
37157] i 57 3} Vo 37]
Mrs. John A. Girvan Editor
Phone, Dallas 6
A. P. Kiefer of Shrine View is mak-
to the
George Hoffmeister at Shrine View.
The Nite Club dance which was
sponsored by Dallas young people, was
ing extensive
home occupied by his
quite successful. Previous = to : the
dance Lettie Lee, one of the commit-
tee, entertained several friends at din-
ner and Miss Elenore Machell enter-
tained several friends at a buffet sup-
Miss Florence Kelley of Centermore-
land is spending the week with Mrs.
Fred Welch of Center Hill road.
"Mr. and Mrs. Zel Garinger of Lake
street entertained over the week-end
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Lietrich and daugh-
ter Eleanore, also Miss Dorothy Crocker
of Johnson City. :
We are pleased to welcome to’ Dal-
las, H. Lee Scott and family of King-
ston. Mr. Scott is manager of the Du-
Pont Exposive Company, with offices
in the Brooks building, Wilkes-Barre.
They will occupy the home on Center
Hill road, just vacated by the Geb-
hard family, who have taken up their
residence at West Pittston.
Mr. and Mrs. Rother .of Plymouth
spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Laux of Shavertown.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux attended
the funeral on Wednesday of Mrs.
Harold Scheiber of Cedar avenue,
South Scranton.
Mr. and Mrs. George Learn of Chase
entertained the following on Friday
last. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnson
and sons and Mrs. A. B. Smith of
Wyoming and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Johnson of Wilkes-Barre.
Mrs; Clifford Oberst Jf Chase is
slowly but steadily improving.
Paul Johnson and Miss Bertha Ran-
dall of Huntsville spent Sunday after-
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
George Learn. ;
Miss Jane Keener spent Tuesday at
the home of Mrs. George Learn of
companied by Mr. and Mrs. J. Nelson
Whipp of Church street spent Sunday
in Bradford county.
Mrs, Amanda Yaple of Church street
| entertained “on Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
| Clinton Honeywell of Charles street,
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Girvan,
| companied by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gor-
don motored to Hazleton on Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Frank and Peggy
| Lancio of Claude street spent Sunday
| at the home of Miss Reba Stem of
| New Columbus.
Several members of the Dallas W. C.
T. U. attended the meeting ®&hich was
| held Tuesday afternoon at the home of
| Mrs. Ferrel of Shavertown.
[ The many friend of Ed Coolbaugh
| will be sorry to learn that he is con-
{| fined. to his home by illness:
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Westover enter-
| tained Mr. and Mrs. 'W. C. Rowlett of
| Courtdale on- Monday evening.
| Mr; and Mrs. Peter Oberst of Fern-
| brook road entertained Mr. and Mrs.
and Mrs. D. P. Honeywell, ac-
Mrs. Harold Titman of Lake street
has as her guest Miss Bessie Roy of
Newton, N. J.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Frantz and
daughter, Marguerite, accompanied by
S. P. Frantz and Jane Keener
Chase motored to Auburn, N. Y., over
the week-end rr 4
Miss Arline Eveland and Mr. and
Mrs. Claire Winters of Claude street
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eveland.
Mrs A. P. Kiefer and Mrs. Louis
Wolfe of Shrine View are spending
some time in New York City.
Barbara Hoffmeister of Shrine View
spent the week-end with Marjorie
Mrs. Fred Welch entertained on
Sewing club. The following people
are members of the club: Mrs. Peter
Lutz, Mrs. Ernest Whipp, Mrs. Leslie
Warhola, Mrs. H. C. Fortner, Mrs. G.
K. Swartz and Mrs; Fred Welch.
Mrs. Milford Shaver has just re-
turned from a several weeks’ stay in
Mrs. Fred Welch spent the week-end
in Rochester, N. Y., visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. R. C. Boyd.
On Sunday, May 18, Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Parrish, of Main street, enter-
tained at dinner Elj Parrish, Mr. and
Mrs. Sandel Hunt and family, J. B.
Hildebrant of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs.
Albert Parrish and family of Rohrs-
burg, Pa.
Mrs, J. H. Frantz and F. B. Hilde-
brant accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. D.
Parrish on a motor trip to Rohrsburg,
Pa., Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Melligan and son
Jimmy spent Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. George Hoffmeister of
Shrine View.
Mrs. Fred Williams of Wilkes-Barre
called on Mrs. George Hoffmeister
during the week.
Auxiliary to Hold Picnic
The Shavertown branch of the Nes-
bitt Memorial Hospital Auxiliary will
| hold its annual picnic and covered dish
luncheon on Friday, June 6, at the
home of Mrs. Margaret Hildebrant of
| Dallas.
|ing and following the luncheon there
There will be a short meet-
will be games and other forms of
[Zrisement., Those who have attended
ithe picnic in former years will remem-
ber the good time which they always
Wednesday evening the “Les Obeilles’
spent Sunday at Lake Carey at the ;
Misericordia Wins Debate
Vanquishing the student team of
Susquehanna University the debating
team of Misericordia College won a
notable victory when it successfully
upheld the affirmative side of the
proposition: “Should the United
State Reject the Kellogg Peace Pact?”
The members of the college debating
team were Misses Margaret McNeaney,
Catherine O'Donnell and Evelyn
Franklin. pons
eee erent
. Girl Scout Exhibit
On Saturday at noon booths .were
opened at the Kingston Armory and in
the evening the Golden Eaglets were
awarded. The exhibition was the
greatest ever staged by the Girl Scouts
of Wyoming Valley and was free to
the public. It was a splendid oppor-
tunity for the public to become ac-
quainted with the scout organization.
Hundreds of visitors passed the great]
array of booths during the afternoon
and at 7:30 the exercises were the
climax of this outstanding event.
Awards to four champion scouts of the
valley were made by Mrs. Edward Con-
rad, Wyoming Valley Scout Commis-
sioner. The night program had the
said Borough of Dallas.
| bond
following features: + Selections by
anese dance by Troop 20 of Hill street. |
school; corn dance, Troop 30, of Leh- |
man; highland fling, Troop 30, of Lu-
DO You T
L 5
Notice is hereby given that the
Board of Directors of the School Dis-
trict of Dallas Borough, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, solicits sealed
bids for the completion of three rooms,
stairs, etc., in the new building re-
cently built and belonging to the said
school district on Huntsville street in
Said rooms.
are to be completed in accordance
with plans and specifications now on
file in the office of Thomas Podmore,
architect, Bennett building, Wilkes-
Barre, Pa. Separate bids will pe re-
ceived for (1) ‘the completion of the
three rooms and stairs; (2) the heat-
ing and ventilating; (3) and the -elec-
trical work. All proposals shall be
sealed and delivered to the secretary
of the SchooltBoard, J. F. Besecker,
Lake street, Dallas, Pa., on or before
Friday, the 20th day of June, 1930, at!
5 o'clock, p. m. Each proposal for the
completion of the rooms and stairs
shall be accomplished with a certified
check to the order of the School Dis-
trict for two hundred and 00-100
(3200.00) dollars to be retained by the
School District in the event the pro-
|posal is accepted, as security for the
compliance therewith and to be re-
turned upon execution of contract and
in due course, otherwise to be
forfeited to the School
checks of unsucessful bidders to be re-
turned at once upon rejection of their
proposals. All proposals shall be ac-
i jcompanied by a letter from a bonding
Coughlin high school orchestra; Jap-|
company, authorized to’ do business
in Pennsylvania, certifying that in the
event the proposal is accepted the
company will become surety on the
bond of the bidder.
District; |
+|128, July Term, 1930, issued out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne
County, to me directed, there will be
exposed to public sale by vendue to
the highest and best bidders, for cash,
at the Sheriff's Sale Room, Court
House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre,
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on
Saturday, the 21st day of June, 1930,
at ten o'clock .in the forenoon of the
said day, all the right, title and in-
terest of the defendants in and to the
following described lot, ‘piece or par-
cel of land, viz: 3 al
All those two pieces of“tinimproved
land in Exeter Township, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania: LY !
The first thereof: + BEGINNING at a
point on the éasterly side line .of Crest.
street, formerly Harding avenue, said
point being ‘distant 267.21 feet, meas-
ured in a course of south twenty-
three degrees fifty-four minutes west,
along the easterly side line of Crest
street, from the southerly side line of
Roosevelt avenue; thence from said
Peginning point and along the easterly
side line of Crest street south twenty-
three degrees fifty-four minutes west
five hundred twenty-two and seventy-
nine one-hundredths (522.79) feet to a
point; and thence by a curve to the
eastward, the radius of which is two
hundred and eighty (280) feet, for a
distance of three hundred twenty-five
land fourteen one-hundredths (325.14)
feet to a point; and thence by another 3
curve to the southeastward, the radius
of which is five hundred (500) fect,
for a distance of one hundred fifty-
seven and’ eight-tenths (157.8) feet to
a point in line of Draper avenue;
(thence from said point and along
(westerly line of Draper avenue and
1 Lot No. 331 north twenty-three Ae-
{grees fifty-four minutes east four hun-
zerne; dance of the flowers, by Troops| The School Board reserves the right qred twenty-eight and Rint tle
6 and 33, of Nanticoke.
Mrs. Frederick Hillman, former |
council commissioner, presented the
proficiency badges. In the afternoon]
several clever playlets were performed. |
Included “Why Milly Re-|
formed,” by Troop 50; “The Laws of |
Country,” by Troop 27; “Spice Cakes
and Tea,” Troop 39; “Trefoil Cere-|
mony,” Troop 44; “Girl Scout Laws,” |
Troop 46.
the dressmaking booths of the Dallas
troops and they were a splendid addi- |the highest and best bidders, for cash,
tion to the exhibit.
| House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, |
to reject any or all bids.
| By order of the School Board of the point;
Borough of Dallas.
Secretary of the Board.
eee (reeememeeeeeeen
Saturday, June 21, 1930, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, No.
111, July Term, 1930, issued. out of the
Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne
exposed to public sale by vendu:z to
at the Sheriff’s Sale Room, Court
Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on
|one-hundredths (428.93) feet to a
| thence from said point and
|along the line of Lots No. 331 to 236
|inclusive south sixty-six degrees six
| minutes east two hundred and seventy-
[five (275) feet to a point in line of Lot
| No. 337; thence from said point and
|along the line of Lots 337 to 343 in-
|clusive north twenty-three degrees
| fifty-four minutes east three hundred
[ninety and eighty-two one hundredths
| (309.82) feet to a point, distance one
Mrs. Hull had charge of County, to me directed, there will be|hundred feet from the southerly end
|of Lot No. 231; thence from said point
land by a line one hundred feet
southerly, measured at right angles
and parallel to the rear or southerly
end of Lots No. 231 to 237 inclusive,
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Lohman and |gaturday, the 21st day of June, 1930, DOrth sixty-six degrees six minutes
daughters Helen and Gertrude
Shavertown motored to Mauch Chunk |
and Lansford on Sunday last. |
Mr. and Mrs. William Hausen of, |
Trucksville motored to Honesdale on |
Sunday when they spent the day with |
Miss Loretta Steltz.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kuhl and son|
Bernard of Waverly, .N Y., spent {he
week-end with Mrs. Antanaitis of Mt.
Afry Terrace, Shavertown,
had at’ these affairs. This will be the | Mrs. Raymond Perrego Entertained
| ?
| last meeting
| hoped that a large
| present at this time.
| St. Therese’s Parish to Conduct
Rummage Sale
i the first week St.
| Therese’s Parish is planning a rum-
in the
of the season and it is
During of “June
[mage sale which will be held
| Poli theatre block, Wilkes-Barre.
| person who has any article for the
| will notify = the
| Shavertown provision
Miss Catherine
please rectory
and will be
| made to gather them.
| Miller of Trucksville has charge of the
College Dance a Brilliant Affair
One of the most colorful affairs -of
and card
the was the dance
(party of the students at College Miseri-
| cordia.
at Colonial Inn
crowd will be | Mrs. Raymond Perrego, whose par-
ents recently announced her marriage
at a shower given in her honor at her
home, was again delightfully enter-
tained by her friends at the Colonial
Inn, On Tuesday cvening
a variety and kitchen shower was ten-
of lat ten o'clock in the forenoon of the |YeSt five hundred ninety-five
«aid day, all the right, title and ir
[terest of the defendants in and to the |
following described lot, piece or par-
cel of land, viz:
All that certain lot, piece or parcel
of land, situate in the Village of
Shavertown, Township of Xingston,
County of Luzerne, and State of Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at an iron post 152.6
feet from land of William Still on east |
side - of public road' leading
Shavertown to Fernbrook;
along said road north 10 degrees,
minutes west 50 feet to a corner
line of land of N. B. LamoreauX;
thence along land of NB:
Lamoreaux north 71 degrees, 30
minutes east 104.4 feet to a
Lehigh Valley ‘right of way; thence
along said right of way in a southerly
direction 48 feet to @n iron pipe;
thence in a westerly direction about
{114. feet to the place of beginning.
dered the young couple. were
the recipients
of some very beautiful
The tables were prettily decor-
ted and a delicious dinner was served
to the following:
Mrs. Perrego, Mrs. C. W.
Lena VanTuyl, Miss Emily Goldsmith,
Hilda Miss Elizabeth
Love, Miss Leona Robinson and Miss
Miss Reba Stevens,
Fisher, Miss
Miss Ruggles,
Margaret ‘Wallace.
On Tuesday
Garry of Trucksville delightfully en-
It was the final dance of the |tertained the members of St. Therese’s
. N, »
5! Bernard McNelis of Luzerne on Sun- | season and had & splendid attendance. | Card Club.
terre tenants,
evening Mrs. Frank Mec- |
All improved with a two-story
dwelling house, fruit trees and shrub-
bery thereon.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Harry S. Major and Estelia
M. Major, his wife, vs. Stanley Steels
and Zoe Steele, his wife, with notice
to Alfred Ray and wife, Edna Ray,
and will be sold by
H. Dilley, Attorney. 5-30-3t
iturday, June 21, 1930, at 10 A. M.
7 virtue of a writ of Fi Fa, No.
corner of |
feet to the easterly side line of Crest
street, the place of beginning. Contain-
|ing seven and ninety-one one hun-
| hundredths (7491) acres of land, be the
Si more or less.
| The second thereof:
la point at the
intersection of the
southerly side line ofs:Roosevelt ave-
nue with the easterly sidé line of
Crest street, formerly Harding avenue:
thence from said beginning point and
along said southerly side line of
[Roosevelt avenue, south sixty-six de-
grees six minutes east two hundred
and seventy (270) feet to a point in
line of Lot No. 287; thence from said
point and along the line of Lot No. 237
south twenty-three degrees fifty-four
minutes west one hundred sixty-seven
and twenty-one one-hundredths
(167.21) feet to a line of other
lands of the Mortgagee herein: thence
from said point and along line of other
lands of the Mortgagee herein north
sixty-six degrees six minutes west
a two hundred and seventy (270) feet to
a point in the before-mentioned east-
erly side line of Crest street; thence
north twenty-hree degrees fifty-four
minutes east one hundred sixty-seven
and twenty-one one-hundredths (167.21)
feet to a point on the southerly side
line of Roosevelt avenue, the place of
beginning. Containing one and thirty-
six one-thousandths (1.036) acres of
land, be the same more or less.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Irwin Coolbaugh vs. River-
side Development Company, Inc. and
y will be sold: by \
G. J. Clark, Attorney.
Drop In and See Our Line of Kodaks, Perfumes,
and Other Gifts Appropriate For
the Boy or Girl Graduate