Ee DALLAS POST, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1930 a ota ca af fe dn MRR BOA YOU WENT LAST NIGHT. NEXTDOR . INTO THE. LODGE YEAH, SID, 1 TOOK THREE DEGREES LAST NIGHT! ———— UR ? r THOUGHT FISHER SAID THEY WORKED ONLY \N THE FIRST AND SECOND! Reg. U. S. Par. Off. % © 1028 Bonet. Boren Corp EXT 2 KEL, > 57 -MY WIFE ve So tame Es ror ML or 1 Got HOME | CTT ELRRES HAIRS RRRESE SA QR es RARE SKRRK THE THIRD WHEN} 7 Jif Classified ian Advertisements RATES FOR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS One’ insertion; 25° cents for thirteen words or less. Over thirteen words, ‘2 cents per word. Call Dallas 300. WANTED must be clean; will pay The Dallas Post. Old rags; good prices. FOR SALE EE : Ford ton truck in good condition; $25. Still has original tires. \ FOR SALE y ‘White enameled refrigerator in good condition. Call 867-A-10. : Party will buy old and second-hand furniture. Address Box 23, The Dallas Post. 3 \ During ‘his term of office Senator A J. Sordoni ‘has worked for Luzerne ‘County as a whole. Cities have not -bzen favored at the expense of rural ¢smmunities; neither have the urban conmmunities . -been = neglected. The Lehman-Pike’s Creek road, Shick- shinny-Benton, Kingston Narrows, ‘Harvey's Lake road, Kingston town- ship. road, Plymouth-Kingston road, the road eliminating ~the" dangerous Edge Hill at West Nanticoke and the elimination of dangerous underpasses and rzilroad crossings on the Ashley boulevard and the new and shortened Hazieton highway were all. Sordoni projects.—adv. ¥ os . "FOR SALE Rabbits, all kinds, colors and ages. ‘Make the youngsters happy with a live rabbit. Weis’ “Farm, Dallas.| Phone 124-R-15. 3 ! List your property For Sale or For Rent with John A. Williams, Realtor, ‘48 Main Street, Dallas. FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf for sale. Arthur Newman, Dallas R. D. 3. Phone Dal- | las 217-R- 11. y it] TONIGHT AT EAST DALLAS ‘ CHURCH The Epworth League will give 8 three-act comedy, “The Old District | School.” Time, 8 o'clock. Price, 25 cents. 1 ’ WANTED Good clean rags; ~wiil prices.. Dallas Post. pay good | 244d EP A Ed ES PEP PEA PU PPR EA EE PE PRE HIMMLER THEATRE TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT No, No, Nanette TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY Flight Jack Holt, Ralph Graves and Lila Lee FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Four Feathers Richard Arlen Mrs. John A. Girvan Editor * Phone, Dallas 6 ~The: W. C. T. Us will meet at the home of Mrs. Charles Herdman at Kunkle on Tuesday; May: 20, at 2 p. m. Annual election of offices. Mother's | Day will be observed with a program. Mr. and Mrs. Creston Gallup and daughter Alice: spent Sunday with Mrs. Gallup’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1 Joseph Sickler of Beaumont. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lauderbaugh entertained on Wednesday evening the following from Wilkes-Barre: Mr. and Mrs. VanHorn, Mr. and Mrs. Langdon, Mz. and Mrs. Wise. Miss Margaret “Girvan of Claude street and Miss Alma Cairl of Shamo- kin, both student nurses at the Abing- ton Memorial hospital at Abington, Pa., spent Saturday evening atthe home of Miss Girvan.’ They left early Sunday morning accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John A: Girvan for Philadel- phia, where “the latter spent the day "visiting relatives. - John A. Girvan of Dallas was on a business trip to Reading during the week. Nu : . Last week Claude street entertained Miss Rug- gles, Miss Goldsmith; Miss Reba Stevens, teachers of Dallas township school, also Mr. and ' Mrs. Willliam Roberts of Wilkes-Barre. Mr. and Mrs. Clair Winters of Dal- las, accompanied by Miss Mildred Eve- land spent Mother's day at Lake Carey. » Mr. and Mrs. Sandel Hunt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rus- sel of Mt. Zion. , Mrs. A. VanNortwick of Main street is ill at her home. Mrs. F. Beery of Main street is slowly improving. . Miss Liva Spencer of East Dallas entertained a number of her friends at a party recently at her home. A tasty lunch was served. ’ Mr. and Mrs: Fred Youngblood mo- tored to Fairmount Springs during the week. The Tunkhannock ‘Republican the following to say about the unique resi- has experience. of a former Dallas dent: Peynton Lee, of Windham township, was exhibiting a live osprey or fish- hawk here on Thursday, which he cap- tured on a little pond just above Nig- ger The bird was hitting on the water apparently helpless and he went out and brought it to shore. As it was still there the next morning, he decided to bring if to Tunkhannock and show i to Game Protector Moss: The bird had a hooked beak and sharp talons and exhibited a vicious attitude when people became too familiar with it. Mr. Moss thought one wing was crippled, possibly from a gunshot or striking against something while fly= ing. Those birds, while seen occa- sionally, are not very common in this section., They are protected by law and a penalty of $20 is inflicted for killing them. Do you want a concrete road from Dallas to Tunkhannock, connecting with the Sullivan Trail at that point? Senator Sordoni is working on plans for such a road and is the prime worker in the project to see it abcom- plished. Past records speak for them- Pond. BE BEB BRB RE REE] selves. Senator Sordoni will make Mrs.” J. B. Frank of such a road a certainty.—adv. OF SOCIAL INTEREST © VIN AND ABOUT DALLAS Ci’ D. ' tSewart, formerly of Shrine View, was a business caller at Dallas on Saturday. Miss Barbara and Catherine Hoff- meister of Shrine View entertained Miss Marjorie Hoffmeister of Wilkes- Barre over last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Kiefer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiefer and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Wolfe of Shrine View motored to New York, where they will spend a few -days. Elmer Parrish of Main street is spending a few days with his son Al- bert at Rohrshurg, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. D; P. Honeywell spent Sunday in Bradford county. : - Mr. and Mrs. D. F Westover and family motored to Huntington Mills on Sunday. "Mrs. Morgans and daughters of South Franklin street are occupying their cottage on Machell avenue. Mr. and Mrs. €, A. Frantz and daughter Marguerite ,accompanied by Sherman . Frantz and Miss Jane Keener of Chase, motored to Strouds- burg during the week. : The Dallas double quartet is re- hearsing with the hope of giving a concert in the near future The mem- bers are: Mrs. James Oliver, Mrs. Laura aPtterson, Mrs. C. 'W. Space, Mrs. Harold Titman, Harold Rood, Ralph Brickel, Sam Griffith, Milford Shaver. Mrs. Arline Rood is the pianist. s The ‘Dramatic and Athletic Associa- tion of Dallas is sponsoring a nite club dance to be held at the Dallas borough high school auditorium on May 23. It will be for the benefit! of raising funds for the high schcol athletic equipment. It will be an in- formal affair and gives promise of be- ing one of the gala events of the spring season. Tickets are now for sale and may be purchased from niem- bers of the association. Mr. and Mrs. el GariZnger of lake street have returned from a «week's stay in New York City, Mr. Davis of Church street is on a business trip to Cleveland, Ohio. Mrs. W. E. Webster has just re- turned from a month's stay in New York City, visiting her sister, who had the misfortune to break her zim Girl Scouts in Poster Contest Local girl scouts will submit ideas to boost May 24 exhibit. A. prize of a free airplane ride will be awarded to the two gurl scouts who submit the best osteis to the Wyoming Valley Council Girl Scouts for the exhibition to be held in the 109th Field Artil.ery Armory on aSturday, May 24. The osters must be made by a girl scout and submitted to local headquarters not later than May 19. There will be four selections made—two winners and two alternates. Mrs. Albert Groblewski of Trucks- ville and Mrs. James Thomas of Dal- las attended the banquet of the Ply- mouth Civic Club at Hotel Sterling on Monday evening. ; Several coules from Dallas attended the " Rotary convention which was held at Williamsort during the week. The Frank cottage at Dallas will be occuied during the summer months by Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Schwager of New York City. Mrs. C. S. Morris visited her daughter Friday of last week. of Trucksville in Luzerne on Regular 0x3 31x4 .. 2x4... 32x41) v30%5 .-. 2x6... 20x4.40 ..... Michelin .$ 8.85 .$ 9.55 $11.04 $13.35 $20.25 $28.95 .£ 5.80 33x .. 4 20x4.50 30x4.50 28x4.75 29x4.75 29x5.00 28x5.25 30x5.25 31x5.25 29x5.50 $ 5.10 BIG REDUCTION ON TIRES MAY 17-24 Inc. Fisk U.S. ..$ 6.55 ..$ 6.60 .$ 7.85 :$ 8.00 .$ 8.30 .$ 9.35 $ 9.80 $10.15 $10.40 These Tires Guaranteed By A A A Yr VV yy yyy yrvyyyyyyyyvyyyvyvyyy wy Manufacturer Standard Warranty a tether eA ete ateuetutuAuietuieAutuiatete tet J. R. OLIVER MAIN STREET 29x4.40 . 29x4.50 30x4.50 28x4.75 29x4.75 30x4.75 29x5.00 30x5.25 31x5.25 29x5.50 31x6.00 32x6.00 33x6.00 6-Ply 3.790 ..$ 8.25 ..$ 8.60 ..$ 9.50 ..$ 9.85 ..810.25 ..$10.20 ..$11.50 312.10 ..$12.95 ..$13.35 ..$1345 ..$13.65 DALLAS, PA. STAPLETON’ Drug Store Next to Luzerne Postoffice COMMENCEMENT ISN'T FAR OF! Drop In and See Our Line of Kodaks, Perfumes, and Other Gifts Appropriate For the Boy or Girl Graduate 2 cy