- — “THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET" STREZT'S PAPER. MAIN PEPPY EPP Buily Buzz The Ladies Shop | BUY OUR SILK HOSIERY AND GET A /RUN FOR LIVE-WIRE MER - PREPAREDNESS. SIGN ON MAIN ST. XMAS SHOPPING. CHANTS IN THIS TOWN THE MAIN STREET MERCHANTS ASSOCIA- TON 18 A HOUND FOR YESTERDAY THEY ERECTED A LARGE ADVOCATING EARLY Your? MONEY FoR GOODNESS Saxe ' Do Your CHrIsTMAS SrioPPING Farry! EARLY SHOPPIN' 'SALL RIGHT Bul THINGS IS A LOT CHEAPER IF YA WAIT JUST A CouPLA DAYS BEFORE *MAS 7 = Ni toe Wg LE wan uae IM GONNA GET MY MAN A REVERSE- ABLE CELLU LOID COLLAR ~ THE ONE HE GOT LAS | YEAR 19 MOST ALL wWoRN OuT Classified Advertisements * RATES FOR CLASSIFIED COLUMNS ] One insertion, 25 cents for thirteen words or less. Over thirteen. words, 2 cents per word. Call Dallas 300. : Party will buy old and second-hand furniture. Address Box 23, The Dallas Post. FOR RENT Six-room house, all improvements; rent reasonable. Inquire of Mrs. Kathryn Malkemes, Chestnut street, Shavertown. Telephone, Dallas 31. / During his term of office Senator A .J. Sordoni has worked for Luzerne County as a whole. Cities have not been favored at the expense of rural _ eymmunities; neither have the urban communities been neglected. The ~ Lehman-Pike’s Creek road, Shick- shinny-Benton, ‘Kingston Narrows, Harvey's Lake road, Kingston town- ship road, Plymouth-Kingston road, the road eliminating the dangerous Edge Hill at West Nanticoke and the elimination of dangerous underpasses and rzilroad crossings on the Ashley boulevard .and the new and shortened Hazleton highway were all Sordoni ‘projects.—adv. . "FOR SALE Rabbits, all kinds, colors and ages. Make the youngsters happy with a live rabbit. Weis’ Farm, Dallas. Phone 124-R~15. FLAT "FOR , REN" r $20 per month. Floyd R. Young, Maple avenue, Shavertown. 2t = . FOR SALE Tot 60x181; improved with six-room house; new two-car garage with apartment overhead; rents for $20 a month; two good sumps; running water; electricity. Value, $4,200; for «quick sale, $3,000. Floyd R. Young, Maple avenue, Shavertown.. List your property For Sale or For Rent with John A. Williams, Realtor, 48 Main Street; Dallas. * FOR SALE Fresh cow and calf for sale. Newman, Dallas R. D. 3. Phone Dal- las 217-R- 11. 1t : ; 7 FOR SALE Hay for sale; loose or baled. Weis’ Farm, Dallas. 1t HE RE Do you want a concrete road from Pallas to Tunkhannock, connecting with the Sullivan Trail at that point? Senator Sordoni is working on plans for such a road and is the prime worker in the project to see it accom- plished. Past records speak for them- selves. Senator Sordoni will make such a road a certainty.—advs ap THEATRE TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT Dance of Life TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Fast Company WITH EVELYN BRENT Hilarious Comedy FRIDAY AND SATURDAY So This Is College WITH SALLY STARR Arthur | OF SOCIAL INTEREST IN AND ABOUT DALLAS Miss’ Elizabeth Colbert, member of the Senior Glee Club of Coughlin high school ,took part in the operetta, “Babes in Toyland,” given last week in Wilkes-Barre by the Wyoming Val- ley Woman's Club. Mrs.. George Hoffmeister of Shrine View has been quite ill. Mrs. A. P. Kiefer, Mrs. Fred Kiefer and Mrs. Louis Wolfe of Shrine View are spending a few days in New York City. Mrz. Charles Mayer entertained her niece Miss 7:1 Baer of Nutley, N. J., over the week-end. J, B. Frank is dressing up his home with a new coat of paint and it is looking very attractive. Miss Marion Cooper of Clifton, N. J., has returned to her home after spend- ing the week as the guest of Peggy Lancio. Jack Gordon has returned to Me- Keesport after a brief holiday here with his family. 4 Mrs. William Fowler called on Mrs. Lydia McDonald on Sunday. A very brilliant affair was the dance sponsored by the Shriners which took place at the Country Club Friday evening. About twenty resi- dents of Dallas were in attendanoe. Father J. J. O'Leary of St. Therese's Church of Shavertown is- expected “home from Florida the latter part of the week. x ~ Mrs. James Besecker entertained her mother, Mrs. Florence Wicht of Wilkes-Barre, also her brother John on Sunday. The benefit dance sponsored by local residents for the Dallas borough high school equipment was held Thursday night and was quite successful. "Mr. snd Mrs, Karl Kuehn' and son spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.|" Kuehn’s mother, Starr of Har- vey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Kuehn of Dal- las entertained on Monday evening Attorney and Mrs. Gebhard and Mrs. Bruch of Hazleton. Mrs. Ammerman of Forty Fort took dinner with the Kuehn family on Sun- day. Mrs. during the past week, usual self again. Mrs. J. B. Frank entertained dur- ing the week Miss Mildred Castner and Miss Stella Broyskal of Nanticoke, also Betty Lancio of Wilkes-Barre. S. B. Davies has gone to Philadel- phia on a business trip. Miss Giblet of Trucksville enter- tained St. Therese’s Card Club on Tuesday night. Mrs. Joseph Wuallo entertained on Sunday night Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Staub, Mr. and Mrs. P. Gerrity, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Williams; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblood and Mr. and Mrs. McHale, LE Mrs. Clifford Oberst and baby have returned from Nesbitt Memorial hos- pital to their home at Chase. Mrs. George Learn of Chase enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Russell Learn of Scranton on Sunday. MrM. and Mrs. Peter Oberst spent Sunday visiting friends in Carbondalc. Peter Westover of Huntington Mills is spending the week with his nephew, D. F. Westover. MTS. Thomas Higgins, who was ill is quite her Mrs. Ww. ‘W Dann of Gloversville, N. Y., is spending the week with her aunt, Mrs. A. H. VanNortwick of Chu street, Center Hill road spent Sunday wifh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. CH. Crocker of Wilkes-Barre. Mrs, J. A. Hildebrant of Loyalville has as her guest over the week-end Mrs. Martha Lyon Wing of Johnson City, N,.¥. The many friends of Mrs. William Armstrong of Loyalville will be pleased to hear that after five months’ illness, she is able to be about a little each day and with the advent of warm weather is expected te rapidly gain strength. ) Mrs. Peter Oberst entertained her card club on Thursday evening. A pleasant evening was spent and lunch was served by the hostess. Mrs. Charles Harris is ill at her home on Church street. Miss Jennie Fitch and family have moved from Church street to Shaver- town. Miss Hilda Stout of Carverton road spent the week-end with Miss Eleanore Fitzgerald of Towanda. Mrs. W. A. Stout of Carverton road entertained her sister, Mrs.» PP. 1d. Gerrity of Harvey's Inake on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Al Antonaitis of Mt. Airy Terrace and Miss Helen Lohman of Pioneer avenue, spent the past week at the home of Mrs Antonaitis’ par- ents at Nantucket, Mass. Miss Helen and Gertrude Lohman of Shavertown spent the week-end with relatives at Sayre. Mrs. Creston Gallup and daughter Alice of Kunkle spent Saturday with ‘her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sickler. Mrs. Ellen Mansfeild of Noxen is visiting her Mrs. Joseph Sick- ler, for a few days. Mrs. Paul Laux of Pioneer avenue, Shavertown, who has been quite ill at her home, is slowly Dr. Swartz of Dallas is attending her. Mr. and Mrs. George Frank of Wilkes-Barre visited Mr. and Mrs. John B. Frank of Claude street on Sunday. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Frank Lauderbaugh and family of Orchard Farm, Dallas, sister, improving. ‘spent Sunday at Catawissa. Mr. and Mrs. John Laux and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Laux and son Fran- cis of Wilkes-Barre visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux of Shavertown on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Rother of Per- rin avenue, ' Shavertown, will move: during the week to Plymouth, where Mr. Rother is superintendent of the Hess-0Gldsmith silk mill. Mrs. Rother is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Laux of Shavertown. Mrs. Marion Gregory of Dallas en- tertained on Tuesday evening Mrs. Charles Gregory, Mrs. Claude Isaacs, Mrsy Wilson Garinger and. Mrs. Nellie Hislop. Miss VanNortwick of Claude street is ill with bronchial pneumonia at the home of her brother, A. H. Van- Nortwick of Church street. Mrs. Fred Welsh and daughter Betty spent the week end’'at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Shook of Centermorland. Mrs. Shaver and son Harold of Miss Emily Honeywell of Kunkle is spending the week with Mrs. Robert ‘present were: Arthur Kiefer, G. W, Bogert, D. F. Hislop. Mrs. Sherman Warden of Shaver- | town called on Mrs." D. P. Honeywell , Tuesday afternoon. - Miss Edna Reese of ' Soot head - quarters at Wilkes-Barre will . con- duct a series of meetings at St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Shavertown. Mothers of Scouts and all who are in- terested in the Scout movement are asked to attend Friday evening. Arthur Kiefer of Claude street en- tertained the Men's Bible Class on Tuesday evening at his home. Those ‘Rev. W. E.. Webster, Westover, Zel Garinger, Arthur Duu- gey, William Baker, IL. W. LeGrand; Thomas Him and James Ayres. At a late hour refreshments were served. Samuel Griffith gave a piano recital at the O’Connel studio on’ North —— carom — BE —— Franklin street, Wilkes-Barre, Wed- nesday evening. ~ He was assisted by Mrs. Allen Sanford, soloist. Mrs. Warden Kunkle, who has been i iill for the past week, is improving. Mrs. George Gaertner has been {ll at her home for the past several days. Mrs. G. R. Splitt of’ Jackson, sister of Mrs. O. L. Harvey, has been ill for the past ten weeks. Miss Betty Breckenridge of Dallas, a student at Wyoming Seminary, has | resumed her studies after having bsen seriously ill for the past few weeks. ‘Miss Jean Siegel, Charles Suther- land and David Ross of Wilkes-Barre spent Sunday evening at the home of Miss Betty Breckenridge Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Parks of Dallas have just returned ‘from Washington, D. C. ,to which place they accom- panied their daughter, who is a pupil at Mount French school. Mrs. P. P. Dohl of Shavertown en- tertained the Dallas Bridge Club at her home Wednesday afternoon. The following members were present: Mrs. Claude Isaacs, Mrs. Warden Kunkle, Mrs. Robert Hislop, Mrs. Ralph Brickel, Mrs. James Oliver, ! Miss Winifred Griffith, Mrs, Ralph Hallock, Miss Arthur Turner of Dal- lag, Mrs. Harry Harter of Trucksville and Mrs. William Jeter of Forty Fort, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gage of Phila- delphia have returned home after spending a few days with the latter's parents on Norton avenue. Menace to life long marked travet between Luzerne and Trucksville, points on the important route to Har- vey’s Lake and adjacent places. Sen- ator Sordoni led the effort that brought State aid to removal of the old narrow highway.—adv. Josepn |} 1 4 YY YY YY YY YY YY rN Nr rrr rrr TTT Tr TTT TT TT TTT ry. / Sewing Contest Sporsored by Fowler, Dick and Walker for women and girls in Wyoming Valley Three tries, major your entry is proof of this. must accompany your entry. There will be three cash prizes for each group. Groups Eligible 1. School Girls, 7th and 8th Grades 2. High School Girls, 1st to 4th Year 3. Non-Resident Girls and Women Rules and Instructions of This Contest.... Contest begins May 1st and ends May. 31st. in one of three groups any time during May. ment must be made by the contestant herself. the advice of the teacher is allowed. Materials used in making your entry must be purchased in the Boston Store Fabrics Department. The salescheck accompanying KEEP THE SALES CHECK! There are no restrictions as to the type of garment made. your own design or a McCall pattern. Mail or deliver garments to Advertising Department, The Boston Store, 9 p, m. Saturday, May 31st. considerations will be: Registration Cards May Be Obtained In Any Fabric Department You must register The complet gar- In school groups not later In judging en- Quality of sewing, harmony of pattern and fabrics, ingenuity and good taste of trimming. Judges will be one local and one ? nations, lauthority. It \ Use than A NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NNN x Street Floor, Rear Fowler, Dick and Walker The Boston Store aa a al bbb bd ddd ddd enter eauAntuueeeuuau Aue nb bd dada bits ahahuth ait atta ahbhbhhhdbhddahddnba dahddhbdhaionkiha dinitrate dit da a a ata att that dh data ada i hh b > STAPLETON’ ~ Drug Store ‘Next to Luzerne Postoffice Order Your Package of Candy for Mothers’ Day Now and Remember It's