a / 2A . THE MAIN THING ON MAIN STRE™7” nr i Tf ts Se ce _i MAIN STREETS - STARTING SHEET LAST WIGHT LAST NIGHT WHET — ERTY THE BLACKEMITH ASSISTANT, HUGGED THE FEROCIOUS FARME TO A DRAW. Puily Puzz! ] | FINAL BOXING BOLTS THE MAIN STREET ATHITTK CLUB HELD ITS FiidaL AMATEUR BOXING BOUTS | "HANDSOME ZEKE HAGG- “FIGHTING KID QUINCE THRU TEM TAME ROUNDS ns mean rt ———— | COME ON — 2TART SOME TiN — NER FEET ANT MARRIED — TE THAT CANVASS Ete < en mn #7 of emma. mr. oma 2 WAL, TE |” on ANT Don'T RUN 1 THEY WON |] THESE BOUTS 1 cap F)] ACCOTDIN' TO 4 BA = BULT(! appnTy ConTEST {1 DUH RULES — THAT'S |LOVE CAVE [| A CINCH f — 22 SETAE i SHAE po a, — 1 ’G R, ———— A ART A Sh ¢ cer ree oo a - - BLACK SMyi=C BZA i Yeh "EEE mANDSCY HAGGERTY, Th p) Sy —k FIGHTING KID QUINCE WE FEROOOUS FARMER rm ByL.F.VanZelm ui Sh Lovo i - Hebi YoU Two Don't START FIGHTIN T'w LICK THE BOTH OF YA temo 4 mim im Bc SHAVE By “RED SCHWARTZ 5 ~ Stolen Car is Recovered George Shaver, the local barber, had his car, a Ford roadster, stolen from in front of his place of business last Saturday night after closing up for the night. Before going to his home, . George went across the street to his mother’s home where he remained for a very short while and when he went back to get his car it was missing. In the car was an assortment of barbers’ supplies, such as razors, combs and scissors that George usually takes home with him on Saturday night. On Friday night, while attending a! ‘dance ‘at the American Legion Home at Kingston, an extra tire, tools and a large blanket was: stolen from the car while it was parked on Market{ street. Both robberies were reported to the police who are working on tho case. The machine was recovered Sunday morning in a lumber shed of the Shavertown Lumber Company and was driven 112 miles, Police are ul.- der the impression that it was the work of local young men who were playing a joke on Mr. Shaver. Robbery Attempted An attempt was made some time Saturday night to gain entrance to the local A, & P. store room on Main street. When the manager, Sam De- ~ Witt, went to the store room on Mon- ‘day he found one lock was open, per- haps with a skeleton key wand the other lock tampered with. Streets in Bad Shade Many of the streets of the town are in bad shape, due to the warm weather of the past week, many automobiles were stuck in the mud and pedestrians who walk along the road are usually spattered with mud. i Welfare Drive Successful According, to Rev. Harry Henry, ‘chairman of .the Welfare Federation drive, the citizens of Kingston ana Dallas - responded in a splendid manner, which is a fine in- dication of the generosity in regards to this worthy cause. The local citi "zens over-subscribed the quota set for this district by a few hundred dollars If all the piedges that were made by local people to places of employment in the vailey the local district would have exceeded its quota. by 300 ‘per . cent. The chairman is very grateful to his workers who gave their time [to The quota was $2,325. ! townships this work. Entertains Club Owners Miss Gertrude Lohman of Pioneer avenue entertained a newly organized club composed of lady members of the congregation of St. Therese’s Chureh at her home recently. Those present “were: Mrs. Conrad Yeager, Mrs. Youngblood, Mrs. John Bauer, Mrs. Herbert Lohman, Mrs. Albert An- tanitis and the Misses Celia Durkin, * Marian Williams, Hilda Staub, Flor- ence Rave, Gertrude Lohman, Helen Tohman and Joséphine Miller. After the business session cards were en- joyed by those present, the following being winner: Mrs. John Bauer, Marian Williams and {Helen Lohman. Lloyd Cease and “Bud” VanCampen Injured Lloyd Cease, aged 22, street, suffered head “Bud” VanCampen received injuries to his foot which was so badly mangled that it was necessary to amputate it when the motor truck Cease was driv- ing belonging to William Geyer, local merchant, was struck by a Dallas street car, manned by George Carter, last Friday afternoon. Cease was taken to the Nesbitt West Side Hospital following the accident, where his injuries were taken care of and is able to te be abbut again. The “Bud” VanCarmpen referred to in the story, is the valuable police dog ‘belonging to H. S$. “Jiggs” VanCam- of Franklin injuries «andj RTOWN when Cease was making deliveries and sitting in such a position that his paws would rest on the door of the truck. When the car struck the truck the dog’s foot was badly crushed and it was necessary to take it to Dr. Emory Lutes at Wilkes-Barre, where the member was amputated. At this writing the dog was getting along The accident happened at the Trucksville station crossing. nicely. To Present Opera The high school operetta entitled, “Where East is West,” will be pre- sented at the M. E. Church on March 3 and 4 by a select cast. The play was written by Miss Ellalee Shoemaker, a member of the Senior class and is ex- pected to prove very successful. Mrs. Helen Taylor is coaching the produc- tion. ; Junior Play The Junior play, “Mammy’s Lil ‘White Rose,” will be presented by the members of the class on March 21 and 22. The play depicts a scene in the southern mountains and is filled with action. s Alumni to Present Play The alumni high school will titled “Nobody time in March. is director. of Kingston township present a play en- But Nancy,” ‘some Miss Madge Finney Fachnast Social A. fachnasts social will be held by the Ladies’ Auxiliary. of St. Lutheran Church on Tuesday evening, March 4. ‘A program of entertainment has been arranged and wa good time is assured all who attend. ‘Coffee and doughnuts will be on sale. : Paul's Attend Scout Inspection About twenty-five Boy Scouts at- tended the annual inspection of the Wyoming Valley Council of Boy Scouts held at the new Armory at Kingston last Wednesday Scoutmaster = Keats and Scoutmaster Swingle accompanied the boys in one of the trucks owned by Howard Leek. evening. Assistant To Hold Joint Service During Lent, starting on Ash Wed- nesday, joint services will be held by the members of the congregations of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church and the members of the Church of the Prince of Peace, Episcopal, at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. The services will be held at 7:30 p. m. Rev. G. Elson Ruff will preach on Ash Wednesdays and on. alternate 10 a. m.; preaching service at 11 a. m.: Christian Endeavor meets at 6:30 p. m.; preaching service at 7:15 p. m. Rev. A. Iveson, pastor St. Paul's Lutheran—Sunday school at 10 a. m.; morning service at 11 « m.; vesper service at 7:30 p. m. Rev G Elson Ruff, pastor. Briefs and Personals “ped” Schwartz of Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mrs. Helen Janoski of Wilkes- Barre, called on Mr. and Mrs. I. T. Schwartz on Saturday. A number of local people attended the card part yand dance conducted by the American Legion of Kingston last Friday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ritts, Jr, of | Main street returned home during the | past week after spending a few davs| in New York City. Traction company employees during the past week removed the rails that) lead into St. Nicholas cemetery from the main line to Pioneer avenue. The Brotherhood of St. Paul's Lath- | eran Church will meet in the church basement on Monday evening at 8 o'clock. The name of Mrs. Sherman Wardan | was omitted from the list published | last week as a winner of a prize at the firemen’s card party and dance) held last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Meyers Trucksville and children were callers again after being confined to his bed with illness. Miss Margaret Engle of /Wilkes- Barre spent the week-end here as the guest of her sister, Mrs. Dave Lewis of Chestnut street. Rev. Ira Button occupied the pulpit | of the M. E. Church at Beaumont on Sunday. Shirley Malkemes, who spent a fw days with her grandmothers, Mrs. Hannah Lewis at Wilkes-Barre, has returned to her home. . William Kromelbein of Wilkes-Bavt« was a caller at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kromelbein on Sunday. Oscar Johnson of Franklin street, who underwent an operation at the General Hospital, is much improved at this writing. Harry Still, local lumber dealer, erected a large storage for lumber in his yards on Main street. has SEEN AND HEARD °° ’ By Will Wimble Charles Ayers, the congenial news- boys, kept busy last Sunday morning getting'Scrantonians for local lovers of “scandal.” With a two- heading in the Wilkes-Darre of that paper was a story con- was column section Wednesday's. On March 12 the Rev. Dr. F. L. Flinchbaugh will preach; on March 26, Rev. R. F. Kline; 9, Rev. W. R. Halloway, of St. Weatherly, and on Good Friday the Elson Ruff. Easter Sunday. holy communion will be celebrated at | 8 a. m. at St. Paul’s Church with'th= Rev. R. A. Weatherly officiating. Rev. G. Entertain Ladies’ Aid Mrs. Alonza Prutzman and Mrs. S. the Ladies’ Aid of Shavertown M. E. Church recently ‘at the home of Mrs. Prutzman. After the business session luncheon was served to the members that were present. Local Church Services Church of the Prince of Peace—Ser- vices Sunday will be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church with Sunday school at 3 p. m. and evening services at 4 p. m. Rev. Paul Weatherly, pastor. M. E. Church—Church school at 9:45; morning worship at 11 a m.; vesper services at 7:30 p. m. Rev. H. Henry, pastor. St. Therese’s—Mzsses on Sunday are at 8:30 and 10:30 with Sunday school following the 10:30 mass. Rev. J. J. O'Leary, pastor. . pen. The dog was always on the truck Glen View P. M.—Sunday school at on April] An- | drew’s, Alden; on April 16, Rev. R. A. J. Woolbert entertained members of| a supposed-to-be Shavertown woman sueing her father-in-law support and not telling her the where- After reading interested in cerning for abouts of her husband. the story we became ing around through the mud we finally thing of the case. He informed us that the principals were not from this from Beaumont and her father-in-law from the Lake. Why the papers picked on Shavertown for the peace abiding people who live here. A very serious joke was played on from in front of his place of business while he was visiting with his mother across the street. We heard that town until 4 a. m. looking for his car. It was found later by Chief Wrisler in a shed owned by a local lumber com pany. Herm VanCampen was a very sick ‘man last Friday when Mrs. Tracy in- still 3 weeks to go, as it will be necessary toc at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William | Meyers of Main street recently. “i Ben Hightower is able to be alout| finding out who the parties referred | to in the story were and after travel- came across somebody who new soiue- place at all, but that the woman was is not known but we hope that next time they will! get the towns right, for it is a known | fact that this old town of ours is noted | George Shaver last wheen when some] unknown persons stole his Ford car! George was walking the streets of the] formed him that his dog was dead in| the gutter in front of her home. Herm | left as soon as he possibly could and | found the dog (not dead) on the lawn of Ernest Johnson. Herm hurriediy | took him to Dr. Lutes, where the doc- tor amputated a foot. They say it is a pity to see “Bud” hopping arcund on three in the morning. when he leaves Herm’s place for Wil- liam Still's, breakfast. feet early where he usually gets his A lively argument on the prohiln- tion question was in progress at the barber shop recently and every one; had his side of the story to tell oi bring up for discussion. The discus- sion was soon broken up, however, when things started to get hot. We heard that if things hadn’t got hot the celebrators would be discussing it yet with serious results. Ask Ross Wil- liaams. He knows. Now that the firemen’s card party and dance is over and a neat sum has we hope that the | or-| been realized, ; in. | were Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stem pleasantly surprised on Thursday: eve- ning by friends on ‘the occasion of their twenty-third wedding anniver- gary. ‘Music and games were the chief diversions of the evening after which! a dainty luch was served to the fol- lowing: Mi. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mr. and Mrs. Philip, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Garinger, Mr. i and Mrs. Frank Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. | O. A.\ Allen, ! Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jacod Hrirris, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. York, Mrs. Michael Getzman, Miss Emma Oden-' Mr. and Mrs. kirchen and Edgar Stem. Mr. Amos children, Marjorie and Glenn, Sunday with their dalghter and son- in-law, Rev. and Mrs. Leonard Davis, at Mill City. wi Harry Allen, Jr., has resumed his | studies at Penn State after being ill] in Bellefonte hospital. The Misses Esther and Adda Gar and Mrs. Kitchen and spent Churchdale A surprise party was held for Ruth Pelham on her birthday anniversary on Saturday. > Quite a number from here attended the bazaar at Beaumont on Washing- ton’s birthday. i The ladies of the community met at the home of Mrs. Leon Dalley on Wednesday and quilted a quilt. Those present were: Adda Austin, Mrs. Miss Mary Snyder, Mrs. Frank Her- Mrs. Margaret Pellaan, Miss Edith Mosier, Mrsfl Amandus Serfoss, George Freeman, ring, Beartice and Sewart Dalley. The farmers through .this section have to haul their milk to: the State road now that the in bad shape. - Emory Straley bought a Delcc light- ing system for his home recently. Clarence Smith went to the hospital for an operation for the removal of his appendix on Monday. Amandus Serfoss took a trucl: load roads are ganization will again put on another inger spent the week-end in Johnson of jolly folks on Thursday to visit 1 affair of the kind, for it sure did Siow that the people of this and surround: | ing communities ‘were with the fire. men. The drive for new members is | on. There are only two more | have all returns in by March ¢ so! that the winners can be decided. If | you have not signed up, don’t fail to fill out an application blank when you are approached. If you do not care, to become an active member in the] company, you can sifir up as an hon- | orary member. The dues are $1 initia - | tion fee and $2 annual dues. If you | do not care to become a member, a do-| nation of any amount will be appre- ciated. We hope Benny Hightower will bg able to get around one of these cays and get those penny peanut machines of his in working order for you know | Ben, we sure do like to eat peaniis with our beer. We shouldn't say that, we should say beverage. The high school basketball team it was from Beaumont high school. Too bad-the locals don’t play Beau | mont every Friday, for if they did,! | they would be a way up on Lop. | 'inger and Mr. and Mrs. Loren Keller won another victory and we hear that ~ City, N. Y., with relatives and friends. Mr. | tained Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Allen and family at dinner on Sunday. Herman Kern, a former well known resident of Alderson, who is now em- in Newark, N. J. the! ployed spent week-end here. Paul Avery resumed his duties at) Newark, N. 'J., after a. brief visit home. | Mr. and Mrs. Harry © Crispell of) Warden Place, announce the arrival of a son. Mr. and Mrs. Corey Ransom and! daughter, Dorothy, and Mr. and Mis | Robert Harlos and daughters, Ruth | and Alberta, called on Mrs. A. J. Gar-| “Professor Penn,” the play given by | the Laketon ning, Juniors on Friday eve- well received by a The play is being re- peated at Bloomingdale on Friday eve- was very large audience. ning, February 28. Mrs. Edward Conden, who has been ill for some time, is convalescing. Jacob Traver and his workmen and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen enter-# Mrs. Clark Hilbert at Sunday each. She was move than surprised to see all of her old neighbors together again. Those present were: Mrs. Adda Austin’ Mrs. George Free- Miss Mary Snyder, Mrs Mar- Pellam, Mrs. Frank Herrng, man, garet | Mrs. Leon Dally, Beatrice and Stewart Dalley, Mrs. Amandus Serfoss, [Miss Edith | time. ry, ORR irri have been working on the township roads hereabouts lately. : The eighth grade boys of Laketon challenge any eighth grade team to = basketball game on the Laketon floor. Those interested call Dallas 3851-R-14 i and ask for George. Mr. and Mrs. 'Amos Kitchen enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Alex Johnston and. daughters, Alice and Elsie, oh Tuesday evening. The Men's Club of the local church staged a vaudeville show in the Oda Fellows’ hall on Thursday evening. Refreshmments were served following the show. . draws ula.b BOILS to a natural head ! BEAR BRAND SALVE : kade Includes spat: 50’ Bis dndage and tape Tore: 2 Spring is here,folks. Doc Layccck GROBLEWSK! CO. Plymouth,Pa. founded /892. a0 was seen driving his Packard car] around town last Saturday ond that sess - - Ee .~” , i:8AR. -ay/;” men is. ‘the ‘reason we say spring is here,| f= ww rs or mime wee for Doc doesn’t like winter. Another | | ronson: Het Monk i the Shee | DIRECT BUS SERVICE | maker were seen playing catch one | i ia ; : | day last week, getting their arms in } Leaving Fort Durkee Hotel Daily | shape for the coming season. Marble | : \ | players are seen all over the towi,:@ § TO E, | too: but the way fhe youngsters play New York 8 A. M.—12:30 P. M.—6 p. M. | the game nowadays is a whole lot dif- 1 yi ik ; ’ | ferent from the. wiv ‘we playa] whos i Leaving New York 8 A. M.—1 P. M.—5 P. M.—1 A. M. | we were a kid, and that is a long time § To Buffalo. Detroit. Chi 8 A. M—2:30 P. M | } o Buffalo, Detroi icago « M—2: . M. ago. i} ’ f= AR SE PE Leaving Buffalo 8 A. M.—8:30 P. M. BILIOUSKRED J | With Direct Connections for All Points West BELiFVs ‘Y | Thru Coaches— No Changes, © & ¢ :: B | This Purely Veger 1, Pill | y . . sickly” arte the || To Philadelphia and Atlantic City—S8 A. M.—6 P. M. | May Leaving Philadelphia 8 A. M.—5 P. M. the poisons pass away, the sour and | acid stomach sweetens, and bilious- | Make Reservations at Fort Durkee Hotel ness vanishes. Sick Headache, Indi- | gestion, Bad Breath i Complexion | Te i iroviove by the gentile action of ! 17 vegetable laxative pills. | 5 PAR ne | Frank Martz Coach Co., Inc. CARTY RE IEPHIS | | : a + | ir ; et a a | The Scranton-Spring Brook Water Service Company The water supply of the entire Wilkes-Barre district, comprising 52 separate civil divisions, with an area approximately 90 square miles, is furnished by Scranton-Spring Brock Water Service Company. The total population is estimated at 371,000, which is | served through 82,500 taps in the distribution system. The water, ebtained from virgin mountain springs and streams, from 15 separate | sources in forested watersheds, is impounded in 89 reservoirs, providing a total storage of 12 billion gallons, and distributed through 705 miles of distribution mains. AN Water Served To Consumers Is Carefully Sterilized. | MAIN OFFICE 30 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET WILKES-BARRE, PA. I Mrs. Ollie Jones, Mrs | Mrs. Ollie jones, Mosier.. All enjoyed ' a good Hy £4 ma n