ier i MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET” By L. F. Van Zelm ii Ho 's COMPLETE NEWSPAPER THING LIKE THAT DO MOST KIDS TOWN ANGEL- FACE SOFT 1 \T CERTAINLY WAS SPORT To HEAR THE- FOOL THEIR FOLK © SOAP HIS DAD AND GET AWAY WITH WHY FATHER, I'M Your SON — HOW ? COULD You ACCUSE ME OF ANVY- DOWN TuH THE MOVIES WITH SOME UH THE FELLAS — WE WAS EATIN' THESE HERE CHERRY CANDIES — MEBBE THAT'S WHAT You SMELL 1 JEST BEEN BON |, 3 FERGIE ME, I THOT SMELLED LICKER ANT IT TERRIBLE HOW THAT ROY PUTS IT OVER ON HIS OLD MAN / \F T COULD THROW A LINE LIKE THAT KID I'D BE HARPOONIN' oy HALES HES TOO SMART To BE SOFT SOAP — FOOLIN’ AROUND ry OH F'HEAVEN'S TR 'AKES — & SEEM susie ARI ps HE OUGHT TO HAND IT ouT FOR GOLGATES WITH THE MINNOW S AW COME TANT YOUR oN — FUNERAL (LF VAN Dene OF SOCIAL INTEREST IN AND ABOUT DALLAS OPEN HOUSE OBSERVED AT + SHAVERTOWN M. E. CHURCH Open house was observed at “the Shavertown DM. E. Church parsonage on Thursday. Mrs. George Learn, ~ Jane Keener, Miss ‘Irene Hicks, Mrs. HE. C. Kocher and Mrs. William Geyer Miss Bess Leach, Mrs. Charles Anderson, Claire ‘Brown, Mrs. Greeb, Miss Leach and Mrs. Trein. Mr. and Mrs. James H. Lare family of Luzerne spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bradbury. Mrs. Harry Wager, Mrs. Edith Gay and . Smith, Mrs. William Brace and Mrs. vas given for Mrs. William Brace and Mrs. Frank Hess at the latter's home on Saturday evening by members or their Sunday school class. An enjoy- able evening was’ spent with games and conversation and a dainty lunch was served to Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. Relph Hess, Mrs. William Miers, Mrs. Gideon Miller, Mrs. Ralph Ashburner, Mrs. - Olin Kunkle, Miss Gertrude TheRisley Major Co “Hardware For Every Wear” Frank Hess. Frank Smith is ill. Miss ing tension courses, the Grange hall, Kunkie, on Monday, 3rd, at 2 ~Hi unt tsville e— 3 were hostesses. and M. J. Walker of Warren, .Pa., spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ringstrom. » The Men's Bible Class of the M. E. Church met with S. D. Finney Mon- day Refreshments were were served to the following: ‘Wil- liam Hewitt, C. A. Baker, Lloyd M. Wells, A. J. Chapman, Arthur C. John- Jr., Ralph Hazel- Leroy Dymond. GIRL SCOUT COURSE RESUMED The > Girl Scout course in home hygiene for Dallas Girl Scouts will be resumed in the old high school room, Pallas high school, tomorrow (Satur- day) afternoon at ‘2 o'clock. | —— 0 Class Meeting | Mrs. Brickel’'s ‘Sunday school class met recently at the home of the | teacher with Miss Winifred Griffith | presiding. Following a bzief business | session, games were played and lunch | Those present were: Mrs. | Mrs. Harry Pittman,! Mrs. William Krause, Miss Ruth { Wa ters, Miss Pearl Baer, Mrs. P. L.| ~ Brickel, - Mrs. Arthur Dungey, Mrs. | Mabel Rozelle, Mrs. Charles = Jones; | ‘Mrs. Thomas Him, Miss Fayer "Whipp, | Mrs. Harry Mey Mrs. SAC] from Jers, LF Kunk 1 Ja Thotias, Mis. John Cummings, Mrs. Henry Welch, Mishkowsky, teacher of “sew- the Penn State! College ExX- wil have a class at for evening. February p. m. Miss Liberda Claing of Springfield, Mass. who 1s a student at Boston WINTER HARDWARE 2 2 University. wrote 70 words a minute | J Aaa for fifteen minutes, a total of more RRA J I son, Thomas Carle, The of Nesbitt Memorial Hospital Auxiliary Mrs. the at Trucksville on Friday tine, Warren Taylor, Shavertown branch W. ‘A. Roades, D. 'W. Williams, Harrison, C.' W. Fisher Mr. Fort spent Sunday an 1,000 words without a single Classified Advertisements FOR SALE Wishbone 800-ez22 Two Marvel shick capacity brooders. Also feeding equip- | ment. Used only one season. Perfect condition. Will sell at sacrifice. See W. B. Risley at the Risley-Ma jor Store, | Lallas. Kemble, David | will meet Samuel | with Kimble on Carverton and S. D. Finney. and Mrs. Bert Palmer of Forty with Mrs. Charles | Road after-| 2 o'clock Ruth Creasy Mrs. Ohio. Mrs. Arthur Addie | noon at Miss | her enjoyed. ~ Clande Cooke, is entertaining | Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. ‘William Rhoades family spent Sunday in Plymouth. Mr. have returned sister, Samuel Sottosanti of | Now that cold weather is here in earnest why not fortify yourself with one of our Faultless Furnaces at prices in some in- stances lower than cost. and | Cleveland, Mr. | tained Miss where | gver the week-end. Miss Elizabeth tended ai farewell party Miss Margaret Girvan at Dal- Elston enter- Dallas | and Mammonth . Mrs S . 7 - . = and Mrs. James Murray Elston of city incubator. 500 2¢ Philadelphia, Breckenridge at- Tuesday eve- Mrs. Sterling Machel}, | There will be an illustratad lecture | . Mics Clara Wardan, Mre/ Zi 3. | by D. C. Henderson of State College | inger Mrs. George Miss Ger-| OD “Successful Chick Sanitation % SMES. (6 ge Miss G ; ] : | Miss Winifred Griffith, Murs, etaoinon| Method of Raising Chicks” al the farm trude Wilson, Mrs. -oDnald | of Fred Kunkle on February 4 at 9:30 : EU i n chick Miss Winifred Griffith, = Mus, Im nian Baker and Mrs. E. A: Fiske. for Philadelphia, at tha! | & lar 3 P Gar- las, who is leaving for she 3 CSET SEs SEB SET BIBER { SON HIMMLER | THEATRE | TONIGHT AND SATURDAY NIGHT Why Bring That Up With MORAN AND MACK Russ, here will enter a hospital place to train as a nurse. Mrs. O. v1. Mrs. | Elston and son Harcld spent [at and | Frantz, Harvey, Tlarence | W..sE : | raising is invited to attend. Mrs. Seth Howell Geraldine and Miss It re- a. m. Every one interested oo a Tuesday | Wilkes-Barre. | Mrs. Johnson entertained tue intermediate clases of:-the M. E. Sun- | Tuesday evening. | and SPECIAL VALUES In Winter Hardwavre, Such As SNOW SHOVELS SCRAPERS WEATHER STRIPS, ETC. {Mr HIE Gordon | il er Ji Supper Party Hostesses Miss Edna F of Dallas Miss Ruth Pembleton of Trucksville entertained some Wilkes- | and | daughter ta ill TT I Fernbrook were visitors and Mrs | Knarr of ~and day school on | Coasting the | the Mrs. Higgins : | cently at the home of Mr. S. J. Hess. Mr. and Mrs. W. tained on Wednesday and Mrs. Charles Herdman, Mrs. Victor Rydd Jacob Conden. Miss Margaret Kunkle and Mrs. Olin Kunkle entertained a : | at dinner on Wednesday of last week. | Their guesgs ‘were: Mrs. John Isaacs, Mrs. Ralph Elston, Mrs. George ILan- and Mrs. W. H. Conden, Mrs ‘Giene | was the main diversion of recently evening. Tuncheon was served to | Barre skiing party, after served. Guests Yaeluded Miss Ruth Schwab, | Mr. Miss Francine Mollahan, Miss Marion | and Mrs. ~ Jones, Miss Ruth Miss Mildred Calhoun, Marjorie ~ Cooper, Miss Helen Brislin, Miss Edna Higgins, bleton. H. Conden enter. : ary following. M. E. tertained at Harold T. Mrs. ‘A..F: daughter at ia’; coasting which supper friends % ; evening fof last Keeler of Trucksville en- | Mrs. | Betty. Charles was | week Mr. TUESDAY NIGHT Broadway With ALICE WHITE dinner on Friday and and Mr. daughter Hadsall, Mrs. Elston and Ruth. Mrs. Clarence Elston entertained the | class of the M E. Sunday | at a coasting party on Satur-| Lunch was served to | Robert | Bertram, D717 Yineheimer, DeaJles Miss group of friends Brislin, Miss Mary Miss Junior Peg Dougherty, | school , Miss , Margaret Pem- day afternoon. WINTER SPORTS Why not call at our store and see the great values we offer in SKIS, SLEDS AND SKATES NEXT FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Unholy Night With DOROTHY. SEBASTIAN All-Talking ROC BRE RIG | don, . Mr. Edward Conden, Wayne and Elston, William Conden,” Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle, Olin and Kunkle. Mr. Barre called on Mr. the following: Newton Young, Sutton, Glenwood Ide, Ruth Creasy, ( Virgil Sutton, Burton Howell, Frdrold | Charles’ D.| fyston, Ruth May Hazel. | Learn visited her daugh- Sherman Schooléy, Mrs. Mar- | Mrs. Earl Monk, Mrs. 1. Dorothy Eck, Mrs. Harry Mrs. Herbert | Vercoe ~ Mgrs. ‘tin Porter, 8. Laycock, ~ Henry, Esther Thomas, Williams, Mrs. Shavertown attended the Shaverfown Girl Scout banquet at Hotel Sterling | Mrs, Henry and Mrs. G. A. ter, Mrs. Clifford Oberst Charles |. few days. and family on Sunday. i Mrs Hilbert of Beaumont | Frantz and Mrs. | and Mrs. i Philip Frey of Wilkes- | at Kingston : z gstor ste of and Mrs. 7 rive Wii Herdman i Mrs. spent Henry Mr. children Lewis Mrs. Ralph Mrs. Lewis Culp spent an Mrs. Holcomb entertained Mrs at Shaver, Mary Sunday with her sister, evening with Ella. Martin. Mrs. Asa | Celeste K. on Saturdey evening. Mrs. Mrs. HH. F. 7 be hostess to the members of the E. Church and Open all vited. J Shoemaker and family. Mrs. visited Porter were hostesses. Palmer and Mr. Kiler Richards of Beaumont on Sunday. Tenry of Shavertown will and Uydyke Prutzman dinner M. Thursday. and Mrs. services will be as follows M. E. Sunday friends on Church Tn - p. ol arl x OT 1) ~- « Mr. and Mrs. Charlies Herdman en-| oct Sunday. Saturday evening Mr. and | g and Mrs. D. P. MN. Church—Sermon,; | 10:3 30 a. Lonse day. ; Everybody in- S — le Visit Our New Store tertained on 230 a. m.: school, mol Church CH, school, John Frantz, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. J. Drs, ody § 1 Christian Sermon, 9:30 a. m., | -1 ricks sville- CPR; and Dallas. Honevwe de | Henerwell Bloom of Brooklyn; | 10:30 a. ev. ATE ATS SR by RE Whipp of Young! 3. Tferett of Sunday mL ped A CSET a Miss Mary Kingston, N. Bradbury. , Mrs. Ernest Voight daughter in Cleveland, J. C. T.ewis entertains! the members| y | 20 Arthur 2rees’ below zero on the morning ot 7 24 Fifteen to People’s meeting, 7:30 p. m. i READ THE POST Subscription price $1.00 per year. | Payable in advance. The thermometer registered de- EE IRR SE Y., is visiting’ Mr. and Ars. ETT ary so Jan, at the home of Fred Kunkle. 137 visiting: ner 18 below = several other HEADACHE RELIEVED @y . ... QUICKLY [carTERS This Purely Vegetable Pill/ : quickly corrects the disture Cid ¥ unio. mornings. The Risley-Major Co. Dallas RECEIPTS DODGERS FOLDERS B ha! NKS an enjoyable | at the regular meeting on Thursday evening of last week. Members present whose birthdays oc- | currend in January were Mrs. William | | Brace and Mrs. Gideon Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Price nad fan-ily | Allen Brace, who has been suffering spent Sunday from- a severe attack of tonsilitis, ~ they visited Mr. Kelvey, Jr. Mrs. Charles Trein ontor tained at a| luncheon at her home revently. | Luncheon was servied to Mrs. J. e.| Lewis, Miiss Eva Leach, Miiss Jessie | Kunkle Grange held peony] TR Bu Ra EEAIE i a wR: TR TBR cry of his pinochle club Menday evening at the Bridge Inn. Dinner was served | to Arthur Bradbury, Fai Nor- rman Ringstrom, Charles Tieinx and J. C. Lewis. birthday party rr BREE i Lice, [ain Street : digestive RT bances, removes the {intestinal poisons, and sick heads | ache quickly disappears. Your whole | system enjoys a tonic effect, consti« | pation vanishes, and you feel a re- imewed vigor. Avoid bromides and | dope, they are depressing and harmful All Druggists 25c and 75¢ red pkgs. CARTER'S Ei PILLS ab, EE where is Me- | much improved and be able | | to attend school again next week. C: W. Kunkle has also been confined to the house with a severe and asthma for the past week. A pleasant surprise birthday party in Bloomsburg and Mrs. George Se SS ~ Phone Your cold | | | | February Indicates Three DAhitman’s Winsome Scarlet Heart Package Things DRUG STORE NEXT TO LUZERNE POST OFFICE "1. Our Sixth Anniversary. Valentine Day. The dpportunity to sell a really Package. In One and Two Pounds select Valentine Standard Packages in Valentine Dress Also