furnace does not work properly—or the water main is froze up—then phone i "many a > YOU out ¥, ie folks! TT 3% Dallas 138 REE EGBG] EARL H MONK SHAVERTOWN, PA. Re BR es SI TRIS 37] US EAP 12 = IF EEE PES EE PE PR ERE These Advertisers tell how. Follow their advice and—- “LET THE PHONE DO IT” [BEBE EE Harare fir Every Wear Why go to Kingston and Wilkes-Barre for your Hard- ware needs when you can obtain the same high quality goods at better prices by coming here or phoning [3g (x Bak BEBABE B3] 7 < <3 34 BERET 3) [3] PEERY BY | 3: 34 7 ; i Dallas 60 ee ee ee Se eB BBB BB BB B55) I BEEBE] THE RISLEY- MAJOR CO. Formerly Dallas Hardware Dallas, pa’ ; x Bg kg EY Bg x x Be] Ed 3 3 & El Bee pee] © Cease ae Rela] ER lee 0 Se ls SIE 33% wat cy || Fil 0 + With ROYAL Machine Mixed Liquid Paint ‘When you are ready to do that painting why not call us about ROYAL Machine-Mixed Liguid Paint. All colors. Phone : BEBE 34 HEEB RIE EBB EY 3 Bee 31 OEE BREE BEE EBL BLE BT EB Be ir 13402 Dallas 42 I SHAVERTOWN LUMBER CO. SHAVERTOWN, PA. [aE BEEBE pea BERL ia x PRP PPFD 323 Jl el [23] is 2375237373213 31 yells BEBE RB BR: EIA, [34320 Did it take me ten days to find out, | | | | | | forty years, ete. “Now ejectment is a possessory ac- tion, and the writ avers that the de- fendant is in possession, while the right of possession remains in the plaintiff who brings the suit. Cer- tainly this is not established by show- ing that the plaintiff is actually in possession, and has been for the last forty years. The referee concludes his report by finding in favor of the plaintiff for the land described in the writ. ‘We are utterly at a loss to un- derstand how a judgment in ejectment can be either entered or enforced in favor of a party shown by the evi- dence to have been in actual’ and peaceful possession, not only at the time of bringing the suit, but for forty years previous thereto. ; “Apprehending, however, that we may possibly not rightly understand the meaning of the referee, we refer the case back to him, with the remark that if his statement of the facts is precisely what he intends, there would seem to he no cause of action. “Stanley Woodward, Judge.” Later the referee filed a supple - '‘nental report on the re-reference, wherein he rebuts the inference of the plaintiff's possession from that part of his former report quoted in the opinion of the court, and again awards the disputed land to the plain- tiff. Accompanying his supplemental report the referee handed to Judge Woodward the following extra-judicial vindication of the true intent of the former finding: \ “Luzerne County, ss: “Eypher vs. fHoover. No. 200, Jan- uary Term, 1883. Ejectment. Supple- mental “History of the Case.” They made me a referee In a land case uncommonly long- “winded, An ill wind that blew a good fee, Because for a fee they contended. ~ And I said to myself, my report ‘Is lucid, at least to my own mind; And when it goes up to court, On the usval exceptions, tho’ stone A very pleasant party was tendered Miss Evelyn Louise Deater at her home at Iaaketon on Thursday evening. The occasion was Miss Deater’s birthday anniversary. Games, music and danc- ing were the chief diversions of the evening and a dainty lunch wag served at a late hour. Those present were: Josephine Higgins, Violet Hig~ gins, George Smith, Jr, Grover An= derson, Ella Crispell, "Dorothy Grey, Walter Hanibal, Miss M. Williams, C. McHose, Pauline Dayvis, Mary Higgins, Fred Swanson, Katherine Kerr, Esther Jackson, Raymond Grey, Mrs. Elmer Kerr, Mrs. Derby, Henrietta Deater, Thomas Deater, Alice, Reynold, Henry, Elmer and Mr. and Mrs. David Deater. Miss Evelyn received many beautiful gifts. \ ; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen enter-. tained Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jackson and daughter Ruth at dinner on : Thursday evening. a 0% An improvement worthy of note Tos y been made in the laboratory of the school. Three heavy white pine tables have been placed along the left side of the room, with stools which can be placed under them when not in use. This enables each student to orion f his own experiment. : ! Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harlos called on Mrs. A. J. Garinger on Sunday after- noon. 5 | The boys’ varsity of Laketon nil school played the William Penn Juniors at basketball on Friday eve- ning and won bya large margin. The Juniors and Sophomores, who recently | organized class teams, also played and the Juniors won. The ex- high team or Sandy Beach Five, defeated the William Penh Reserves. n 3 Mrs. Edgar Stem entertained her iy Larkin club at a very pleasant party on Wednesday evening. Games and / music were the chief diversions of the evening, followed * by refreshments. Those present: Mrs, Frank Jackson. i Mrs. Fred Davis, Mrs. Alfred Rogers, blind. Z Dame Justice will sée what I mean; But wit, too, is blinding by flashes, And a stroke of it might interviene, Should she lay the law down on my dashes. And behold, in a finding of fact, The Judge found—bad luck to my dashes— [ The plaintiff possessed of the tract, And then follows his wit, With its flashes: | “Possessed of the piece in dispute, What more could a plaintiff desire?) At the time he started the suit, Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, Mrs. Adda Gar- inger, Mrs. D. P. Thomas, Mrs. A. A. Allen, Bethia Allen, Ruth Jackson, Otis Allen, Philip Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stem. We ‘wonder why Phil Thomas and 1 Otis ‘Allen were there! James Altemus has been confined to his home for the past week due to ill- ness. : The Ladies’ Aid Society was enter- tained by Miss Emma Odenkirchen and Mrs. Michael Getzman in the church dining room on Thursday And upwards for forty years prior.” | Afternoon. A tasty lunch was served With a cursory sort of digression, What the whole blasted case was about, And who was in peaceful posses- sion? There were acres one hundred and three— . Perchance more—altogether, were aching To get, a small slice of the fee, And the title to three, it was taking. The plaintiff one hundred possessed! But his deeds called for three in addition! He ought to be sorely distressed, But, dear Judge, I don’t mean in per- dition. TI said what IT meant and I meant What I said, and T say that I said it, It is not what I wrote I repeat, But the cursory way that you read it. The defendant's attorney he took Two days my dull mind to enlighten. Oh! the fists in my face that he shook, To - inform me, you , see, not to frighten. Now he claims that my report is sent back, That the case may again be gone | over, , How the side of Old Laughter wil crack, When that Bull gets again in the clover. 3ut IT think I can stand the attack, At ten dollars a day, till its ended; To go up again and come back On a teeter like that is just splendid. | following the regular business meet- ing. BH Mr. and Mrs. John Baer and family and Mr. and Mrs. John Barry spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank is Searfoss. SRE The employees Of :A. L. Stull have been busy the past week moving the : paraphernalia ‘to Mountain Springs in preparation for the ice harvest, which is.a big event each year. Mr. and Mrs: Robert Harlos and daughters, Ruth and Alberta, of King- ston ,spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. HH. R. Garinger and. family. : Joel Kieper is on ‘the sick list. = Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Higgins and daughter of Plymouth and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keener of Kingston spent Sunday with Mr. dnd : Mrs. reorge Higgins. ; Miss®Iris Kitchen, a student nurse in Wilkes-Barre General hospital, en- tertained Miss Jean Eckner at her - home on Sunday. William Crispeil, who has been en- ployed in Detroit for the last few months, 5 spending sorne time with his sister, Mrs. Stephen Ward. 2 Marjorie Kitchen is confined to her home with a severe cold. Mrs. Sarah Taylor was a caller at various home in Alderson on Monday. | —————— 0) — ~-Fernbrcok- BEG EE EET BEER BIE BERRI eg el BE Be BEBE 32 BeBe BE Be eB me p< Bl pe Be Se apie <3 BEI p< Bl Bele pL BeBe BEEBE i ie 3 How fine to ascend and descend | Allen Wilson and Albert Nulton of x On that see-saw aforesaid a-straddle | | With law points to boot at each end, And myself, as it were, in the saddle. kp Respectfully submitted, | Delores Craig spent last Sunday D. M. JONES. with her aunt, Mrs. Isaac Edwards of To the Honorable Stanley Woodward, Westmoor, Kingston, y Judge. ER Sicklers Corners motored to Forkston | | recently. oan BU BEER a Mr. and Mrs. William Griffith are SUE ‘ Wwsiting the former's parents, Mr. and ~Idetown- | Mrs. Griffith of Huntsville avenue, Fernbrook. Mr. and Mrs. BE. R. Parrish and AYLIGr children spent Sunday with Mr. and) 4 Wyoming Baking Company. Ar. Mrs. H. F. Reilly at Forty oFrt. thur likes his mew position very well. Russell Cook of Allentown spent the David Morris, Allah ‘Wilson and“Ed: week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. CECB REBEL 23202) EBABY BEE] Lloyd is now employed by Dinners For that “old-style-home-style” dinner for just the family or private parties. We also can serve you Fresh Sea Food, Clams, Crabs, etc. Phone 3] 15 BE] BBA The Feed That Makes Chicks Grow TI-0O-GA Poultry Feeds cannot be surpassed. CHICATINE for baby chicks. Tioga growing grains for first year chickens and Egatine for fhe laying hens are all Ti-o-ga Feeds. For free booklet on this feed, write or phone Formerly Dallas Milling Company RI IS, (BIE SR EE BRI 3 GEG BBB BeBe ward Wilson motored to Falls recently Parrish. on business. The Ruth Q. A. B. C. met at the home of Hendrick Gregory, teacher of the class, on Thursday evening. Yzerne rebently. Miss Elizabeth Parks spent the Mrs. Bridget Clarey is visiting her week-end at ithe ‘home cof Rev. and daughter, Mrs. David Morris, Sr. at Mrs. Corey Clinetob, FL OZerns. An interesting program will be given in the local \ehurch on Sundar evening, February 2. The meeting will | Ain’t Science Wonderful? a candle service followed | Veterinarians have discovered, ac- ht ait cording to Farm and Fireside, how to | remove the bark from a dog and the bleat from a goat. If remains only Tight will be rendered by the church] gor them to eliminate the mosquito’s choir. Stereopticon pictures entit'cl| bite and the bee’s sting to make coun- Enlightened Women of Darkened try life practically 100 per cent per- dT oe Spo co mn at The Show | fect.’ IT THR A I CO] [IIE] Tands will be shown : 13< {BLE Miss Louise Stevens spent Sunday as a guest of Miiss Helen KErhet at [BREE eae) I BIBIAIGY Dallas 87-R-7 BOGAEGBIGE Dallas 200 or 358-R-19 BR 132] 3 7 ER EP PPE PPA PR PA PO FERNBROOK INN MICHAEL HASLINSKY, Proprietor A. C. DEVENS KUNKLE DALLAS IR CREE HR RRR SR EER SSS | BR Bee 3 open with | by a pageant entitled® The Lig | the World. An anthem Send Out Thy [3] FREER 5 x 5) BX | 7130) 3% [3¢] [(FBTBsEEBBB) ly = = = = =]