The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, December 28, 1929, Image 3

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' “Red” Schwartz. Dallas 19
Happy New Year to all.
St. Paul’s Choir to Sing Cantata
Tomorrow evening at 7:30 p. m. at
St, Paul's Lutheran church the choir
will sing the new Christmas cantata,
“His aNtal Day,’ as arranged and
composed by Edward W. Norman.
The choir is under the direction of
K. G. Laycock, accompanied by
Thomas Hontz, organist. A warm in-
vitation is extended the, public to hear
this musical story of the birth of
YArrangement — Ring Belles of
Christmas, choir: Prepare Ye the
Way,” bass solo and chorus, Gus Adler
and choir; Hark! What Mean Those
Holy Voices? women’s trio, Betty Jane
Laycock, Mae Hontz and Dorothy
Eck; He Shall Be Great, choir; Softly
the Night is Fallen, soprano solo and
chorus, Betty Jane Laycock and choir;
We Come to Worship Him, men’s
chorus and tenor solo, M. J. Girton
and chorus; O, Little Town 0f Beth-
lehem, soprano solo, Betty Jane Lay-
cock and choir; Steep, Holy Child, so-
prano and alto duet, Mrs. George Russ
and Mrs. Charles Dressel; Hail to the
Lord’s Annointed, choir; Thou Didst
T, Schwartz; Hear the Joy Bells Ring,
Leave Thy Throne, alto solo, Mrs. I.
soprano, duet and solo, Betty Jane
Laycock and Mrs. L. T. Schwartz and
choir; My Soul Doth Magnify the
Lord,” finale by the choir.
New Year Social
A New Year social will be held at
St. Paul's Imtheran church Monday
evening at 7:30 p. m! in the church
basement. Members of the Brother-
hood and friends and the Ladies’
Auxiliary and members of the congre-
gation are invited to attend. A good
time is assured all who attend. Re-
freshments wil be served and price of
admission will be by arm’s lengti |
stretch, but will not exceed 35 gents
20 cents. Come,
and no less than
B. A. Guest.
Hold Christmas Party
The Christian Endeavor Society of
Glen View ©. M. church held a Christ-
mas party at the church parsonage
recently. Short talks by members and
a short held.
Luncheon was served to the follow-
ing: Mrs. George Nobel, Rev. and
Mrs. Anthony Iveson, Mr. and Mrs.
William Iveson, Mr. D2aiby, Mr. Con-
nor, cd Evans, Ruth Evans, Lil-
prof ‘Margaret Belford, Dr.
business session was
Take Icy Plunge
le skating Sunday
Coolbaugh and Eleanor Court-
had the misfortune of getting a
coldy ducking’ when the thin ice
hich they were skating on Young-
's porjd with a number of other
peopl They were pulled out of
ater Earl Schall.
arles man also fell
[ce bu ls able to come to shore
ommunity Tree
munity Christmas tree is
ace at the corner of Center
streets. The tree is larger
rmér years and presents a
tacle with its trimmings
: lights.
se Part! For Captain
Scouts of Troop 9 gave
gn, Mrs Harry Henry, &
ty at he home of Mrs.
e. Mi. Henry was pre-
thre dozen assorted
s, Mi! Eleanor Court-
> the I sentation. Games
hy Mr Martin Porter.
heme: fere carried out
htions ai. the favors were
older yde of candy by
The cles were lighted
freshmes ‘were served
troop ommittee mem-
Shermai Schoeley, Mrs.
art, Mrs Henry Sippel,
4 Porter, Is. Herbert Wil-
Mrs. VerG to the follow-
buts: Eny Preston, Mil-
CharlottiMonk, Margaret
hirley Mchler, . Emma
er, Esthe Warden, Mae
ne Hinz, wrjorie Hughes,
i, Eleanorpurtright, Mar-
tson, Elibeth Searfoss,
sser, Vivii Eckert, Helen
Dorothea Ayers, Grace
na, Hunt, Marion Heale,
ke, BeatriciVilltams, Hilda
‘Rebecca ’iatt and Mae
sir Holdslanquet
se's choirnjoyed a ban-
ttle Inn bnday night as
ev. J. J. Geary. The Inn
pd for thchoir and was
forated. (full course din-
orved eft( which the or-
nished mu: for dancing.
wing men:rs of the choir
Rev. J. (O’Leary, R. L.
"Mrs. Ema Morris and
Sheridg Wilkes-Barre;
ch. bn
Rowley, P. M. McCarthy, J. ¥. Lyons,
James Evers, Gerald Fox, Kingston;
Mrs. Margaret Antanaitis, Mrs. Con- |
Josephine Miller, |
Mrs. Fred
Miss Marian Williams,
Fay Williams, Miss Florence
Anstett, Mrs. Martin Bilbow and Mr.
and Mrs. W. Arthur Blewitt. |
rad Yeager, Miss
Miss Gertrude
Every-Ready Class Holds
Christmas Party
The Ever-Ready Class of St. Paul's
Lutheran held a Christmas
party at the church basement recently.
Games were played and an exchange
of gifts among members brought
much laughter. Luncheon was served.
Those present were: Mrs. J. A. Batey,
teacher of the class; Mildred Bunney,
president; Viola Dressel, vice presi-
dent; Meta Hoffman, secretary; Betty
Jane Laycock, Ruth Berger, Dorothea
Spade, Jean Davis, Ruth Laux, Alma
Dierolf, oDrothy Holdredge and Mary
Short Notes
The Methodist choir started on Sun-
day evening to sing Christmas carols.
The Kellar class is in charge of trans-
portation and the returns will be for
the pipe organ fund. Last year the
choir received $400.
Miss Reba Jenkins returned to her
home in New oYrk City after visiting
her sister, Mrs. H. F. Henry.
E. W. Piatt spent Sunday with his
daughter Ellen at Philadelphia, who
is in training at Jefferson hospital at
that place. :
vication here with his parents.
The local schools will reopen Thurs-
day, January 2.
Guernsey is spending his
In answer to the question asked by
the Shavertown correspondent in the
Sunday Independent in regard to bas-
ketball, we will say that we will take
an interest in it and hope that seme
where the boys can do their stuff be-
a place will be erected in town
fore local people.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford of Lan-
sing, Mich., formerly of Luzerne, were
callers at the of Mr.
C. W. Hoffman on Sunday.
Garmot of Luzerne spent
with Meta Hoffman of Main
of Oliver's Mills
was a visitor at the home of Mildred
Miss Ruth Berger
Bunney recently.
By Will Wimble
During an illness of the past week
we were unable to get around like we
should have, but we heard that Herm
VanCampen got a deer while hunting
with George Shaver and Henry Sipple
in. Pike county. We wonder if Herm
got it with that (?) dollar gun he pur-
chased recently. ”
The auditors of the township have
been busy the past week auditing the
books of the school directors, tax col-
lector under the
supervision of Stanley Davis.
Lew Cottle and Xarl Monk have
been busy the past week fixing up
radio sets for a number of local people.
and supervisors
Sherman Wardan has a Christmas
trees in his front lawn which he has
illuminated at night. We don’t know
whether Sherm did whether he
“Let George do it.”
“Red” Schwartz was the first one to
turn the lights on the community tree
Monday night. We saw you, “Red”
and had to borrow a chair to reach the
The community Christmas tree
is a pretty sight, especially at night
Our hat is off
when it is illuminated.
to the commitee in charge , as
think it is about the prettiest com-
munity tree we have seen this year.
A number of local people have the
proper by having
their front lawns illuminated at
night. We have noticed Mr. Wardan
of Main street, Mr. Prutzman of
Franklin street, Harold Lloyd of Cen-
ter street, the community tree and Mr.
Schall, Center street and Jacob Laux
Christmas spirit
on Pioneer avenue.
It has been rumored around town
that the movement on foot to have a
here in ‘the
paid police department
township is bumping into all kinds of
obstacles and it looks as though ity
One , of the
will be a dead issue.
supervisors, who signed the
which was presented to the court, is
now against the movement.
A. number of St. Paul’s Brotherhood
kidding Rev. Ruff
about the coffee he served them at the
meeting last wek, which rminds us of
members were
a sign we saw in a lunch room one
time which read: “Don’t laugh at the
coffee; you'll be old and weak some
day yourself.”
We wonder how the new justice of
the peace is making out nowadays.
We haven't been up that way lately
and we wonder if that light has been
at the lonely dark
front of Johnson's residence
erected spot in
at ‘the
A Dollar Dinner for Four
It’s possible to have a real dinner for four persons for only
a dollar—provided you watch the sales and buy when prices
are low. If you doubt it, look over the menu given below.
The prices are average ones
and may vary slightly in your
community—but anyway, the meal is an inexpensive one.
Tomato Soup—2¢
Fried Sausage—30¢
Bread und Butter—10c
Red-hot Apple Sauce—10¢
Mashed Potatoes—10¢
Peach and Raisin Pie—20¢
Café Noir—5¢
Total Cost—94¢
a CAN of tomato soup will give
4 ample servings for four peo-
“ple, and even some left over
tor use next day as a 1aeat sauce.
To make the red hot apple sauce,
pour contents of an eight-ounce can
of apple sauce into ‘a pan, add five
of the little red, spicy candies known
as ‘red-hots” and a dash of nut-
~: stir over the fire until the
y is dissolved.
“0 make the pie, turn the con-
¢ tents of an eight-ounce can of sliced
"peaches and one-fourth cup of
{ Washed raisins into a sauce pan;
For Incidentals—6¢
tablespoon sugar and onc
lespoon flour and add it and
half tablespoon lemon juice t.
fruit. . Simmer five minutes.
Line a pie tin one-half the usual
size with plain pastry, pour in the
peach .mixture, dot with butter and
cross the top with narrow, twisted
strips of pastry. Bake in a hot
oven, 450° F., for ‘twenty-five: to
thirty minutes.
If the potatoes are garm:aed by
sprinkling with paprika, tie lively
color scheme of ‘the meal will be
carried out further.
and Mrs. |
Fish with Tin Tails
QTE gigantic salmon industry
{15 attempting to solve one of
‘the mysteries of nature by at-
taching tin tags to the tails of sal-
mon, caught as they start to swim
out to sea, and offering a reward
for any salmon so tagged when it
returns in from two to seven years.
The object is to make sure that
salmon actually return to their
birthplaces after their mysterious
expeditions out to sea.
It is well known that the fish
are born in fresh water streams
fed by springs or the melting ice
of glaciers. Then the baby fish
travel down to the ocean and dis-
appear. Where they go, no one
knows, but, when fully grown, they
are supposed to return to the mouth
of the strcam where they were
born, and start back up the river
to spawn and die. The great sal-
mon fleets which await them an-
nually take up their positions at
the mouths of these rivers and
catch and can the salmon when
they are in the finest condition.
Make Marvelous Food
Mystery, or uo mystery, the sal-
mon is a marvelous food fish. Here
is a recipe for canned salmon which
has been tested and found tooth-
some : 3
Salmon au Gratin: Fork togeth-
er lightly thtee cups of salmon, two
cups of mashed potatoes, six table-
spoons of milk, six tablespoons of
melted butter, and salt and pepper.
Pile lightly in a buttered baking
dish. Sprinkle one-half cup of
grated cheese over the top, then
crumbs over ‘that. Brown in a
moderate oven, 375° F., for about
twenty minutes.*
corner of Franklih avenue angdChest-
5 }
A Celestial Menu
GTHE story of the Graf Zep-
a pelin’s world tour is now his-
tory, and history also to its
passengers is the food provided
by Heinrich Zubie, chief steward
on the huge craft. They undoubt-
edly cherish memories of the flight,
but don’t you think that some of
them have also just a reminiscent
tickle of the palate when they think
of the things that Zubie got from
Louis Sherry when the big airship
left. New York, and which he
served to them far up in the air.
An Astonishing Menu
ed asparagus, sour gherkins, and
special table water’ were also among
the provisions put on board.
The fresh fruits included grape-
fruit and oranges and the fresh
meats served were sirloin steaks,
lamb, tongue, and Virginia and
domestic hams. Bread and cake in
large cartons, as well as tasty tarts
were taken along on the airship.
Even Ice Included
To keep all the foodstuffs fresh,
and in order to be able to serve
cold what should be served cold
in this celestial menu, dry ice was
These foods included, among | included with the food cargo. Fly-
other things, three hundred one- [ing may in time become common-
gallon cans of soups, relishes, | place, but there was nothing com-
meats, fish, es, French | monplace about the canned and
dressing, mayo catsup and | fresh foods provided for this great
sauces. Potats -hips, caviar, peel- [initial flyine adventure ®
NA 2
By Robert
soberly out of ‘her kitchen
window across; the fields of
snow which lay to the westward.
The afternoon sun was dancing on
the white crystals, but it was not
the dazzle of light which brought
the puzzled look into her eyes, or
knitted her brows in a slight frown
of perplexity.
Half a mile across those white
fields lay the homestead of Arthur
Birch. A tiny spiral of blue smoke’
spun -upwards from snow-covered
roofs, suggesting comfort and do-
mestic activities. Susie Birch, that
would be, Matilda reflected, busy
with her Christmas preparations.
Susie was fourteen now, and al-
most as useful about the house as
A woman,
Matilda thought of the year and
a half that had passed since that
unhappy day, and her heart
warmed again with woman’s sym-
athy for Arthur Birch, She was
In a position to sympathize, for her
pwn widowhood dated back eight
years. Carl, her boy, had been
seven then; now he was taller than
she, and as good as a man.
Through all these years Arthur,
In his gentle, inarticulate way,
had made his friendship plain to
her, and she had accepted it as
from a good neighbor and the hus-
band of her particular friend, Jes-
sie Birch. Now, with Jessie gone,
it was not so easy to accept.
There were gossiping tongues, and
Matilda had caught some echoes
of the morsels they were tossing
That was why a puzzled frown
farkened her eyes as she looked
across the white fields toward the
homestead of Arthur Birch. She
wondered if anything had reached
his ears.
She was recalled from her
reverie by the sound of sleighbells
at the door, and Carl’s cheery voice
calling, “All right, mother! All
The boy rushed in. but as her
eyes turned to him he
“Something wrong,
Matilda smiled bravely at her
big man. Should she tell him?
She tapped his arm with an af-
mother?” be
lectionate hand, “Ready in a min-
ate, son. I was day-dreaming.”
But he knew. “You are troubled.
mother.” His words were an in-
vitation to confidence.
She made a quick decision. "All
right, Carl. I'll tell you. You
know that every year since your fa-
ther left us Mr. Birch has sent a
Christmas remembrance,”
The boy smiled broadly. “Yep. A
pig. A dressed pig. Always left
on the porch sometime Christmas
t She answered his smile. “An
unusual kind of gift, Carl, but a
very practical one. And now—
perhaps you don’t = understand,
Carl, but now that Mrs. Birch is
gone it is a little different, don't
you see?”
Carl’s shoulders came back and
his jaw stiffened. “Have ‘people
been talking? Just let me hear
them!” 2
His eagerness to spring to her
defense pleased her, but this was
not a matter in which physical
force could be employed. “No, that
would not do any good,” she an-
swered kindly. “And people will
talk, you know. I hope Arthur
won’t send one this year.”
“Why don’t you tell him?”
“That is not so easy to do. If
he has heard the talk he. won't
gend it. If he hasn’t—but I must
Tucked in the snug cutter beside
her son, Matilda’s misgivings soon
Life Was Still Very Much Worth
Living, She Reflected.
evaporated. . Life was still very
much worth living, she reflected,
even though there was one great
vacant spot in it.
On the road they met George
Janson, and his neighbor, Sam
Reaney. George touched his cap
with his whip hand in answer to
her smile.
«A fine woman that.” said Sam,
with implications in his voice.
George was a bachelor. “Now, if I
‘was a single man—"
| George sniffed, but the sugges-
tion came nearer his heart than
even Sam suspected.
«1 guess nobody but Arthur
Birch has much chance in that di-
rection,” he said, hoping to be con-
1 by Wid
I ei NE La ors
¥ da \ Tn Se
{\ /
Sie i of
AY at
3 ie
Vd aa
ing’s ever done until
George, and Arthur hasn’t married
her yet. , But he will, I'm thinkin,
it’s - dona.
if you let her slip out of yous
hands. Didn't you see the way sha
smiled‘at you?”
George, had seen, all right, but. Ha
thought that was just Mrs. Cums
mings’ courtesy.
“But what’s a ‘fellow to do?’ ha
asked, heping - for guidance.
“Do? Do. nothing! Do wha
Arthur does, .. You know he sends
her ‘a dressed pig every Christi .ia:
Now there's. no. farmer around
Wheat Center got a better line of
hogs than you have, George. and
you could spare her a carcass ax
easy as a colt can spare a whinny."
George ruminated for some mine
utes, while his sprightly horses
hoofed little clouds of snow in his
face. “I have as fine a carcass cf
pork as you ever set tooth to
hanging in my, shed right now,” he
confessed, “and I have a good no
| tion.”
Darkness had fallen long befora
Matilda and Carl returned, Theic~
shopping had taken more time ‘tha:
they expected, as the stores were
choked with Christmas buyers. Card
swung the cutter up to the door.
but even, before Matilda left har
seat she could define a large 'darls
“You Have Heard the Talk,” Ma.
tilda Asked. To
object lying stiff on the porch
floor. v
“It’s here,” she said, with a littie
sinking feeling inside. <
Carl had seen it, too. - “Yep,” he
For some moments Matilda come
templated the situation. Then she
made her decision. *1 think you
had better take it back to him
Carl, Just take it in the cuttesg
and leave it quietly on his poreiy
He'll understand.” oo
Carl hurried away on his errand.
put Christmas eve was spoiled fo
Matilda. In fancy she saw ths!
mild surprise on Arthurs: fai]
when he found his gift—his cuss
tomary. gift for eight years now —s
returned to him. It’ would huwh
him. She was sorry for that! Hid
what else. was she to do? If rhe
gossip of the countryside had ,i.:¢
yet reached Arthur it wonld bee,
fore long, and then he would iw
derstand. ut 4
“1 think, Carl,” Matilda said. afte
er they had breakfasted ang ths
morning chores were done, it
would be nice if we drove over’ ts
Mr. Birch’s, just to wish Arthus
and Susie a—the compliments o#
the season. It can’t be a very mer:
time for them—" 5
But Carl was looking out of:the
window. “We're late,” he exe
claimed. “Here’s Mr. Birch drivirg
down the road!” ele
To Matilda’s annoyance she fell
the blood rush from her cheeks,
then back again In a flood." "She!
had just time to whip an apreh oY:
and run a comb through her pretty,
brown hair, with its occasiona],teli~
tale thread of silver, when Arthur's
knock sounded on the door.
“Come to tiie door, Matilda,”
called. “Santa Claus!”
In spite of the cheery ring in
his voice Matilda’s’ quick ear .de-
tected the strained effect. Trem
bling a little, she stood beside him.
In his sleigh, there it was!
«Ieft at my house, by mistake;
he said. “This card was pinned ins:
side.” {
With eyes that swam a little she.
read: “To Mrs. Cummings, witl!
many good wishes from George J atte
n.” |
«But I thought it was from you {|
she cried. “I sent Carl back with’
it last’ night, because—becanse—s
down?” it
Carl took the team, and in the
cozy sitting room they’ faced each
other. “You have heard the talk?d
Matilda asked, too honest tos
evasion. |
He nodded. “That 18 why I aldo’ |
send one this year,” he answered, |
«1 didn't wish to embarrass you,
But I haye thought a way out.” |
ayes?” her voice was eager.
He raised her hand in his, and |
befora she realized what he was
doing a gem flashed from her)
“Qh, Arthur?” she murmured.
owill you keep it, dfar?” He
was drawing her to hifw,
“Certainly not! I cit keep
George's plg—when I'm ERE to,
tradicted. Sa
1 Birch
Pshay L
, Aarry Ri
- as” |
Oh, won't you come In ard sig!