The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 23, 1929, Image 4
DALLAS POST, SATURDAY, Church Notes Dis M. ~— Sunday ya .—Morning service, subject, he forgiveness of Sin. | | ‘Evening service, subject, Is God § Sp king to Us. N Wednesday there will be no ek prayer meeting. ursday, 7 a. m, annual Thanks- g service, like regular Sunday vice, ~ A thanks offering for coal be taken. ; Set Paul’s Lutheran rning service, subject, A. Closing Door. This is every-member Sunday. ~ 7:30 p. m—A memorial service for the late George Malkemes. Wednesday evening—The Ladies’ Auxiliary meeting. They wil hold a Thenlssiving mission play. 5 East Dallas M. E. 9:15 a. m —Morning service. a Sr undey school. chil- vening' Erne, Fishing. ‘On Thursday the Epworth League 1 hold its annual Thanksgiving reakfast at 6:30 a. m. Jalkeeivme services will be held Dallas Township ~~ School News A party was held at the home of ~ Helen Spencer Tuesday night in honor i: f the footbal boys. Games were en- joyed by all and light lunch was served to the following: Miss Wal- lace, Miss Robinson, Mr. Drake, Mr. Kester, _ Melbourne Carey, Merle 'An- erson, William Butler, Elwood encer, Bruce Spencer, Aleck Kata- kaitas, Robert Girvan, Raymond Carlin, Lehman Mintzer, Robert His- lop, Edwin Shoemaker, Clyde Hough, Thomas Landon, Philip Kunkle, Fay Nulton, Irma Goldsmith, Margaret Girvan, Liva Spencer, Jean Shaver and a Spencer. number of subscriptions The profit will be used for quipment. tures were taken of the first, nd and third year high for 100 * cent banking. It will be published in a magazine the Educational Thirft Service. of ~ On Friday of last week the school was ‘honored by a guest from the State Department. The Junior girls gave a dir " Athletics The township football team met the 4 Lehman team Friday of last week. "hae nox bp won the contest by a 8 0 d The fans went to the me 1 ast Dallas bus, The coaches are selecting the basket ball teams. The practice wil begin in the near future. Mr. Kester will coach the boys and Mr. Drake will ~Lake Township- School Notes When Laketon students (now called the alumni) introduced into their school girls’ and boys’ basketball teams many years ago, they were proud owners of brown and white outfits. Not only the alumni, but also the present students have honored and fought for the ‘dear old Brown and White.” Up to this time the suits have done their duty and new ones must be purchased. The present students, after inquir- ing of the alumni when and why brown and white colors had been chosen for school colors, found the answer to be that the colors had merely been adopted, that is, they had never been voted upon as stan- dard colors. In inquiring about basket- ball suit, we find it is very hard to purchase suits of the colors of our school. A meeting was held for the purpose of ‘selecting a new combination of colors. The student body, as a whole, agreed to have the colors changed to Blue and Gold. The present senior class, I can say, certainly is honored by the result of the voting. Blue and Gold has been honored and fought for by the seniors as their standard class color through- out their high school years. A treasurer and a secretary was elected, thus, Conrad Hilbert, secre- ‘tary and Ruth Jackson re-elected as treasurer. New uniforms are being paid for by the athletic association. So, citizens, please patronize our games, if you wish to make this sea- son a bigger and better one than ever pefore in Lake township. So here- after, friends( and alumni, Blue and Gold wins the fight’ LEONA KOCHER, Sports Editor. The Junior class at TLaketon re- cently held a business ‘meeting and elected officers. During the three years of our course of the twenty-three students who presented themselves in 27 eagerly clamoring for membership in the Freshman class, eight members have either felt that they have re- ceived, sufficient education or were forced to seek their learning else where. Only fifteen members now Te- main in the present Junior class. Following officers were elected: President, Earl Payne; secretary, Anna Balavage; treasurer, William Ashburner; historian, Norma Raskin, The following publications. have been exchanged with Lake township high school: The Vocational Education News— From the Pennsylvania Vocational Association of Erie and Harrisburg, Pa. World News, of Columbus, Ohio. The Ursinus Weekly of Ursinus, Pa. The Life of Thomas Edison in Word and Picture, by Arthur Palmer. Engineering Extension News, by thw Pennsylvania State College. Many students accompanied the footbal squad to Tunkhannock Satur- day. coach the girls. ———— 0 GIVES DAVENPORT During the past week the boroueh ol was the recipient of a beautiful port, donated to the school threugh the kindness of Mrs. Him, to be used in the rest room of the school and also for plays on the ‘stage. The scliool takes this opportunity to - express its appreciation and thanks to Mrs. Him for the donation. TO BOROUGH SCHOOLS childhood in the Senior took group pic- at. Laketon on The photographer tures of the classes | Tuesday. ; There second Sopho- of and are evidences .['more classes at Laketon. | Red, pink and blue hair ribbons can ve seen with long curls, found in the primary rooms. | The seventh and eighth grade bas-| ket ball teams are making excellent progress under the supervision and coaching of two Junior boys. They I. will soon challenge other teams from neighboring schools, yf RY Hy APE YOU CAN GET EVERYTHIN EARLY MORN COFFEE, FRESH PACK COFFEE POCONO COFFEE BERMA—NONE BETTER BEST BUTTER DEL MONTE RAISINS - DIAMON DBRAND WALNUTS BAKER’S COCOA ............. UMPKIN, Grand Union Bind. is sess seen HEART CHOCOLATE DROPS NUT BRITTLE ..... ERICAN MIXED CANDY .... REAL MONEY-SAVING VALUES "IN HIGH QUALITY GROCERIES FOR THANKGIVING 3 The Biggest Grocery Values in Town Candy Specials NRE NRF NN POD OD OOO OOOO POOUOOOOOOOD hn AAA G HERE BUT THE TURKEY .3 LBS. $1.00 A IR 15 LB. 17c SRL .....2 LARGE CANS 29c aa a sede 3 Y STO 3. % POOP PO OOOO OOOOPVOP OOOO IIOOOO OOOO OOOOOIOOOIIOOO ODT like those 0, 0, @. 9 ho 0% 040% ho? % \/ Saal Dallas Borough: School Notes On Thanksgiving morning at 9:30 the Dallas high school football team has arranged a game with the young men of Dallas who will go under the name of the Dallas Collegians. The town team will greatly outweigh the school team and it is said they are confident of victory, but the high school team has been trained and well coached and they surely will give the town boys and men a run for their money. Everybody come and see Dal- las fight against Dallas and maybe fathers against sons. A Worth-while Addition The untiring efforts of the members Dallas high school a bigger and bet- ter school was manifested this week by granting money to add many use- ful books to our high school library. The books were purchased from the Wide-Awake book store in Wilkes- Barre. The books purchased are the very best editions and the entire high school is loud in praise of the board of education for their good work. In looking over the list of books we find: Story of My Life, by Helen Keller. Nights With Uncle Remus, J. C. Harris. : Twenty Years at the Hull House, J. Adams. Boys’ Life of Mark Twain, A, B. of the board of education to make’ Paine. Ben Hur or the Life of Christ, Lew Wallace, and many others equally as good, and again we say to the board, many thanks. DAVID BRACE. Trucksville Notes /The grades from the Trucksville school wil hold an entertainment and |B operetta on the afternoon and evening of November 22. The high school glee clubs are pro- gressing rapidly under the supervi- sion of Mrs, Taylor. The girls prac- tice Monday morning and the boys Friday morning. ona VISITS POST Mrs. Frank Smith of Kunkle was in to visit the Post this week. While here, Mrs. Smith gave us three new subscriptions and received a new Lindsay bread knife. 500 DRESSES UP TO $12.95, NOW > 97.95 $16.95, which the Hoytes have lost by death JUST ARRIVED SILHOUETTE DRESSES IN ALL THE LATEST SHADES DRESSES UP TO Forget all previous ideas of what $7.95 and $10.95 will buy. Think of the beautiful dresses that you usually associate with a NOW © $10) 95 ee mT 5 hich . wis gher price—then visit JUST ARRIVED B P Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LaBar are re- 2 : joicing ever the arrival of twin baby 5 1 h girls this week. The twins were born |X c panier oppe at Wyoming Vally Homeopathic hos- 2 pital. 69 MAIN STREET CARD OF THANKS |¢ LUZERNE, PA Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Hoyt and fam- ’ * ily wish to thank all those who as- |X sisted during their bereavement, also 1 3 3 those who sent flowers. The child just : Open Evenings Till Nine buried was aged five months and : thirt d 55 [rieen days and was the second SON | ism REI REE RR ERR headed iled 0, 0, 0 $409 04% 8% 9, %0-o%o% sede slededdedded * * 0. + &. 0, 0 + o-o% 000 0% 0, 0. 0, O&O 0. 08 5 0 0 0 0 0 0770 0 0 9 ATE 6 SP 6 OY oe > 205045 ; this is what 0 5 0 abs Oa Ou oO OB (POP oP 0p 09050 040 050 06% %6Y 6% % Sparton sixty-fourth proves that 9, @, bo 0% home. 7 9 * e 0-00-0204, 4 0 0 ($0,002, x ® +» CR OR) 946% N/ % * 9, 0.0 + 9, + > + ® 9. OO, 0, 6. 0. 9 0 0 0 0 0 XaXaX Ra Xa Xa Xa Xa X ho oop edad the radio industry and is today making a strong bid for first place in radio production—this what it wants. Eddie will demonstrate this instrument right in your own Be sure to “See Eddie” before you buy. & OTT RV NN ~ A AX sodraleadedrfeaioaieadrfesioaioadrdesfesfoainaged KERB 20adeedeafecfofoedeodeedeadedeed 2 oiled X io 900% 0% 4 ped oleadefeidrfesdeels * *e Eddie’s Done It! NOW YOU CAN BUY THE GREAT SPARTON “Radio’s Richest Voice” Right Here In Dallas O¢ course, it’s a great radio— and we might fll this space tell- ing you about its superior fea- tures and qualities—but really counts. has jumped from to third place in the public’ knows 2%. SPARTON QUASONNE SEE EDDIE! Coolbaugh Radio Co. HIMMLER THEATRE BUILDING DALLAS Phone Dallas 208-R-11 oo 9 00.0% 4% 6% 6% ¢% * 95-6% 0% 6% 4% 626% o 20.430 430-420-430 430-430 430-430 4304 SRA roeode So ede deeded Os 2 (P0590 04 ) ~ § : od os % * 00 0s 0a 0 0s Do 0s Ba B02 B00 030g ogee aged Sede dep dody 9 ¥ o% o¥ Se o¥% 9? 0. 9, 4000 0 oO, 2% 0s o%o 0% %% 2% % oe 0s 198 Fa Ve Fa Be Ee 8. Be 0, EXE E XXX ER EINE Joalo ales 025 *e 9, 9 $099, 0, 9, hot 0 9, bod Od 000, CORN $0909, 4 O o¥% 9. 9, 00> 0% 0 5 8585 _@ o% , 3 4 Os o%% o> 4% 9, < Ou Os 9, 0. he? 0d 0d 40, Pa oF, ($0009, & ¢ 9, 0. & KaXaX aX aXe aXe! ho? 0? 0 4 hoodoo ado doef edo odo efoo RS as 0 OO, SASANASAS FY og 9 i 20% % : 2 3 SOX Sh 3