The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, November 23, 1929, Image 3
By ‘virtue of three writs of Fi Fa Ss. 25, 26 and 27, December Terms, me directed, there will be ex- posed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon "of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ‘ALL that certain piece of land situate in the Borough of Kingston, County ofr Luzerne and State of Penn- sylvania, bounded and described as follows: BEGINNING at’ a, point on the westerly side of Wyoming avenue, said point being the dividing line be- tween the properties of James H. Franck and the Spring Brook Water & Supply ‘Company; thence north thirty-nine (39 deg.) @ degrees one (1 min.) west one hundred fifty-two and eight-tenths (152.8) feet to a cor- ner; thence south fifty-eight (58 deg.) degrees west thirty-nine (39) feet, miore or less, to a corner on line of Samuel Hoyt Estate; thence south thirty-two (32 deg.) degrees east along the line of the Samuel Hoyt Estate ~ one hundred and twenty- eight (128) feet more or less, to a corner; thence south forty-five and one-half (45% deg.) degrees. east forty (40) feet to the westerly side of Wyoming avenue; ‘thence along the same north forty- four (44 deg.) degrees fifteen (15 min.) "minutes east, forty-seven (47) feet to ‘a, corner on the line of the Spring Brook Water Company to the place of beginning. BEING the same premises con- veyed to Fred J. Markle and Della Markle, his wife, by deed of James HH. Franck and wife, bearing date August 23, 1922, and recorded in the Recorder's Office in and for Luzerne mty in Deed Book No. 569, at page 444. ALL improved with a large two- story with basement, flat roofed, con- crete block building in rear, two and one-half story frame building in front, occupied as a barber shop, office and dwelling, sidewalks, etc. Seized and taken into execution at the suits of Kingston Bank and Trust Company vs. Fred J. Markle and Della Markle ,and will be sold by + JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. B. 'W. DAVIS, Atioey SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Nov. 30, 1929, at 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 95, December Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County! to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court. House, in_ the City of Wilkes- ‘Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz: “1. All that lot and piece of land in Township of Union, Luzerne County, Pa., beginning at a corner in the State road (formerly Turnpike) south of former location of a grain house, thence along said State road south 80’ ‘degrees twenty-two perches to a corner in said road, thence: by land late of William Devens south 871% de- grees east twenty perches to line of James McNeal tract, thence along the _ McNeal tract north twenty-one and 8.10 perches to a corner, thence by part of William Devens tract north 87% degrees west twenty-four perches - to the beginning, containing two acres and one hundred forty-eight perches of improved land, having thereon two wood dwelling houses, outbuildings and fruit trees and being same land conveyed by William Koons to Hattie M. Koons by deed dated 20th April, 1884, and recorded in deed book 252, page 496. Hattie M. Koons beire seized of said land died 26th Septem- ber, 1923, intestate, leaving as her sole heir at law S. B. Koons. 2. All that lot and piece of land in Borough of Shickshinny, Luzerne County, Pa., bounded on the west by jand now or late of Conrad Haas, on the east by land now or late of G. B. Crump, on the north by a public road, and on the south by land now ‘or late of Sheridan Kester and being fifty feet wide on said public road and about one hundred twenty-five feet in depth, improved with a dwelling house ‘and being same land conveyed to Hat- tie by Koons by A. H. Hendricks and wife by deed dated 3d. June, 1918, ara recorded in deed book 523, page 203. Said Hattie M. Koons being seized of land died 26th September, 1923, intes- tate, having as her sole heir at law S. B. Koons. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of The First National Bank of Shickshinny, Pa., vs. S. B. Koons, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. @G. J. CLARK, Attorney. eer SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Nov. 30, 1929, at 10 A. M. By virtue of a write of Levari Fa- ecias-sur mortgage, No. 359, Octo- ber Term, 1929, issued out’ of the *~ Court of Common Pleas of Tiuzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, aut the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and jnterest of the defendant in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: “All that certain piece or parsel of land situate in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County: Posnsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to- “wits BEGINNING at ia point on De Lane and intersection of line of land of S. Salsburg; running thence northwesterly along said Sals- burg land ninety-five (95) feet to land of M. A. Gaughan; thence north- easterly ‘along said Gaughan’s land twenty-five (25) feet to lands now or formerly of B. Gottliff; thence south- easterly along said Gottliff’s land ninety-five (95) feet to Dougher’s Lane; thence southwesterly along said Dougher’s Lane twenty-five (25) feet to the place of beginning. Being one-fourth of lot No. 12, Book “2” in A. C. Laning Plot. Being the same land conveyed to George H. Williams by Sarah Perman and Nathan Ber- man, her’ husband, by deed dated March 22nd, 1920, and recorded in the proper office in and for Luzerne County in Deed Book No. 532, page 593. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Jacob E. Ney vs. George H. Williams, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. NATHANIEL Fanon Sheriff. SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Nov. 30, 1929, at 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 136, December Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that surface or right of soil of, in and to the following lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and be- ing in the Borough of Dorranceton (now Kingston), . Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows BEGINNING at a ‘corner of the northeasterly side of east Park Place, the same being also corner of lot No. 64 on plot; thence along the line of said lot No. 64 north 60 degrees 30 minutes east 139.2 feet to a corner on Harris street? thence along the line of Harris street. north 29 degrees 14 minutes west, 50 feet to line of lot No. 62; thence south 60 degrees 30 minutes west 139.5 feet to the line of East Park Place aforesaid; thence along East Park Place south 29 de- grees 30 minutes east 50 feet to the place of beginning.” Same being lot No. 63 as designated on the plot of lots of the Anthracite Land Company, recorded in Luzerne County: in Map Book No. 1, page 35. EXCEPTING coal minerals. TOGETHER with the improvements erected thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Dime Bank ‘Title and Trust Company vs. Sterling BE. W. Eyer, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. JOHN R. HESSEIL, Attorney. —_— Ss 5 SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Nov. 30, 1929, at 10 A. M. and other By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 401, October Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Tiuzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ALL that certain piece of land sit- uate in the Borough of White Haven, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, bound- ed and described as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the southeast corner of Lehigh street and Church street, extended, said point being the northwest corner of lot Number Fifty (50), formerly owned by the John J. Baker, Ja. et. al.; thence along said Lehigh street north eighty-four degree thirty-five minutes east (84 deg. 35 min. E.) eighty (80) feet to the northeast corner of lot Number forty-eight (48) on plot heres inafter mentioned; thence at right angles to Lehigh street south five de- grees twenty-five minutes east (S. 5 deg. 25 emin. E.) about one hundred fifty (150) feet to the southeast cor- ner of lot Number forty-eight (48); thence south eighty-four = degrees thirty-five minutes west (E. 84 deg. 35 min. W.) in a line parallel with Lehigh street eighty (80) feet to said Church street extended; thence along said Church street, extended, north five degrees twenty-five minutes west (N. 5 deg. 25 min. W.) about one hun- dred fifty (150) feet, the place of be- ginning. Being Lots Numbers Forty- eight (48) and Fifty (50) on the plot of lots laid out in the Borough of White Haven by A. F. Peters et. al. SUBJECT to all the reservations, conditions, covenants and stiplations contained in the prior deeds constitut- ing the chain of title of the above described land. BEING the same premises granted and conveyed to the said John A. Moser by John J. Baker, Jr., by deed dated the 6th day of January, A. D., 1925, and duly recorded: in Luzerne County in Deed Book 596 at page 27. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of John H. Krumanocker as- signed to David Spruks Company VS. John Moser or John A. Moser and Mame Moser. and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. CORNELIUS B. COMEGYS, Attorney. an yr AR SHERIFF'S SALE Satwrdav, Nov. 30, 1929, at 10 A. M. Rv virtue of a writ of Fi Fa 0 @ecember Term, 1929. issued AT out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that lot and piece of land in Vil lage of Trucksville, Kingston Town- ship, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on easterly side of the county road bounded on the north by Ella Roushey, on the east by Lehigh Val- ley Railroad, on the south by Hill- side Realty Co., and on the west by the old turnpike now State road; and being about two hundred and fifty feet in front on said road and about ninety-five feet deep, improved with a dwelling house and barn. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Granville J. Clark vs. Wil- liam C. Roushey, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. G. J. CLARK, Attorney. freer CY SHERIFF'S SALE Saturday, Nov. 30, 1929, at 10 A. M. By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 127, December Term, 1929, issued out, of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by ven- due to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 30th day of Novem- ber, 1929, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendant in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz: All those certain pieces of land situate in the Borough and Township of Dallas. and Kingston Township, County of Luzerne, State of Pennsyl- vania, bounded and described as fol- lows, to-wit: THE FIRST THEREOF, IN THE BOROUGH OF DALLAS: BEGIN- NING at a corner in the land of lots of the Wilkes-Barre and Harvey's Lake Railroad Company's land’ where | the line of street leading from the Cemetery to the Village intersects the said Company’ s land on the south side of said road; thence North fifty-six (56) degrees East sixty (60) feet to a corner; thence forty-four (44) degrees twenty-five (25) minutes east one hundred (100) feet to a corner; thence South fifty-six (56) degrees West sixty (60) feet to a corner; thence along said Railroad Company's land north forty-four (44) degrees twenty- five (25) minutes west to a corner and parallel with said railroad to the place of beginning. Containing about six thousand (6000) square feet of land, he the same more or less. THE SECOND THEREOF, IN THE BOROUGH OF DALLAS: NING at a corner of land of Gregory and Heitzman, on the South side of Rice. street; thence along the same north fifty-six (56) = degrees east forty-nine (49) feet eight (8) inches to a post corner of a picket fence; thence south thirty-four (34) degrees thirty (30) minutes east one hundred forty-five and seven-twelfths (145 17-12) feet to a post corner; thence south forty-six (46) degrees west twenty-three (23) feet six (6) inches to a corner; thence south fifty- six (56) degrees west sixty (60) feet to a corner in line of land of the Wilkes-Barre and (Harvey's Lake Railroad Company's land; thence along their land north forty-four (44) degrees twenty-five (25) minutes west sixty (60) feet to a corner of land of said Gregory and Heitzman; thence along their land north fifty- six (56) degrees east sixty (60) feet to another corner of said Gregory and Heitzman land; thence along their land north forty-four (44) ' degrees twenty-five (25) minutes east one hundred (100) feet to ‘the place of beginning. Con- taining about nine thousand six hun- dred and one (9601) square feet of land, more or less. Subject to the same exceptions ard reservations as in line of title. THE THIRD THEREOF, IN THE BOROUGH OF DALLAS: BEGIN- NING at an iron corner of land of the Borough of Dallas on the north side of Rice street; thence along said Bice street south sixty-two (62) degrees five (5) minutes west sixty-eight and three-tenths (68.3) feet to an iron post corner in line of right-of-way cf the T.ehigh Valley Railroad; thence along said right-of-way with a curve to the Jeft twenty-eight (28) feet to a cor- ner; thence along land of said Lehigh Valley Railroad north twenty-nine (29) degrees thirty (30) minutes west one hundred twenty (120) feet to the cen- ter of the Creek; thence down said Creek and land formerly of John Frantz eighty-five and five-tenths (85.5) feet to an iron post corner and corner of land of the Borough of Dal- las; thence along the same south twenty-eight (28) degrees west twenty-six (26) feet to the place of beginning. Containing eleven thou- sand one hundred thirty (11,130) square feet. THE FOURTH THEREOF, IN THE TOWNSHIP © OF. DALLAS AND KINGSTON: BEGINNING at a point in the Dallas and Kingston Township line and land of Sam Hodge Estate; thence north thirty-four (34) degrees west seventy-four and four-tenths (74.4) perches to a point in the center of the road leading from Huntsville to Shavertown; thence along said road north seventy-eight (78) degrees east fifteen and eight-tenthes (15.8) perches to a corner; thence north twenty (20) degrees thirty (30) minutes west , twenty-three (23) perches to a corner; thence south seventy-five (75) degrees west one and six-tenths (1.6) perchaes to a corner; thence north thirty-four (34) degrees west fifty-seven and eight-tenths (57.8) perches to a corner in line of land of J. M. Shaver; thence olong same north seventy-five (75) degrees east fourteen and one-tenth (14.1) perches to a corner; ~ thence south thirty-four (34) degrees east fifty- seven and eight-tenths (57.8) perches te a corner; thence north seventv-five \ BEGIN- |, (75) degrees east six (6) perches to a corner; thence south thirteen (13) de- grees ten (10) minutes east twenty- | fourth and one-tenth (24.1) perches to! a point in center of Huntsviile and | Shavertown road; thence along same north seventy-eight (78) degrees east | eight (8) perches to a corner; thence along line of J. M. Shaver south thirty-four (34) degrees east sixty- two and five-tenths (62.5) perches to | a corner of Henry Calkin; thence along same south fifty-eight (58) de- grees west twenty-three (23 perches te a post and stone corner; thence south twenty-two (22) degrees five (5) minutes east thirty-one wand two- tenths (381.2) perches to a’ corner; thence south fifty-six (56) degrees west ninety-six (96) perches to a cor- ner in line of lands of Robert Holly Estate; thence along same north thirty-four (34) degrees west thirty. two (32) perches to a corner in Dal- las and Kingston Township line, and thence along said line and lands of Robert Holly Estate and Sam. Hodge Estate, north fifty-six (56) degrees east éighty-siven (87) perches to the place of beginning. EXCEPTING AND RESERVING, however, about twelve (12) square perches of land now occupied by the Shavertown Cemetery. e SUBJECT to adjustment of bound- ary lines on the above mentioned Fourth parcel, as established by deed” of Claude T. Isaacs and wife to John F. Brodhun, dated April 27, 1921, re- corded in Deed Book No. 574, page 540, and by deed of John F. Brodhun and wife to Claude T. Isaacs, dated April 27, 1921, recorded in Deed Book No. 565, page 86. TOGETHER with all improvements erected thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Dime Bank Title and Trust Company vs. Claude T. Isaacs, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. HESSEL, Attorney. 0 ~Carverton- Mrs. Bertha Anderson has returned home after spending a few days at the heme of her daughter. Mrs. Ira Button of Shavertown called at the home of her aunt, Mrs, Baker, recently. Mrg, Clifford Gay called at the home | of M. J. Hefft recently. The following pupils of at] school were neither tardy nor absent for the month of October: Elwood Lord, Alison Lord, Ruby Coon, Almo Parrish. Those having an average of 90 per cent or above in their studies were Amos Schmoll, Alberta Cyphers, Fred Schultz, Pearl Frantz, Anna Richardson, Ruby Coon, Elwood Lord, Allen Schmoll, Catherine Cyphers, Lora Schultz, Joseph Richardson, Al- bert Klein and Francis Natt. Allen Dana, president of the local Y. P. U, is attending a conference in Philadelphia. : . Mr. and Mrs. Hugh O. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Willard Prynn and sons, Richard and Glendon, have returned home from a motor trip to Rochester, N. Y. where they were guests of Mrs. Jones’ brother. The supper held recently by the Carverton Ladies’ Aid Society in the Grange hall was a financial and social success. Many out-of-town persons were among the patrons. The money derived from the supper will be added to the church improvement fund. Grover C. Stock wishes to thank all those who. voted for and supported hin in the recent election. Robert Prynn is visiting friends and relatives in Syracuse, N. Y. Mrs, Charles W. Dana entertained her sisters, Mrs. Warfield of Cali- fornia, Miss Laura Nesbitt of Spring- field, Mass., and Mrs. Della Kropp of Wilkes-Barre at dinner recently. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Gruver of Wilkes-Barre recently visited local friends and relatives. Miss Bertha and Mabel Coolbaugh of Russell ‘Hill spent some time at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Mary Knorr. M.. J. Hefft is motoring to Florida to spend the winter months at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Kelsy Purdy. Mrs, John Hoover of Trucksville is spending some time at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mary Knorr. JOHN R. x ca Classified Ads Produce Results They're only 2c per word and they work wonders. Just try one and see how effective they are. Phone your want ad in—remem- ber the number—Dallas 300. The wise man uses classified! Dallas Post Dallas. Pa. NY RR NN YY TY YY YY YY YY YY YY Rn RyRy Wr EY includes spat. ndage and a Son. a = Tol > § VRS oY Vv rn, NV Ny INP NN, For Your Thanksgiving Table FRUIT CAKE FANCY COOKIES FANCY CLOVER FARM BUTTER (Made in Bradford County) FRUITS AND FRESH VEGETABLES CRANBERRIES ORANGE AND LEMON PEEL ORANGES BANANAS WALNUTS SWEET POTATOES COLD MEATS LETTUC CELERY FANCY CHEESE Save money by trading here—where only the most wholesome 2 brands of food are sold agli iprices lows at prices lower than elsewhere. 5 James Wyant Clover Farm Store NOXEN, PA. “WHERE YOUR DOLARS du MORE CENTS” a added A A A A 4 4 4 a i Aaah dh hhh bi a a a a 4 ala eas uses SCREEN-GRI Not only Screen-Grid but Bosch engi- neered for the new Screen-Grid four element tubes, the new Bosch Radio stands foremost in up-to-dateness. We invite you to hear its full tone, its clear, sensitive reception. Test its power, its long arm reach to bring in the far flung stations. View the attractive cabinets— and note the prices for Bosch Screen- Grid Radio — prices which have made it the value leader as well as quality leader in radio. The illustrated Library Model less tubes is $119.50.