The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, October 26, 1929, Image 5

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3 vi
~ Mr. and Mrs, Mark Kunkle and son
‘Paul of Orange spent Sunday with the
former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Price,
have recently moved from the
Temple Country Club farm to their
former home in Edwardsviile, were
visitors at the C. W. Kunkle hom2 oa
Sunday. They were accompanied by
their children, Florence, May and
Stanley, Jr. -
Mrs. William Miers entertained on
Tuesday Mrs. Russell Achuff and Mrs.
A. F. Stitzer of Shavertown, Mrs.
Philip Ellsworth: of Dallas, Mrs: Ralph
Hess and Mrs. Gideon Mellie.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle, Mr. and
Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Miss Margaret
Kunkle, Eleanor and Charles D.
.. Kunkle, enjoyed a motor trip to To-
wanda on Sunday.
Mrs. W. S. Kunkle, Mrs. Ralpa Ash-
burner, Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Mrs.
‘Wheeler "Kunkle of Kunkle, and Mrs.
Alex Johnston of Dallas wera the
guests of Mrs. Mark Kunkle of Orange
on Wednesday.
Misses’ Emily Shoemaker and Viola
Morett were Wilkes-Barre callers on
James Kittle is visiting his sons, Ed-
ward and Samuel Kittle of Shick-
shinny valley for a few days.
‘Mr. and Mrs. Cragg Herdman spent
the week end at Johnson City visiting
Mrs. Herdman’s grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Mann. i
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman
had as their guests on Sunday eve-
ning Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rydd of
Kingston, Mr. and Mrs. D. 2, Horney-
well, Mr. and Mrs.J. N. Whipp of Dal-
jas and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Hen-
ney. 7
Mrs. W. S. Kunkle entertained on Fri-
day of last week Mrs. Mandus Sear-
foss, Mrs. Leon Daley and daughter
Beatrice of Plattsburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Congen and
children of Alderson and Mr. and Mrs.
‘W. H. Conden enjoyed a motor trip to
Montrose on: Sunday.
Mrs. Frank Smith left on Thursday
for New York City, she will
visit with Mrs. Chester rte lfieid until
next week and also call on Mr. Red-
field, who has been a paticrt in a hos-
pital there for a numberof weeis. She
is accompanied by Mrs. George Dei-
trich of Falls. !
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Westman en-
tertained a few friends cn Wednesday
evening, honoring Mr. Wertman's
mother, Mrs. Harry Wright of Nanti-
coke on the occasion of her hirthday
anniversary. Those present were Mr.
"and Mrs. Harry Wright Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Wright, Richard Moyer and
Miss Anna Fruman, all of Nanticoke,
and Mr. and Mrs. Wertman.
Mrs. Clarence Root and son Freddie
spent Wednesday in Wilkes- Barve.
Mrs. Sarah Morgans of Wilkes-Barre,
who spent several days with her sister,
Mrs. W. S. Kunkle, went to Ehaver-
town on Friday last, whee sine will
visit with Mr. andMrs. Henry Isaacs
whe ee
hefore returning to her nswe.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver’ Ellsworth en-
tertained recently Mr. .na Mrs. How-
ard Roushey and son, iloward, Jr., of
+ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eilsworth
joyed a motor trip with Mr. and Mrs.
Jeussell Achuff of Shavertown on Sun-
Mrs. Olin Kunkle andl Miss
Smith accompanied Dr. Swartz
Wilkes-Barre on Thursday where Dr.
Swartz had an X-ray picture taken of
one of Miss Smith’s fingers to deter-
mine the cause of an infection which
has caused her considerable trouble.
It was thought at first it was a felon,
but it is feared the
reached the bone and an operation will
be necessary to effect a cure.
Mrs. Ralph Elston and Mrs. Oliver
Hoyt and son Herbert motored to
Binghamton on Friday last where
they visited until Saturday with Mrs.
Ralph Lutes, returning Saturday after-
noon, bringing Mrs. Lutes with them
for a week-end visit with her family
€n -
Miss Nitskowski, the State Exten-
sion worker, had a sewing class
schedule? for Friday morning at the
Grange hall, but was unable to keep
her appointment on account of motor
trouble. The class will be heid on
Friday, November 1, at 2 p. m. and
every two weeks thereafter. All the
girls and housewives of. Kunkle are
invited to attend these classes. The
instruction is free, but each must fur-
nish her own material. Further infor-
mation may had from Mrs. ALEC,
Mises Angeline Jones, Laura Lane
and Ruth Casterline are spending a
week with Mrs. Myron French of
Mr. and Mrs. William H. eKiper are
spending some time with Mrs. Keiper's
sister, Mrs. Fred Tiffany of Kinsley,
and their son aNthan Keiper of Endi-
cott, N. VY.
Misses Mary and Grace Dotter gave
a party in honor, of their mother’s
birthday Thursday evening, October 17.
infection has |
‘Present were Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Dotter, Mr. and Mrs. oJseph Dotter,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Keiper, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Brobst, Mrs. Harry Miller,
Mrs. Ray Livinguth, Mrs. William H.
Keiper, Mrs. Ira Beahm, Mrs. Elmer
Turrell, Mrs. George Mrs.
Rauch, ]
Beaula VanCampen, Mrs... Gertrude
The following motored to Scranton
on ‘Wednesday evening: Myrel
Kresge, Emily Casterline, Grace Dot-
ter, Franklin Patton, Harry Kreske.
Mr. and Mrs.Alonzo Brown of
Waterveliet, N. Y., Mr. and Mrs. Al
Davis and son of Binghamton visited
John Brown Monday. ;
Ralph Dendler called his sister, Mrs.
Ira Kresge, while enroute to Allen-
tonw on Wednesday.
A box social wil be given by the
senior and junior classes of Noxen
high: school on: Tuesday.
On Friday evening, October 18, Mrs.
Ira Beahm gave a surprise birthday
party in honor of her mother, Mrs.
William H. Keiper. Music was fur-
nished by Albert May’s Farmer Boys,
Albert May, Theodore Jones and Wil-
liam Keiper. Cards were enjoyed by a
number of guests and lunch ' was
served to the following:
Mr. and Mrs. William XKeiper, Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Dotter, Mrs. Gertrude
Schoch, Mrs. Charles Dotter, Mrs.
Henry Beahm, Mrs. C. L. Boston, Mrs.
Edward Engelman, Mr. and Mrs. Andy
Thomas, Mrs. Walter Blizzard, Mrs.
Leon Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Calvin
Keiper, Steve Lasko of Centermore-
land, Mr. and Mrs. Albert May, Mr.
and Mrs. T. S. Jones, Mrs. ‘John
Gailey, Mrs. Oliver, Warren Beahm,
Betty Beahm, Doris Engelman, Areta
Engelman, Margaret Dotter, Mrs. Ben
Engelman, William Engelman, Robert
Engelman, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Beahm,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harlow, Mr. and
Mrs. George Harlow, Mr. and Mrs. J.
ii. Haley, Mr. and Mrs. J. Price, of
Kingston, Mrs. Anna Penxa of Dallas.
Weston Ruff has returned to work
after a week's layoff due to an in-
fected hand.
Mrs. Lewis Blizzard served a family
dinner at her home in honor of her
mother, Mrs. aCtherine Wandell. Mrs.
Wandell was celebrating her seventy-
sixth birthday. Among those presen?
were Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Newell and
children of Luzerne, Mr.and Mrs. Clark
Brobst and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Blizzard and son Chyrles and Mrs.
Jean and Paul Horlacher of Tunk-
hanock are spending the week with
their grandmother, Mrs. William Cool-
baugh. : 4
Mrs. Gertrude E. Thomas, who has
been spending the week-end in Trucks-
ville and Wyoming, is expected home
Lawrence and Robert May and
Richard Rauch’ went up to Sorbor
Mountain on Monday to trap foxes
and spent the week with the May boys’
aunt, Mrs. Ella Sorbor.
Harold and Howard Strohl and sons,
Mr. and Mrs. James Strohl have
formed a partnership and have con-
tracted to paint the fence between the
Strohl and Boston properties.
What makes a
hen LAZY?
Usually, it’s the wrong kind
of feeding. Hens need a scien-
tifically balanced ration in
this season. Give them
and you’ll get more eggs, big-
ger eggs, better flavored eggs,
than you’ve ever had before.
Buy it from us. It’s econom-
ical because it goes farther.
Keystone Flour
& Feed Co.
Main St, Luzerne
Miss eJssie Thomas, who has been
ill for some time, has recovered and is
able to be’among her friends again.
Irvin Newberry is ill with bronchial
Mr. and Mrs. Albert May entertained
the following on Sunday: Mr. and
Mrs. Martin May of Athens, Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Ludwig and Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Rumguild and daughter |
Erma of Allentown.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmore
tended county teachers’ institute
Tunkhanock on Tuesday evéaing.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S, Crosby returned
home on Monday from an extended
southern trip.
—— meee eee
‘We had our first real touch winter
here on Thursday. Snow fell several
times during the day and a cold morth
wind made everybody button up his
coat before going out. Our weather
prophets are foretelling the usual speli
of Indian summer to follow, but we're
“from Missouri.”
Rev. and Mrs. L. H. Brown and
children of Hopbottom called on
Grandpa and Emma Odenkirchen last
Saturday. Na : y Fin
"Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and son,
George, Jr., spent Sunday visiting rela-
tives at White Haven. :
Halowe’en, with all its trimmings, 1s
here again. There are masquerades
and parties and socials going on all
over, and, of course, there will be
plenty of, ghosts, witches, hobgoblins,
etc., to celebrate effectively. We sup-
pose also that there will be many
anxious maidens walking down the cel-
lar steps backwards and gazing into
the mystic mirrors at the same time
‘| in search of the features of their true
loves. You know that’s the way tu find
em on Hallowe'en! Honest, Injun!
We like to listen to some of our. older
friends who are now reminded of tha
pranks they used to play on Hal-
lowe’en. According to them, Hal-
lowe’en isn’t what it used to be. Per-
haps it's best and although wagons,
gates, etc., are less often found in pe-
culiar places there are still ‘plenty of
good times to be had on Hallowe'en.
Harry Allen, Jr., who is a freshman
at Pen State- spent the week-end with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Allen.
Present appearances point to a pro-
'fitable season for the trappers this
vear. The skunk family has invaded
= =
this vicinity in large numbers. Every
‘night several of them are reported ns
béing seen and we have had a littlc
personal (but not too personal)
tact with the mourselves. Major,
Rauch, Garinger and the remainder of
our mighty trappers are so keyed up
that they can hardly wait for the sea-
son to open. Sometimes it seems piti-
ful whe nthey stand with itching fin
gers and tears in their eyes watching
Billy or Jack or some other member of
the skunk family amble peacefully by
Mrs. J. E. Altemus has returned
home after spending some time visit-
ing friends in the valley.
The Ladies’ Aid was entertained at
the home of Mrs. W. S. York Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Ferrel of South
Eaton spent the week-end with Mr.
and Mrs. G. C. Armitage. Mr. and Mrs.
Ferrel are soon leaving for Florida,
where they will spend the winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eggleston spent
Sunday and Monday visiting friends at
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Stull left this
week to visit relatives in Scotland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen and
daughter Mildred visited Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Oats at Towanda over the
week-end. BNE ri ones BGT :
The Alderson Epworth League will
hold a masquerade social in the I. oO.
©. F. hall, Thursday evening, October
31. They are promising us something
new and different this year so be sure
to be on hand for a good time. Qe
Mrs. Howard Higgins entertained
her Sunday school class in the church
basement last Saturday evening. :
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Altemus spent
Sunday calling on friends in ‘Scranton
There will be a Hallowe'en entertain-
ment and social in-the Laketon gym-
nasium Friday evening, October 25.
There are going to be ghosts and
everything, so be sure to be there. 4
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor and Re
daughter, Mrs. Gaines of Nuangola and
Mrs. Albert Hoskins of Sugar Notch J
spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. J. |
BE. Altemus. : :
* Mr. and’ Mrs. ; Samuel Eggleston =
spent Sunday visiting relatives at ge
Scranton. : a
Mr. and Mrs. Simon of Burlington,
N. J., spent the week-end witn the lat-
ter’ parent, Mr. and Mr. ALM, Biery.
Mrs. Z. E. Garinger of Dallas spent
Wednesday with Mrs. Estelle Enders
in your choice
of cabinets! . a
— with the finest and most complete line
of fine furniture ever offered!
OW you can have the set
most people are selecting
for tone and all-round good-
at all; beautifully grained woods,
delicate carving,inlay or overlay
—or simplicity if you want it!
ness*—the Atwater Kent Screen-
Grid—in any kind of beautiful
cabinet you want! :
Highboy or lowboy; sliding
doors, swinging doors or none
See these cabinets in our Salon
Showing this week. Listen to this
wonderful new radio that has set
anew standard for performance.