dard ‘Bearer Societ y met with 3. W, Reynolds Monday evening. ‘Devotions were led by Mrs. G. J. ynolds. A short play entitlded “The Heart's Door” was given by three of ‘the girls. Refreshments were served June Palmer, Edna Billings, Anna dams, helma Bulford, Alma Dierolf, sie Race, Ruth Hoover, Marion Reese, Charlotte Strocd, Eleanor Par- sons, Edith Weidner, Minera Perkins, etty Cole, | Lea Richards, Matilda ushey Ruth Hewitt, Naomi Besteder, ‘Ruth aMthers, Emily Lewis, Florence Richards, Mrs. Earl Neyhart, Helen eynolds, “Mrs. G. J. Reynolds and TS. G ‘W. Reynolds. J. C, Lewis has returned from New ridge luncheon on Wednesday at Bridge Inn. e spent the. day with relatives, ev. Chatman gave an interesting Th : Mrs. Henry Isaacs, Mrs. T. L. homas and Bert and Margaret Mary teever spent a day with rMs. W. A. and Mrs. Norman Ringstrom ith Mr. and Mrs. Guy Smith of Scranton motored to Philadelphia last ‘Saturday to attend the Pennsylvania- rnia football game. Ray Gardner has returned from ott, where she visited her mother, SS Mary Jackson visited her aunt, Besteder, Sunday. Isaac Tague of Tunkhannock spent the week-end with Mrs. Charles i ‘Mr. and Mrs. George W. Reynolds and daughter Helen and Mr. and Mrs G. J. Reynolds motored to Washington, 8 C., ‘recently. Mrs. S. D. Davies has returned after nding a few weeks with relatives in cranton. ‘Mr. and Mrs. Grey Gregg of Pitts- ton visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Greer ‘Miss Francis Keeler spent the week- epg in Philadelphia, where she at- d the University of Pennsyl- ‘alifornia football game. - BOYS AND GIRLS Ask your parents to leave your or- “den to Santa Claus with Earl Monk ~ for Coasters, Sleds, Wagons, Kiddie Cars and Bicycles. —Jackson- ‘Mrs. C. Ray Gregory and daughters of Trucksville recently spent a few days with her padents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Smith. Susie and Lavina Shouldice and Al- berta and Irene Linsinbigler of Wilkes- Barre spent the week-end with their parents here. The Jackson Baptist Church held its | annual chicken supper | in the church | hall on Thursday evening. Mr, und Mrs. Dennis Bonning itiah] at Hunl ock’s Creek on Sunday. Mr: and rMs. Fred Shouldice and ildren, Ruth, Paul and Fdeda, i fr. ani Mrs. Walter Shouldice and | ttle dcugh’er spent Thursday evening | at the home of Corey Smith. The Truth Seekers Sunday schooll ‘class of Lehman were entertained | “N, Case. tional session lunch : Were given for the best dressed, most _ original and oddest costume present. [are as follows “m.; preaching service, 3 p. m. 7:30 p. m. Gus Splitt, ill make cider all day Octo- ¥ pL October 16th at the home of Mrs. L. After a business and devo was served to «about thirty members and friends.- The Hallowe'en social held airy Intermediate Sunday school asses of the M. E. Church here was real success in every way. by the | Prizes Az neat sum was realized. “Fhe church services at the churches Jackson M. E.—Sunday school, 2 D. A p Jackson "school, Baptist 10:4." m.; Church—Sunday preaching service, - he Pine Grove cider press, run by ber 29th and November 1st. ~ George Garringer and children of Lehman township were recent callers here. IF YOU WANT GOOD STORES support the ones you have. Call and see the fine stock of aluminum ~ the Monk Hardware carries. —_— 0 Names Given Planets The planets were named for the ent deities: Jupiter was the su- eme deity; Mars, the god of war; enus, goddess of beauty and love; NN ptune, god of the sea; Saturn, god “agriculture, gardening, ete.; Uran- regarded as the personification of en; Mercury, god of trade (mes- ‘ tertainment will senger of gods), ~Orange- Marine Snyder of Tom's River, N. J., spent the week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Snyder. Mildred Snyder accompanied her home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ferry of Philadelphia. spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Mr. and Ms. G. M. Ferry. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Casterlsie and daughter, Ethel May, are on a 'notor trip to Niagara Falls and Canada. Mr. and Mrs. George Ferry enter- tained at dine on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Winfield Burman, Winfield, Jr., Mrs. Elizabeth Burnam of New Jersey, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ferry of Philadel- phia, Capitola and Donald Boston of West Pittston. Mrs. G. M. Ferry has returned from a trip through New York State. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gay entertained on Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Harold Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ross and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hislop. James Mitchell has recovered from a recent illness. Gretchen Culver has returned to her school after an attack of grippe. Shirley Snyder has returned to Bloomsburg State College after visit- ing her parents over the week-end. Margaret Baldonski of Wyoming visited Mary Sickler Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Dendle, Giles Harding and Mrs. Belle Berlew of West Pitts- ton called at John Berlew's on Sunday. Mrs. Belle LeBarr and friends of Tunkhanock visited her son George and LaBarr on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Woolever and sons, Gene and Bobbie, visited the for- mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. ‘Woolever, on Sunday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Parry, at the General hospital, a son, Otto- ber 17, 1929. 'Amaza Agnew has purchased a Philco radio and Mrs. Margaret Snell an Aatwater Kent. The ladies are very busy sewing for a bazaar which will be held in the near future. Church services Sunday are: Sun- day school at 1:80 p. m.; preaching at 2:30 p. m. and Epworth League at 7:30 p,m. —Carverton- M. J. Hefft and niece, Miss Ander- son, were guests of Mrs. Sarah Cameron and family of Lenox recently. From there they motored to Bingham- ton, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Taylor. The Queen Esther Society held an entertainment and bazaar in the Car- verton M. E. Church recently. A quilt was chanced off and the one who had the lucky number was Mrs. Hugh Jones. Aprons, towels, doilies, candy, vases and other things were sold. A nice sum was realized. After the en- tertainment refreshrnents were sold. Mr. and Mrs. George Schooley and daughter Esther spent a day recently at the home of Mrs. Mary Knorr. The Ladies’ Aid will hold a 'dinner | at the home of Mrs. Willard Prynn on | All to be present as they Wednesday. members are urged | wish to sew for | the bazaar. Mrs. a few Mrs. Clarence Frantz of DeMuns. Mrs. and daughte Iva, called at the of Mr. Mrs. Ezra Schooley of Trucksvilie re cently. Mr. Kingston 3ertha, Anderson is spending days at the home of her sister, | Wayne Conklin home and Mrs. Theodore Knorr called at the mother, Mrs. Mary Knorr recently. The a supper the Grange hall on Friday. A free be given ‘after and home of c range will hold th supper. Everybody welcome. Mrs. Mary Knorr, son Dewey, Mr. and Mrs. George Schooley and Mrs. Bertha Anderson spent Sunday at the | home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Frantz | recently. Miss Lois Webb spent a few days ag the guest of Miss Elizabeth Jones. Miss Ida Anderson spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Schooley. Miss Mary Hefft of Lymanville spent a few days visiting her sister, Miss Genevieve Hefft. Miss Mabel Rozelle Dallas. The Women’s Home Missionary So- ciety met at the home of Mrs. Charles Parrish on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lewis and daughter Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parrish and son Carver and Mr. and Mrs. John Parrish and son George spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parrish The Queen Esthers will meet with Miss Ida Anderson -at the home or M. J. Hefft. All members are urged to be present. Mrs. I. I. Coursen has returned to her home after spending some time at the home of her mother. Mrs. Coursen is improving after a recent illness. M. J. Hefft called on Gus Knitzer on Sunday. IT WILL SURPRISE YOU and pay you to visit the Monk Hardware Store and see the stock is working at —-Meeker- Misses Letha Wolfe, Esther Wolfe and Marie Fraley and Walter Wolfe motored to York on Sunday. ® Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. John Rebennack and daughter spent Sunday with Alonzo Wolfe and family. Mrs. Lloyd Karschner spent a few days at Pittston last week. Misses Dorothy and Ruth Karschner and Marion Weintz spent Sunday afternoon with Ruth Bertram at ®eh- man. Mrs. Philip Disque and daughter Marion spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Charles VanBuskirk. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Cameron and sons of Berwick, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hufford of this place motored to To- wanda Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Hufford’s son, who recently underwent an operaiton. James Oliver spent the week-end Florence Weintb short Sunday. with Ruth King. Mrs. Vile Kenneth King and daughter, Viteinia and Miss Ruth King called on Mrs. Wayne King Wednesday. - Mrs. E. A. Oliver is visiting her sons, Eugene, Frank and Stanley Oliver of Wilkes-Barre and Kingston. Miss Carrie Scovell of Kingston spent the wek-end with her parents at this place. The following people from this place attended the Sunday school convention at Dallas on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant, Misses, Letha Wolfe, Ruth Karschner, Florence Weintz, Charlotte Hilde- brant and James Hildebrant. James Oliver, Jr. is ill at his home. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne King are giv- ing a “Dutch supper” at their inn at this place Tuesday evening, October 29 at 6:30 o'clock. A Hallowe'en dance will be given free to all those that at- tend the supper. Price of supper and —Idetown- Mr. and Mrs. John Sohn Tanah and Mrs. Helen Sherman of East Rochester, N. Y., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Davis of West Dallas last Sun- day. Miss Julia Spencer spent Sunday with Mrs. John Gordon. Abijah Baird has recently completed the large pool which he has been building, It is rectangular in shape and measures about 60x15 feet and is four feet deep. ‘When planted along each bank with flowers, as he experts to do next summer, it will be a splen- did addition to his property, which is already noted for its beautiful flowers and well kept lawns. The workers in the Idetown church school are enrolled, for the courses be- dance, 75 cents. Please be masked. Music will be furnished by “Banta, Boys’ 'of Larksville. ing: given in First Methodist church, | Wilkes Barre. Mrs. E. R. Parrish ‘taking “The Child”; Eliza, = Gilman and Mrs. Junior Mrs. Vievenne Crosby are taking “Story Telling to Primary and Beginner Children.” Rev. and Mrs. Burleigh are also enrolled. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Wright of Cen- termoreland visited Frank WrigTt's on Sunday. h of ‘spending’ many dollars on fancy creams and skin lotions, buy a 25¢ pkg. of Carter’s Little Liver Pills and remove the constipation poi-! sons. Your gkin should be bene- fited, likewise your health improved.’ All Druggists 25¢ and 75c red pkgs. | CARTER'S IZ: PILLS H B.} CE TTT ee Next Wednesday, Oct. 30th azarus Greatest Dollar Day HERE'S THE DOLLAR DAY ANNOUNCEMENT that thousands of . . that everybody is waiting for. It's a One Day Sale with bargains the like of which you have never people have been inquiring about found. To miss this Great Event would be a serious mistake. Make your plans now to be here—it’s none too soon to start buying Christ- mas Gifts and we have anticipated them in this event. Every depart- ment in the store contributes with the most extraordinary values. Re- member, too, Extra Gold Stamps All Day. Come—Buy Liberally and Save! This Dollar Day ings on to you. IF YOU HAVEN'T A LAZARUS CHARGE ACCOUNT—OPEN ONE If you desire the convenience of a Lazarus Monthly Charge Account for use on October Dollar Day, and thereafter, come in sometime and low prices of the hardware Earl carries. before the day of the Sale and make your You will find it a great aid to application. your pleasure in shopping. Is The Biggest Day Of The Year GRE concentrated efforts of our entire organization have been centered for months in advance for this One Day Event—in a measure we make it our Good Will Day to you—with values that are really impossible to duplicate. operated with us in giving unusual price concessions—and we are happy to pass the sav- Manufacturers have co- DRIVE HERE AND PARK FREE You may park your car free in the station adjoining our Northampton street entrance, present your Parking Check to the salesperson from whom you make your purchase, and it will be stamped and returned to you. Mail Orders Accepted On All Merchandise Until Quantities Are Exhausted LAZARUS SOUTH MAIN = THRU TO NORTHAMPTON ST. Wilkes-Barre, Pa. EE Save Time! Shop With A Transfer When you are going to make purchases in several depart- ments, just stop at the Trans- fer Desk on the Main Floor and ask for a Transfer Check, and proceed to do your shop- Just show the Transfer Check to the salesperson and you avoid the necessity of re- peating your name and ad- dress at each department. ping. If you are shopping with a Charge Account or C. O. D., your purchases will be as- sembled and delivered as you direct. If you desire to pay all at one time for your pur- chases, return to the transfer desk when you have finished shopping and your checks wiil be totalled and the amount received: You the necessity of using cash with avoid each transaction. CF ER
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