The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, September 07, 1929, Image 2

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The ‘“D2uth” Bible
town Sunday school held its annual
picnic at Perrin’s Marsh on Thursday.
An enjoyable day was reported by
following members and friends: Mrs.
‘W. H. Nevel. Julia Spencer, Mr
Harry Ide, Doris Ide, Mrs. EE. E.
Brace, Mrs. Albertina, Allen, Mrs. Fred |
Ide, Mrs. Frank Wright, Mrs. E. BE.
Parrish, Mrs. Almira Parrish,
James Rogers, Audrey Rogers, Ruth
‘Wilson, Bertha Ide, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam Gregory, Mrs. Ruth Reynolds,
Mrs. Elizabeth Denman, Mr. and Mrs.
Abijah Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick
Gregory, Mrs. Ralph Welsh, Helen and
Bobby Welsh, Mrs. Horace Spencer,
Liva Spencer, Norma Whitesell, Mrs.
James Parks, Mrs. Percy Spencer, Mr.
and Mrs. A. A. Neely, Ada Daly, Mrs.
Thomas, Margaret I.ocke, Mrs. W. R.
Ide, Mrs. Alice Gordon.
Mrs. Hendrick Gregory
on Friday, August 30. in honor of her
son Benjamin's seventeenth birthday
anniversary. The following were
present: Mrs. John ‘Gregory, Sadie
Gregory, Mrs. Walter Coats, Yrery
Coates, Mrs. Reese, Lucille Reese and
Edna Reese of Larksville.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory spent
last week-end at their lodge on White
Deer ‘mountain, near Lewisburg.
‘party included twenty-one members of
the Gregory family.
Mr. and Mrs. Emery Hadsell enter-
tained the Cullen Randall: family ° of
Huntsville on Sunday: + '*t*!
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Richards have
returned after a week's stay at Atlan-
tic City. : XN
~ Corey Gilman and. family -o
port, Conn., were guests of Mr.
Mrs. Charles Gilman recently.
Mrs. Bruce Shaver ‘had 'as a guest
last week her nephew, Lewis Rabert.
Mr. and Mrs. William Gregory mo-
tored to Endicott, N. Y., last week.
A baby daughter was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Truesdale last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bryden are re-
joicing over the birth of a
Monday, August 2
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wright, Re-
f Bridge-
becca and Ethel Wright of Teo
Albert Mekeel
and Mr. and Mrs.
Lehman motored to Netcong,
where they visited a brother,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McKenna, Her-
bert Wright and Jean Major went on
a motor trip over the week-end which
included Watkins Glen, Niagara Falls |
and Canada.
Support Our Local Candidate For|
- Prothonotary
G. Harold Wagner of Dallas
Mr. and Mrs. David Emmanuel and’
sons, Leon and Billy, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Brace, Marian and James
Brace, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dymond
and sons, Glenn and Robert, motored |
to Watkins Glenn on Sunday.
The saw mill on Alec Mitchell's farm
was destroyed by fire Thursday after-
Mr. and Mrs.
fended a shower for
iam LaBarr of
The Queen Esther
Guards and Mother
Home Missionary Society will
picnic in Glenn Echo Park on Satur-
day. Every one is asked to
sandwiches and a covered dish. '
Margaret Snyder of Brooklyn, N.
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
TF. A. Snyder. :
Mr. and Mrs.
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. George
Miss Norma Agnew has
Drexel Hill, Philadelphia, where
has accepted a teacher's position.
The Orange school will open
‘Monday, September 9.
Mary Sickler entertained Mr.
Mrs. Leo Snyder and son Leland at
dinner Thursday evening.
George LaBarr at-
Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
Dallas Thursday
Society, Home
Jewels of
gone to
James Shaw has returned to Phila- |
delphia, where he is teaching.
Jean Harris of Binghamton, N. Y., |
has returned home after visiting at the lo
home of her grandfather, John Berlew.
The Berlew family: reunion was held |
at Montross’ Grove on Labor Day.
Tony Smith and Charles Ross spent
Labor day fishing at Beech Lake.
Mr. and Mrs.
children attended the Corby reunion at
Fernbrook on Saturday.
Mary Jane and James Fowler have
returned home after spending the sum-
mer with their grandmother
Mrs. Anderson of Chicago is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Jack Fowler.
Benjamin Armstrong was killed Fri-
day while at work in the Exeter col-
liery. He is survived by his widow
and three daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Larish and
Kenneth of Wyoming. visited Mr.
Mrs. Leo Dymond on Sunday.
Theodore Shiedel of Philadelphia has
returned home after visiting at the
home of Otis Agnew.
Marian Agnew has returned .to Red
Lion, where she is the domestic science
teacher in th Junior high school.
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Heilner and
cdhildren, Mildred and Clinton, and Mrs.
Ella, Hatton of Elizabeth, N. J., visited
relatives here over Labor Day.
Rev. and Mrs. Floyd Crispell
children of Sidney, N.. Y. called
friends here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Shavertown called at Leo
on Sunday.
Church services on Sunday
Sunday school at 9:30 a. m.
preaching at 10:30 a. m. !
Support Our Local Candidate
G. Harold Wagner of Dallas
Stelts of
One at a Time
Never bear more than one trouble
at a time.
kinds—all they have ever had, all
they have now, and all they expect
to have.—Edward Everett Hale. |
Speaking of Signs—
The telephone ringing in the mid:
dle of the night usually means the ‘ex-
change girl is trying to give some-
body the wrong number.—Cineinnati
Class of the Ide- |
the |
Mrs. |
entertained |
baby girl, |
the |
hold a’
bring |
Laird Stanton: were |
she |
and |
Harold Bedford and |
in Chi-|
For Taggart of
Some people bear three |
| —Huntsville-
Mr. and Mrs. ‘Albert Perrego and
daughter, Grace, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. Zimmerman of Dorranceton
spent the week-end at a hunting cam
.n Berks county.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hadsall will en-
[leriain the Adult Bible Class of the
Mr. and Mrs. William Reese of
Scranton were the guests on Sunday
of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Phoenix, and
ton Monday Mr. and Mrs. George Case?
and son Clarence of Kingston were Mr.
band Mrs. Phoenix's guests.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Orcutt attended
Methodist Episcopal Sunday school at |the Susquehanna county fair at Mont-
| their home on Tuesday ‘evening.
Mr. and Mrs. William Balliet
son, Billy, and - Mr. and Mrs.
| Davis
| Clity.
|: + Mr.
tained Rev.
| of
and Mrs. John I.
Trucksville at dinner
Rev. and Mrs. Harry F.
| son Ellsworth have returned hone
|after spending several days in New
| York City.
| Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stoeckel are en-
| tertaining Mrs. Stoeckel’s sister, Mrs.
Gilchrist, of Newark, N. J.
| Mrs. William Reynolds and daugh-
| ters, Hortense and Roxie, of Norwick,,
IN. Y., spent the week-end with rela- |
tives at this place.
Ben Twarski and Mr. Donn of King-
| ston visited Michael ‘Walle: on Sunday.
| Mr. and Mrs. G. ‘A: ‘Learn and Mr.
jand Mrs. H. W. Danks spent Sunday
at Montrose. .
Mrs. Frank Bulford, Miss Ruth May
| Hazel. Mrs. Clarence Elston and son
Harold were dinner guests ‘of Mr. and
Mis, William Bulford on Monday.
Mr. and ' Mrs. Joseph Levine
Wilkes-Barre visited Mr. and Mrs.
J. Hudsall on Sunday.
Charles Warmouth has moved his
family to Luzerne.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perrego
daughter Grace spent Thursday
Forty Fort,
Mrs. Peter Frailey, son William and
grandson George of Endicott, N. ve
| have returned home after spending th
| summer with Mr. and Mrs. 35 Mg
i Bulfcerd.
| Rev. and Mrs. John IL. Thomas of
| Trucksville spent one day recently with
Mr. and Mrs. Olie L. Harvey.
| Mrs. Gordon Johnson spent Satur-
lday in Wilkes-Barre.
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Stoeckel enter-
£| tained at a family dinner party oun
| Wr ednesday evening.
| Dr. and Mrs. Smith, Miss Patsy
| Snell, Mrs. Harold Johnson and chil
dren of Wyoming were guests of Mr,
and Mrs. G. A. Learn at supper on
| Monday.
The men’s and women’s classes. of
[the Christian Sunday school met in
ithe basement of the church on Friday
evening. Refreshments were served
[by ‘Grald Frantz, Charles Elston, Wal-
ter Davis and Arthur Elston.
A number of young people from the |
Wyoming Avenue Christian Church
[met with the Huntsville young people
last Sunday evening. |
| It was necessary to play the tenth |
inning in the ball game between the
| married men and the single men on |
| Labor Day. Eve then the game ended
| in a tie. Time did not permit the men
|to play another inning.
| This is Temperance Sunday
| M. E. Bible school.
{ he Women’s Home Missionary So-
| ciety of the M. E. Church will meet |
|at Mrs. Charles Pettebone’s home next
| Thursday afternoon at 2.
Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Frantz have re- |
| turned hone from a, week's vacation at |
Atlantic City, Philadelphia and Wash-
| with
on Sunday.
in the
Phyllis Elston spent Sunday
Miss Irene Moore.
Mrs. ‘Hazel Bogart and chiidren are
| spending a few days in Mifflinville.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Culp of Wilkes- |
Jarre spent Labor Day witn Mir and |
| Mrs. . Milton Culp.
Rev. and Mrs. Rundell oi
ville, Pa., spent last week
Bertha Randall.
Mr. and Mrs. F.
Mrs. H. J. Major
Clark are touring
| Miss Elsie Lebo of 8
Curwenis- |
with Miss |
H. Johnson, Mr. and |
and Mary
New York State and
Shenandoah spen
Miss Gertrude Culp and Clifford Culp
| spent the week-end and Labor Day
with their’ parents, Mr.
Stanley Culp.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Earl
f Forty Fort visited Mr. and
H. A. Randall on Labor Day.
Mr. and Mrs.
tained recently Mr. and Mrs.
| Culp and family, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil
Moore and family. |
Mrs. Lewis Shaver
The following are teaching
Fort schools: Misses Louise
Elizabeth Hoyt, Arline Frantz,
Major and Bertha Randall.
Rowland Schooley spent
end with Willard Sutton.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shaver,
town called Mr. and Mrs.
Randall cn Tuesday.
IL.odge No. 190
wiener roast at: Mr.
Sutton’s recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thomas of Balti-
more called on Mr. and Mrs.
Shaver recently.
Miss Arline Frantz spent Labor
with friends at Lake Carey.
John Headman magatored to
burg on Sunday.
Emery Garnett
Freeman, both
united in marriage on
Mr. and Mrs. Henry
as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Harrison of Jackson township.
of Ide-
on H.-A,
held a
and Mrs.
and" Miss
Many people in this section are suf- |
fering from a scarcity of water. Sev-
eral wells are reported dry and streams |
are; very low.
Mrs. Zimmerman has ‘returned home |
after with her
son in
John Headman
several days
and Miss Beatrice
Bloomsburg enjoyed an
|outing at Harvey's Lake on Labor Day.
Miss Althea Headman left Saturday
for Linifield, near Philadelphia, where
she will teach this year.
Support Our Local Candidate For
G. Harold Wagner of Dallas
Healthy Reindeer
The government has maintained ex-
periment stations in Alaska and keeps
| in touch with the main herds of refn-
| deer.
been encountered.
and |
James spent the week-end in Wilkes-Barre.
spent the week-end at Atlantic | Clifford
|rose last week.
Mrs. J. C. Benjamin and daughter
Howell of Trucksville
| the
and Mrs. C. L.
Mrs. Howard Engleman accompanied
Henry and | per nephew, Frances Wills, to his home
remaining |
in Plains on Thursday,
there for the balance of the week. Mr.
| Engleman went down to spend the
week-end with them. They returned
| home on Monday.
| Mr. and Mrs. W.
their guests over the week-end Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Sayre and daughter of
Malvin Davis came up from New
York to spend the week-end with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Davis.
Mrs. Levi Yiengst and children re-
turned home on Saturday after spend-
ing the summer with Mrs. Yiengst's
mother, Mrs. E. J. Dorney of Allen-
Mrs. Josephine Rogar of Johnson
City, N. Y., was a week-end guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rogar and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Newberry enter-
tained over the week-end Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Newberry and family of Phila-
Miss Thelma Miller has
home after visiting at Oneonta,
for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Brown and family
Ellen |
the week-end with Miss Arline Frantz. |
and Mrs. |
and ramily |
Charles Elston enter- |
is suffering from |
in Forty |
,Elma |
and |
alph |
Mona |
were |
Headman had |
Na contagious ‘disease has ever |
guest the forepart of the week of |
| and Mrs. Frank Bulford enter- |phig grandparents, Dr.
Thomas | Boston.
of Kingston spent the week-end with |
the former’s father, John Brown
Mrs. A. L. Meeker
returned home after spending the |
summer with Mrs. Meeker's father.
Mr. Goodwin of Beaumont.
Mr. and’ Mrs: Eugene Miller and
family of Kingston were week-end
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Miller.
Mrs. Cinday Altemose
some time at the home
Henry, of Brooklyn, Pa.
Born, to Mr.
ferty of Allentown, a son,
been named Robert Eugene.
ferty will be remembered as
Emily May.
Mr. and Mrs. William Reinhards of
Spring City were recent guests of Mr
and Mrs. Albert May.
Miss Beulah Keiper, daughter
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Keiper, who is
patient in Wilkes-Barre General Hos-
pital, is not improving as rapidly
of her son,
who has
Mrs. Laf-
| her friends wish.
B. Risley had as|
Mrs. Albert May entertained her
mother, Mrs. William Reinhard, a for-
mer Noxen resident, who was visiting
here last week, with a surprise party. |
present: |
Ris- |
The following ladies were
Mesdames Nelson Beahrm, W. B.
iey, E. J. Miller, Harry Miller, L. I.
Loveland, J. E. Turrell, Ida Devine,
Beulah VanCampen, Andrew Thomas,
Albert Dendler, Gomer Thomas, S. H.
Rauch,. S: S. Crosby, E. P. B. Engle-
man, Fred Osborne, Misses Ora Miller |
and Jessie Thomas.
H. V. Bogart and family
thank all those who assisted during
their recent bereavement; also those
who furnished cars and sent flowers.
i Ly .
Speaking of Noise
Lots of people never make much
noise in the world till their theories
are exploded.—Grand Rapids Press.
and family have |
is spending |
and Mrs. Arthur Laf- |
of |
wish to
| Golf Statistics
It has been estimated that 15 ,000,000
LUZERNE COUNTY, ss: golf balls are used in a year exclu-
In the Court of Comon Pleas of Lu- | sive of those misused
zerne County, No. 571, July Term, 1929
Libel in Divorce a vinculo matrimonii |
Miriam W. Crews v. Robert E. Crews |
| To Robert E. Crews: Take notice that |
an alias subpoena in the above case
having been returned by the Sheriff of
| Luzerne County, that you. the said
Robert E. Crews, cannot be found in |
| Luzerne County, you, the said Robert |
|B. Crews, are hereby notified and di- |
rected to appear before the said court |
|on Monday, October 7th, 1929, at 10 |.
o'clock a. m. to answer the complaint |
filed in the above case. |
George Malkemes
Shavertown, Pa.
Automobile Licenses
Affidavits Prepared
Rents Collected
Thomas M. Lewis, Attorney.
o Real Estate
Ribbon for Typewriter
Typewriter ribbons are usually
made of good quality nainsook closely
woven of fine even thread spun from
the hast long-fiher Sea island cotton.
They are in'ted by moans of special
machinery ¢o that enc fiher becomes
thorny eh Iv legs tia
Prompt and Courteous
. Service
in one community should fit a man for the office of Tax Collector.
I believe that the office demands the appplication of sound busi-
ness principles. I believe that my experience and record as a
business man in this section should fit me for this occupation and
will merit your support and vote at the coming primary election.
Frank G. Mathers
Tax Collector
The Bonafide
T his
a. H