. PA. SATURUDAY, JULY 7 MATTER WHATS THE DOROTHY ? HAD A TOOTH PULLED! la DOES. 77 STIL) ACHE © WHAT 2 WELL WHO DOES IE YOu DON'T? (Copyright We C. rec MANDS, ~ In spite of the. scarcity of money, work and other necessities, Harvey's Lake is having a more prosperous summer than usual. The cottagers art 1 here now for the remainder of the summer and the small bungalows have their groups of vacationists every week or two. We understand that the Le- high Valley will once more run ex- cursions from Wilkes-Barre to Har- vey's Lake Park. They may never bring back the days our readers can remember when from four to eight ex- cursions rolled in here per day, but it will most likely mean bigger and bet- ter picnics and an increasing popu- larity for Harvey's Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Searfoss’ of 5 ‘Dallas spent last week visiting Mrs. © Sarah Jane Lamereaux. Mrs. Albert Adarms and children of ' Plainsville, N. J., are visiting her _ parents, 1 Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Biery. ~ Mrs. H. B. Allen, Mrs. Emma Honey- well, Mrs. Fred Dav is, ‘Mrs. Alfred Rodgers and Mrs. IL. T. Avery fattended the monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. ‘which was held at Lehman last Tues- day. ; : Mr. bisa Mrs. Charles Johnson of Beaumont were calling on friends here : on Wednesday last. The ice cream social held by the Ep- worth League last Wednesday night ‘went over with a bang. A record rowd attended and cleaned up all the eats in what might be called record timé. Keep your eyes open for more Epworth League announcements for the “League’s’, getting busy. Our old friend Dr. Trimmer, of South The Ladies’ Aid Socits had a cov- red dish social in connection with he regular meeting on Thursday ght. Mr. and Mrs. John, Walsh and family - ‘Wilkes- Barre are spending theis at ‘Harvey's poly ~ Mrs. Harriett Rauch has returned Phone after spending a few days with “her brother, Walter Kitchen, at Me- joopany. = * Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Eggleston were delling on friends in Wilkes-Barre on Wednesday last. Mrs. Grover Anderson friends in New York City. Mrs. Jacob Harris lost w fifty dollar pill in either the Grand Union of the “American store in Dallas on Saturday, July 13. Anyone finding it, please notify the Dallas Kank. Miss Edna Kitchen of Wilkes-Barre is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. B. Avery, for a few days. is visiting ee ~Trucksville- ~ George Metz and family are spending their vacation at Bellefonte, near State _ College. : _ &.Mrs. Harry Harter, Mrs. Sherman Hildebrant, Mrs. Z. R. Howell, Mrs. G. T. Metz, Mrs. Kemble and Mrs. Earl Price aitended the Shrine Country club Jadies’ day last Friday afternoon. Doris kvaus is spending a few weeks at Girl Scdut Camp Onawanah at White's Ferry. Charles Alderson and family spending a week at Laceyville. _ Z. K. Howell was the principal speaker at the West Pittston Kiwanis and Mou..teun (range dinner held at Mou..tun G.ange hall Monday eve- ning. her home in Noxen. June Palmer, Bertha Sutlife, Mrs. G. ~ W. Reynolds and Mrs. J. Earl New- "hart returned last Saturday from Camp Hiawatha, on Lake Ariel. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Palmer of Dun- more spent the week-end with Mrs. “Susan C. Palmer of Orchard street. On Sunday Mrs. Palmer also entertained Frank and Elba Palmer of Dunmire and Mrs. J. N. Rodeheaver of Chicago. ~ Wiarren S. Taylor is spending some me with Z. R. Howell of Rice ave- ue. He came here to attend the ‘outdoor ceremonial of the Shriners at Irem Temple Country Club. Misses Louise Barnes of Forty Fort and Nadine Rice have returned after an automobile trip through the New - England states and Canada. Miss Jane Trescott of Philadelphia is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Joseph ‘Schooley. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slifer of Wat- sontown, Pa., spent the week-end with the Misses Doran. Mrs. Fannie Hutchison of Kingston ~ visited her son, Donald Hutchison, last Sundlay. Mrs. Helen Keller has returned to her home after an extended visit with her sister at Ashland. ~ Mr. and: Mrs. H. D. Turn of Bing- x hamton visited their daughter, Mrs. George J. Reynolds, recently. Gs SEO Lis : Strong Statements Onions are said to throw off violet rays. We suspect that the scientist ho asserted that had not smelled violets. —Florence Herald, are’! Jessie Race is spending the w eck at | Miss Gertrude Engle has returned to her home after spending a week at the Queen Esther Camp, “Hiawatha,” at Lake Ariel. d “Paul Smail has returned from after visiting relatives in New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. William Engle and daughter, Gertrude, Miss Ida Ander- son and Miss Jessie Allen of Pittston motored to the Poconos recently. The Women’s Home Missionary So- ciety met at the home of Mrs. Penn Saxe on Thursday.. After the meeting lunch was served - to the following: Mrs. Allan Schmoll, Mrs. Bertha An- derson, Mrs. Charles Dana, Sr., Mrs. Charles Frantz, Mrs. John Coon, Mrs. Will Vosburg, Mrs. Amos Saxe, Mrs. Charles Parrish, Rev. Greenfield. Sunday services at the M. E. church, July 28, wil be as follows: Sunday school, 9:30; church, 7:30. A musical and impersonating enter- tainment will be given under the auspices of the Queen Esther Society at the Methodist Episcopal church on Thursday evening, July 18, at 8:15 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. Mr. and Mrs. -Charles Gensel and children, Billy, Roland, Eddie and Betty called on Miss Gertrude Engle jat Lake Ariel. Isaac.Coursen fell. off the roof barn while putting new roofing A small bone was broken in his Charles Davies of afternoon Harris. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Harris, Thelma DeWitt, Mabel and Emily Rozelle spent | Saturday with Mr. and’ Mrs. Harold Roger of Bloomsburg. Mrs. I. L. Coursen is spending some time at the home of her mother, Mrs. Kate Roztlle of Mt. Zion. Mrs. Cour- sen is suffering with rheumatic fever. Misses Margaret Knorr, Gertrude Engle, Diantha Knorr, Hilda Fuller, Priscilla Knorr and Ctta Knorr called at the home of M. J. Hefft recently. Mrs. Charles Parrish and daughters, Emma and Katt), are spending some time visiting relatives. in New Jersey. The Epworth League will ‘meet at the church on Wednesday evening. They wil then attend a wienie roastat Per- rin’s Pond. Miss Elizabtth Jones spent the week- end at the home of Misses Lois and Louise Webb of Bunker Hill. Miss Rachel Coursen is spending the summer months at summer school. Miss Lois Webb has returned to her home after spending some time at-the home of her grandmother. Misses Elizabeth, Ruth and Jane Jones dalled at the home of Mrs. Ber- tha Anderson recently. : Mrs. Floyd Knorr and daughter, Freda, visiting Mrs. Knorr on Sunday. Miss Mabel Conklin’ spent a day re- cently at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. Wayne Conklin. Mrs. Loreen Andreas “and Loreen and Marie, visittd Mrs. Jones recently. Miss Gertrude Engle called on Mrs. Charles Gensel recently. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Knorr and children, Donald, Emily and Marian, of Kingston, and Mr. and Mrs. George Knorr and son Charles called at the home of Mrs. Mary Knorr. Miss Mary Hefft and ZT.eigh Hefft spent Sunday at the home of their brother, Ziba Hefft. of his on it. ankle. Frantz and Miss Beatrice Wyoming - spent Sunday with, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. children, Hugh Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond King and children, James, Alberta, Betty and infant son, called on Miss eGnevieve | Hefft recently. hy | rade —Noxen— Mrs. Levi Yiengst and family have gone to Allentown to visit Mrs. Yiengst's mother, Mrs. E. J. Dorney. Mr. and Mrs. R.- S. Crosby guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fas- sett of Forkston on Saturday. Harry May, who for the past two months has been farming for S. J. Traver, has completed his work. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Loveland, Miss Jessie Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. An- drew Thomas spent the week-end at Falls, where they have a cabin along the river. Miss Dorothy Gilmore on Wednes- day took Mrs. Gertrude E. Thomas, Mrs. T. D. Wolfe and Miss Ada Wolfe up the Sullivan Trail to Towanda, where they had dinner at Hotel Kauf- man, On the return trip they stopped at Lake Chrey. Mrs. G. H. Rauch is entertaining her mother, Mrs. Henninger of Allentown. Robert May ‘is the proud possessor of @ new bicycle for which he wishes to thank the Dallas Post. Mrs. E. J. Miller has as her guest her daughter, Mrs. Gene Miller of Wyoming. 2 Mrs. J. E. Turrell has as her gluest her sister, Miss Francis Henninger of Allentown. g X Albert VanCampen week at Forty Fort. Mrs. Grover Lane, who was taken to the Wilkes-Barre General [Hospital re- cently is critically ill, suffering from diabetic gangrene. Dorothy Gilmore is spending ‘a has bee were | Mrs. Beulah VlanCampen entertained the following on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ettinger and family of Scranton, Mr. and Mrs. Miller and family of Forty Fort and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stitzer and family of Kingston. Miss Mildred Greenfield returned to her home in Carverton on Monday after spending the past week with Mrs. W. B. Risley. The Methodist Church is being re- painted. Mrs. E. Y. B. Englleman has as her house guest Miss Ruth Evans of Mount Carmel. Miss Evans, who for the past two years has been head of the Noxen high school English department, will teach in Mt. Carmel this winter. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Phoenix recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. John M. Hiarriso of Dorranceton, Mr. and, Mrs. William Miers and Mr. And Mrs. neorge Case and son, Clarence, of family visited relatives in Meshoppen on Sunday. The Pennsylvania Sportsmans League, Camp No. 6, on Tuesday liberated fifty English pheasants. They were hatched and raised under the capable management of George Hunt, game warden. Mrs. Russell Perrigo of Kingston was a guest the forepart of the week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Prutzman. Edward Williams, local painter, spent Thursday fly fishing for bass in the Susquehanna river. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Prutzman had as their guests recently Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trevail and daughter, Ruth Ann, of Scranton, also Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Perrego of Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. John Ruff have as their guests Mr. and Mrs. James E. Blizzard and daughter Ruth. oe BIGGEST VALUE Chiffons "Wash Crepes Printed Crepes | JULY CLEARANCE SALE This Week's Special! 200 New Summer Dresses (Sizes 14 to 42) 2 for $10.99 |BELMONT SHOP, 48 South Main Street Wilkes-Barre IN THE COUNTY Whites Polka Dots “Georgettes Mrs. Mary Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. William Keiper have Derheimer of Athens is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Earl Beam. Miss Alta Prutzman has returned from a week’s visit with relatives in - 3 -Alderson- —~Carverton- elected teacher of the second grade in | Kingston. Mrs. Hdard Johnson is suffering |as their guests Mr. and Mrs. Fred : our our local schools. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Mansfield and from a nervous breakdown. Haley of Kingston and Mr. and Mrs. J. Haley of Edwardsville. Miss Mae Stock is spending her va- cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stock. Mrs. Edward Travis has returned from a two weeks’ visit in Kingsley. 30 Days’ Free Trial whether you buy from your Local Dealer or from us direct. Saves|0%tos25% On Your Bicycle Prices from*2(5°Up | Get full particulars by mail today. Use coupon below. Soldon Approval You are allowed 30 days’ actual rid- ing test before sale is binding. Write Today "name of nearest Mead Dealer. Bicyle Premium CUT ON THIS LINE for Cotalog Free Offer and Mead Cycle Co., Chicago, U. S. A. : Please send full information and name of : nearest dealer, 1 co! Name : Street or ! P.O. Bos i Guaranteed.— Lamps, 1 Wheels, equipment. Toun i Low prices. Send no Specia ’ ~ 1 money.Use the coupon. 1 | 1614 | Saleen Offer Mead Sie Company 9. 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LAZARUS SOUTH MAIN THRU TO NORTHAMPTON ST., WILKES-BARRE, PA. ob 0 * 9, + 0 * 7 * 0. * 9 * 9 * 0. + COR) + 9 + & * 9 * 9 * ®, 4 9 Sv rade ade ide do deeded odode dealer adeadeideode dele ide 0 + 0 a %% 2 Os 00 0, *_6_¢ RR °. oe 2 * 0. @, @, 50058058 o Jo-030-0304; 9 9 9 * . . and much lesledded £2 7 * 3, eee ROR IR RJ Do 00d 069090, 7 > 9 aX aXe) Se * TR Out 0% 4 o% N 2 ®