“ 4 a fi 3 - Word was received by frienls here that " Mr. and Mrs. Sutliff of Trucksville. DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, _SATURUDAY, JULY 2, 1929 -K unkle- ¢ Mr. and Mrs. Chester Redfield re- urned to New York City on Saturday last where Mr. Redfield entered a hospital and on Monday of this week underwent an operation for the drain-. age of an abscess in the right lung. the operation had been successful. ; Mrs: W. H. Conden entertained on Thursday last her birthday club with a delightful birthday dinner. Her guests were: Mrs. .C. W. Fishtr of Trucksville, Mrs. Sherman Wardan of _Shavertown, Mrs. Kiler Richards of Alderson, Mrs. C. A. Herdman and Mrs. John Isaacs. \ Henry Shoemaker is spending a few days with his son, Joseph Shoemaker, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle enter- (tained at, diner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Durland, Mrs. Etta Kocher and Miss Margaret May of West Wyo- ming, gnd for the-afternoon and eve- ning Mr. land ‘Mrs. Carl Makinson of” Forty Fort. . Miss Nellie Makinson of Forty Fort spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Miss Eleanor Kukle. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweezy and Miss ‘Frances Sweezy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. . George Bulford of Trucksville. f Mrs. ‘Olin Kunkle, who underwent an operation for appendicitis at Nanticoke State hospital on Wednesday of last ‘week, is recovering rapidly and will return home in a few days. yale Mrs. W. H. Conden entertained on Saturday last Mrs. Mary Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conden and chil- dren, Merle, Elwood and Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conden and children, ‘Lois and William of Alderson, Mrs. Lewis Nulton, Mrs. W. H. Nuiton and daughter, Laura Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grumiel and children of Forty Fort called on' Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoemalker on Sun- day. Mrs. Jane Mann of Wilkes-Barre is uispending her vacation with = her daughter, Mrs. Cragg Herdinan. John Hands of Parsons spent Tues- day night as a guest ‘at the home oy ~ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Allen and children of New York City are visit- ing relatives here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rydd and Mrs. Crawford of Kingston spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, ' Fred * Smith, Mrs. W. H. Nulton, Miss Eloise’ Nulton, Mrs. J. S. Kunkle, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle, Olin Kunkle and Stanley Durland of Wyoming called on Mrs. Olin Kunkle at Naticoke State hospital on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ellsworth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C. H Elis- worth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. worth of Idetown. Mrs. Bert Stetzer and Mrs. Russell Achuff of Shavertown spent Tuesday | proving. —-Beaumont- Mrs. Denton I.oomis, who submitted to an operation at the General Hospital in Wilkes-Barre recently, is slowly im. Mrs. Olive Donley is entertaining her sister, Mrs. Addie Casterline of King- ston. ot Edward MacDougall is the proud owner of a new Ford sedan. Thomas Sage, Mrs. George Sage and children of Luzerne visited Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Johnson one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sutton of Lehman called on Mrs. C. A. Loomis on Sunday. Robert MacDougall has gone to La Plume to work for Charles Preston. Mr. and Mrs. William Bennett ‘of Wyoming have been repairing their home here. : Ned Dress has treated his house to a coat of paint. Miss Myrtle Martin visited her aunt, Mrs. Wilbur Downing, at Wilkes Barre on Saturday. Mr. ‘and Mrs. Paul oh Eugene Jackson, Floyd Jackson, Job Deitz and Ellis Meeker are tenting on the mountain, picking huckleberries. Due to the dry weather they report the huckleberries about half a crop. ; On account of a misprint in the paper the names of Mrs. Abbie Belles, Thelma Richards and Heber Richards were omitted from the Frear- Parrish reunion, ‘Charles Howell had the misfortune to have his car badly smashed at the bridge near Lutes’Corners. It has al- ‘ways been considered ka dangerous place and many accidents have oc- curred at that particular point. Church Notes Dallas M. E. Sunday morning service, 10:30; sub- ject, “Play Fair With God;” Sunday school: service at 11:30; Epworth League, 6:30; evening service, 7:30, subject, “Faith’s Alternative.” Tuesday at 2p. m. all the ladies of the church and community are re- quested to meet at the parsonage for | tea, and to consider plans for raising funds to complete repairs on the par- Wednesday, 7:30 p. m., regular mid- sonage. week prayer service. Thursday, -7:30, choir rehearsal. - Huntsville Church of Christ Rev. Frick will be in the pulpit again jafter an absence of two weeks. Church © service at 9:30; Sunday school at 10:30. ; The Ladies’ Aid and Missionary so- cieties will meet at the church on Thursday. Dinner will be served. P. M. Church at Fernbrook Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., Children’s Day service; 7:15 Dp. m., sermon by pastor, subject, “Did the Wrihle Sallow Jonah?” evening by two colored: singers. with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred: Ellsworth. y Friday evening, Ladies’ Aid Society will be entertained at the parsoange. MID-SEASON EQUIPMENT FOR GARDEN AND FARM When you purchase here you are s its easier to shop here than in the ‘Exceptional values in high grade garden and farm implements. ure of getting reliable products and city, where all is hustle and bustle GARDEN DIGGER HERE ARE SOME OF OUR SPECIAL OFFERS: UNKINKABLE GARDEN HOSE SPRINKLING POTS GRASS CLIPPERS S AND TROWELS a [L.awn Mowers (BEST MAKE) 15 Per Cent. Off Prices Range From $7.50 to $18.00 Farm Equipment SELF-DUMP HAY RAKE ....... ci i. oi ii baa, $47.50 (One or Two Horse) ONE-HORSE HILLERS .............. BER EO $ 6.00 TWO-HORSE HILLERS .. ccc... oh alia a, $12.00 HAND: CULTIVATORS .... i... 0h fens bene anidds $ 4.75 Guards, Rivets All Makes of Mowing Machine and Knives DALLAS HARDWARE (0. ‘Special music will be provided in the | POLITICAL COMMENT BB, ho throws kis hat in the ring for school director. Not the brown derby type, but the good old- fashioned straw. His petitions are now being circulated. This past week petitions are out for James Franklin for councilman. James is a life-long resident of the borough and should make a good Tepy esentative of the people. Rumors « are afloat that mT, LW. Stoeckel will announce his candidacy for school director. Mr. Stoeckel is well qualified land would make an ideal director. ETO -Lehman- The Willing ~~ Workers’ Sunday school class held a picnic at the home of Marie Fraley at this place Wednes- day. The amusements were bathing and games. Those present were: Geraldine Cornell, Charlotte Hilde- brant, Ruth Karshchner, Ruth Scovel, Alice Cornell, Gertrude Pahler, Julia Pahler, James Hildebrant, Harry Fox, and teachers, Marie Fraley and Litha ‘Wolfe. Marion Weintz is' spending a couple of weeks in Sunbury. Ruth King is entertaining Katherine Florida and Ethel Brown of Hamdale. Mr. Lloyd Xarschner is friends at Falls. Madge Oliver of Dallas has returned home after spending a few week swith local relatives. A number of people attended the W. CT, \U. ‘at Lehman on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Haffard and grandson James Oliver Jr., spent with relatives at Hunlock’s Creek. Wr Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Karchner enter- tained friends from Pittston sunday.. Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Oliver of King- ston and Eugene Oliver of Wilkes- Barre, called onn Mrs. E. A. Oliver sunday. Charlotte Eidbrandt returned home from a weeks camp at Camp Hiawa- tha, a girls campp at Lake Ariel. James Hildebrant is attending school at Wyoming Seminary. Florence Weintz of Lake Side Inn Harvey's Lake spent Friday with her parents. ¥ Schial of Johnstown Olias formerly of | visiting "LUZERNE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS’ ELECTION NOTICE PRIMARY ELECTION NOTICE— In accordance with the Act of As- sembly nown as the “Uniform Pri- maries Act,” notice is hereby given that the Fall Primary will be held at the regular polling places in the va- rious election districts of the County of Luzerne, on Tuesday, September 17th, 1929, between the hours of 7 o'clock a. 'm. and 7 o'clock p. m, for the purpose of making nominations for public offices to be voted for at the General Election to be hela November 5th, 1929. The following is a list in offices for which nominations are to be made: STATE OFFICES Two candidates for the office of Judge of the Superior Court One candidate for the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas COUNTY OFFICES Controller. Clerk of Courts. Prothonotary. Two (2) Jury Commissioners. CITY OFFICES Wilkes-Barre City Two (2) City Council for 4 years. Two (2 School Directors for 6 years. Aldermen where terms expire. Judge and Inspectors of elections in each district. Hazleton City Mayor. Two (2) City Council for 4 years. Controller for 4 years. Three (3) School Directors for:=6 years. One (1) School Director for 4 years. ‘Alderman where terms expire. Judge and Inspectors of elections in each district. ih , Pittston City Mayor for 4 years. Two (2) Council for 4 years. Three (3) School Directors for 6 vears. Controllet for 4 years. Aldermen where terms expire. Judge and Inspectors of elections in each district. Nanticoke City Mayor for 4 years. Two (2) Council for 4 years. Three (3) School Directors for 6 years. Treasurer for 4 years. Controller for 4 years. Aldermen where terms expire. Judge and Inspectors of elections in each district. Boroughs Justice of the Pedce where terms ex- pire. Council. Tax Collector: Auditor. School Directors. Chief Burgess Overseers of JPoor where terms .ex- pire. Register Assessors where terms ex{ pire. / J Judge and Inspectors of elections in each district. Townships Justice of the Peace where terms ex- pire. ‘ School Directors. Auditors. First National Bank DALLAS, PA * * * Members American Bankers’ Association La x » i DIRECTORS ‘R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. ‘Honevwell. W. B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, Wm. Bulford, George R. Wright. OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter,/Cashier * = @ fhree Per Cent. on Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Deposits Payable on Demand Vault Bexes for Rent Self-Registering Saving Bank Free v 7 | stoners, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Overseers of the Poor where terms expire. : Tax Collector. : Township Treasurer in first class ) townships. X Township Commissioners in’ first class townships in even numbered dis- tricts. Registry Assessors where tor ex- pire. ‘ix Vid Judge and Inspectors of elections Ans each district. Middle Coa! Fie'd Poor District Two (2) Auditors. y Blank petitions 'may be procured at the officer of' the County Commis- ey —————— p LESLIE J. HARRISON, D. M. ROSSER, P. J. CONWAY, County Commissioners’ Office, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. July 16th, 1929. First National Tonk PUBLIC SQUARE WILKES-BARRE, PA. United States Depository: | Capital Stock ....... .$750,000.00 | Surplus and undivided profits i earned... oe. .$2,000,000.00 Officers and Directors Wm. S. McLean, President ‘Wm. H. Conyngham, Vice-Pres. C. F. Huber, Vice-Pres. Francis Douglas, Cashier F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier Direeiors : i Wm. S. McLean, C. N. Yoveland, F. O. Smith, George R. McLean, |" Wm. H. Conyngham, Richard | Sharpe, C. E. Huber, Francis Douglas, Edward Griffith, T. Bai Hillard, Lea Hunt. Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On Savings Deposits $1.00 Will Start An Account. ASX POTTS ; h YEERaOOD y ‘ow’ll § drive | faste This Summer: Better roads Fhe invite speed So— is © pay more attention | to your tires! io New Goodyears Cost Little | Don’t take chances on hot roads with old tires, even if they “look” good. You’ve had narrow squeaks before! Building nearly twice as many tires as any other company, Goodyear is giving Greater Values than ever. Dollar for 1 dollar, “The World’s Greatest Tires.” Besides giving you low prices, we save you money by put- ting on the right type tire for your needs. And our watchful all-year service helps you get all the miles you buy. (On Your r Wheels) Unlimited Lifetime Graranteed Goodyear Pathfinders : 20x Te FER $ 5.45 DOXA AY 1 CE KES SA $ 6.19 SOXA50:" ... . aah EA $ 6.98 J BOXBO0. ©. aa Re $ 9.40 ) S0XB.25" LR es $10.45 BAIXD.2D. 1... i A lee sete ste Se $10.78 JAMES F. Lake Street, Dallas, Pa. EARL 30x35 BESFECKER CO. MONK Shavertown, Pa. ‘0.Y.W.’ Prices—Not ‘S.0. Ss. (Slung on Shoulder) Goodyear All-Weathers—Unlimiied Lifetime Guarantee ¥