Sy 7 oF r——t - [HE MAIN THING ON MAIN STREET” ., SATURDAY, JUNE 29,1929 Auify Tou MAIN STREETS JEADING NEWSPAPER MINT. RATES ON REQUEST PORT HIORENCY GUIS ms MOUTH — J. VAN RENSALER MON MORENCY |, TUL Tow. BUM, BURNED TE ROOF OF HIS MOUTH IN THE PALACE LUNCH TODAY WHEN HE PUT AN EXTRA LARGE DAB OF ToBAS- Ca ON His BAKED BEANS. HE MISTOOK TE TOBASCO FoR KETCHUP, Slice OUR PIES ARE FRESU AND HAVE = PLENTY OF CRUST NOV I DONT GOLLY — HE'S A WANNA TALK HOT LIL SKETCH ABOUT THAT =HAT MONT. oD Fool, BUT- MORENCY ©GESRGE MATTHEW ADAMS TF’ HEAVENS TAKE OH SHALL T CALL vay! OUT THE FIRE DEPARTMENT, fed i ° JOEL MACKINTOSH 4 DEALER IN RAMNCOATS AND OER STUFF ° -Kunkle- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellsworth spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Gideon Miller and family. Chester Redfield of New York City, who with Mrs. Redfield has spent the past month with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, was taken to Homeopathic Hospital on Sunday evening for treat- ment for pleurisy and an abscess on the right lung which developed from an attack of pneumonia some time ago. It was thought at first that an opera- tion would be necessary but Mr. Red- field is responding so satisfactorily to treatment that it is hoped the opera- tion can be avoided. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Conden and chil- dren, Lois and William, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Conden and children, Merle, El- wood and Dorothy, enjoyed a motor trip to Laporte and Eaglesmere on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bittenbender of Stroudsburg uere the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle and family on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Conden and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd spent Monday eve- ning with Mr. and Mrs. Shuman Wardan and family of Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Olin Kunkle, Eleanor Kunkle, Miss Margaret Kunkle, Mrs. J. S. Kunkle and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kunkle spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Durland of West Wyoming. During the afternon a fine view of the aerial performances in connection with the airport opening was enjoyed from the mountain at the farm of George disch/ of West Wyoming. Misses Francis Sweezy Shoemaker called on Mrs. Landon Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Kresge and son Donald, Mrs. Downing and Miss Fraces Downing of Trucksville were callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kunkle Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wright of Nan- ticoke visited their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Werl- man, Sunday and Monday of this week. Misses Eloise and Emily Nulton were the guests of their aunt, Mrs. W. H. Conden at dinner on Tuesday. Miss Inez Boston recently enter- tained her Sunday school class with a delightful evening party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bos- ton. Following a pleasant evening of games and music a dainty lunch was served. The teacher and members of the class present were: Mrs. C. W. Kunkle, Marie Sayre, Marian Kunkle, Ruth Hoyt, Dorothy Elston, Inez Bos- ton, Edwin Shoemaker, Thomas Lan- don, James Miers, Frank Boston. Other guests were: Miss Bertha Updyke of Demuns, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bos- ton and children of Bunker Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Boston, Gilbert, Mar- garet, Mildred and Ethel Boston. Joseph Shoemaker visited his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shoemaker, on Sunday. Charles Parsons of Nanticoke spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wirtman. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rydd of King- ston spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Scott and chil- dren called on Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kittle of Mooretown on Sunday. Crews of men from the county road and bridge department are preparing and Emily Rcannah -Noxen- i, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jayne of Bay Side, L. I., were guests of Dr, and Mrs. C. L. Boston Tuesday night. They were enroute to Plymouth, where théy attended the wedding of Mr. Jayne's nephew. Miss Mary Louise Turrell is spend- ing several weeks with her grand- mother in Allentown. Mrs. Howard Engleman is entertain- ing her nephew, Francis, of Plains. Janet Thomas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Thomas, has been ill at her home for the past week. Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Crosby, Mrs. Fred Fasset and Miss Katherine Fas- set attended the airport dedication in fWilkes-Barre on aSturday. Mr. and Mrs. Crosby’s son, Fassett, was one of the aviators who took part in the meet. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Weaver of Allentown spent several days last week with Mrs. Weaver's sister; Mrs. El- wood Schenck. Albert Keiper of Grand Haven, Mich., is spending his vacation witn his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Keiper. George Rauch and James Turrell are spending several weeks at Wyalusing, where they have a cabin along the river. Mrs. James Besecker of Dallas and her sister-in-law, Miss Besecker were guests of Mrs. Boston on Tuesday. Cliford Howell of Trucksville is visit- ing his grandparents, Dr. and Mrs. C. L. Boston. While here Mr. Clifford painted Dr. Boston’s house. The Noxen School Garden Club is making fine progress. and several of the youngsters have shown much in- terest in gardening. Much credit is ue Mrs. C. L. Auvil, club president, for stimulating interest in the organi- zation. A. J. Davis is greatly improving his building on Main street with a new coat of paint. Miss Bina Dendler of Trucksville will spend Monday with her parents here. CoA, the Kunkle-Alderson road for the new {asphalt surface which will be applied |in a short time. Material for the new | surface was unloaded at Alderson the | past week. Fred Kunkle is caretaker | of the road. | The home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Roote two-story addition, which is built by Herbert Belles of Beaumont. When completed the house will con- tain five large .rooms with an stairway in the spacious living rooms and is a splendid improvement. Children’s ‘Day exercises were held at the Kunkle church Sunday evening and a splendid program in charge of Superintendent Mrs. Gideon Miller was: given by the children, assisted by the teachers and officers. Miss Doris Herdman, who has been teaching in the schools of Hempstead, L. I, for several years, sailed from New York last Friday evening with a party of teachers for a tour of Europe, lasting about six weeks. On her re- turn Miss Herdman will spend the bal- ance of her summer vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Herdman. Mrs. Mary Thompson of Alderson was the guest of Mrs. W. S. Kunkle at diner on Wednesday. Stanley Price, Jr., of Dallas, spent Monday with Charles and Allen Brace. The most economical car in the lowest priced field = YI economy is merely the be- ginning of ‘the greater value ChryslerhasbuiltinthePlymouth. Plymouth is unique in the lowest- priced field in giving full-size seat- ingcapacityforalladultpassengers —withoutcrowding or discomfort. Plymouth is the only car in its AND UPWARDS F. 0. B. Gd FACTORY field giving the positive safety of Chrysler weatherproof internal hydraulic brakes on all four wheels. On every basis of comparison, the Plymouth earns your respect and the immediate conviction that it represents today’s greatest dol- lar-for-dollar value in the field of lowest-priced cars. 116 Plymouth—Six body styles, $655 to $695. All prices f. o. b. factory. “ OLIVER'S GARAGE Dallas, Pa. PLYM® MOTORS A CHRYSLER PRODUCT is being improved with a fine | being | | open | Mrs. Lewis Orcutt has returned after spending two weeks with her sister in Rochester, N. Y. Harry and Elvin Bean are working at the tannery during their summer vacation. Tommy and Nancy Metz have re- turned to their home in Trucksville after spending the forepart of the week here with Jesse Race, who hase been visiting her parents. Mrs. Jesse Benjamin gnd daughter have returned from General Hospital, Wilkes-Barre. Malvin French has returned to Noxen and has rented the house va- vated by Dr. A. L. Americus and will live there. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Crispell and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Traver are spending the week in Akron, Ohio, where they are visiting Mrs. Traver’s sisters. Mrs. Grover Lane was quite ser- iously injured Wednesday when she suffered a. dizzy spell and fell down stairs. She was treated by Dr. C. L. Boston and is now improving nicely. Verna Dimmick is entertaining her cousin, Miss Arline Williamson of Kingston. The third swimming hole in Bow- man’s Creek, above Noxen, enjoyed a splendid patronage during the recent hot weather. A Martz bus from Wilkes-Barre this 4 [week conveyed about fifty children from argaret the Children’s Home to their summer home along Bowman's Creek. Adam Kresge, capable caretaker, had the home in perfect readiness for the chil- dren’s arrival and a happy lot they were upon reaching their