The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, June 15, 1929, Image 6

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inued From Preceding Page)
i virtue of a writ of Fi Fa
. 152, July Term, 1929, issued out
the Court of Common Pleas of
zerne County, to me directed, there
1 be exposed to public sale by
due to the highest and best bid-
for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
om. Court House, in the City of
kes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
ot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot or parcel of lars
tuate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
ounty, Pennsylvania, being lot nub-
red 109 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
orded in the office of the Recorder
Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
nnsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
‘Being a rectangular lot fronting 39
t on Fox Hill Place and having a
depth of 130.2 feet and extending in a
southeasterly direction at right angles
h Fox Hill Place to an alley in the
Having erected thereon a two-story
rame and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
le land conveyed by Elizabeth B.
ennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
, to Kresge and Company, by four
deed, as follows: First parcel, dated
9, 1925, and recorded August 6,
, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
ed July 22, 1925, and recorded
ugust 25, 1925, in the Recorder's
ice of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
~ corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
‘of Deeds Office of Luzerne
fourth parcel, dated Septem-
19, 1925, and recorded . September
925, in the Recorder's Office of
ne County; the said four parcels
land being later plotted as the Fox
[ill Plan of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
ounty in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
ompany and will be sold by
JOHN MacL/USKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
urday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ’ of Fi Fa
. 151, July Term, 1929, issued out
the Court of Common Pleas of
zerne County, to me directed, there
be exposed to public sale by
due to the highest and best bid-
for cash. at the Sheriff's Sales
Court House, in tha City of
jlkes-Barre. Luzerne County, Penn-
vlvania. on Saturday. the 22nd day
: Juns, 1929, at ten “o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
ht, title and interest of the defen-
s in and to the following described
‘piece or parcel of land, viz:
\11 that certain lot or parcel of land
uate ‘in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
y, Pennsylvania being lot num-
d 105 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
ed in the office of the Recorder
Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
ge 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 38 ft.
Fox Hill Place and having a depth
-130.2 feet and extending in a south-
erly direction at right angles with
"ox Hill Place to an alley in the rear.
Having erected thereon a two-story
me and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
he lands conveyed by Elizabeth B.
nedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
and, to Kresge and Company, by four
s. as follows: First parcel, dated
#3, 192%, and rccorded August 5,
in the Recorder of Deeds Office
Luzerne County; second parcel,
ed July 22, 1925, and recorded
gust 25, 1925," in the Recorder’s
ice of Luzerne County; third par-
, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
ed August 25, 1925, in the Re-
der of Deeds Office of Luzerne
ounty; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
9, 1925, and recorded September
5, 1925, in the Recorder's Office of
zerne Cecurnty; the said four parcels
land being inter blotted as the Fox
1 Hien of Lets cid recorded in the
corder of Deeds Oifice of Luzerne
‘ounty in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
eized and taken into execution at
he suit of Standard Life Insurance
~ Company of America vs. Kresge and
mpany and will be sold by
JOEN MacLUSKIE. Sheriff.
Walaen, Attorneys.
aturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi
. 150, July Term, 1929, issued out
the Court of Common Pleas of
1zerne County, to me directed, there
1 be exposed to public sale by
endue to the highest and best bid-
rs, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
oom, Court House, in the City of
‘ilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
ylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
orenoon of the said day, all the
ight, title and interest of the defen
ants in and to the following described
t, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot or parcel of land
tuate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
unty, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
112 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
ed in the office of the Recorder
Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
nsvlvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
; a rectangular lot fronting 38
mn Fox Hill Place and having
h of 130.2 feet and extending
‘ southeasterly directlon at right
es with Fox Hill Place to an alley
> rear. ;
Having erected there on a two-story
and reinforced stucco dwelling
above plot being a portion of
and conveyed by Elizabeth B.
edy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
, to Kresge and Company, by four
as follows: First parcel, dated
25, and recorded August 6,
e Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder's
Oifice of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
Count; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 19, 1925, and recorded September
255 1925, in the Recorder’s Office of
Luzerne County; the said four parcels
of land being later plotted as the Box
Hill Plan of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ .of Fi Fa
No. 149, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to ‘the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
‘Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to thé following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot or parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
bered 106 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 39
feet on Fox Hill Place and having a
depth of 130.2 feet and extending in a
southeasterly direction at right angles
with Fox Hill Place to an alley in the
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
the land conveyed by Elizabeth B.
Kennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deeds, as follows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and recorded August 6,
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder’s
Office of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded. August 25, 1925, in the. Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 19, 1925, and recorded September
25. 1925, in the Recorder's Office of
Luzerne County; the said four parcels
~c + 44.3 ~~ tl Taw
of land boing rater plotted ‘asthe
Hill Plan of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa
No. 148, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
svlvania. on' Saturday. the 22nd dav
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
1'ght, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot or parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
bered 110 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 38
feeting on Fox Hill Place and having
a depth of 130.2 feet and extending
in a southeasterly - direction at right
angles with Fox Hill Place to an alley
in the rear. ’
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
the land conveyed by Elizabeth B.
Kennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deeds, as follows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and recorded August 6,
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder's
Office of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 18, 1925, and recorded September
25, 1925, in the Recorder's Office of
Luzerne County: the said four parcels
of land being later plotted as the Fox
Hill Plan of Lots and recorded in the
Hill Flan of X.ots and recorded in the
County in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Atiormeye
~ CX
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa
No. 144, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o’cloc
forenoon of the said da; 7
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot of parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
bered 11 lin the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the Office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321. :
Being a rectangular lot fronting 41
feeting on Fox Hill Place and having
a depth of 130.2 feet and extending in
a southeasterly direction at right
angles with Fox Hill Place to an elley
in the rear.
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
the land conveyed by Elizabeth B.
Kennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deed, as follows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and recorded August 6.
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder's
Office of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
Count; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 19, 1925, and recorded September
25, 1925, in the Recorder's Office of
Luzerne County; the said four parcels
of land being later plotted as the Fox
Hill Plan. of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresga and
Company and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi’ Fa
No. 140, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the suid day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot of parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, ILuzerne
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
bered 113 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 39
feet on Fox Hill Place and having a
depth of 130.2 feet and extending in a
southeasterly direction at right angles
with Fox Hill Place to an alley in the
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
| house.
The above plot being a portion of
{the ' land conveyed by Elizabeth. B
Kennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deed, as follows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and” recorded August 6,
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder’s
Office of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
Count; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 19, 1925, and recorded September
25, 1925, in the Recorder's- Office of
Luzerne County; the said four parcels
of land being later plotted as the Fox
Hill Pls of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerife
County in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By ‘virtue of ‘a “writ” of Fi Fa
No. 139, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ‘ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain iot of parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
bered 114 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 40.5
feet on Fox Hill Place and having a
depth of 180.2 feet and extending in a
southeasterly direction at right angles
with Fox Hill Place to an alley in the
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
the land conveyed by Elizabeth B.
Kennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deed, as follows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and recorded August 6,
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder's
Office of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 19, 1925, and recorded September
25, 1925,
Luzerne County; the said four parcels
of land being later pl
in the Recorder's Office of
od as the Fox
Hill Plan of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taker to cxzecution at
the suit of Standaru wife Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys. e
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a “writ of Fi Fa
No. 138, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
sylvania, on Saturday, the 2nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot or parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
bered 108 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds, in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 38
feet on Fox Hill Place and having a
depth of 130.2 feet and extending in a
southeasterly direction at right angles
with Fox Hill Place to an alley in the
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
‘The above plot being a portion of
the land conveyed by Elizabeth B.
Kennedy and W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deed, as follows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and recorded August 6,
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second parcel,
dated July: 22, 1925, and recorded
Aug. 25, 1925, in the Recorder of Deeds
Office of Luzerne County; third par-
cel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Re-
corder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County; fourth parcel, dated Septem-
ber 19, 1925, and recorded September
25, 1925, in the Recorder’s Office of
Luzerne County; the said four parcels
of land being later plotted as the Fox
Hill Plan of Lots and recorded in the
Recorder of Deeds Office of Luzerne
County, in Map Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company. and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE. Sheriff.
WALLER. Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By: virtue of ‘a writ of Fi Fa
No. 137, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the *Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd a
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot or parcel of land
situate in Exeter Borough, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num-
bered 117 in the Fox Hill Plan of Lots,
recorded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Lzerne County,
Pennsylvania inc Mani ‘Banly, 3fnal =
Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 41
feeting on Fox Hill Place and having a
depth of 130.2 feet extending in a
northwesterly direction at right angles
with said Fox Hill Place to an alley
in the rear.
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
The above plot being a portion of
the lands conveyed by Elizabeth P.
Kennedy ard W. H. Kennedy, her hus-
band, to Kresge and Company, by four
deeds, as folows: First parcel, dated
July 9, 1925, and recorded August 6,
1925, in the Recorder of Deeds Office
of Luzerne County; second , parcel,
dated July 22, 1925, and recorded
August 25, 1925, in the Recorder of
Deeds Office of Luzerne County; third
parcel, dated August 24, 1925, and re-
corded August 25, 1925, in the Recorder
of Deeds Office of Luzerne County;
fourth parcel, dated September 19,
1925, and recorded September 25, 1925,
in the Recorder of Deeds Office of
Luzerne County. The said four par-
cels of land being later plotted as the
Fox Hill Plan of Lots, and recorded
in the Recorder of Deeds Office of
Luzerne County, in Map Book, Vol. 2,
Page 321.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. Kresge and
Company, will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
rere ree.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Levari Facias-
sur Mortgage, No. 112, July Term,
1929, issued out of the Court of Com-
mon Pleas of Luzerne County. to me
directed, there will be exposed to pub-
lic sale by vendue to the highest and
best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff's
Sales Room, Court House, in the City
of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd
day of June, 1929, at ten o’clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain piece or parcel of
land, situate, lying and being in the
City. of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, bounded and described
as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a
corner on the southwest side of Mar-
ket street, in said city, at a point ir
lots Nos. 8 and 9 of a plot of lots here-
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn- |
in the
County, Pennsylvania, being lot num--
inafter mention; thence south 581% de-
grees west, one hundred forty (140)
feet to an alley; thence along said
alley south 311% degrees east, twenty-
one (21) feet to a point in the real
line of lot No. 9 aforesaid; thence
north 581% degrees east, one hundred
forty (140) feet to Market street as
aforesaid; and thence along said Mar-
ket street, north 811% degrees west,
twenty-one (21) feet to the place of
beginning. eing the northerly part of
lot No. 9 on the town plot of A. A.
|Laning, deceased.
Being the same premises conveyed
to Mary Stankiewicz by Henry D.
Goldberg, and wife, by deed dated the
30th day of June 1927, and duly re-
corded in the proper office for the re-
cording of deeds in and for Luzerne
County on the 5th day of July, 1927.
Improved with a two-story double
brick building at No. 217 East Mar-
ket street, Wilkes-Barre. Pennsyl-
Seized and taken into execution -at
the suite of First National Bank of
Wilkes-Barre, Pa., assignee, vs. Mary
Stankiewicz and Anthony Stankiewicz,
and will be sold by
; JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
ee (ree.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Alias Fi Fa
No. 95, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff's Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the, defen-
dants in and to the following describea
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All the surface of all that certain
lot, piece or parcel of land situate,
lying and being in the Borouugh of
Kingston (formerly Dorranceton),
County of Luzerne and State of Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described as
follows, to-wit:
BEGINNING at a point on the
southwesterly side of East Bennett
street on the dividing line between
Block G-12 and Block F-13 as shown
upon map attached to petition deed
dated August 21st, 1903, and recorded
in Luzerne County Deed Book No.
414, at Page 352; thence at right
angles with said Bennett street 143.8
feet to a corner in line of lands of
Pettebone Estate; thence along line of
the same North 34 degrees west 50
feet to a corner; thence at right angles
with last mentioned land 143.8 to East
Bennett street; thence along said East
Bennett street south 34 degrees east 50
feet to the place of beginning. Being
the most southerlv 50 feet of lot
marked S-G ia Block G-iz apon the
aforementioned plot and being the
same premises conveyed to John
Myers, the’ defendant, by George H.
Mack and wife by deed dated Novem
ber 16, 1915, and recorded in Luzerne
County Deed Book. No. 506 at Page
575. All improved with a large 2%-
story frame double dwelling, fruit
trees, shrubbery, garage building,
sidewalks, etc.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Kingston Bank and Trust
Company vs. John Meyers, and will be
sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
B. W. DAVIS, Attorney.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa
No. 166, July Term, 1929, issued out
ofs the "Court iz "Ozzomon «Plea »F
Imzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash. at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of tne said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain piece or parcel of
land situate in Exeter Borough,
County of Luzerne, Pennsyl®ania, be-
ing lot numbered 101 in the Fox Hill
Plan of Lots recorded in the office of
the Recorder of Deeds in and for Lu-
zerne County, Pennsylvania in Map
Book, Vol. 2, Page 321.
Being a rectangular lot fronting 34
feet on Fox Hill Place and extending
thence with uniform width and at
right angles to said Fox Hill Place in
a southeasterly direction a distance
of 130.2 feet to an alley.
Having erected thereon a two-story
frame and reinforced stucco dwelling
Being the same piece or parcel of
land which Kresge and Company by
deed dated ——eeee COTY TE
corded in the office of the Recorder
of Deeds in and for Luzerne County,
Pennsylvania, on ———, "granted
and conveyed unto John Morosky.
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Standard Life Insurance
Company of America vs. John
Morosky and will be sold by
JOHN MacL/USKIE, Sheriff.
WALLER, Attorneys.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa
No. 109, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All the surface or right of soil of
that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land situate in the City of Pittston,
County of Luzerne and State of Penn-
sylvania, bounded and described aw
follows: to-wit:
BEGINNING at a stone monument
at the intersection of Boyd street sand
Gravity street; thence along Gre ¥hi.
street north twenty-three degrees
twenty-five minutes east, sixty-six
and five-tenth (66.5) feet to a corner;
thence north twenty-five degrees
forty-one minutes east along Gravity
street about ninety-one (91) feet to a
corner; thence in a line forty (40) feet
from the center line of the Central
Valley Railroad Company in a north-
easterly direction along Gravity street
about thirteen’ and five-tenths (18.5)
feet tc a corner; thence south sixty-
six degrees thirty-five minutes east
along lands now or late of James Cor-
coran about one hundred and eighteen
(118) feet to a corner on an alley;
thence along said alley south twenty-
seven degrees thirty-two minutes west,
one hundred and seventy (170) feet to
a corner on Boyd street aforesaid: and
thence along Boyd street north sixty-
six degrees fifty-five minutes west,
one hundred and sixteen and seven-
tenths (116.7) feet to the place of
beginning. Containing twenty thous-
and five hundred and fifty-five (20,555)
square feet of surface land; be the
same more or less.
Being the same piece or parcel of
land conveyed by the Pittston Spool-
ing Company to Vito Bianco by Deed
dated December 7, A. D. 1926, and
duly recorded in Luzerne County in
Deed Book 648 at Page 253, and being
the same piece or parcel of land con-
veyed by the sald Vito Bianco to the
Wilkes-Barre Maid Candy Co., Inc.,
by Deed dated May 1, A. D., 1928,
and duly recorded in Luzerne County
in Deed Book 670 at Page 518.
Subject to all the reservations and
exceptions as appear in the former
deeds in the chain of title thereof.
Improved with a certain brick fac-
tory building.
Seized and taken in execution at
the suit of Pittstan Spooling Company,
to the use of the Bentley Silk Corpora-
tion against Vito Biano, with notice
to the Wilkes-Barre Maid Candy Co.,
Inc, terre-tenant. Debt $20,000.00.
Sheriff to collect $10,183.33, with. in-
terest thereon from May 20, A. D.,
1929, attorney commission of ten per
cent and. costs. Judgment to Number
174 May Term, 1929. Fi Fa to June
Term, 1929. Writ issued May 20, A. D.
1929. ;
Seized and taken into execution at
the suit of Pittston Spooling Company
to the use of Bentley Silk Corporation
vs. Vito Bianco, and will be sold by
JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff.
C. B. COMEGYS, Attorney.
Saturday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Fa
No. 111, July Term. 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County. to me directed. thera
Win be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders. for cash. at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room, Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penn-
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock .in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain lot of land situate
in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne
County, Pennsylvania, bounded and
described as follows, to-wit: Begin-
ning at a point on the northeasterly
side of Ross street, said point being
also a corner of a fourteen foot alley;
thence along the line of said Ross
street in a southeasterly direction
forty-nine and twenty-one one hun-
dredths (49.21) feet to the line of land
late of Osteopathic Realty Company,
now the Cumberland Realty Company;
thence along the line of said land,
north RE Adsgyroca 23 minutes ogast ane
hundred fifteen and forty-three one«
hundredths (115.43) feet to the line of
land of John Kaschenbach; then along
the line of said land in a northwesterly
direction forty-nine and twenty-one
one-hundredths (49.21) feet to the jine
of the hereinbefore mentioned four-
teen foot alley; thence along the line
of said alley, south 55 degrees 23
minutes west, one hundred fifteen and
forty-three one-hundredths. (115.43)
feet to the place of beginning. With
the reservation of six feet of land de-
scribed in this deed for the purpose
of giving light between these premises
and the premises known as Cumber-
land Apartments, No. 17 West Ross
street, Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania.
It is also understood and a_reced that
these premises are restricted so that
no factory, public garage or any
building erected thereon shall bécome
a public nuisance.
Being the same premises conveyed
to J. Frank Wilson by deed of Alex-
ander Blumenthal, et ux. dated 11th
May, 1923. Recorded in the Recorder
of Deeds Cffice in Luzerne County in
Deed Book No. 587, Page 16.
Improved with a 2%-story dwelling
at 21 West Ross street, Wilkes-Barre,
Seized and taken
into execution at
the suite of First National Bank of
Wilkes-aBrre, Pa., vs. J. Frank Wil-
son, and will be sold by
mines’) 3
a‘urday, June 22, 1929, at 10 A. M.
By virtue of a writ of Fi Ma
No. 57, July Term, 1929, issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas of
Luzerne County, to me directed, there
will be exposed to public sale by
vendue to the highest and best bid-
ders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales
Room. Court House, in the City of
Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne County, Penne
sylvania, on Saturday, the 22nd day
of June, 1929, at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of the said day, all the
right, title and interest of the defen-
dants in and to the following described
lot, piece or parcel of land, viz:
All that certain piece or parcel of
land situated, lying and being in the
Borough of Forty Fort, County of Lu-
zerne and State of Pennsylvania,
bonded and described as follows:
Beginning at a point on Colonial
Gardens common to Lots Nos. 2 and
15, thence in a southwesterly direction
along line common to the rear part
(Continued on Next Page)