The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, May 25, 1929, Image 3
no time limit. \ PRIZES need to get it. If the prize you want is not listed here—write to The Post Dollar Man, Dallas Post, Inc., Dallas Pa., and he will tell you how many Post Gold Dollars you will PGD. 1. BOY’S MEADE MOTOR BIKE ; Made by famous Meade Cycle Works in Chicago. Post Dollar Man has plenty of them to go around. All are equipped with electric head- light, metal tool tank, motorcycle seat, rear lug- gage carrier, auto hand horn, mud guards, bE stand, New Deprture coaster brake. &) la. SAME hi : But without electric light, horn, tool tank and | luggage carrier. | 9. GIRLS’ and JUVENILE MEADE BICYCLES. 4 Sturdy, beautiful finished bicycles. Mud guards, New Departure coaster brake, ete. 3. WHITE SCOTCH COLLIE PUPPIES .............. Thoroughbreds. Ideal playmates. There names are Bruce, Scotty, Laddie and Lady. | 4. GERMAN POLICE PUPPIES ooo thoroughbreds from the best kennels. Brave, | strong, fearless. Their names are Prince, Fritz, Count and Dutch. 5. BOYS and GIRLS’ WRIST WATCHES 5a GIRLS 15-JEWEL HAFIS, 14K ooo. White gold-filled cases. i 5b BOYS’ 7-JEWEL WALTHAM ..........oooorr 8 White or green gold case. Radium dial, strap. | POST DOLLAR TREASURY NOTE t | ONE POST GOLD DOLLAR [1 Will Be Paid In Prizes To B Y The Dallas Post, inc. Four Silver Quarters Equal One Post Gold Dollar 1 NOT TRANSFERABLE 1 POST DOLLAR TREASURY NOTE 125 115 110 10. | Here's just what you've been waiting for.. You can win dozens of fine prizes with Post Gold 1 Dollars—famous Mead Motorbikes, White Collie and German Police Puppies, Elgin, Hafis, | | Waltham Wrist Watches, Eastman Cameras Shakespeare Fishing Outfits, Babe Ruth Baseball Gloves, Wright & Wilson Tennis Rackets, Scout Equipment Coleman Camp Cook Stoves, Win- slow’s Roller Skates—just look at the list! i ii, Every prize is the product of a famous manufacturer. There’s not a cheap prize in the lot. And all of them are going to be given away free in the next few weeks by the Post Dollar Man at the Dallas Post. This is no contest—you don’t have to beat some other boy or girl. There is RULES For every NEW SUBSCRIBER you get for THE DALLAS POST you will receive ONE POST GOLD DOLLAR. For every renewal for one year you will receive TWO POST SILVER QUARTERS. For each additional year a new subscriber or re- newal takes the paper you will receive ONE POST GOLD DOLLAR. All prizes are values in POST GOLD DOLLARS. Four POST SILVER QUARTERS equal One POST GOLD DOLLAR. Subscriptions must be cash. Payable in advance. All subscription books must be returned to THE DALLAS POST, Inc. with stubs and unused re- ceipts intact. Reports on subscriptions must be sent to THE DAL- LAS POST, Inc. at the close of each week. POST GOLD DOLLARS and SILVER QUARTERS are not transferable. : POST GOLD DOLLARS and SILVER QUARTERS will be sent out at the beginning of each week. As soon as you fill out the Coupon below, have one of your parents sign it. Give your name, age, ad- dress and the prize you’d most like to have. Send it to THE POST DOLLAR MAN, Dallas Post, Inc., Dallas, Pa. and he will send you subscription books and five FREE POST GOLD DOLLARS. VAST YY YT YY YY YY TR Dallas Post, Inc., t Dallas, Pa. scription Books and Five Free Post Gold Dollars so that I can win a fine prize. My address is. It dt a aa i SE AAA aaah dh ah ala a atl lo LL hii Gee, I'm anxious to get started. Send me Sub- IthinkPdiketowin....... for a prize. Ade dagh dado dads ddd dh dh de 6c FIELDER’S MITT 5¢ BOYS’ or GIRLS’ 6- JEWEL OLYMPIC ................ 20 Nickel, plain, 3-piece case, luminous dial. 5d BOYS’ or GIRLS’ 15-JEWEL NEW BEDFORD 30 Radium figures, white satin finish chromium fin- ish case. Be STRAP WATCH gd haa ae Jeweled nickel movement, silver finish dial, radium figures. 6. REACH BASE BALL GLOVES— 6a CATCHER'S MITT ci ciiiiiiossmsiiinntiiatidomaten Regulation size, brown sheep skin. 6b FIRST BASE MITT... li 0 6d CATCHERS MITT i... iii inners Heavy Tan Cowhide. : 6e BABE RUTH FIRST BASE MIT BABE RUTH FIELDER’S MITT 6f BABE RUTH CATCHERS MITT ................... 7 EASTMAN FOLDING CAMERA Takes picture 74x314—6 exposures. Automat- ic focusing lock—Ilens Meniscus Achromatic. 8. WRIGHT and DITSON TENNIS RACKETS: Star—for young players ........... 0... 11 American Ace All-American. oh nl SOME OF THE OTHER PRIZES 9. Coleman Camp Cook Stove... : 10. Scout Mess Kit... 0.0. po i a 6 11. Winslow Boller:Skates .. ............. i. 0 6 12, Telescope Fly Fishing Rod... 10 13, Fishing Real i 8: 14. ‘Fishing Tackle Box... con ons ol 5 15. ' Official Boy Scout Knife ii tiie. SUBSCRIPTION wha aE $1.00 Per Year