R SALE A cheap horse. Can be used for any purpose. Apply to Anthony ‘Hudak, Dallas, Pa., on the road lead- ing from Fernbrook to Huntsville. Phone 267-R-9. oy Ry : FOR SALE 3 Police puppies, 2; months old, of fine stock. Mrs. Grover Anderson. Call Dallas 149-R-23. —_—0— FOR SALE Graham Brothers Dodge truck with coal body, 2 ton box. Inquire Jesse Hoover on Lehman Road, one-half way to Lake. : Lior FOR SALE One silo, good as new, 10x32; one Ward plow, used but little; one double swingle tree, new. Cheap to quick : W. R. Garinger, 54 Hunts- ville Street. . or LEGAL NOTICE P =—0— The Board of School Directors of Lake Township will receive Sealed Bids for the different bus routes as . follows: a Route No. 3 Starting at A, N. . Williams Corners by way of Loyal- ville to road leading from Outlet then to Laketon by way of Krulips Cor- ners. ! > Route No. 4. Starting at Rock School to Laketon by way of John Brislin’s. Route No. 5. Starting at David Williams’ Corners to Loyalville by way of Charley Kuptus’ Store. _. Specifications may be obtained by applying to Corey Grey, secretary, Alderson R. R. D.; No. 1. - The board reserves the right to re- ject any or all bids. All bids re- turnable May 6, 1929. > ——0 ; NOTICE ) Notice to taxpayers of Dallas Town- ship. Taxes for the year 1928 re- maining unpaid May 20, 1929 will positively be collected according to law, either by levy or arrest. JOHN A. ANDERSON Tax Collector . —_—0— a BEE SUPPLIES A complete line of beeware. DADANT’S WIRED-FOUNDATION- Plain medium- . 1st Grade Sectibns, Jive Ten frame hives, $10.50. le both the best and the Send us your mail orders d inquiries. GAY-MURRAY COM- ANY, Inc, Tunkhannock, Pa. ; —0— a TA RADIOS FOR SALE ~ We have several Kolster and At- water Kent Battery Radio Sets that ideal for cottage or summer home. Opportunity to buy a high- class set for very little money. We are open evenings. Page-Morris, Inc., 58 West Market Street, Wilkes-Barre. <2 W —_—— FOR SALE Window screens quickly made to or- er to fit any size window. Call P. O. Lutz, Dallas, 270-R-16. —0— CARE OF CEMETERY LOTS For care of lots and grave digging in Warden Cemetery call J. H. Finch, DaHas 277-R-16. : —:0:— WANTED TO RENT ~ Wanted to rent unfurnished house with four or more bedrooms for six ‘months to one year. Must be mod- ern and located between Trucksville and Dallas. Call King. 3192. —0:— Alfred Bronson Funeral Director and Embalmer Phones: | { | | cls oaaowe al (1 030) em 0 ann | am 0 a 0 a= 0 DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE ISSUE BULLETIN ON FIGHTING FARM FIRES Rn —— A bulletin just issued by the United States Department of Agriculture, shows that the greatest farm fire] ~ risks are those presented by chim- neys, the cellar, roofing, fireplaces, ‘stairways and heatihg and lighting ~ equipment. This department, in co-operation h fire prevention organizations, s been working to eliminate farm re hazards and minimize those haz- ards which are unavoidable. Prevention is mainly up to the in- dividual. Poor building construction ‘is a menace. Fire-stopping in frame- ~ work and fire-resistive floor construc- tion are important. Lack of adequate maintenance is another great danger. Buildings and equipment should be regularly inspected. and any needed repairs should be made immediately. The farm fire loss is high, partly because of lack of near-by fire-fight- ing organizations. But a little care by every farmer will do wonders in lowering the waste. DALLAS POST, DALLAS, "KUNKLE Fonte ts mete (2 1 f | Messrs Charles Herdman, Henry | Shoemaker and Victor Rydd made a business trip to Wilkes-Barre on Tuesday. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sweezy enter- tained at dinner on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. N. S. Sutliff and family of | Trucksville. . Mr. and Mrs. Cragg Herdman and daughters, Jane and Rebecca, were | the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dewitt of Mt. Greenwood on Sunday. | Mrs. Palmer Updyke submitted to | an operation for appendicitis at Homeopathic Hospital on Tuesday evening, following several days ill- ness at her home. The operating | surgeon was Dr. Fisher of Wilkes- Barre, assisted by Dr. Brown, of Leh- man. Mrs. Updyke is making a sat- isfactory recovery at this writing. Miss Gertrude © Smith and Miss Eleanor Kunkle visited Mr. and Mrs. William Nulton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and Mrs. Olin Kunkle attended the fun- eral of Mr. Smith’s sister, Mrs. Esth- er Rought at Binghamton, N. Y. on Wednesday. The trip was made with Mr. and Mrs. Zel Garinger of Dal- las, who spent the day with friends in Binghamton. Misses Frances Hess, Emily Shoe- maker and Frances Sweezy were call- ers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kunkle on Friday evening of last week. ; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman en- tertained on Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wardan, Misses Elizabeth and Abilene Wardan and Sherman Kunkle of Shavertown. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herdman and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Rydd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Whipp on Friday evening of last week. Mrs. Roannah Landon spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman War- dan, of Shavertown. ; Donald, . the little son of Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ide, who has been crit- ically ill with pneumonia for several days, is recovering Mrs. Oliver Ellsworth cared for him during the critical period of his illness. Dr. Brown, of Lehman was the attending physician. Many of the school children of Kunkle are ill with measles. The same condition prevails in other sections of the township cutting down the school attendance considerably. The school buses of Frank Hess and Philip Kunkle are carrying light loads in consequence. : Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Whipp and Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Honeywell, of Dallas, called on Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herd- man Sunday evening. Misses Frances Sweezy and Emily Shoemaker visited Mrs. Ralph Hess Saturday afternoon. 0 MEEKER Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wolfe, of the city and Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Smith, of Mooretown, called on Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wolfe, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth King’ and daughter, Virginia, spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Weintz. Florence Weintz, of this place, Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley and Joseph | | Deleanic, of Sweet Valley, motored to | | Delaware Water Gap Sunday. George Hufford of Towanda, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Hufford Wed- nesday evening. VB hme ml ee tet 64 Geraldine Cornell, of Shavertown, | spent the week-end with Willard Cor- nell. Mr. and Mrs. John Hildebrant and children, James and Charlotte and Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong at- tended the Silver Wedding Annivers- ary of Mr. and Mrse Clark Hilde-! brant, of Dallas Saturday evening. Mr. William Garnett, of Benton, called on his family recently. Z 0 SWEET VALLEY A very pretty wedding was solemn- ized in the Duryea Presbyterian Church on Saturday, May 11 when Naugle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tor- rence Naugle, of Sweet Valley. dress and hat of the same color. She was attended by Miss Merle Naugle, sister of the groom. Miss Naugle was dressed in lavendar chiffon. Rin- ald Davenport, a cousin of the bride, acted as best man. The beautiful ring ceremony was used. Miss Clarice Carter presided at the piano and during the ceremony played “O Promise Me.” of the couple. The newlyweds have gone to apartment at Sweet Valley. ritis' “in "Dr. Pittston. spent Sunday at Sweet Valley. Mr. and Mrs. Torrence Naugle, Mrs. Elsie Wesley and Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Davenport attended the initiation ceremony at Irem Temple, Wilkes- Barre, when about two members were given the Rebecca De- gree of the I. 0. O. F. - Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Wesley, of Kingston, are occupying their cottage at North Lake. Mrs. Elizabeth Bonham, of Pritch- ard, died on Friday night, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jesse Hann, of Sweet Valley. Mrs. Bon- ham had been in failing health for the last year. She was®75 years of age. The funeral was held from her home at Pritchard on Sunday. The Mott school closed on Tuesday with a picnic which was enjoyed by all. A most bountiful dinner was served by the pupils and teacher. A number of visitors was present. The Roosevelt Glee Club, of Nanti- coke will give a concert at the Church of Christ on Saturday evening, May 18th. Mr. and Mrs. D. O. Mullison, of Kingston, spent Sunday with the for- mer’s mother, Mrs. R. O. Durland. churches at this place by appropriate services. Miss Ruth Lewin Entertains Society (pr | The Young Women's | Society met Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Ruth Shaver Lewin. There were twenty-seven members The- funeral of Stanley Fox was held from his home at this place on | Wednesday afternoon at 2:00 p. m. Interment in the Roaring Brook Cem- etery. : | BWarl Lewis, of Buttonwood is | spending a few days at the home of Charles Sorber. Ruth King, of Harveys spent Monday evening with brother Kenneth of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Warmouth and Mrs. O. A. Nash, and Mrs Thomas Warmouth and daughter Mil- dred, of Trucksville, spent Sunday. with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Van Bus- kirk. Mr. Lloyd Karchner spent a few days at Falls recently. | Ruth Karchner, of Falls, spent the Lake her place. x The Mother’s Day program which was held in the church Sunday even- ing was largely attended. Mr. and Mrs. William Sayre and family and Florence Weintz, spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schooley of Pike’s Creek. Florence Scovell, who recently un- derwent a tonsil operation, is slow- ly improving. | week-end with her parents at this | present. Mrs. Webster, the minister's wife, | was a guest of the society. Reports | were given on the banquet held Mon- | day evening at Wilkes-Barre and which thirteen local members attend- ed. interesting talk on the mission work | being done in Africa. After the (meeting a delicous lunch was served | by the followng committee members: Ruth Waters, Gertrude Russ, Emily Fisher, Loretta Cooke, Dorothy Pat- terson and Faye Whipp. ; = DALLAS ROTARY ATTENDS SHICKSHINNY MEETING —Q— Dallas was well represented at the special meeting of the Shickshinny Rotary Club Tuesday evening, when the following members motored to | that place: Mr. and Mrs. Earl Monk, Mr. and Mrs. Herman VanCampen, Mr. and Mrs. Zila Howell, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Steele, Mr. Henry Sipple and Prof. Calvin McHose. Or And Few Do Preaching may be defined as an at- tempt to speak the truth consecutivel for 30 minutes. Few can do it.—Joh Andrew Holmes. TELEPHONES 2610 FREE DELIVERY The Big Food Market i THE BEST EATS FOR THE LEAST MONEY Miss Mary Helen Hoover, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hooyer, of Sweet | Valley, became the bride of Mr. Ralph | The | bride was attired in a pink chiffon | A dinner was served at the home | of the. bride’s parents to the friends: housekeeping in a neatly furnished Mr. McKinley Long is slowly im-| proving from a severe attack of neu- | Ransom’s Hospital at | Mr. and Mrs. Corey Allen and Mr. | and Mrs. Otis Allen, of Harvey’s Lake | | popular young ladies, was united in| hundred | Mother’s Day was observed in the | Missionary Miss Florence Snyder gave a very | PA, v. Ie? | 9, © oe BO) -am Miss Lydia Crispell who for the past three weeks has been visiting | Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Crispell at Brook- {lyn, N. Y., returned home last Sun- (day. She reports that Mrs. Crispell |is fast improving in health. | Born to Mr. and Mrs. Russel Keip- er a baby girl. 0Y : Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Harmon, of Endicott, N. Y., were in town Sunday calling on Mrs. Harmon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Bogart, both of whom {are confined to their beds with ill-| | ness. Miss Letha Jones, together with | Mrs. James Crispell motored to Bing- | hamton, N. Y. on Monday. Miss Jones has secured: a position for the | summer months with one of the large shoe firms at that place as assistant shipping clerk. Irvin Newberry and family and A. E. Dimmick and family spent Tues- day evening at Tunkhannock attend- |ing the play given in the Savoy The- atre by the Senior Class of Noxen High School. J. K. Mosser Leather Corporation intends to start full time work this coming week. Fred Jones, better known as “Peg,” one of our best fishermen, caught a | trout Tuesday measuring 23 inches and weighing over four pounds. Walter = Jarvis of Tunkhannock spent Tuesday in town. Myr. and Mrs. Peter Frailey and | Robert Frailey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kresge. Mrs. Charles Scouten returned home this week with her grand-daugh- ter who has been visiting her at Ni- |agara Falls, N. Y. Thomas Edwards has moved into | the house owned by Mr. John Space, Sr. : Miss Doris Schoch, one of our most marriage to Mr. Nathan Straley the past Saturday. The wedding took place at Mehoopany. Rev. Lucas per- formed the ceremony. Ora Miller is caring for her sister, Mrs. Jean Miller who is ill at her home in Forty Fort. Mrs. Harry Thompson and daugh- ter, Vivian, are visiting at Elmira, N.Y, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Schenk and son-in-law, Forrest Randall, motored to Allentown over the week-end. Mrs. Gertrude Thomas entertain- ed the following on Sunday: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Thomas and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Durland, of Wyoming; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heidenreich, - of Wilkes-Barre and Mr. and Mrs. Lon Prutzman and daughter, Elgie, of Shavertown. Mrs. Carl Smith and daughter were guests of Mrs. E. Y. B. Engleman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Crosby enter- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fassett and daughter Catherine on Sunday. Mrs. Albert May and her three sons were guests of Mrs. May’s aunt, | Mrs. Ellen Ferguson on Sunday. DELLE Two Boys KING MICHAEL Jay Ward, Wilkes Barre, Pa. juvenile stage star, bears a striking ‘resemblance to King Michael, the ‘youthful ruler of Rumania. Jay was tselected as “The Typical American Boy” by the American Legion and | “taken {0 Pass in 1927 : 18 Di tained Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fassett, | —10:— Howard Hontz entertained his mother from Sweet Valley this week. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Northrop and son, Kenneth, of Scranton, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Thom. Hig- gins. ‘Miss Josephine Miller is home from the Homeopathic Hospital, where she recently underwent a serious opera- tion. Mrs. Laura Patterson, "who has | been yisiting her. daughter, Dorothy, lat West Chester, has returned home. | | The students of the college celebrat- ed their annual “May Day” while she was there and they also had special entertainment for the mothers. Miss Anne Czuleger spent the week-end in Philadelphia. Laura Taylor, who have been visit- ing ni New York City, have returned home. ing in New York City, have returned City, is visiting her sister, Mrs. E. G. Stevens. Thomas Czuleger spent Mother's Day at his home here. Tommy has about completed has work in Read- ing and will leave for Wayne County soon where the Boyle Construction Co. has another big job. Fred Turpin, Jr., Cecil Stevens, of town, and Loren Edwards, of King- | ston, motored to Watkins Glenn re- Miss Margaret Thomas and Miss | HIMMLER THEATRE SATURDAY NITE Wolf of Wall St. GEO. BANCROFT TUESDAY NITE Brotherly Love KARL DANE THURSDAY NITE Good Bye Kiss: JOHNNY BANKS a. SATURDAY NITE Beyond Sierras TIM McCOY | ~ cently. JE. G. Stevens, who has been on the | been taken to the hospital for fur- | ther treatment. Mrs. James Besecker is ill at her | home on Lake Street. | Mrs. A. P. Kiefer and daugher, | Lois, motored. to New York during | the week. While there Lois will have | the final fitting of her trousseau. | Kenneth Waite, of Irem Country |Club, spent Wednesday with his {mother in Williamsport. Mr. and Mrs. Henry German, have given up their home at Shrine View and are spending a few weeks at the | Country Club. | George W .Coil, of Lebanon re- | turned home, having spent the week | with his sister, Mrs. Sadie Miller, of Dallas. The Dallas W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. Charles W. Kunkle at Kunkle Tuesday, May 21 at 2 p. m. Mrs. Jane Case and Mrs. Clarice McHenry attended the White Shrine in Wilkes-Barre one night this week. R. M. McHenry and R. M. Staple- ton, of Luzerne, made a business trip to Shamokin on Friday. Miss Edna Woolbert entertained a | few of her friends at her home on | Main Street. There were twelve guests present. Mr. Clifford Ide, of Irem Temple Country Club, has purchased a new | Dodge. | { | | | | | About Ourselves Life is worth living only if we make ziven him sick list for the past few weeks has | , "or it so, each man with the life that is |} Paint-Up For Spring! BREINIC'S BURE LENSE Paints, Varnish Lead and Oil DALLAS HARDWARE & SUPPLY COMPANY PHONE 60 MAIN ST., DALLAS EE INE NINE nfs On I NR RR nn a ff a Po A If foo ff Pf ff fo i I fo fon fon fn pn foi SAVINGS In Prices SHOP ON WHEELS. goods. 9. Aaah aut: Beginning MAY 25th Our big RED SANITARY SHOP ON WHEELS will make regular stops every Tuesday, Thursday and Sat- urday at every home around Harvey’s Lake. The very latest in body design, with complete san- itary refrigeration equipment. fresh, wholesome meats when you buy from the RED You are always assured We always handle delicious tender meats, fancy" groceries, tasty cheeses and all kinds of fresh green Prm— : 0 es emery Newell THE RED SANITARY SHOP ON WHEELS (Store and Meat Market Located at Noxen, Pa.)