ALDERSON 5 = a ” The Epworth League added a little touch lof—shall we say interest ?—to its monthly business meeting last Soran 0 com * Tuesday night by enjoying .a little banquet: before more weightier busi- ness was placed before the meeting. The election of officers for the coming year gave the following results: President, Lillian York; first vice- president; Esther Garinger, second vice-president; Mrs. Howard Higgins, third vice-president; Ruth Jackson, fourth vice-president; Paul Avery and assistant Adda Garinger; secretary, Esther Honeywell; treasurer, Mich- ael Kuchta; pianist, Genevieve York and assistant pianist, Mrs. Alfield Rogers. Many interesting things have been planned for the coming year and everyone will be invited to share them. Those present at the meeting were: Mr. and Mrs. Loren Killer, Esther and Adda Garinger, Esther and Ruth Honeywell, Bethia and Hilda Allen, Mrs. Howard Higgins and Caroline Higgins, Mrs. Sterling Kitchen, Mary Kuchta, Mrs. L. T. Avery, Lillian and Laverne York, Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Rodgers, Rev. Mr. :York, Ruth Jackson, Paul Avery, Michael Kuchta, Peter Kuchta, Virginia and Harry Al- len, Joseph Rauch, Ralph and James Harris, Ross Garinger and George Smith. ' Mr. E. S. Eggleston had his share of excitement last Sunday when part of the workers in a hive refused to agree with judges in a queen bee beauty contest and accompanied their favorite in her search for a new home. Luckily she was easily satisfied and chose an apartment in a nearby brier patch. Mr. Eggle- ston hastily erected a new building with all modern improvements and Her Majesty moved in with all her courtiers. The Ladies’ Aid was entertained at the home of Mrs. D. P. Thomas Thursday afternoon, May 9. Mr. and Mrs. Zelza Garinger, of Dallas and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aus- tin, of Johnson City, spent Mother’s Day with Mrs. A. G. Garinger. Mrs. Thomas Montannia and son, Elwood and Mrs. May Searfoss, of Dallas and Mr. Walter Roberts, of Wilkes-Barre spent Sunday with Mrs. Sarah Jane Lamereaux. Miss Anna May Fruse, of Wilkes- Barre, spent the past week-end with | Miss Esther Honeywell. Mr. G. H. Lloyd, who will act as inspector of the Warden Place, Al- derson Road, has rented the house owned by Mr. Oscar Case for the next six weeks. Mrs. A. H. Stroh, of Harrisburg, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Lyman Williams. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Honeywell and Miss Dora Betterly, of Wilkes-Barre, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Honeywell. : The party given by the Men's Club last Wednesday night has been voted a huge success. The party consist- ed of eight tables, seating from ten to twelve each, which were decorated to represent certain months of the year. The January table, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Kitchen, boasted a bell with which to “ring out the old and ring in the new” and Old Father Time and his new son, were right on the job. The February table, of which Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Davis were host and hostess, display- ed a complete Valentine’s Day all in itself with hearts and valentines ga- lore. The May table, presided over by Mr. and Mrs. Grover Anderson was resplendent with a maypole and fragrant apple blossoms. The June table, headed by Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Thomas celebrated a June wedding with the miniature bride and groom right in the center of the table. July was right on the job with the Rey. Mr. and Mrs. York at the ends and JRDA Five Sets of Twins in One Farm Family Nebraska. the extreme right: and Martha and Valsta 7 nN Five sets of twins make up the family of Mr. and Mrs, Besides the twins there is another child, a girl. Miles and F rank, 19; Mildred and Mary, 17; John a Ir Frank Golda, farmers, living near Omaha I'he twins ar ) nd Helen, 13; Jerry and Edward 10; e, from their mother ard father on, Mrs. Albert Haskins, of Sugar Notch spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Altemus. . Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Eggleston spent Saturday with their son, Clyde, at Vernon. John Rauch has secured employ- ment with Contractor F. R. Jackson. As far as the new road os concern- ed “we ain’t got nothin’ to say.” Con- tractor. Coons and the weather man don’t seem to get along very well and the concPete mixer is still idle because of the rainy weather. Whale Not a Fish A whale is a large aquatic mammal and not a fish, Though it lives in the sea and has the appearance of a fish, it is a warm-blooded animal, breath- ing alr and not under water. Its skin is smooth and hairless, and it has a nostril opening far back in the head. The young ones are born alive and suckled like the young of other mam- mals. Whales may have been land an- imals at one time, but their adaption to life in the water must date from the far-distant ages. ) » Cooking Vegetables Experiments in cooking at New York ‘State College of Home Econom- ics show the best results with green vegetables are obtained by dropping the vegetables into boiling water “and cooking them in an open kettle for the shortest possible time. ' HR Yes, Six Excuses That couple. married by six differ: ent religious rites, will have more than the usual number of excuses to fight. Maybe They Enjoy It pe ‘Thought’s Power | Jud Tunkins says game laws will never he strict enough to prevent large section of the populace from go ion. Ing hunting for nothing when ther that it is which determines, or rather might he getting something by work | indicates, his fate—Henry David — Washington Siar | Thoreau. Si io i hema Public ovinion is a weak tyrant compared. with our own private opin- What a man thinks of himself, MAIN STREET—LUZERNE MONDAY and TUESDAY—Dolores Dell Rio in “THE TRIAL OF ’98.” : WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY—Nancy Carrol and : Gary Cooper in “THE SHOP-WORN ANGEL.” FRIDAY—Greta Garbo .in “THE MYSTERIOUS LADY.” ; SATURDAY—Jack Holt in “AVALANCHE.” A MARINOS THEATRE MAIN STREET—LUZERNE MARINOS THEATRE | i x >, $0070 * > 7 Lele fede dred + * ¢ 6S >, RY 0-630-030-4; * + DS. 0. 0. 0 0 0b 0 Ob 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 KAR a Xa Xa Xa Xa X Xa Xa Xa Xa Xg Xa Xa Xa Xa Xo) * 9. $e Jo ode foo afoeleede D0 0% 9 8 o% a o% a0 0 0 Ou 0 0, X ho? Vo? 069 050 000.0 4D 0 00.0-0,0 04 9, + Saar eXaXe) 7 © la) the Goddess of Liberty in center. October, sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harris celebrated its last even- | ing with pumpkin moonshines and | witches and cats and everything “skeery.” November, planned by Mr. and Mrs. Loren Keller, had Thanks- giving with all the usual “fixin’s”. December produced a real Christmas tree right in the center of the table and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Garinger played Santa Claus. The prize for the prettiest table was awarded to the June table which depicted the wed- ding. These brides and grooms al- ways have to have a good send-off anyhow. We can well add that all the other tables deserve honorable mention. The guests were entertain- ed by a program of songs, piano solos and recitations. Each of the tables furnished a stunt after the other en- tertainment was concluded. The prize for the best stunt was captur- ed by the October table which pre- sented an interpretation of the fairy story “Cinderella.” The rubber boot, representing the glass slipper, undoubtedly had much to do with the decision. Before the evening was over everyone admitted that another such party would be just the thing. 9 ® 9 9, * / > 05-2, 9, 9, $e » » O90, 9, 6 0, 0, 0. 0, 0, Ob, $059 09-0, ($050 00000 + + & 7 $0. 0 0. OO 0b 0 9 LaXaXaX Xa Xa Xa Xa Xa X * XO 3 ~'¢ RIT SEI INKS RT IIT IR TNL OC NK NET SOR SE IN ose obrafrefiadelesiosteatedeagesoadeatenio dio slo decioifo des 7 F-c0 605. Vo. 0c a0 Ds 05 Bs Sh hs a : 4 LOR 206% 6% 6% 6% 6% 6% 020-62 % +202 4% 4% 42 +! G00 00.0-6.00.0020-00-00-0.0-0.0-00-070-670-070-670-6%00%0 020-020-6262 20-00 6% 02020-62070 020% 620% 9% -70-6%-6% 0% 4% 6% 0% 20 6% e201 00-02-20 0% 0% ¢% 0% +2 0% 70ST OE 0 6 9 0 4 0 8 08 0% TT TT 2 0 IT UT ETI 08 TO 00 06% 04% %6Y 000 059-06 04004 OO "20° Ya? a 0a - 1 of : { : / Oe Oa Or Oar Oat Ora 2s CASASASAE5A58 505050500 oO ee We'd like to Fave you ‘compare the new Dodge Te Lo oP 00% Loot egr toate eds do afeede eds % 3 Brothers Six with anything i 9. oe %% 4 in its field—for looks, for | quality, for performance, : for value. Come in and let | =8 show you. No oblig ! ation. ¥ 272 | JAMES R. OLIVER Main Street 000% 2 o% o% SQXEX XA ¥ Pan ogra edredreieds 260% oi Dallas, Pa. 0 (00 00 492605 - 0% oq ROK) ho? >, - rg ak 20s Saas o. 9 0 0, 9, 430030030 430430 9. : OT NS 90a ealesleslesfesfe dodo be? ®, KAN rel - ads So AA ~