The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 06, 1929, Image 7
srt eg yee = 2 % Bb I, LN } oy; ' ty, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the "thence along Third Avenue, north 62 to Lot N. 93 on plot on lots herein- ‘ Addition to West Side Park, King- Third Avenue ~ John Kownacki, and will be sold by . the suit of Sydney ¥. Rosenbluth vs. ' corded the same day, in Luzerne DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA., SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1929 * SHERIFF'S SALES — 20: — Soriogid) April 20, 1929, at 10 A. M. —0i— ‘By Virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 105, May Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- rected, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sher- iff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun- 20th day of April, 1929, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the de- fendant in and to the following de- scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: : All that certain piece of land in the Borough of Kingston, County of Luz- /erne, Pennsylvania, bounded and de- ‘scribed as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at the intersection of Butler Street: and Third Avenue; degrees 45 minutes east, 47.25 feet after referred to; thence along the line of Lot No. 93, south 29 degrees 82 minutes east, 106.82 feet to a cor- ner; thence south 62 degrees 45 min- utes west, 42.93 feet to Butler Street; thence along Butler Street, north 29 degrees 34 minutes west, 106.91 feet to the place of beginning. Being Lot No. 94 on plot of lots known as North ston, Pa., which plot was laid out by Young and Wintermute, Engineers for S. A. Drier, and being one of the lots conveyed by S. A. Drier to Scouton- Lee Company -by deed dated August 10th, 1926, and recorded in Deed Book | No. 652 at page 15. And being the same premises conveyed to John Now- | nacki, by deed dated February 7, 1927, and recorded in the Recorder’s Office in and for Luzerne County, Pennsyl-| vania, in Deed Book 652, page 356. SHERIFF'S SALES — 10% pr Saturday) April 20, 1929, at 10 A. M. —_— 0 rected, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sher- iff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1929, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the de- fendant in and to the following de- scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that certain lot of land situate in the City of Wilkes-Barre, County of Luzerne, and State of Pennsylvania, wit: BEGINNING at a point on the wes- direction 40 feet to lands now or late of J. H. Miller; thence in an easterly direction along line of lands now or late of J. H. Miller, 232 feet to South Washington Street;*and thence along said Street, in a northerly direction 40 feet to the place of beginning. Containing 9280 square feet of land. Excepting and reserving all coal and | title. , Being the same premises con- veyed by C. C. Housenick, et. ux. et. al., to James McGinty, by deed bear- ing date October 4th, 1892, recorded dwelling, situate at the corner of and Butler Street, | Being improved with a two-story | frame building occupied as store and | JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. S. M. Rosenbluth, Attorney. 05 SHERIFF'S SALES — 20° eee Sotuniay, April 20, 1929, at 10 A. M. Dh By Virtue of a ‘writ of Fi Fa Seized and taken into execution at 20th day of April, 1929, at'ten o’clock No. 106, May Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- rected, there. will be exposed to pub- | lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sher- iff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the ‘gg ‘uojsduryf in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the de- fendant in and (to the following de-| scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, | viz: | All that certain piece of land in the | Borough of Kingston, County of Luz- . erne, Pennsylvania, bounded and de- scribed as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the] porthwest side of First Avenue on line between Lots Nos. 54 and 55 on| the Plot of Lots hereinafter mention- | ed; thence along said line in a north- | westerly direction 106.92 feet to corner common to Lots Nos. 54, 595, 81 and 82 on said plot; thence in a northeasterly direction, parallel with the line of said First Avenue, 40 feet to a corner common to Lots Nos. 55, 56, 82 and 83; thence along the line between said Lots Nos. 55 and 56 in| a southeasterly direction 106.92 feet to a corner on First Avenue afore- said; thence along the line of said First Avenue in a southwesterly di- rection 40 feet to the place of begin- ning. Being Lot No. 55 on Plog of Lots called “West Side Park” and recorded in Map Book No. 2, page 23 of Luzerne County. Being the same premises conveyed by Joseph Karnof- sky, et. ux. et. al. to Jacob Fisher, by deed dated December 27, 1923, re- County, Pennsylvania, Deed Book Vol- ume 591, at page 329. And being the same premises conveyed by Jacob Fisher and wife to George A. Mail- lard and Claire M. Maillard, his wife, by deed dated March 29, 1924, duly recorded in the Recorder’s Office in and for Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, in Deed Book 598, page 198. Improved with a one- -story frame dwelling house, and known as No. 75 First Avenue, Kingston, Pa. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Sydney M. Rosenbluth vs. George E. Maillard and Claire M. Maillard, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. S. M. Rosenbluth, Atijgney. £ | two-story frame dwelling-house with | erne, Pennsylvania, bounded and de- other’ minerals as the same are ex-| cepted and! reserved in the line of By virtue of three writs of Fi Fa Nos. 90, 91, and 92, May Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- bounded and described as follows, to-| terly side of South Washington St reet, | in line of lands now or late of Joseph | | scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, Meyer; thence in a westerly direction | viz: along line of lands now or late of | Joseph Meyer, 232 feet to an alley; | cel of land, situate, lying and being thence along said alley in a southerly | in the Townships of Exeter and Bohinski, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, S. M. Rosenbluth, Attorney. tO} SHERIFF’S SALES —0:— Saturday, April 20, 1929, at 10 A. M. —:0:— By Virtue of a writ of Fi No. 104, May Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- rected, there will be exposed to pub- lic sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sher- iff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 20th day of April, 1929, at ten o’clock {in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the de- fendant in and to the following de- | Fa ALL that certain lot, piece or par- Franklin, County of Luzerne, State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described | as follows: BEGINNING at a pitch pine tree (now stones) set for a corner; thence along line of land of Melvin Miller, north 79 degrees 30 minutes west, | seventy-two (72) perches to a corner; thence south 10 degree 30 minutes east; thirty-eight (38) perches to a corner; thence east twenty-nine and five-tenths (29.5) perches to a post set for a corner; thence south 32 de- grees 30 minutes east, seventy-one | (71) perches to a corner; thence north in the Recorder of Deeds office of Lu-] | 57 degrees 30 minutes east, seventeen zerne County in Deek Book Vol. 312, (17) perches page 23, and being the same premises | | north 39 degrees east, fourteen and which the said James McGinty died | seventy-six seized of in fee, intestate, May, 1895, | perches to a corner; thence along line leaving to survive him a widow, I Mary | of land of Mrs. J. Brown, north 32| McGinty, and as his only. heir at law | degrees 45 minutes west, forty- three | in town Wednesday looking after the to a corner; thence|C hundredths (14.76) a son, James J. McGinty, the defen-| and seven-tenths (43.7) perches to a dant ‘herein. Mary McGinty. The above described premises are) improved with a one-story brick building fronting on said street and | thence in a southwesterly direction occupied for mercantile business; a a two-story brick addition thereto; also a two-story brick building in rear of lot and fronting on Nesbitt Lane. : Seized and taken into execution at the suit of South Side Bank and Trust Co., Wilkes-Barre vs. James J. Mec- Ginty, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. Herman J. Goldberg, Fred B. Davis, Attorneys. 0: SHERIFE’S SALES —:0:— Saturday, April 20, 1929, at 10 A. M. —:0:— By Virtue of a writ of Fi Fa No. 107, May Term, 1929 issued out, of the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- | rected, there will be exposed to pub- [lic sale by vendue to the highest and s, for cash, at the Sher- | iff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the | City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun- ty, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the { 20th day of April, 1929, at ten o ‘clock | in the forenoon of the said day, all| the right, title and interest of the de- | fendant in and to the following de- seribed lot, piece or parcel of land, | viz: All that certain piece of land in the Township of Plains, County of Luz- scribed as follows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a point on the wes- terly side of Hudson Road (formerly the Township Road leading to Mill Creek) distant 150.3 feet from a cut stone set for a common corner formed by the westerly side of said Hudson Road, and the southerly line of Hen- ry Street, being a corner of Lot No. 267; thence north 57 degrees, 45 min- utes west, along said Lot No. 267, 194.61 feet to the: line of Lot No. 254; thence north 32 degrees, 15 min- utes east, along said Lot No. 254, 50 feet to an alley; thence south 57 de- grees, 45 minutes east, 47.75 feet to a corner; thence south 35 degrees, 42 minutes west, 25 feet to a corner; thence south 57 degrees, 45 minutes east, 150 feet to a corner on Hud- son Road; thence along Hudson Road, south 85 degrees, 42 minutes west, 25.1 feet to the place of beginning. BEING a part of Lot No. 268 on plot of William T. Merritt, and be- ing a part of the same premises con- veyed to L. A. Dymond, by deed of Frank Lutinski, dated November 12, 1906, and recorded in Deed Book No. 430 at page 386. And being the same premises conveyed to Martin Bohin- ski by L. A. Dymond and Nancy E. Dymond, his wife, by deede dated June 12, 1924, and recorded in the Recorder’s Office in and for Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, in Deed Book 610, at page 144, Seized and taken into execution at This property is being | corner; sold subject to the dower interest of fifty-one | best bidders, for cash, at the Sher- ’| ty, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the | thence north 40 degrees east, | and four-tenths (51. 4) | | perches to a corner; thence north 66/1, recently for a Hudson sedan, of degrees west, thirty-three (33) perches to a corner on the road; across said. road five and six-tenths (5.6) perches to the pine tree, the place of beginning. Containing 34 acres, be the same more or less. Be- ing the same premises conveyed to Clark A. Snyder and Elizabeth Syn- der, his wife, by deed of Fred Laufer dated April 25, 1927 and duly re- corded. ; Improved with a frame dwelling, frame barn and other outbuildings. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Fred Laufer vs. Clark A. Snyder and Elizabeth Snyder, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. Donald O. Coughlin, / ttorney. 203 SHERIFF'S SALES . —:10i— Saturday, April 20, 1929, at 10 A. M. —0i— By Virtue of a writ of Fi Fa | No. 34, May Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common | Pleas of Luzerne County, to me di- rected, there will be exposed to pub-| {lic sale by vendue to the highest and | iff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the | City of Wilkes-Barre, Luzerne Coun- | 20th day of April, 1929, at ten o’clock in the forenoon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the de- | fendant in and to the following de-| scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the Borough of Dallas, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, bounded and described as fol- lows, to-wit: BEGINNING at a corner on the southwest side of Pine Crest Avenue and land of Mary L. Trescott; thence along land of Mary L. Trescott south 12 degrees, 55 minutes west 300 feet to the northeast side of a proposed street; thence along the northeast side of said proposed street south 77 degrees, 5 minutes east 100 feet to land of Mrs. Ruth Lewis; thence along land of Mrs. Ruth Lewis north 12 de- grees, 55 minutes east 300 feet to the southwest side of Pine Crest Avenue; thence along said Pine Crest Avenue north 77 degrees, 5 minutes west 100 feet to the place of beginning. Be- ing four lots in plot of lots allotted by Elmer D. Parrish in the Borough of Dallas. All improved with a two-story frame stucco dwelling house, fruit trees, and out-buildings thereon. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Samuel Darling vs. Wil- liam G. Ash and Sarah A. Ash, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff, 0. H. Dilley, A Attorney. Gi ‘the suit of Sydney M. Rosenbluth as- signed to Margaret Allen vs. Martin Sheriff. | | | the beauty marks off one of his run- NOXEN Monday evening the installation of the newly elected officers of I. O. O. F. Lodge took place and visitors from lodges representing Harvey’s Lake, Beaumont, Tunkhannock, Factoryville and Meshoppen were present. After the installation services all present went to the Lutheran Hall svhere the ‘women of the Lutheran Church had a splendid supper prepared. C. A. Boston acted as toastmaster of the evening and members from the dif-|r ferent lodges responded. Tuesday evening our constable, Bert Scouten, started for Benton, loaded with a warrant sworn out by Bert Schenck for the arrest of his wife and Ted Steinruck. He learned that both had been staying at the home of a certain Kyttle near Red Rock. He managed to find Schenck’s wife but woe OO 00 Cram amma 0ls could not locate Steinruck. The | | trouble ‘started awhile ago when Steinruck left Noxen vicinity and The in next week's | Mrs. ‘Schenck went with him. case will be tried court. Floyd Crispell, formerly of Noxen, | but now at Guilford, N. Y., was in | town a few days the Sforepar, of the week visiting relatives. Floyd states that he will likely have the same charge the coming year. George Stitzer took a load of Girl Scouts to Dallas Rotary Easter Egg | Hunt at Fern Brook last Saturday afternoon. George Luce, of Beaumont, who is principal of the high school there was in town Tuesday evening calling on friends. William. Spencer and family who had the misfortune to have a fire catch in the roof of the house to which they recently moved, have been stay- ing with Mrs. Spencer’s parents un- til the house is repaired. Miss Jennie Evans, of Dallas, was | interest of her mother’s and her prop- erty. “Dos” Casterline traded in his old course paying a nice sum to boot. On his second day’s enjoyment with it he had the bad luck to have a care- less driver from Tunkhannock knock ning boards. The fellow at first thought promised to pay for the dam- ages, but when he stopped to think it over concluded he would not. Some say the second thought is best, ask ‘Doc. Divorce Notice 1 — In the Court of Common Pleas of Luzerne County, No. 89, Janaury| Term, 1929. ‘Libel in Divorce a vin- culo matrimonii. Katherine Lennek, vs. Charles Lennek. To Charles Len- nek: “Take notice that the alias sub- | poena in the above case having been | returned by the Sheriff of Luzerne County, that you cannot be found in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, you are hereby notified and directed to appear before the said Court on Mon- a April 22nd, 1929 at 10 o'clock a. 45 above case. JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. ROBERT L. COUGHLIN, Attorney. ALDERSON Along with the warm weather and the birds, spring brought back Mr. oo , to answer the complaint filed in| (em 40 Easter vacation at her home returned to Yardley, Pa. where is teaching. y Rg Mrs. Hattie Rauch spent the fore part of the week in Wilkes-Barre | Peter Delaney. Emory Kitchen, son of Mr. and Mire, Sterling Kitchen, is suffering from an | attack of pneumonia. We extend our | best wishes for a Spesly return to [hea Misses Ruth and Alberts Harliss of | Kingeter, are spending part of this | week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Garinger. 3 The stork, was around again last Saturday and presented Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kerr with a baby boy. We ex- tend our congratulations and will keep an eye oppen for Elmer and the cigars. y Mr. and Mrs. Alpha Smith and fam- ily of Brooklyn and Mr. and, Mrs. Ar- thur Austin, of Johnson City, spent | Easter with the ladies’ mother, Mrs. A. J. Garinger. and Mrs. S. E. Eggleston from Flor- ida. Mr. and Mrs. Eggleston spent the winter at Winter Gardens, Flor- ida and while ' there visited many points of interest ‘throughout the State. It makes we Harvey’s Lake fishermen rather envious when we hear of places where the fish: bite faster than they can be eaten. 1 seems strange to hear of a place where oranges are rotting on the ground while we are paying from thir- ty to forty cents a dozen for them. Mr. and Mrs. Eggleston tell of hav- ing their fill of strawberries, cucum- bers and all kinds of fruit and vege- tables that we can raise only during!p the summer. Truly this Florida must be the place to spend one’s winter, but we do not envy the natives for | their land of flowers during the hot | summer. We are very glad to wel- come - Mr. and Mrs. Eggleston back and glad that their visit was a pleas- ant ‘one. The first, symptoms of summer showed up one night this week. A joy-riding party parked in front of the house about eleven o'clock and proceeded to keep everybody awake until they were shoo’ed away. We suppose this to be but one of many. Hurrah for the gold old days and the buggy ride. Miss Esther Garinger is spending a few weeks in Wilkes-Barre. Walter and Joseph Rauch spent Easter Sunday visiting relatives in Wilkes-Barre. The supper held by the Men’s Club Mrs. Gertrude LeClaire, of Lake- wood, N. J., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Mima Keiper. Elmore Pogar, of Mansfield Teach- ers’ College spent the Easter holidays with his father, Anthony Pogar. A party was given by the Epworth League of the M. E. Church on Tues- day evening under the name of Kids Party. The following were present: Claude Allen, Vivian Allen, Dorothy Cragle, Emily Casterline, Ruth Cas- terline, Verna Dimmick, Frieda Dend- ler, Dorothy Gilmore, Mrs. Edna Het- tick, Wilson Harding, Mrs. Wilson Harding, Willard Jones, Lillian Jones, Letha Jones, Angeline Jones, Mrs. Flora Jones, Mrs. Mima Keiper, My- rel Kresge, Harry Kresge, Mrs. Ger- trude Le Claire, Leo Lord, Laura Lane, Agnes Lutes, Tommy Lane, Henry Maganella, Mrs. Henry Mag- fnella, Rev. W. F. Miller, Severn New- berry, Mary Newberry, Emery Newel, Franklin Patton, Lloyd Phoenix, Al- bert Ruff, Mrs. Albert Ruff, Clyde Scouten,” Ella Sawyer, Gladys Scout- en, Phoebe Scouten and Charles Van Campen, Vera Prutzman and Areta Engleman. ,Games were played and | a lunch was served. : | The story is going the rounds that one of our Noxenites who has the | reputation of producing first-class home-brew may have had the good luck of throwing on the market a new brand merely through an accident. It is said that he kept his mash tub on his enclosed back porch beside his last Wednesday night was voted al huge success. A goodly crowd was | there and everyone had all he want- | ed to eat. Miss Ruth York, who spent the 0k BUILDING DECLINE — +O en. Building: in Wilkes-Barre ‘during March declined more than $300,000 as compared with the same month last year. . } Alterations to F. M. Kirby store, Mallinckrodt Concent addition, Liber- ty Bank and 109th Field Artillery Ar- mory raised the total for March, 1928. Large projects for which permits : 2 % were issued during last month were: $25,000, garage for Frank Martz on Old River Road, and $227,000, new church for St. Patrick’s congregation on Parrish Street. 10} First National Bank] dias * ok hs * Members American Bankers’ Association * * * DIRECTORS it R. L. Brickel, C. A. Frantz, D. P. Honevwell. W./B. Jeter, Sterling Machell, W. R. Neely, Clifford W. Space, Wm. Bulford, George B.. Wright. OFFICERS George R. Wright, President D. P. Honeywell, 1st Vice-Pres. C. A. Frantz, 2nd Vice-Pres. W. B. Jeter, Cashier * ” ® Jhree Per Cent. on Savings Deposits No account too small to assure careful attention Deposits Payable on Demand Vault Boxes for Rent Self-Registering Saving Bank Free | 1 wi MARINOS / ¢¢ Monday and Tuesday— Brook.” Friday—“Danger Street MAIN STREET—LUZERNE ¥ Doris Kenyon, All Talking. Wednesday and Thursday—All-Star Cost. § THEATRE | Interference with Clyde ! ” with Warner Baxter. MARINOS MAIN STREET—LUZERNE THEATRE wife’s swill tub where she kept ma- Accidental- terial for checkens, ete. = ly or on purpise it made no material difference to ther in which tub went the refuse. Ider good husband never had the luck {0 turn out two batches alike. One of his good customers en- tered the complaint that he was get- ting too much salt in his brew, then the investigation started and he dis- covered that she was dumping in ma- terial that should have been dumped into another place. But his business still booms. Oe 'LADIES’ AID TO MEET —:0:— The Dallas Ladies’ Aid of the M. E. Church will meet at the home of Mrs. A. L. Turner next Thursday, April 11, with: Mrs. J. E. Hildebrand as chairlady of the Serving Committee and Mrs. C. Holcomb, Mrs. O. Fisher, Miss Marguerite Frantz and Mrs. George Gartner assisting. : This is a talent meeting and all members are requested to come pre- pared to hand in their talent. An interesting Brogan is being ‘planned. ALWAYS A GOOD SUPPLY OF COAL ON HAND AT REASONABLE PRICES Raub Coal Co. | LUZERNE, PA. “Buy, Burn and Boost Anthracite” >) where she visited her daughter, Mrs. :