The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 06, 1929, Image 6
\ N 0 & a dom 23 TRS EAL CORR PRS KIT AR ae ~—— -~* \ i ( Sl THE EXTRA-ROOMY FULL-SIZE TWO-DOOR SEDAN, so 2) ° / 3 Chrysler Motors car in lowest-priced field: | —proud, because the Plymouth zs a full-size car, not a miniature—a comfortable car in which you and your family and friends can always relax to the fullest, instead of feeling crowded and cramped; —proud, because Plymouth has a distinctively Chrysler-like style and manner, a richness and dignity not to be found in other low-priced cars; Jf-0.b. factory OU can be proud to own 65 5 | — proud, because Plymouth 4 a full-size Plymouth, the ' is so typically Chrysler in the | and upwards performance—so swift in traffic, so eager on hills, so competent in maintaining top speeds, hour upon hour, smoothly, quietly and without effort. Plymouth is full-size and full- quality in every single particular. In addition to its full-size body, its full-size chassis, its fu//-size modern engine, its full-size axles— Plymouth gives you the easy control of Chrysler full-size weatherproof internal- B oseotrn lipases of Chrysler engineering ‘and craftsmanship—has been so named because its en- durance and strength, ruggedness and freedom from limitations so accurately typify that Pilgrim band who were the first settlers of Plymouth and among the first American Colonists. fee. / expanding four-wheel hydraulic brakes — the safest ever devised. Yet for all its size, Plymouth is so perfectly balanced and so skillfully en- gineered that unsurpassed economy of operation and upkeep is assured. For reasons of both pride and purse, Plymouth is today’s finest investment in the lowest-priced field—the one car of that field that reflects fine quality without even the suggestion of low price. a Le = Coupe, $655; Roadster (with rumble seat), $675; 2-Door Sedan, $675; Touring, $6953 DeLuxe Coupe (with rumble seat), $695; 4-Door Sedan, $695. All prices f. 0. b. factory. Plymouth dealers are in a J 4 position to extend the convenience of time payments, AMERICA’S LOWEST - PRICED FULL -81T7Zi8 <:C/AR ry —— JAMES R. OLIVER Direct Dealer CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH ~~ Main Street Dallas, Pa. Z\ DELIVERY FREE - Food Market pan ===) { BEST OF FRE 4 Selected Butterine at Cut Prices SH FISH