The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, April 06, 1929, Image 1
+8 MED. 0- a lm m0 aE 0 3 0 OED SE 0 ES) SHE) SND "% 1 1-515 an aR BE 280 6 i ; READ THE POST i JN ATT METH } FOR ALL THE | NEWS OF ; { GREATER DALLAS OL EEC SE SPEED a re De rama THIRTY-EIGHTI® AS, PA, SATURDAY, APRIL/®, 1929 THIRFY-EIGHTH YEAR Dallas Rotary A Ego Hunt A —:0:— / Twenty-Four Youngsters R ceive Prizes From Rotarians —Great Interest - Displayed In Annual Easter Egg Hunt all : and Kiddies Look Forward To Next Year’s Event. Contract try Club elk. he new open irem Temple started this ¥, given to A. J. a sum said to be $50,000, * completion by June 15. To {| this end work will be carried on night I and day when concrete is ready to be poured. | The pool, the gift of Noble Fred | Weckesser, of Wilkes-Barre, will al- | ways be a fitting memorial to the | generosity of this man whose un- terest, poo ary work send ogi Letters ANNOUNC PRIZE WINNERS | —:0:— Thursday evening Dallas Rotary awarded the prizes for the Easter Egg | Hunt which was held last Saturday | afternoon at Fernbrook Park. | The prizze winners, whose ages var-|| in the office of The Dallas Post ied from three to fifteen years, were | by 5 p. m. each Thursday, or 100 per cent present with the excep-|} may be left at The Dallas Post on co jects and problems ar® welcome, but all these comn'® ications should bear the signa- ture of the writer which will be withheld if requested. All correspondence should be tion of one youngster who lives at|| . news box at Higgins College ‘flagging interest has helped to make Sayre, Pa. This youngster was vis- Inn. the Country Club what it is. iting relatives at Dallas last Saturday The main pool will be forty by nine- and in participating in the hunt was | ty feet, with a depth ranging from one of the lucky prize winners. | BRUSH FIRES NUMEROUS |three to nine feet. In the ‘deepest Each Rotarian presented a prize in Tei part there will be diving boards and addition to the prizes for the three |Land-Owners Cleaning Weeds and Old bronze ladders will be located at con- different age classes. Brush From Vacant Lots | venient places. A . wading pool, The winners were: —:0i— twelve feet by fourteen feet with a Yera'cy peer 5 Fe a 1 a, . Tp Gold egg, first group—White An- Brush fires in this vicinity have depth of about sixteen inches, will be been rather common during the week. The dry weather afforded an oppor-| tunity for land-owners to 1 1 used by children. Finished in nile green tile, the ax- gora rabbit, Martha Russ, Dallas. Gold egg, second group—White An- gora rabbit, Wayne Harvey, Dallas. Gold egg, group three—White ‘An- brush and dry weeds on vacant lots. | signed the two pools to rival the most Wednesday night the fire in the beautiful in America. Notable among hborhood of the old pines lighted them, the one at Coral Gables, Flor- 41 ourn gota rabbit, Eva Jenkins, Trucksville. Silver egg, first group—Silver dol- e J lar, Ray Jenkins, Dallas. up the community and was the cause ida. Silver egg, second group—Keith for some concern on the part of bor-| The water will come from the new ough residents A force of however, kept it well under co The smell of always recalls the Harvey, Dallas. Silver egg, third group—Silver dol- lar, Geraldine Rood, Shavertown. Sippel, Shavertown. Group No. 3—Winners and Donors Henry Sippel, Shavertown—dJohn H. Jewell, Dallas. Earl Garinger, Dallas. Myron Steele; Klug, Dallas. mien, | yeservoir on the grounds. t stant stream will keep the and pure./ A series of cas water falls will carry the overflow down the hillside from the main pool | to the children’s wading pool. Surrounded by trees and shrubs tgo who does not recall the excitement | and screened by evergreens and grow- and joy of taking a part in the. clear- new new and ground b days of were won’t to burn fallow. Hardly a country boy of a generation or two Monk, Shavertown-— Janett ing’ plants the pool will be located on the east side of the pavilion. Three shower baths for men and the same L. A. McHenry, Dallas—Ruth Wil- | and caused much havoc in the number . for ers will be cox, Dallas. rounding £0 ntryside. Today it is a| constructed underne pavilion. George Metz, State requirement that the fire war-| There will be lavatories Beck, Shavertown. den be notified and that a st ient | hath houses. Dressing Group No. 3—4 to 6 Years number of fire fighters is on hand | twenty-three ‘men and Earl Bowman — Pauline Shaver,| When new land is to be cleared by| women will be constructed. Dallas. | burning. | At the club house end of the pool Group No. 1—6 to 10 Years ETE : {will he a covered pavilion eighteen Thoraas Higgins—Dorothy Spencer, | COMMISSIONER BUSY | Dallas. TO ? James F. Besecker— Arthur Grey, a i ing and burning of new ground. Fre- Dallas — Dorothy quently the fires got beyond control sur- women bat Trucksville— Bobby Horie cli cet Lyn thirty-four feels | umns will add to its beauty and larg Theodore Snyder Has Force of Men | comfortable wicker chairs will be pro- z | . a Shavertown. Work On Local Streets | vided for spectators interested in Geo. K. Swartz—Wilson Garinger, NL | watching the bathers and waders. Theodore Snyder, road commission- | Nationally known swimn afc ex. er, had a force of men working this pected to give an exhibition in the week on Machell Avenue. The street | LY has been treated with a coat of ‘tar Dallas. Claude T. Shavertown. Isaacs—Vera Kitchen, pool when opened. Gustave Kuehn — Verna Kitchen, i y : Lear EA yen CE : Shavertown. |and graveled, making it one of the| FILLING AND GRADING 7 . . rat 143 3 AOYLT fares in: +l 4 4 £ A. N. Garinger, Jas. LaBar, Dallas. best conditioned thoroughfares in the os borough. Several other streets need | Ernest Wood — Thos. Rittenhouse, | 4 i AT 4 Dallas ’| attention and it is expected that they Bell Telephone Company Filling and allas. | , a vA : Grading Lot Adjoining Bank Calvin MecHose—Robert Williams, | too will soon receive the attention of 2 3 2 1 se t iams, Tr Lei rn Nal oo Ship nt iil the road commissioner. x Sayre, Pa.; Howard Isaacs, Dallas, | . os | The Bell Telephone Company im- Group No. 2—11 to 16 Years a | broved the appearance of the vacant Th : T STN proved the appearance of the vacan Russell Case—Glen Jenkins, Dallas. COUNTRY CLUB OPENS lot adjoining the First National Bank Clarence Boston — Delbert Rae, oe | this ‘week ‘when it had filling and Shiivertow ; Members and Guests Inspect Many uA ors 3 : haveriowh, . : grading work done and the ground G. Harold Waener—Howard Harf- Improvements Recently Made To | . Harol agner— ( i | seeded. | ~ —:0i— man, Shavertown. t 0G as el Ti fires 41 Burt P. Stroh— Lydia Jones, Noxen.| rem Temple Country. Club’ w In the words of one old-timer the EY y ™ De es work done increas®@ the va the opened Monday night with a dinne: | dance that attracted about 300 mem- property by $1,000. bers and their friends. ; Many improvements were made Noxen. Turd i int wr ; Jrhen x . : hich wer George Metz—Doris’ Lewis, Meade | 991102 the Winter season which wete, | inspected by the guests. Street, Wilkes-Barre. | | Educator Speaks Ziba Howell—Thomas Bosworth, Shavertown. George Ruff — Susan Casterline, (Continued from Last Week) i He spoke of the great building > Report and Recommendations W. H. Bristow ‘of the State . De- | boom that has come to this section | partment of Education spoke on lo-| within the last few years and that] i Dallas Boroufh, Luz. Co. | cal school conditions as received by schools are the great and most impor- | Visited November 17, 1927 | the department. | tant questions of today. i Superintendent Cope, He stressed the fact that a con- | Final plans were approved for their| W. H. Bristow. 5 solidated high school is the ultimate | Charter Nite Anniversary which is £0 | Section 2904 = of the School Goss solution for a higher high school |be held Monday evening. | provides that the Department of Pub-| grading for this section comprising | George Russ of Fernbrook was a | lic Instruction shall classify all sec- | ondary schools annually on the basis he Pool tae | chitects, Mark and Sahm, have de- o In 1927 and offered a number of sug: Borough schools are to hold the first D. A. WATERS ON THE SCHOOLS —20% rove <ara— Howard W. Risley Joins Staff of The <&__ Dallas Post As Editor and Manager State Inspector Offer Suggestions —:0:— TE TT TT —0— a NEW EDITOR® 3 7 ; Local School Districts Urged To ¥. Ent Noxen Young Man,' of Wide Co-operate In Effort to Build Newspaper Experience, and One Large School. —:0:— Suggesting that one large senior Formerly Associated With the Wilkes-Barre Record, Becomes high school for Kingston Township, Managing-Editor of Local Dallas Borough and Dallas Township; Paper. supplimented by three junior high | | Sgn schools, one in each ‘of the districts, MANY HANGES A NINTH . | JALAL ES PLANNE would be the best solution for the] M = C NGI NED —0:— educational problem in this section, W. S Bristow, assistant director of | secondary education of the State De- | partment, met with the school board | and A. P. Cope, county superinten- | dent, at the meeting on Tuesday night. | | Mr. Bitlow stated that while there | | are many small four-year high schools | in- the State, many of them are not large enough to provide good courses. | In the opinion of himself and of the | department officials, he said, much better results and more varied courses |can be obtained in larger centralized | schools. - He conceded, however, that this course cannot be adopted here at | time since no one of the dis- tricts is in a positiono to carry out share of the program. aa aT Ee Smee Finger Township om ade-| CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE |he prepared, for Dartmouth College, quately care for its pupils, he ad- DONE BY HICH WINDS Si ag Tries de ei nitted that the department might as Tae HIGH WINDS |Honever N. HH Ww Tale ahithe Bemin | A OF LAST MONDAY |ary he was active in the affairs of the Y. M. C. A, and was associate-editor Anxious to give its readers an alert community newspaper; interesting in | news, liberal in tone and independent in politics, The Post, with this issue, | announces the appointment of How- {ard K. Risley as managing-editor. ! The announcement will be of wide- ' spread interest in the territory served | by The Post since Mr. Risley has a I wide acquaintance in this section. He |s the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Ris- (ley, of Noxen, where his| father was for many years a member of the firm | of Risley and Crosby and is now pres- ident of the Tanners’ Bank. HOWARD W. RISLEY Mr. Risley received his early edu- who becomes Managing-Editor with | cation in the public schools of Tunk- this issue of The Post hannock and Noxen and later gradu- — (ated from Wyoming Seminary where an emergency measure, consider the establishment of another four-year vi high school either in Dallas Township | or borough. ‘ He was insistent that|April made mo hones about it and|Y : ; 1 only one would be approved by State | came blustering in like a dozen lions, | likewise interested in the work of the Daily Dartmouth, college newspaper, — 2 oi : ofore winds and ctorme of | and was chairman of the Freshmen When borough directors advanced unbending before winds and storms of cl es de aroaments and ficures to. show. that] criticism, fell preyiite the spell’ of he nl is fir ES ay the borough is able to provide such a| April's bright windy weather. Two I NG Road ul 2 oS dC $ : a . 1 | Tab 1 nizations which sponsor school. Mr. Bristowssaid that similar| Window panels of the yet undedicated Tae or Dieters wiieh Sponsored Ee uiTdine were dawson : +_| the appearance and entertained out- advances had already been made in| building were damaged. One fell out ner motioned and Intornational behalf of the township Some de-| Ward to the ground and the other fell hg. /hational land INCTNSUIONS k ¥ ® t > S51 y naeces at Dartmout 12 ,3 cision, he said, would be forthcoming | Within the building. : nages at Daximouis Following soon from the department. He urged Panels measured about nine by his graduation in 1927, Mr. Risley be- Bon Leh , Aga HR : 2 | car SS0Cis rit he* Wilkes- that borough and township directors twenty-four feet, and will be replaced | “Me as: ovinted. with jile Wilkes sot towether. work out amicable solu-| PY the building contractor without ex- Barre Record on its pa staff, g ge SW able ra a ean > z . 5 Side a position which he held until enter- tion and pool their resources, there |Pense to the borough. ; He eT i 3 Tr : a ing the advertising field with the being ample buildings’ already avail- Er——iO: Gardner. Neon. Sign - Company. of rT ~ a \ N + Cl 4 able to carry out an efficient educa-| ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION pd Sig pany, TO HOL \ «in | Pittsburgh. He leaves the latter com- ANCE . . . vy HO D DANCE | pany to assume his duties with Tb? 0i— Post. ociation, of Dallas —0:— year-book. At Dartmouth he was one officials. Dallas Borough’s new high school, stanc pers tional program here.. | Mr. Bristow’ commented freely on at the improvements since his inspection The Athletic A WithThis appointment, which tak vl effect immediately, Mr. Risley wil¥ Pri bring many new features to The Post : : } : Sa 7 hitherto impossible without the full Mr. Bristow’s discussion followed This will be the first of a number time services of an experienced news- the proposal of the board to add of community affairs that will be | yo perman. Besides having full charge grade eleven to the high school course | sponsored by local organizations. We! ¢ the editorial and advertising de- this fall and grade twelve in the fall| hope these affairs will be well patron- | partments, he will also act as tréas- of 1930. The board contended that | ized by the people of Dallas and urer of the corporation. L. A. Me- there are now sufficient buildings | friends from the neighboring towns. Henry retains the presidency of the vas + . 5 ; 3 N available and that the borough has board of directors; Claude T. Isaacs, the financial ability to carry on the FISHING SHOULD BE GOOD | the vice-presidency; and G. Harold program for a four-year high school. ip. The appoints 0} gestions for improvements in high school. the | dance in the new auditorium on A [19. AT —:0: Wagner, secretary: —0i— : Noxen Camp of Pennsylvania Sports-| ment of a managing-editor, bringing TO OPEN CONFERENCE men Restock Streams as it does the full time services of a erie st Oe | newspaper man, relieves Mr. McHenry Wyoming Conference of the Meth- Fishing in Bowman’s Creek ought |of routine newspaper duties and al- odist Episcopal Church will open ati to be good this year. The Noxen lows him to concentrate on his real Elm Park Church, Scranton, on Wed- Camp of the Pennsylvania Sports- estate business. In like manner Mr. nesday morning. Among those pres- men’s League has placed about thirty Wagner is given more freedom for ent will be all of the Methodist min-| cans of legal sized trout in the main |his real estate and fire insurance isters from this and nearby commun-| Stream and in many of its feeders. | business and duties as State apprais- . | A dozen oor more cans of trout will|er- Mr. Wagner will still continue be placed before the opening of the|in an advisory capacity and will have | season. These trout are received from | charge of legal advertising. ithe Six Springs Hatchery which is supported by many local sportsmen. Leo Comiskey, formerly of New York and Philadelphia and widely ex- 10 re { perienced in newspaper work, remains THANKS ROTARY las shop superintendent and will su- | orga | pervise the assembling of the paper I wish to express my thanks through |and work of the job printing depart- the columns ,of The Dallas Post for | ment which has grown rapidly during | the beautiful white angoria rabbit | the past few months. | which I received as a prize for find- | 0d The seating in the room used in| ing the golden egg in the Egg Hunt | DON'T FORGET the room used for Dallas Borough at Fern Brook Park, held by the Ro-| «The Picture Girl” at the Dallas High School is unsatisfactory, light- | 131 Club last Saturday afternoon. | High School Auditorium, April 18th. grounds, the lighting, heating, and | ventilation of the school rooms, the condition of lavatories and closets, | water supply, furniture, apparatus | and wie methods of cleaning are such as to secure hygienic conditions for both teachers and pupils. Greater Dallas. be a ae eee | of TepoOrTts received from the schools, | ing conditions are very poor, and the | WAYNE HARVEY. | Admission 35 cents. = ——om —ceo erm om | and the report of the visit of repres- | artificial light provided is inadequate. i -. Et S—— ss entatives of the Department of Public | NO Provision is made for laboratory . Instruction: | work, no shelving for library purposes The following report and recom- | and the ventilation of the room is S P R I N G T I M E S P E C I A L S i Se ars mendations for the Dallas Borough | very bad. Yh J Ly as % High School are based. on the nine |»'an€are a—quipment and >Supphes. an which comprise the ‘basis| No science equipment is provided F 0 R Y 0 U R A U T 0 for secondary school classification, | in this school for general science and ; : : These Ds are given in detail | biology, two science subjects included ‘Windshield Wiper, $1.00 Value 79 OF in the annual classification report, | in the program of studies of the Basline Autowline, $3.75 Value .._.____________. 2.99 YOUR CHOICE Standard 1.—Building. school. | There ao demonstration Top Dressing, $1.00 Value .... 0... = | $ .79 The room now being used by the [desk or table for class demonstration Se-ment-ol Radiator Stop-Leak, 50¢ Value 29 : Dallas Borough School District for and individual experimentation. 5 ? si br FORD TOURINGS AT : i The library does not: contain a suf- Touch-Up Enamel, 35¢ Value 19 high school purposes is entirely un-| Y ontain a su Y BR : suited for carrying out the prcgram | ficient number of volumes for the use Luggage Carriers, $1.50 Value .89 od of a two-year high school. The reg-| of the school. There is no adequate Spare Tire Lock with Chair, $1.25 Value... 89 $2 00 EACH 3 : ve | Provision for class and outsid J. wlations of the department roquire|PrOviSion for class and oulside read. Back Rest Cushions, $1.25 Value .89 that a two-year high school shall have il . Tage = fomietont periodi- | Tube Repair Kits, 50c Value 35 t least room adapted for library |€2'S are not provided. ; . . i aay Ct bi RO) Shall bo — Standard 3.—Program of Studies and Windshield Rear Vision Mirror, $1.00 Value ..______ 79 vided. It is further required that the Plan or Organization. Tire Pomp, $1.10 Value =. oh C0) 0 tel 79 B BE 1 K ER CO location and construction of the build-| An examination of the schoc! situ- Tire’Pump, $2.00 Value _' vee fois void oo 1.39 ® Se ) ° ing, the decoration of the building, |ation in this community reveals that | Windshield Wiper, $1.50 Value 99 and the upkeep of building and (Continued on Page 2) y P ms ws ms s | “ep Dallas, Pa. je f= = J | ! § ¥ = | BaSUETIONEERING: 11 OLIVER'S GARAGE i CALL GAY’S STORE—BELL PHONE 11-R-7 il 1 d 2 . od 2s . $ Z x 4 Ty Authorized Ford Dealer | C. 0. Brown Centremoreland || BELL PHONE 239R DALLAS, PENNA. oo - HR £90-E OTIS 0 SID (CED) E EE OEE (ANDO TD <0) 8. eum 3 : Svc omy - bn ] 1 1: he sc aner « ia If March masqueraded: like a lamb, | of the school paper and of his classy itn