The Dallas post. (Dallas, Pa.) 19??-200?, February 23, 1929, Image 8
DALLAS POST, DALLAS, PA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929 Fi Sr Te : ! > S = > PS Ry A FR Rp fon PnP] NT - Jazz King Turns | \ aE ee _Car Salesman | | | i‘ | \ \ Ai-American Mohawk CSA | | \ Corporation 5 a From the muted trombone to a bona fide order for a new automobile may be a far cry in the life of the . - " r average musician, but to Paul White- : B I R T H D A Y man, recognized king of jazz, the role na : ¥ of car salesman or maestro falls eas- f : P A R T Y Hy and naturally. as / Under Auspices of Years ago Whiteman sold cars in Denver, Colo. He sold cars while FOR S ALE" : SONS OF LIBERTY LODGE, studying music and dreaming of the NO. 1103, I. O. O. F. day when he would turn the voice of the saxophone into coin of the realm. > / . To Be Held Se it was perfectly in character for f 3 ‘ih | him recently, while rendering concerts : A beautiful corner lot on Monday Evening Feb. 25 at the ouening of a new Oakland- : Machel Avenue - oPntiac salesroom at Detroit, to give : : (At 8:00 O’clock) up the baton for the fountain pen, ) Price $1,700.00 ~ step from the concert platform to the ] ODD FELLOWS TEMPLE sales floor and demonstrate that he Will help you finance a ’ South Franklin Street, “has lost none of his old-time finesse house when you care to Wilkes-Barre, Pa. in the matter of getting names on the build. ? dotted line. ! : : Bl Whiteman’s first sale was for two : BRING YOUR WIFE, DAUGHTER new Pontiac Big Six 2-door sedans. N . BUY Ir--- OR FRIEND In two and a half hours he sold five ears, and in five days he ran this Y. . oti . i ae 5 : ou live in it 60% of your total to thirteen. ; L f irteen. whole Ite LaWhY not ows Good Program and Lots of Good His own success in the venture p ? prompted him to sponsor an automo- , RYOUr. Owl home? We have E A T S bile sales contest among his band helped others, maybe we wo ; members. Whiteman put up a new can help you. R Pontiac Big Six sport roadster as . : MAKE THIS YOUR BIRTHDAY _ first prize. Between concert num- Inquire of PARTY bers of the band took up predeter- mined positions on the floor along- L. A. McHENRY Ee RA (Admission Free) side display models of the new Pon- REAL ESTATE 4 3 1 ih " ; tiac or the latest Oakland All-Ameri Kingston 8044.R Dallas 174-R-7 Radio’s Realistic Close Up At Your Dealers: I. LAUX & SONS SHAVERTOWN can Six—two musicians to a car, and ( a regularly employed salesman also in attendance to answer detailed ~ questions of prospects. 3 | . Kurt Dieterle, violinist extraordi- : nary, ran away with the prize, aver-|N : at aging two sales a night for the five LLL LLL LLL TT ETT 7 TT TT dd 2 PT Td ETT 77 Td 777d 77 ZT L777 77 77 77777777 eR bmi. days. The rivalry developed by the x So——— m— | e——————————————————— ora Uh rl Tae Of Cosmopolitan Build | St 0 at Head Co = gang, resulted In the sale'o ak-| In a hotel constructed in Rio de . . : D m : land and Pontiac Sixes. : Janeiro, Brazil, the cement is from First National Bank LISTERI MN E riya ; ! 0: : G the piping from France, iron TH R 0 AT A dangerous head cold coming? Check y os hi ie im windows E Jsuickly nish Musterle Laxative Cold : e ans SHAVEMOWN PEOPLE nT rt Totten PUBLIC SQUARE TABLETS Tablets—safe,chocolate-conted, easy : g "/ { 0 . . ° . o * ANNOUNCE MARRIAGE from Brazil and electrical equipment, WILKES-BARRE, PA. Ruliof is a grain as if Dh 0 li S k os furn ture OF THEIR DAUGHTER | elevators, boilers, door locks, scaffold- : : Musterole Cold Tablets handy. Pre- a 7 Z 2 . | ing and concrete mixers from the United States Depository: Antisodlh pared by makers of famous Musterole. an fi 00)'S TiO United States. Capital Stock $750,000.00 nhiseplic At all druggists 35c. Mr. and Mrs. James Altemus, of : Surplus and undivided profits Prevent Bi 8 apecial one time Lh Si O-CEDAR Polish quickly re, Shavertown, announce the marriage 10: earned \.......ds00 $2,000,000.00 «_& Relieve age for 10c by clipping this adver- moves spots, and staihs an of their daughter, Olive Neta Alte- SURPRISE PARTY Hoa tisement and sending it with 10c, restores furniture and wood. mus, to Leon Dodson, of Hunlock ’ Officers and Directors also your name and address to work to their original beauty. { : : —:0:— % J Y So easy to use. Best too for Creek, which took place on February At the home of Mrs. Mae Jacques; Wm. S. Mclean, President Sore Throat The Musterole Company, Cleveland, O renewing your O-Cedar Polish 15 at Baptist parsonage, Pritchard) this place, a surprise party was re- Wm. H. Cenyngham, Vice-Pres. Coughs Mop—the wonder worker for Sa oy Rev Ade Smith, ~~ TGenitty’ given in honor of her son, }-———C. F. Huber, Vice-Pres. : House Co Q-Cedar at your They were attended by Miss Hazel | Floyd, who ~ celebrated his ithe: Francis Douglas, Cashier : “sho i -Cedar Eorp’n, Dodson, cousin’ of : the bridegroom, | anniversary. : F. W. Innes, Assistant Cashier and Paul Crocket, of Broadway. Refreshments were served and a > yr LAXATIVE . : ‘ Mad, The bride wore a blue flat crepe|good time was enjoyed by all. : Direetors Lusher Pi Mode by 2. U.S.A. COLD TABLETS dress trimmed in white and hat to 10: Wm. 8S. McLean, C. N. Loveland, Chocolate-coated—easy to take correspond and carried a bouquet of ENTERTAINS CARD CLUB F. O. Smith, George R. McLean, a = > ich —— —— pink rosebuds and sweet peas. = The Sora) be Hs Cy, ma i . bridesmaid was attired in blue georg-| Miss Mildred Woolbert entertained || fouo1t Baward Griffith, T. R » 3 . " ette trimmed in tan and she wore a|members of her card club on Tues- Hillard. Lea Hunt ’ . hat to match and carried pink roses day evening at her home on North : and sweet peas. ; Main Avenue, Shavertown. The prize Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent A \/ : A wedding supper was served to|at pinochle was awarded to Miss 3 Per Cent Interest Paid On the wedding party at the bride’s| Kathryn Phillips. Guests numbered Savings Deposits The only $.0.'S. ihe ever Fnew! home. Mr. and Mrs. Dodson are liv-|six. Luncheon was served. $1.00 Will Start An Account : : | v LA LO, ing with the bridegroom’s parents. : 2 [ATAAdaAahAddadnduindaiadadaidndhdaddndmdnddddatrrihdnds hd dh hdd hd ddr i drddtdddd ddd a6 Are Stil Some Good Buys Le YOU BE THE JUDGE COMPARE THESE VALUES! THEN COME TO OUR SALESROOM AND LOOK THEM OVER! TRY THEM! RIDE IN THEM! EVERY CARIS TN % ROAD READY! . as : 7 AS A NAVY Chev. Coach $395 27 Oakland Sedan $450 1928 Star Roadster $240 THE SHIP THAT WAS : . A-1 Condition Just Like New Rumble Seat rE frigate CONSTITUTION, most famous ship in the world, a shrine of { £ $82 DOWN Sse DowN 39 Dow the American Navy, is being rebuilt at the Navy Yard in Boston, Massa- : =~ chusetts. In the very satne dry dock that dhe christened, in 1833, having Chev. Sedan $440 Chev. Coach $195 | 1926 Ford Tudor $150 been the first ship to enter it, she is taking a new lease on life. Thanks to Beautiful Car Just Overhauled Good Family Car popular subscription, restoration is now 50 per cent completed. 7 DOWN 312 DOWN 360 DOWN Over $630,000 has been raised towards rebuilding of the CONSTITUTION; = : approximately $190,000 is required to complete the Fund. This money is being 1928 Chev. Coupe $385 Chev. Sedan $190 | 1925 G Por) gonpe 1 $90 raised through the sale of beautiful ten color lithographs of the ship, measuring Less Than 8 Months Old Good Family Car ] ood Car for Wor 1834 inches x 22% inches, at 50 cents each. $129 DOWN 37¢ DOWN 3% DOWN Restoration should be completed within a year. Once again equipped as i or ; = she looked at the height of her brilliant career, the CONSTITUTION will put 1021. Sho Suan wh Chey, Touring 3128 1926 Ohsy, Siondster $150 to sea, this time on a cruise of peace, carrying her historic message to Ameri- Ty 350 DOWN $60 DOWN cans in every ‘principal port in the country. ie = en | If you have not contributed to help save this, America’s foremost naval | lic, just clip off the attached coupon and mail it in today. Act promptly; 1927 Chev. Coach $280 | 1926 Chev. Ton Truck $150 1926 Chrysler Coupe $225 3 OLD I RONSIDES always did. Perfect Condition Open Express Body A Fine Car Cheap $112 DOWN $60 DOWN $90 DOWN Mail This Order Blank Now England by popular subscrip- | DEPOSIT 50 CENTS IN THE NATIONAL BANK OF PATRIOTISM tion saved Lord Nelson's flag- SE > 2 ship the “VICTORY.” OLD IRONSIDES MANY OTHERS FOR YOU TO CHOOSE FROM—$25 AND UP Navy Yard 431, Boston, Massachusetts: | CAN WE DO1rSS ror I want to help save the CONSTITUTION. Enclosed you OUR IMMORTAL VESSEL will find in stamps, check,money order, for THE CONSTITUTION? which please send me immediately copies of : ( ! \ / I | t ( : | «OLD IRONSIDES” Gordon Grant's beautiful ten color painting of the famous ship, RE IAB E HE RO E 0 Saved the Nation; with a cemplimentary history of her deeds and adventures. # ° | Now Let Us Save Her! °° ; Our Aim: a Picture of 1 1 “OLD IRONSIDES” Telephone King. 3718 55 Main St., T.uzerne Open Evenings In Every American Home