SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2: PAA 1 : Trucksville Mos. Mace Hartman and son, Billy, of Hunlock Creek, spent a day re- ently with Miss Blanche Atherholt. * ok * $form iti mt = 30 ~ Mrs. Harold Roger of spent the day recently ~ Blanche Atherholt. i$ | * ES * Miss Ruth Gardner week-end at her home Bloomsburg with Miss spent the ion Lehigh Xx x 3k ~ Miss Jane Keener of Chase visited cently with Miss Blanche Atherholt n Chestnut Street. Chestnut Street. < * * * The men’s class of the M. E. Church is practicing for a minstrel to be given on March 22. William Mann who has been seri- usly ill at his home is improving. Biss * * * x4 Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Rust and Mr. nd Mrs. W. E. Dow, left last week for the Bermudas. 4 * * * ‘Miss Julia Montagne is supervis- ng a class in the Red Cross work for the Girl Scouts of Troop 19. The lass meets each Thursday evening t the home of Mrs. J. E. Newhart. [he girls that are eligible and tak- ng the course are: Edna Billings, ,aura Hughes, Emily Lewis, Jean Billings, Della Riddell, Ruth Bennett, elma Bulford, Alberta Lyne, June Imer, Charlotte Stroud. a fake hester Glahn has accepted a posi- h with Fadden’s Ice Cream Co. [rs. Fraak G. Mathers, who has ill at her home at Carverton oad, is much improved. : * * * ~ Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Morton, Mr. d Mrs. Charles Reigel, of Dallas, ited recently at the home of Mr. d Mrs. E. G. Besteder. Sl ke fe Mr. and Mrs. Robert Post, of Chi- ; cago, who have been‘visiting relatives ‘at this place are spending some time “with relatives and friends at Lake- wood, N. Y., before returning to Chi- cago. aa * * * Miss Ruth Dean, who is a patient ‘at the General Hospital is steadily improving. ~~ Walter Billings carrier of No. 1 Toy TL, rbert Miers of Chase is the sub- tute. Mrs. Edward Haefling has been ill at her home on Harris Hill road. © Mrs. F. L. McGarry injured ‘her ‘ankle last week when ghe slipped and ell on the ice, near her home. Queen Esthers Meet ~The Queen Esthers held their onthly meeting Monday evening at ‘the home of Elinor Parsons. Lunch as served to the following: Charlotte Stroud, June Palmer, Jes- sie Race, Pendred Keller, Emily Lew- s, Dela Riddle, Elinor Parsons, Char- otte Parsons, Betty Cole, Noami Be- der, Dorothy Goodwin, Carline Perry, Matilda Roushey, Kaletice Par- ons, Florence Richards, Ruth Hew- tt, Charlotte Lewis, Margaret Evans, Doris Evans, Arline Hoover, Edna Billings, Ruth Bennett, Beatrice Drake, Anne Adams, Alicec Oberst, ‘Thelma Belford, Mary Jackson, Mrs. A. C. Kelly, Mrs. T. R. Evans and Mrs. E. Parsons. : ®t i Surprise Farewell Party Mis Mabel Mahoney was pleasant- ly surprised recently at the home of Miss Marion Oliver when a group of friends gathered and gave her a sur- prise farewell party. Miss Mahoney has left for the Methodist Hospital, Brooklyn, N. Y. to enter training. | Those present were: Misses Mabel | Mahoney, Marion Oliver, Ruth Chap- man, Doris Chapman, Mildred John- son, Blanche Otherholt, Stella Weid- er, Bertha Sutliff, Charlotte Lewis, a Weidner and Robert Streader, muel Reese, George Reynolds, Ken- th Woolbert, Charles Rapson, Don- 1 Nelson, Nelson Woolbert, David chooley, Philip Reynolds and Clar- nce Adams. * xk Surprise Party Mrs. J. R. Wardan was pleasantly | urprised at her home recently when her sisters and other relatives plan- ned a party in her honor. Dinner was served. Those present were: Mrs. Emily Courtright, Mrs. Sarah ~ Woolbert, Mrs. Margaret Woolbert, Mrs. Millie Woolbert, Mrs. Mary Woolbert, Mrs. Bertha Woolbert, Mrs. ~ Arminda Woolbert, Mrs. Emily Haz- eltine, Mrs. Eunice Norris, Mrs. Ralph Hazeltine, Mrs. Arline Bess- mer, Mrs. Louise Warokmski, Misses Marion Courtright, Lenora Wardan, Louise Hazeltine, Ruth Woolbert and Master Jimmie Warkomski. Y / 0 7 ® 0% *¥ Sunday School Meeting ~The following people of Trucksville ttended the Sunday Scheol Council 8D, Te saltipervaratinen. | ° eeting at East Dallas Wednesday enin; Charlotte Lewis, Kaletia! Parsons, Ruth Hewitt, Pendred Kel- ler, Florence Richards and Arnold Cease, Melvin Hewitt, Sheldon Ben- nett, Kenneth Woolbert, William Hewitt. x & * Will Hold Meeting The Y. P. M. S. Class of the Free Methodist Church will hold their monthly meeting Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Alberta Lyne. x ® OX Briefs : * * * Born to Mr. and Mrs. Emery Kleighling of Orchard Street, on Feb- ruary 14, 1929, a daughter. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. George Metz on February 14, 1929, a daughter. % 7 O oR Mrs. Royal Lyne has been ill at her home on Harris Hill Road. Mrs. F. L. McGarry injured her ankle last week when she slipped and fell on the ice near her home * ES * § Mrs. Edward Haeffling has been ill at her home on Harris Hill Road. * kk Miss Ruth Dean is steadily improv- ing at General Hospital. * * * Mrs. Frank Mathers, who has been ill at her home at Carverton Road, is much improved. * * * William Mann, who has been seri- ously ill at his home is improving. Miss Pauline Stroud is improving after a long illness. # * * Miss Ruth Gardner spent the week end at her home on Lehigh Street. aR ee ak Mrs. Clara Lyne, of Ashley spent the past week with her son, Royal *| Lyne. : Miss Leonora Robinson spent the * kok week-end with her parents. \ kT Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Staub and fam- ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Staub’s father. ES * * The Seniors wil give “Who Woudn’t Be Crazy?” in the Shavertown M. E. Church, March 6-8. :0: Signing a Pact Sir William Joynson Hicks: “It is no use signing a pact with a pep unless you sign it with the heart.” ae OT DALLA PORT, DALLAS, DA, Shavertown 3 o SHAVERTOWN Hn-Penn.mll The Shavertown Methodist Church Choir met at the home of Mrs. Chas. Howe, in honor of Mrs. Howe's and Mrs. Heale’s birthday anniversaries. Games and music were enjoyed and lunch was served to the following: Mrs. R. L. Harrison, Mrs. Raymond Heale, Mrs. Leona Doughton, Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. Harry Eckert, Miss Viola Doughton, Miss Jennie Stark, Lillian Eckert, Ellen Piatt, Eleanor Warmouth, Mildred Holcomb, Virgin- ia Ohlman, Marion Heale, Vivian Eck- ert, Betty and Dorothy Carey, Philip Weider, B. C. Hicks, R. C. Harrison, Chappell, Mr and Mrs. R. Carey, Mr. and Mrs. William Chapell, and Mr. and Mrs. C. Howe. * * * The Search Light Missionary So- ciety was entertained at the home of = >a a0 ew(e58 0am 0-cmm- $30 , 20 Mrs. Earl Keithline on Tuesday evening. Murs. Arch Jackson presid- ed. The program was in charge of Mrs. Ralph Bertram, assisted by Mrs. Arthur Leek, Mrs. Ray Heale, Mrs. Harry Henry, and Mrs. Corwyn Bap- tiste. Games were in charge of Mrs. Harry Henry. A dainty lunch was served. 0: WILKES-BARRE MAN " LEAVES $6,000 ESTATE —0i— / John Russell Curtis, late of Wilkes-Barre,, by his will probated Thursday, leaves an estate valued at $6,000 to his wife, Dorothy Curtis, and names Miners Bank of Wilkes- Barre executor. J 0: USE OF CHAINS ON STATE HIGHWAY URGED Co —0i— ty With an average snowfall of eight inches throughout the Northeastern Pennsylvania, C. H. Buckius, State Highway Department, Scranton di- vision engineer, yesterday reported | all roads open to two-way traffic, but advised use of chains by motorists. 10: Good Man’s Attitude A ' good map is accustomed to ac quiesce in the idea of his duties as an ultimate object, without inquiring ‘at every step why he should perforn them, or amusing himself with imag ining cases and situations in whicl, they would be liable to limitation: and exceptions.— Robert Hall EN Art ¥, TE ———y Safety, silence and simplicity are features of the new Ford six-brake system ONE of the first things you will notice when you drive the new Ford is the quick, effective, silent action of its six-brake system. This system gives you the highest degree of safety and reliability because the four- wheel service brakes and the separate emergency or park- ing brakes are all of the mechanical, internal ex- panding type, with braking surfaces fully enclosed for protection against mud, water, sand, etc. The many advantages of this type of braking system have long been recognized. They are brought to you in the new Ford through a series of mechanical im- provements embodying much that is new in design and manufacture. A particu- larly unique feature is the simple way by which a spe- cial drum has been con- structed to permit the use of two sets of internal brakes on the rear wheels. A further improvement in braking performance is effected by the self-center- ing feature of the four- wheel brakes — an exclusive Ford de- velopment. Through <D FORD MOTOR COMPANY this construction, the entire surface of the shoe is brought in steady, uniform contact with the drum the instant you press your foot on the brake pedal. This prevents screeching and howling and makes the Ford brakes unusually silent in operation. Another feature of the Ford brakes is the ease of adjustment. The four-wheel brakes are adjusted by turning a screw conveniently located on the outside of each brake plate. This screw is so notched that all four brakes can be set alike simply by listening to the “clicks.” The emergency or park | ing brakes on the new Ford require little attention. How- ever, should they need ad- justment at any time, con- sult your Ford dealer for prompt, courteous, and eco- nomical service. He works under close factory super- vision and he has been spe- cially trained and equipped to help you get the greatest possible use from your car over the longest period of time at a mini. mum of trouble and expense, Spa N Tre Sheriff’s Sale —10i— SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929, AT 10 A. M —:0— By virtue of a writ of Plurice Fi Fa No. 49, March Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luz- ern County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 23rd da yof Febru- ary, 1929, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ALL that certain piece of land in the Township of Plains, County of Luzerne, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: - BEGINNING at a point the com- mon corner of lots “A”, “B”, “F”, and “G” of the Conlon & Conlon Allot- ment and on line between lots “F” and “G” of the Conlon & Conlon Al- lotment, said point being South fifty- seven degrees, forty-five minutes east, four hundred ninety-five (495) feet along William Street, from the set stone at the northwest corner of a fif- teen foot alley and north thirty-two degrees, fifteen minutes east one hun- dred feet from William Street; thence along line of lot “F” of the Conlon & Conlon Allotment, north thirty-two degrees, fifteen minutes east one hun- dred feet to an alley; thence along said alley south fifty-seven degrees, forty-five minutes east, thirty feet to corner of lot “H” of the ‘Conlon & Conlon Allotment; thence by line of Lot “H” south thirty-two degrees, fif- teen minutes west one hundred (100) feet ot common corner of lots “G”, “H”, “B” and “C”; thence along lot “B” north fifty-seven degrees forty- five minutes West thirty feet to place of beginning, containing three thous- and (3,000) square feet of land, more or less, and being lot “G” of the Con- lon & Conlon Allotment. Being part of a larger piece of land that by sundry conveyances became vested in Peter Conlon and Paul Con- lon by deed from James Farrell, Guardian, et al, dated the 13th day of erne County in Deed Book No. 622, page 157. Reference thereunto be- ing had the same will more fully and at large appear. 3 And being the same land conveyed lows: | Wilcox Street, Plains, Pa. to Barney Bzozowski and Steanrio Bzozowski, his wife by Peter Conlon | and Mary West Conlon, ‘his wife, and | Paul Conlon, all of Plains Township, | RRR oe NE VY YY TY YY YY YY a FOO WOT OO OW Improved with a two-story frameS, Sheriff’s Sale —10:— SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929, AT 10 A. M. —:01— By virtue of a writ of Alias Fi Fa No. 40, March Term, 1929, issued out of the ‘Court of Common Pleas of Luz- ern County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 23rd da yof Febru- ary, 1929, at ten o'clock in the: fore- noon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, piece or parcel of land, viz: ALL that certain lot, piece or par- cel of land, situate in the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, bounded and described as fol- BEGINNING at a point on the Southeasterly side of Westmoreland Street, four hundred and twenty (420) feet in a Northeasterly direction from the Northeasterly side of James Street; thence along said lot No. 24 on plot of lots of Charles N. Love- land, entitled Dorrance Homestead Additional Allotment, recorded in Map Book No. 2, page 114, South 29 de- grees East, one hundred and sixty and seven-tenths (160.7) feet to a cor- ner; thence along lot No. 52, on said plot of lotsy North 61 degrees East, fifty-two (52) feet to a corner; thence along lot No. 26 on said plot of lots, North 29 degrees West, one hundred and sixty and 'seven-tenths (160.7) feet to Westmoreland Street; thence along Westmoreland Street, South 61 degrees West, fifty-two (52) feet to the place of beginning. Be- ing lot No. 25 on said plot of lots. Being the same premises conveyed to Teresina Francione by deed of Nich- olas Francione and Carmine Franci- one, by his attorney in fact, Donato Francione. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of West Side Mortgage Com- pany, assignee of J. Gordon Mason vs. Teresina Francione and Donato Fran- cione, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, Sheriff. DONALD 0. COUGHLIN, Attorney. dwelling house known as number 47 | Seized and taken into execution at the suit of Sydney M. Rosenbluth vs. | Barney Bzozowski and = Steanrio| Bzozowski, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, ane Sm gy M. ROSENBLUTH, Attorney. 0 “Sheriff. Ti “Sheriffs Sale -—:0:— SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1929, AT 10 A. M. —0— By Virtue of a writ of Alias Fi Fa No. 87, March Term, 1929, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Luz- ern County, to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale by vendue to the highest and best bidders, for cash, at the Sheriff’s Sales Room, Court House, in the City of Wilkes- Barre, Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, on Saturday, the 23rd da yof Febru- ary, 1929, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon of the said day, all the right, title and interest of the defendants in and to the following described lot, . | piece or parcel of land, viz: ALL that certain lot, piece or par- cel of land situate in the Borough of Kingston, Luzerne County, Pennsyl- vania, bounded and described as fol- lows: BEGINNING at a corner located on the Southerly side of Mercer Avenue distant one hundred and eighty-four and eighty-four hundredths (184.84) feet measured in a Westerly direction and along its said Southerly side from the Westerly side of Bennett Street; thence (1) from said beginning cor- ner and through lot No. 14.0f allot- A ment hereinafter mentioned, South 30 degrees no minutes Kast, one hun- dred and seven and ten hundredths (107.10) feet to a corner located on the Northerly side of a strip of land ten (10) feet wide reserved by the Grantees herein for an alley; thence (2) along the Northerly side of said alley, South 59 degrees 58 minutes West, twenty-nine and two hundredths (29.02) feet to a corner; thence (2) from last mentioned corner and through lot No. 13 of said allotment, North 30 degrees no minutes West, one hundred and seven and ten hun- dredths (107.10) feet to a corner lo- cated on the aforesaid Southerly side of Mercer Avenue; thence (4) along said Southerly side of the same, North 59 degrees 58 minutes East, twenty- nine and two hundredths (29.02) feet to a corner the place of beginning. Being part of lots No. 13 and 14 on plot of lots of Arnold & Steele, and being the same premises conveyed to Arthur Hapeman et ux by Vito Bi- anco by deed dated May 1, 1925 and recorded in Deed Book 616, page 542. Seized and taken into execution at the suit of West Side Mortgage Co. Assignee vs. Arthur Hapeman and Margaret Hapeman, and will be sold by JOHN MacLUSKIE, WALNUT GABINET Sliding doors---complete with Electro-Dynamic Set and Speaker installed in your home, including Tubes and Aerial $197.°° Rafe MMP AP PA gy ge J. R-OLIVER Main Street Dallas, Pa. POO OOOO TODD OVI DOI PTVIIOTOITOOOOOIDDOOOPODODOOVDPOOD OVO DODO OO WWW 2 3 x dt dh dni a i gy hei ou di dud A A LALA A NAAR ATA AAA Baha ddd a 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 ad 4 4A 4 dh 44d Aaah dad dA A AAA A Added de Andshauuiuie 4 A TT TREN D. O. COUGHLIN, Attorney. | | dal ly N sal - Vie !
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