Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 29, 1903, Image 4

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Istitliihol 1883.
D. S. Buckley, President.
P. B. McTighe, Secretary.
Thos. A. Buckley, Treasurer.
FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE IS delivered by
carriers to subscribers in Freelaud at the rate
of 12X cents a month, payable every two
months, or $1.50 a year, payable In advance.
The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the
carriers or from the olHce. Complaints of
Irregular or tardy delivery service will receive
prompt attention.
BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sont to out-of
town subscribers for sl.">o a year, payable iu
advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods.
The date when the subscription expires is on
the address label of each paper. Prompt re
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wise the subscription will be discontinued.
Entered at the Postoftice at Freeland, Pa.,
as Second-Class Matter.
Make all money orders, checks , etc., payable to
the Tribune Prlntlnu Company, Limited.
FREELAND, PA., .JUNE 20. 1003.
An Economical Man.
A commercial traveler tells of a man
who was riding on a train and pretend
ed to become ill after eating a sand
wich. The man opened his grip and
took out a hot water hag. "He got a
sympathetic porter," the commercial
man continues, "to fill the water bag
with boiling water and then he opened
up his lunch basket, took out a piece of
fried steak and warmed it up on the
water hag. You talk about your light
housekeeping! Then, after he had
warmed the steak, lie cut it all up with
a pair of scissors and fed it to himself
with a pair of sugar tongs, because he
would not take a chance with a fork
going abound a curve. But his finish
was afiimit After he had eaten the
steak he unscrewed the stopper of the
water bag and poured himself out a
cup of hot coffee. He bad the grounds
In the hag all the time."
An Early Day Railroad Wreck.
In the early days of the road there
was a smash up, aud all were badly
shaken up. The next morning a burly
farmer limped into the superintend
ent's office and said, "Mr. Superintend
ent, I came in to see what you were go
ing to give me for shaking me up so
yesterdu}*." The superintendent asked
how much he thought he ought to have
for his injuries. "Well, I think it worth
50 cents, and I will settle for that."
The superintendent replied that it was
quite a sum, but as the man seemed
honest he would pay him, and lie did
so, taking his receipt in full. The su
perlntendent said, "I will be liberal
with you and give you a pass to take
you home." "No, you won't. As long
as these pins"—slapping his legs—"last
I won't go on your darn railroad any
more."—National Magazine.
Prevention of Corns.
There are suggestions without num
ber for the cure of corns. Any reputa
ble chiropodist and some who are not
reputable can furnish an unfailing
remedy. But there is one sure wuy to
prevent them. Don't wear the same
pair of shoes two days in succession.
Corns are caused by friction on the
toes, and the most expert bootmaker
cannot make two pairs of fehoes which
will rub the feet in the same place.
The change of shoes gives the feet a
chance to rest. It is also good for the
shoes, aud footwear which is treated
in this fashion will last much longer
than if put to daily use.
The Crocodile,
Pliny said tlie crocodile's skin "will
abide any injury and not be pierced."
That may have been true in ids day,
but it is not true now. The bullet of a
heavy modern rifle will pierce the skin
anywhere unless it strikes in a slant
ing direction. The crocodile is not as
a rule hard to kill, provided one can
got a good shot at it, but that Is Just
the trouble. It has not the marvelous
vitality of the shark, which will some
times struggle furiously for an hour,
although covered with apparently mor
tal wounds.—Chicago News.
Snaked In Winter.
The snake hibernates that is, it
passes the late autumn and winter sea
sons in a state of torpor coiled up in
the hollow roots of trees or cavities
protected by bushes. With the return
of warmth it issues forth in pursuit of
prey and to breed. The female lays
from sixteen to twenty eggs in a string
and leaves them to be hatched by the
sun or by the warmth of decomposing
An Artist to lie Envied.
We know of no one more to ho envied
at the time than a well dressed cutter
on a fashionable promenade walking
behind a stylish, artistic, right fitting
coat that ho cut gloriously and beauti
fully adorning the back of a well
formed man.—Tailor and Cutter.
Would Give It Away.
The Doctor—You have a bad cold,
Mr. Jiggs. I'll give you some pills for
Jiggs—Oh. never mind, doctor. You
can have it for nothing.—Harvard
"The flatterer is all right," said the
office philosopher. "While no one be
lieves a word he says, every one wants ,
to."—Philadelphia Ledger.
A Serious Problem Growing Out of
the AutiiKouiMiu of Different Knees.
The labor problem iu South Africa is
a serious one. The working of the
mines to the capacity at least of meet
ing the demands of trade is a necessi
ty. White labor is either scarce or un
willing to undertake the task. Black
labor of the Kaffir stripe was plentiful
In numbers, but slothful. Compulsory
drafting of the black man. which would
be the result of Mr. Chamberlain's pol
icy, was denounced as slavery, and cer
tainly it is much like it. The natural
laziness of the Kaffir aided the crusade
of the white agitators, with the result
that the mines were short handed and
the output not nearly what it should
have been. Basutoland was suggested
as a country from which black work
ers might be drafted, but again the cry
of slavery was raised, and the nil no
owners on the one hand and on the
other the British government hesitated
to get Itself too deeply into any race
question under any guise.
This was an embarrassing situation.
There was not enough white labor for
digging, and tin? Transvaalers were op
posed to the Kaffirs and the Basutos,
against whom they had grudges born
of the war. Under the circumstances
the mine owners have decided to hire
Chinese, and arrangements now are
being made to import many thousands
of Asiatics. The people of Pretoria are
up in arms against this. They say they
would accept the Basutos rather thau
the Chinese and have formed a strong
political organization, threatening de
struction to the government if the yel
low labor should be imported. There is
a disposition in some quarters to be
lieve that the scarcity of labor at the
mines lias been created by conditions
deliberately made by the mine owners,
who seek some excuse for the impor
tation of a labor that can be controlled
at all times and over which the Trans
vaal natives will have no influence. If
so, it is easy to understand why Die
Chinese, who have nothing,in common
either witli the white men or with the
black tribes of Africa, should have
been selected as the workers least lia
ble to make trouble and most likely to
coniine themselves to their labor. The
Transvaaler is an obstinate man, how
ever, and if the Chinese are brought
in against his protest the question of
their deportation will be an active one
In politics just so long as the Chinese
remain.—New York Press.
The Reverend Gentleman Evidently
If 11't I'p on the Lubur tluextlon.
Uev. Dr. Ilillis said recently:
"In the long run there is no way to
increase the wage save as we increase
the intelligence. At will we can double
our wages as a nation. The method
is simple—double the quantity and
quality of the work we do. We are
investing the baud in the spade when
we ought to invest the braiu. A hand
and spade earn $1 a day; a little intel
lect and a spade earn $1.50 per day."
In one sense this is a platitude; in
another it is not true. Labor may in
crease its product without getting any
increase of pay, as for example when
the employers keep the increase and
force labor to live at the old rate. To
secure its fair, rightful share labor
must be able to compel by economic
means an equitable division of the
lias Dr. Ilillis ever heard of strikes
for more pay? Is he Innoceut enough
to suppose that all employers are be
nevolent by nature and anxious to
treat the workers justly by voluntarily
increasing their wages or, better still,
by reducing their hours of labor? What
a mockery it is to tell workmen striv
ing to obtain the proper reward for
their labor that the way to Increase
wages is to Increase the product I What
an answer to a demand for fairness
under existing comlitionsl
From a man who is so unjust and ir
rational in Ids treatment of union la
bor frantic appeals in behalf of non
union labor are not very impressive.
From such champions as Dr. ilillis the
"free" laborer may well pray to be de
livered. When the "free" laborers in
sheer desperation strike against the
aggression of their employers, the first
to whom they appeal for protection and
advice—and get it—are the reviled
trade unions.
Strange, is it not? But then all stu
dents and observers know that non
unionists instinctively feel that trade
unions make the workers truly free.—
Samuel Goinpers.
The Radical llank and File.
Disturbances are to be expected in
the labor world to a greater or less ex
tent following the Campaign of organ
ization that has been carried on in tbis
city for over a year. The number of
strikes, although seeming large, does
not represent over 10 per cent of the
organized workers in tills city and
would not cause alarm were it not for
the nature of the demands made by
some of them. Those who remember
the causes leading up to the lockout of
the building trades in 1000 can see the
same influences at work now and fear
the same results may follow.
The leaders of the unions are often
blamed for the radical demands made;
but, as a rule, it is the rank and file
of the organization, which does not un
derstand or appreciate the situation,
that is to blame, if a speaker gets up
in a union and advocates 50 cents an
hour for unskilled laborers he will
have pk?nt3' of followers, while the
man who suys 20 cents would be more
reasonable gets howled down for
being afraid of the "bosses."—Chicago
Inter Ocean.
Chlcanro Het Union City.
Chicago is probably tin? best organ
ized city in the country today, and in
creases in wages amounting to mil
lions of dollars a year have been se- 1
ured within the past few mouths.
A SnoecNmful Captain.
Captain jimmy Callahan of the Chi
cago Americans has shown conclusive
ly that he knows all the ins and outs
of baseball generalship. Callahan has
developed a team that appears to bo of
genuine pennant winning caliber, and
the fact that it forged its way to the
leader's position curly in the season
evidences that the men were not dila
tory in rounding into form.
Callahan is the ablest pitcher In the
White Sox team. He has won most of
the games in which he lias played this
year and is very confident that ills
leather chasers will oust the Philadel
phia Athletics from their proud posi
tion as championship holders.
Nnvy nml Army Athletics.
The Navy Athletic association,'which
has entire charge of athletics at the
Naval academy, Annapolis, lias issued
a statement which defines the navy's
position on the disputed question which
brought about the cessation of athletic
relations between Annapolis and West
The difference of opinion was wheth
er or not a modified form of eligibility
rules should obtain in future contests.
Annapolis insisted that they should.
The rules as suggested by the navy
did not touch professionalism, but sim
ply declared that no student should be
eligible to play who had represented
any first team of a college giving an
A. B. degree for four years, and that
no student should play who had been
on such first team until he had been
at the academy at least one year.
West Point's position on this propo
sition was that the fact of the large
number of students at Annapolis is
compensated for by the higher age of
admission at West Point.
Ilrltt NML CHUN.
Unless Jimmy Brltt will consent to
fight Joe Gans at 133 pounds, weigh
in at 3 o'clock on the afternoon of the
battle, there is not a chance of the two
men ever meeting in the ring.
A1 Herford, manager of Gans, had a
talk with Willie Brltt, manager of the
Californian, a few days ago and In
formed him of the terms under which
he would fight. As the latter is not
willing to tight Gans at 133 pounds at
3 o'clock, but will do so if Gans weighs
in at the ring side, it looks as if the
match is off for good.
Herford says lie intends to take Gatis
to England and match him against
Jabez White, the English champion.
Ilanlon'H New Catcher.
Manager NCd Hanlon of Brooklyn
.claims that Jacklitscli is one of the
best catchers In the business. He
played with the Philadelphia club of
the National league for two seasons.
Hanlon signed liini last February.
Jaeklitsch will surely strengthen the
Superbas in I lie catching department,
as he .is a great hitter, a fine thrower
to bases and a good base runner. He
has started the season in splendid
shape and Is improving rapidly us the
summer advances.
The American Hehley.
William A. Meiklehuin of New York
and William Innes Forbes of Philadel
phia have been asked to act as referees
in the first American Henley, which is
to be held on the Schuylkill in July.
Entries are expected from New York,
Philadelphia and Toronto, as well as
from Harvard, Yale, Cornell, Pennsyl
vania, Columbia and Georgetown.
Nevr Worlj|'H Auto Record.
Alexander Winton in a trial run with
a gasoline automobile recently covered
a mile at the Glenvillc (<).) track lTi
Ini. 25., or a fourth of a second better
than the world's record for a circular
track. Winton is entered as one of the
American team for the James Gordon
Bennett International cup, to be raced
for in Ireland on July 2 next.
Fn*t Double Gaited Home.
The trotting and pacing stallion King
Albert, who hold the world's record for
a double gaited horse, died recently at 1
the Newark (Del.) stock farm. His
trotting record was 2:12% and pacing
Quaker Oarsmen.
The University of Pennsylvania oars
men are showing the best form of the
year just at present. Evidently the j
ducking they got at Annapolis has j
done them good.
Great Scheme Evolved to Prevent
Any Family Discord.
"You've hoard about the horn of
plenty, of course," said a young mar
ried man. "Now let me tell you about
the horn of peace. Alice and I have
our little differences of opinion now
and then—l suppose nil young married
people do—and sometimes it Is not easy
to effect a reconciliation right away,
we are both so high tempered. Well,
the other evening we wont into a deli
catessen shop in our neighborhood to
get something nice for our evening
luncheon. We had just had a lively
little quarrel and had made up. In the
back of the shop a little boy and a lit
tle girl, the proprietor's children, were
having a vociferous quarrel over some
toys. She slapped him; lie kicked at
her; then she slapped him again; then
he pulled her hair.
"Suddenly on this unpleasant scone
appeared a third child, a baby boy of
about two years. He immediately
scrambled into the melee and out again
with a tin horn, which lie began to
blow mightily. He blew so loud that
it drowned out the sound of the quar
rel. He went up to ids brother and
blew the horn in his face; then he
wont up to the little sister and blew
the horn in her face. The two wran
glers stopped quarreling and laughed.
The baby kept on blowing the horn,
the other boy beat a drum and the girl
began to pound on a toy piano.
"We were served by this time and
started out. At the toyshop on the
way home Alice turned to go in, and I
"'What do you want In there?'
" 'l'm going to buy a tin horn,' she
" 'Good!' I exclaimed. 'We'll get the
biggest horn they have.'
"We bought a big horn, and now
whenever there is any sign of n quar
rel coming on one or the other of us
blows on the tin horn; then we laugh
and 'make up.' This is the story of the
horn of peace. It never fails, and
there is no patent on it. Tell about it
to everybody you know if you want
to."—Detroit Free Press.
A Young Annto in in*.
Some days ago two little fellows of
seven and eight years heard older peo
ple speaking of skeletons. The seven
year-old boy listened intently to the
conversation, when the elder boy with
an air of superior knowledge said
"You don't know what a skeleton Is,
and I do."
"So do I," replied the younger. "I do
know. I know for certain, I do."
"Well, now, what is it?"
"It's bones with the people offl"—
Fnnll y Caught.
"Say, me good man," exclaimed the
city youth, who was undecided wheth
er to buy shrimp or minnows, "what
do you catch fish witli around here?"
"Give me a quarter and I'll tell
you," grunted the ruralite with the
new cut pole.*
"Here it is. Now, what do you catch
them with?"
"Hooks!" —Philadelphia Record.
"That's a wonderfully bright child of
"I never observed any special ac
"It has wisdom beyond its years.
When Brinkin asked it to recite for the
ladies and gentlemen it backed up into
a corner and refused to say a word."—
Washington Star.
Quite Capable.
"He's a remarkably frank mAn."
"How so?"
"Why, the heiress asked him if he
was sure he eoukl take care of her
when he proposed, and lie said he was
sure he could if lie had her money to
dor it with."—Chicago Post.
Do You Enjoy What You Eat?
If you don't your food does not do
you any good. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is
the remedy that every one should take j
when there is any thing wrong with the !
stomach. There is no way to maintain
the health and strength of mind and !
hody except the nourishment. There is |
no way to nourish except through the
stomach. The stomach must be kept,
healthy, pure and sweet or the strength
will let down and disease will set up
No appetite, losses of strength, nervous
ness, headache, constipation, bad
breath, sour risings, rifting, indigestion,
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles are
quickly cured bv the use of Kodol D>-
Npepsia Cure. Sold by drover's City
City drug store.
Beautiful hammocks at Birkbeck's.
Opium, Laudanum, Cocaine and all Drug Habits
permanently cured, without pain or detention from business, leaving no craving
for drugs or other stimulants. We restore the nervous and physical systems to
their natural condition because we remove the causes of disease. A home remedy
prepared by an eminent physician.
Confidential correspondence, especially with physicians, solicited. Write today.
Manhattan Therapeutic Association
Dept. A 1135 Broadway, New York Olty
To Cure a Cold in One Day in Two Days.
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. <VLJfy
Seven Million boxes sold in past 12 months. This Signature, POX. 25C.
Bumiug; the Dead.
Cremation has been practiced by moat
ot the nations of the earth from the
earliest agea, ae*i, although in pagan
countries it may have taken the form
of (ire worshiping there can be no
doubt that its adoption by the ancients
was for the most part prompted by
other than religious reason. Greeks
ascribe its introduction to Hercules,
who, having sworn to transmit the
body of Argus to his father, thought
this the most convenient way of ful
filling his promise. According to Ilo
iner, the burning of the dead was a
common practice among the Greeks
long before the Trojan war, but the
earliest record of it is among the Scyth
ians, who inhabited the vast region
known unjler the name of Tartary.
Slender accounts handed down con
cerning the manners of some of the an
cient natives of Hindustan also allude
to the custom. The idea of purification
by fire was In all ages universal, and
with good reason. Some believed that
the body was unclean after the depar
ture of the soul, and it was therefore
deemed necessary that it should be
purified by fire. Ovid expressed the
general opinion of his time when he
said that the soul was not completely
separated from the body until the lat
ter was consumed on the pyre. The
Athenians invariably after a battle
burned the slain.
Lucky Man.
"How are you coming out today?"
"Great! I Just won back almost as
much as I lost on the first two races."
-New York Evening Journal.
A Step Upward.
Citirnnn—l suppose your town is get
ting a bit more fashionable now?
Subbubs— Ys. indeed; we used to
comp l ain of our "chills and fever," but
now everybody refers to it as "mala
ria."— Philadelphia Public Ledger.
II IN Chit nee.
Father—Wouldn't it be funny If I
should become a little boy again?
Robbie—Maybe it wouldn't be so fun
ny for you. pa. If you wuz to be lit
tlor'n me I think I'd square up a few
tilings.—Denver News.
We have been wouuonng wujr w;mr
one doesn't invent a breakfast food
called Strenuous.
When anything in the way of gossip
Is "all over town" it usually means
that half a dozen perscwis know it.
When a mother says her hoy is sick
through studying too hard she hasn't
a friend who doesn't think she is
Some people say the funniest thing
In the world Is a woman throwing a
rock. Ever seen a woman run u lawn
mower?—Atchison Globe.
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat?
You can eat whatever and whenever you
like If you take Kodol. By the use of this
remedy disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and the full performance of their
functions naturally, that such foods as would
tie one into a double-bow-knot are eaten
without even a "rumbling" and with a posi
tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what is
more these foods are assimilated and
transformed Into the kind of nutriment that
is appropriated by the blood and tissues.
Kodol is the only digestant or combination
of digestants tnat will digest all classes of
food. In addition to this fact, it contains, in
assimilative form, the greatest known tonic
and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorders arising therefrom.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Makes the Stomach Sweet.
Bottles only. Regular size. $ 1.00. holdlnß 2% times
the trial size, which sells for 50 cents.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & CO., Chicago, 111.
(i rover's City PriLf Store.
Wm. Wehrman,
Centre street, Froeland.
May 17, 1903.
0 12 am for Jeddo, Lumber Yard, Weather
ly, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlo
hem, Easton, Philadelphia, Now York,
Bulfalo and the West.
8 15 a in for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Eawton. Phila
delphia, New York, Hazleton, Delano,
Manano> City, Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel,
Buffalo and the West.
9 12 a m for Sandy Hun.
1 1 45 a in for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila
delphia, New York, Hazleton, Delano,
Mananoy City, Shenandoah, Mt. Car
mel, Buffalo and the West.
5 45 p m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel
phia, New York, Hazleton, Delano,
Muhanoy City, Shenandoah,Mt.Carmel,
Buffalo and the West.
7 20 a in from Ha/leton and Lumber Yard.
0 12 am from New York, Philadelphia, Eas
ton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk. Weatherly, Hazleton, Mahanoy
City, Shenandoah and Mt. Carmel
1 00 p m from New York, Philadelphia,
Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk Weatherly, Hazleton, Delano,
Muhanoy City, Shenandoah and Mt.
6 33 p in from New York, Philadelphia,
Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Maueh
Chunk, Weatherly, Mt. Carmel, Shenan
doah, Mahanoy City, Delano and Hazle
For further information ocnsult Tioket
Time table in effect May ID, 1901.
Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazle
Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Hood, Bonn
and Hazleton Junction at 600 a m, daily
except. Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for Harwood, Cranberry,
Tomhickon and Deringer at. SOU a in, daily
except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 238 p m, Sun
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
Harwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and
Sheppton at ti 00 am, daily except Sun
day: and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood,
Cranberry, Tomhickon and Deriuger at 636 a
m, daily except Sunday; and 63 am,422 pin
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road,
Oneida and Sheppton at 0 32,1110 a m, 4 41 p in,
daily except Sunday; and 737 a m, 311 p m,
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhickon, Cran
berry, Haiwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan
at 6 00 y ru, daily except Sunday; and 9 37
a m, 6 07 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Oneida, Humboldt
Hoad, Harwood Road,Oneida .1 unction, Hazle
ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40. 6 26
p m, daily except Sunday, and 8 11 a m. 3 44
p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley. Jeddo
and Drifton at 6 20 p m. daily, except Sunday;
and 8 11 a m, 3 44 p in, Sunday.
Trains leave Ilszleton Junction for Boavcr
Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley,
Jeddo and Drifton at 549 p m, dally,
except Sunday; and 10 10 a rn, 640p m, Sunday.
Train leaving Driltou ut 600 a m makes
connection at Deringer with P. K. it. trains for
Wilkeabarre, Bunbury, Harrisburg and point#
A1! trains connect at Bazl6ton Junction with
olootric cars for Hazleton, Jcanosville, Audon
ricd and other points on the Traction Com
pany's line.
LUTHER o. SMITH, Superintendent.
RAILROAD. June 6, 1003
Cars leave and arrive at corner of Broad
and Wyoming Streets, Hu/leton. as follows:
For Wilkcsbaire and intermediate points,
weekdu\s, 606a in and every hour thereafter
until and including 706 and 905 pin. Sun
days, 6 06 a m and every hour thcrcattor until
and including 9 06 p in.
Cars leave ut same time also for Conyngbam
Pass, I'ruuis, Beisels, St. Johns, Noscopeck
Pass, Albert and Nunangola.
Cars leave Wilkesbarre (Public Square) for
liu/.ieioii at 7, H ;R a in, and every hour there
alter until 10 30 p in.
By applying to this office special arrange
ments may l>© inude for purties to hold the
lust ear.
Baggage will only be forwarded on week
days on trains Icuylng Hazleton at. 6 06, 8 06,
10 06 a 111, 12 06, 2 05. 4 05 and 6 06 p m.
Baggage received oil Sunday will not be for
warded until the first train Monday morning.
1,000 mileage tickets for sale at this office,
ami trip and excursion tickets can be pur
chased from conductors on cars.
Excursion rate, tickets good until used,
Hazleton to Ashley Junction, si.4o. One way,
tickets good until used, 85c.
ALVAN MA UK LE, General Manager.
G. W. TH-MPSON, Superintendent.
A. F. H ARGKB, General Passenger Agent.
Frculand Schedule.
First car leaves Hazleton for Freoland at
515 a til, then on the even and half hour
thereafter. First car Sundays at 600a m.
First cur leaves Freelaud for Hazleton at
6 46 am, then on the 16 and 43 minutes after
the hour thereafter. First ear Sundays at 646
Lust car leaves Hazleton for Freoland at
11 no p in. Last ear Saturdays Ht 11 30 pm.
Last ear leaves Freelaud for Hazleton at
11 15 p HI. Lust car Saturdays at 11 45 p iu.
Gars leaving Hazh-ton ut 600 am connect
w tli I). S. & S. Railroad trains at Hazleton
Junction lor Harwood, ("run be rry, Tom I lichen
and Derringer dally except Sunday, and 830
a in and 4 00 p in Sunday.
Cars leave Hazleton for Humboldt road
' >neida arid Sheppton at 600 and 10 30 ain and
1 00 p in dally, and 7 00 and 3 00 p m Sundays.
Curs leave Hazleton for Beaver Meadow
road, Stockton, Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo
and Drifton ut 5 :) p m dully, umi 9 30 u m and
5 .t0 p iti Sunday
A. MARKLE, General Manager.
JERSEY. November 16. 1002.
Stations in New York: Foot of Liberty
Street, North River, and South Ferry.
For New York, at 8 15 a m.
For Philadelphia, a' 15 a m.
For W bile Hu\ en, at 16 a ni and 6 05 p m.
For Wilkes-Burro, Pittstoii and Seranton. at
8 15 a in.
For Mauch Chunk, Catasauqua and Allen
town, at H 15 u m.
Through tickets to all points at lowest rates
may bo had on application in advance to the
ticket agent at t he station.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agent.
W. G. Hosier, General Manager.
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