Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 29, 1903, Image 1

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VOL XV. NO. 156
All Slaws ofln!
Can be fitted and suited here.
We have clothes made for the
"hard to fits" and we fit them.
Many stout and slim men who give
up trying to buy clothes ready
made, come here and find exactly
what they want. If you are an
extra tall, short or fat man come
and see what we can do for you.
We'll surprise you with the
clothes; possibly more with the
prices—for, being unusual in
shape, you've had to pay a penalty
to your tailor. We do away with
that and charge you no more than
we do the ordinary built man.
We also have a large line of
Ladies' and Gents' Furnishings,
Hats, Caps, Neckties, Dry Goods,
Notions, etc. Large line of
Trunks and Suit Cases.
141 South Centre Street.
Office: Rooms 1 aud 3, Birkbuck Brick, Freeland
Legal Bueineu of Any JJeecription.
Brennau'a Building, 80. Contro St. Freeland.
Campbell Building, - - - Freeland.
White ltaven Office, Kane Building, Opposite
PoBtollico; Tucaduyß, .Saturdaya.
All tniMium given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, - - Main Street
Second Floor, Birkbeck Brick
S. 8. HESS,
North Centre Street.
801 l Telephone.
Second Floor, • P. O. S. of A. Building.
Geo. H. Hartman,
Meats and Green Tiack.
Freeh Lard, a Specialty.
Centre Street, near Central Hotel.
Homer of Centre and Front Mtreeta.
Gibson, Douirhorty, Kaufer Club,
Roeenbluth'a Velvet, of which we b tve
Mumra'a li.vt.ra Dry Champagne,
Hoummsy Brandy, Blacklierry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordials, Etc
Ham and. Schweitzer Cheese Sandwiches,
Sardines, Kic.
- to - 3v£eas-u.r e.
Eighty-four styles of Fancy Homespuns, Tweeds and
Topical Worsted Suitings reduced from $25 to S3O, and our S3O
Suitings have been reduced to $lO. Among them are some of
the season's handsomest and best-selling patterns
Tiie First National Bank,
Preeland, Fsl.
Capital, - $50,000.00.
President. Cashier. Vice President.
Operating under a charter of the United States and are under
the supervision of the comptroller of the
currency and his examiners.
/ ~~i n^zivcnvcoisriD.
/ The Leading Typewriter of the World,
Using a Hundred Type Shuttles
in Twenty-six languages, aIL
Any subscriber of r.ho Freeland Tribune sending: us Four Cents in Stumps -to cover postage
wi'l receive u AlHgniflount Map of the World, In Colors, Inches.
The Hammond Typewriter Co.
33 and 35 South Tenth Street.
Police Officer Kills a Man
in Self-Defense.
Victim Attacked the Blue-
Coat With Steel Knuckles
and the Latter Used His
While Patrolman Thomas Dodd, of
Shenandoah, was passing along a street
in that town Saturday night, he heard
cries for help and upon hastening to the
spot from whibh they emanated found
two men engaged in a tight. The one
was lying on the pavement and Stinoy
Barwlck, kuown to the police as a
dangerous character, was belaboring
him with a club. When the latter saw
the officer ho dropped his weapon and
started down the street on a dead run,
the officer In pursuit.
Dodd came up to bis man In an alloy
way, and the two engaged in a struggle.
Before Dodd knew what had happened
he was dealt several hard blows on the
head with a pair of steel knuckles.
Realizing that his life was In danger the
officer drew his revolver and shot his
assailant In the stomach. With the
blood gushing from an ugly wound the
fellow again took to his heels and was
soon lost in the alley.
Weak and partly dazed Dodd made
his way to the police station and re
ported the occurrence.
When the officers went In search of
Barwlck they found him lying uncon
scious in the middle of the street where
ho had been fighting. He was taken to
the station house and afterward to the
Miners hospital, whore he died.
Dodd surrendered himself at once and
was locked up on a chargo of murder.
Application will be made today for his
release on a writ of haboa9 corpus.
End of Fifteenth Volume.
With this Issue the Tribune closes its
fifteenth volume. For four years It was
published as a weekly, for eight as a
semi-weekly and for three as a tri
weekly. The paper has stt-adily grown
In circulation and prestige and today
easily maintains its position as leader
of Its field. During the fifteen years of
its career none has been more prosper
ous than the one which ends today and
never has the future looked more
brighter than at the present time.
The publishers attribute their success
Kodol Glvuit Strength
.by enabling the digestive organs to di
gest, assimilate and transform ALL of
the wholesome food that may be eaten
into the kind of blood that nourishes
the neryes, feeds the tissues, hardens
the muscles and recuperates the organs
of the entire body. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure cures Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Ca
tarrh of the Stomach and all stomach
disorders. Sold by Grover's City drug
to the following of the policy laid down
by Its founder—of printing a clean local
paper which can be placed without fear
in the hands of every member of the
home, of standing in the front rank at
all times In defense of Freeland and its
interests and of treating all local sub
jects impartially and honestly in its
colli mns.
To the large number of subscribers
whoso names are on the Tribune's
books, many of which have been there
since the lirst issue of the paper, the
publishers are grateful for the support
given and hope to deserve its continu
ance as fully in the future as in the
past. The same can bo said of those
advertisers who have for years used the
Tribune as a medium to extend their
Without the generous patronage ac
corded us during the past the Tribune
could not have attained its position as
leader of the local news field, and it is
the hope of the publishers that the
pleasant relations existing between the
Tribune and Its patrons may continue
Indefinitely. On our part we give as
surance that we will continue to publish
the best paper that the field and oppor
tunity will permit, and it will appear as
often as the patronage accorded it will
Presented With a Chalice.
At the Grand opera house hall, on
Saturday evening, Rev. Patrick J. Gal
lagher, who was recently ordained at
Baltimore, was tondered a reception by
his fellow-motnbers of Division 0, A. O.
EI., of town, and during the evening the
young priest was presented with a
beautiful gold chalice, as a tribute to
the respect and esteem in which he is
hold by the organization. The gift was
presented, on behalf of the members of
Division 0, by Rev. M. J. Falllhoe.
Rev. Gallagher was surprised, but re
sponded with an address in which ho
thanked the donors.
Addrossos by County President E. J.
Moore, of Wilkesbarre; Rev. M. J.
'Fleming and a number of the members
wore also delivered, and a high-class
musical program completed the even
ing's entertainment.
P. 0. S. of A. Officers.
Camp 147, P. O. S. of A., of town, has
elected the.following officers:
President—Ollio Koch,
Vice president—Harry Lesser.
Master of forms—William Eastwood.
Conductor—Edwin Keck.
Inside guard—Walter McClellan.
Outside guard—Howard Fowler.
Representatives to state cauip—George
Henritzy and Joseph Hluklo.
Representatives to district camp—
William Eastwood, Charles Mismer, Ed
win Keck, Frank Vaullorn, Harry Les
ser and John Boyle.
Increased Water Supply.
Preparations are being made for the
erection of a largo water tank on the
mountain along the road to Butler val
ley, a short distance from the reviewing
stand. The tank will bo used for the
storage of water from the artisian well
in the swamp back of St. Ann's church.
New arrangements have also been made
at the well and air is now usod to force
water up and out. The now tank is of
sufficient elevation to add considerable
force to the pressure at Drifton.
State Teachers' Meeting.
The forty-eighth session of the Penn
sylvania State Educational Association
will convene In Wilkesbarre tomorrow
and will remain in session on Wednes
day and Thursday. The sessions will
be hold in the Nesbitt theatre. Hon.
LI. W. Palmer, Dr. Guthrie and Super
intendent Coughlin will deliver the ad
dresses of welcome. Several hundred
teachers will be there.
To Cure a Cold in One I>ay
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
All druggists refund the money if it fails
to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on
each box. 25c.
In a fight at a picnic in Luzerne
borough Saturday night Louis Siluski
was shot twice in the abdomen. He
was removed to a hospital in a dying
CadieH and Children Invited.
All ladies and children who cannot
stand 'the shocking strain of laxative
syrups, cathartics, etc., are invited to try
the famous Little Early Risers. They
are different from all other pills. They
do not purge the system. Even a double
dose will not gripe, weaken or sicken;
many people call them the Easy I*lll.
W. H. Howell, Houston Tex., says noth
ing better can be used for constipation,
sick headache, etc. Hob Moore, Lafit
yetto, Ind., says all others gripe and
sicken, while Do Witt's Little Early Ris
ers do their work well and easy. Sold
by Grover's City drug store.
The kind that cured your Grandfather.
nI™MMP n \M ttlis yuper and addrou Dr.
RE Mb 111 gs v „feT^ Corpom,pu '
John Farrar, a student at the Soldiers'
Orphans' Industrial school, - at Scotland,
Franklin county, is visiting at his home
in the Second ward.
Miss Bella Crawford leaves this week
for Texas, where she will spend her
vacation visiting her brother and sister
in that state.
Mrs. Mary Furey and nephew, Manus
Melly, of Coaldale, are the guests of
School Director Hugh McGeoh&n.
Miss Nettle E. Johnson, of Philadel
phia, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew Johnson.
Jonkin Jones has returned from Mon
tana after spending several years in
that state.
Mrs. U. G. Fottorman Is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Frank Swoatman, in New
York city.
Joseph A. Ferry, of Philadelphia, Is
visiting his mother on North Ridge
Mr. and Mrs. John Branigan returned
yesterday afternoon from their wedding
Mrs. Denis Ferry, of Walnut street,
visited Lansford friends over Sunday.
Miss Acquilla Johnson is spending a
weok with Stroudsburg friends.
Miss Kate Winter Is spending her
vacation at Tunkhannock.
John J. McNeils, of Luzerne borough,
spent yesterday In town.
Miss Duffy, of Wllkesbarre, is a guest
of the Misses Campbell.
Miss Edith L. Kuntz is visiting in
Settling Minor Disputes.
Committees aro being appointed at
many of the collieries In the upper re
gion where the miners have grievances
to confer with the colliery officials, in
the hopo of being able to adjust the
grievances without referring them to
the Conciliation Hoard. In the past
efforts of this sort have been seldom suc
cessful, but the company officials are
now evincing a better spirit.
Nearly all of these grievances are in
regard to excessive docking, reduction
of yardage prices, failure to pay the 10
por cent Increase on the gross earnings
and differences of opinion about work
ing timo.
Under the instructions of thoir officials
the mine workers will endeavor to settle
as many of these grievances as possible
before the session of the Conciliation
Board next Thursday in VVilkesbarro.
Twenty Years for Murderer.
The jury in the case of Fred Barney,
charged with the murder of his wife,
returned a verdict Saturday morning of
guilty of murder in the second dogreo.
One Sunday night in March last Bar
ney and his wife quarreled at their
home. The inmates heard a pistol shot
and found Mrs. Barney on her knees
praying, with a pistol shot wound near
the heart. She expired in a short time.
Asked who shot her she Is alleged to
have whispered "Fred." The husband
claimed that his wifo was jealous of him
and that In a lit of jealousy she shot
herself. Judge Lynch sentenced the
prisoner to twenty years in the Eastern
Because of the rapid spread of scarlet
fever at Mahanoy City the borough coun
cil and the Board of Health, in special
session yestoday afternoon, decided to
fumigate homes, restrict attendance at
funerals of fever victims to immediate
adult relatives and enforce a rigid quar
antine. Streot religious services and
Sunday schools have been suspended.
Itev. Dr. Nathaniel Gier Parke, of
West Plttston, 83 years old, died at his
summer home at Glen Summit yester
day. lie had been iu the ministry for
over sixty years, and for fifty years was
pastor of Pittston Presbyterian church.
Preparations have been made at
Wilkesbarre for a monster parade and
fireworks display on July 4. The orator
of the day will be Judge George Gray,
of Wilmington, Del., chairman of the
Strike Commission.
A Serious MlHtuke.
E. C. DeWitt & Co. is the name of the
firm who make the genuine Witch Ifazel
Salvo. DeWitt's Is the Witch Hazel
Salve that heals without leaving a scar.
It is a serious mistake to use any other.
DeWitt's Witch Hazle Salve cures blind,
bleeding, itching and protruding piles,
burns, bruises, eczema and all skin dis
eases. Sold by Grover'sCity drug store.
July I.—Picnic of Good Wills Social
Club at the Public park.
July 3. —Tirolese drama at John Yan
nes' hall, Washington and South streets.
Admission: Adults, 25 cents; children,
15 cents.
July 4.—Parade and picnic under thoi
auspiciw of the Citizens' Hose Company
at the Public park.
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeland Recorded With
out Waste of Words.
A farewell reception wa tendered the
High school class of 1903 on Friday
evening at the school building by the
teachers and the incoming senior class.
There were about fifty-people present,
Including the class of 1902 and other ox
members of the school. An entertain
ing musical and literary program was
rendered, followed by a banquet.
At St. Mary's church, Wllkesbarre,
on iSaturday next, Edward J. GafTnev,
of town, and three other young men of
Scranton diocese will be ordained to the
Catholic priesthood by Bishop M. J.
Hoban. The former will read his first
mass at St. Ann's church at 10.30 a. m.
next Sunday.
A shooting match for 8300 a side, with
the privilege of increasing the stake to
SSOO a side, has bean arranged between
Henry Krause, of town, and Brodbeck,
of Moroa. The contest will take place
at Mahanoy City on August 15 and each
man will shoot at seventeen birds.
Rev. M. J. Fleming is at Honesdale
today attending the funeral of Rev-
Francis Canavan, who died at Wllkes
barre last week from blood poisoning.
Itov. Canavan, three years ago, was
stationed at Eckley for a few months.
A Rudewlck sells Patent flour at $1.90
per sack and Pottsville bams at 13^c.
The petition of the supervisors of
Butler township to levy a special tax of
18 mills in Butler township in order to
liquidate an indebteness of $1,520 has
been granted by the court.
William McUinty, a well known min
er of Kbervale, was overcome by black
damp in the mine at that place on Sat
urday and had to be carried to his home,
where he revived.
The remains of an Infant child of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Fernau arrived here
Friday afternoon from Brooklyn and
were intorred at Freeland cemetery.
Tomorrow is the last day to pay the
revenue license. On and after July 1
there is a penalty of 5o per cent on the
amount of tax due.
Screon windows and screen doors are
selling at lowest prices at Birkbeck's.
Hugh, a young son of Mr. and Mrs. H.
A. Shovlin, South Washington street,
fell from a troo on Saturday and broke
an arm.
The bond of Tax Collector Edward
Dickinson, of Foster township, has been
filed in court. It is in the sum of
Rev. Carl Houser, of town, will lay
the cornor-stone of a new Slavish Luth
eran church at Hazleton next Sunday.
"Minnesota's Best" flour Is sold by A.
Oswald. There is none better made.
The Diamond Fire Company, of
Hazleton, received $325 as Its share of
the carnival company's receipts in that
city last week. The firemen were given
15 per cent of the gross recoipts.
Joseph Shelharaer, aged 35 years, who
served in the Philippine war, diod at
the Miners hospital on Saturday from
the effects of an operation performed
for the removal of an abscess. He was
buried at Ilazleton this afternoon.
A black bear, waiting at the Wilkes
hsirro express office for shipment to
Pittston, grew so hungry yesterday that
he tried to dine off the legs of Expross
men Major and Morgan, and kept them
busy getting out of the way. He was
recaptured after a struggle In which
the expressmen had their hands full.
All kinds of ico cream at Merkt's.
The two-days'trip of the Tigers club
did not end as well as expected. At
Pottsville the Freeland boys lost on Fri
day by a score of 15 to 0 and at Philips
burg, N. J., on Saturday they were de
feated, 9 to 0. Both games were well
Two games will be played at the
Tigers park on July 4. The contest
ants in both will bo the Tigers and
Drifton club won an exciting game
from Audenried at Park View gronnds
yesterday. The score was Bto 5.
Taxpayers, Take Notice!
All property taxes not paid on or
fore July 1 (Wednesday) will be returned!
to Country. If'fgh Malloy, Collector.
Freeland, Pa., June W; 1903.
South Centre Street
Our store is headquarters fo
High-Grade Footwear for men,
women and children; Hats and
Caps for men and boys; Furnish
ings of all kinds, and Youths'
Knee Pants.
South Centre Streot
-A- Os-WAT,>"n.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries and Provisions.
Creamery Butter Always in Stock.
Minnesota's Best
Patent Flour A Specialty,
N. W. Cor. Centre and Front Bt., Freeland.
Citizens Bank of Freeland, Pa.
Organized In 1890.
Capital $~O,O0
.Surplus and Undivided Profit* 37,000
Thomas Ilirkbeck, Anthony Rudewick,
John Burton, H. C. lvoons,
Charles Dusheck, John Shigo.
H. C. Koons, President.
Tbomus Birkbeek, Vice President.
Charles Dusheck, Secretary.
B. R. Davis, Cashier.
Andrew Shigo, Teller.
Home Savings Banks Furnished Free.
Cuba Fruit and Land
Located 64 miles by rail and 57 by macad
amized high way, south west from Huvanu.
Sunshine, Fruit and Flowers. No Frost.
Send a postal for illustrated booklet to—
Charles H. Wlieelock, Pres. C. F. Co.,
005 Maple Street, Buttle Creek, Blicli.
Formerly of Wilkes-Barre, Pa.
Condy 0. Boyle,
dealer in
The finest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale. Fresh Freeland Beer, Porter
and Alo on tap. 98 Centre street.
B. C. LABBACK, Prop.
Choice Bread of All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas
try, Daily. Fancy and Novelty Cakes Baked
to Order.
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parte o)
town and surroundings every day.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
f POH FA ViftT
CentTG And Main rttcets, Freeland.