Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 08, 1903, Image 3

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w • CV \* ,
p : ; ; ai^KDI
! SoiDEveßYmm.
stamped C C C. Never sold fat balk.
Brave of the dealer who tries to sell
"something Jast as good."
gr ~r~ —'■
Russia"® Prohibitory Tariff.
Russia Is at work preparing a nmc
tarlill to get even with Germany. Tho
Movoo Vromya o£ St. Petersburg says
that "in the vast majority of cases tho
duties of the vtsw tariff show an In
crease of £0 per cent on those of the
tariff of 1891, while the duties on
earjy articles have been doubled and
spme caaos more than doubled." As
the Russian tariff 19 now the highest of
any civilized nation, these new rates
Will b practically prohibitory. One
becullar feature of the bill provides
for'So per cent more duty on an article
the Russians will meot the
( Uermsnß at the full length of tho
String, hut other nations will be In
i OIL j
Rhenmstina e
Neuralgia 2
Lumbago 2
Backache •
j [ ' Sciatica •
Sprains 2
, i Bruises •
' j | Soreness .
1 Stiffness 2
fc PAIN. 1
The gas used In the modern gas en
gine performs nearly or quits double
the work obtained from it when used
tor steam-heating purposes. In time
the gas engine, in utilizing the blast
furnace gases, will make pig-iron pro
duction more than doubly profitable.
Boas'! Kidney Pills hare leaped Into Public favor because the people can write direct
to the makers and aecnre a trial free. Thus has been builded the greatest fame
and largest tale known to any Kidney medicine in the world.
CWrton, O.— I had such severe naln fn my
sack that I could not walk. I used the sam
ple of loan's Kidney Pills with such good re
mits I sent to Toledo for another box, and
FALMOUTH, VA.—I suffered over twelve
tatttUhi with naln In the small of my back.
Medicines ana plasters rave only temporary
rfeifef. poan's Kidney Pills cured me.—F. S.
B&tWX, Falmouth, Va.
W* HAVE*, Coinr.—Eight months ago I
i Severe pain In my back. The sample
$63 Of Doan'a Kidney Pills helped me eo
MIMh I purchased two boxes ; am on my see
fetta box. My heart does not bother me as It
fcMd tft and I feel weII—SARAH E. BQADLET,
A lid* bit Elm Stroct, West Haven, Conn.
TXOFFTON, TEX. — I took the sample'of
hAtiPl Kidney Pills with such great bonoflt
JfbdUfht a box at our druggist's. Used over
JUui and stopped, because my urine which
lefOre had only come dribbling, now became
fe free. I had medicine enough. I had lum
wtfO and the pills rid me of it. I should have
khruion sooner, but you know how soou a well
|ki(Mn forgets about being sick.—Mr. C. 11.
ho. 2319 McKenny Ave., Houston,
Mrs. F. Wright, of Qelweia,
lowa, Is another one of the
million woaen Who have hoc
restored t health by Lyiia L
Pinkham's Vegetable Coupowad.
A Younr Kew York LaOy Toils
of a Wonderful Cure t
•• My trouble wts with the entries*
X am tall, and the doctor said 1 rrstr
too fast for my sirsngth. I suffered
dreadfully from lademmatiea and
doctored ooatlnually, hut get ee hrip.
I suffered from terrible dragging sou
sations with the meat gains lew
down in the side and pains in the heels,
and the most agonizing headaches.
No one knows what I endured. Often
I was sick to the stomach, and e~ery
little while I would he too siek to ge
to work, for three or four days ; I work
in a largo store, and I suppose stand
ing on my feet all day made mo worse.
"At the sujjrcc*ti° Q of a friend of
iny mother's I began to take Lydia
E. P Ink ham's Voffotabla Com
pound, and it is simply wonderful.
I felt better after tho first two or throa
doses ; it seemed as though a weight
was taken off my shoulders; I con
tinued its use until now I oan truth
fully say I am entirely aurod. Young
girls who are always paying doctor's
bills without getting any help as I did,
ought to take your medioine. It
oosts so much less, and it is sure to
euro them.—Yours truly, ADELAIDE
PRAHL, 174 St. Ann's Ave., Now York
City." S6OOO forfoft If original of above letter
anon I* a gonoUwiooo oonnot bo firoduood.
tJaljcr'# SF-ELTZ—J
; if I,Ooo,£sf OiisfGiaerslp
■yg ITouuoßt rtocrd of any ec&Juu&D oa itcth, Kw
rul reoctii-x fur uium. We M
la] oeeire, br Juiy 1. XjJMu " ' r - -• ■* ' IV
La this ottcL • m
|ISI©.OO for SOc. I
STaX we imUl racaipro/ loc. La
Bf ta * r Jboauy tnrui aeu n""'"p 1 "rT
yfCXvLaoaiule, Ucxrcluun ll trier. Uxwmm. ASdsX 1
Threads Used In Surgery.
Modem surgery employs done us of
different kinds of thread for up
cuts and wounds. Among them are
kangaroo tendons, horsehair, silk and
very line silver wire. The short, tough
tendons taken from the kangaroo,
which are used for sewing sovare
wounds, are particularly valuable, and
have saved many lives; Chey hold for
about a month befor© they break away.
Silk thread will hold for much longer,
sometimes six months, while the silver
wire Is practically Indistructible.
Thus a surgeon Is able to select a
thread that will last as long as tlio
wound should take to heal, and wiH
then dlsappeaar completely.
Italy needs a new university- The
Institute di Studi Buperiori of Flor
ence has four times as many students
as itt had in 1872, and it is now pro
posed to convert this into a university.
Aek You* DaaUr ®r lUaa'i Vatt.lhwt,
A powder to shafcwlato yenr shoes; rests tho
feet. Curee Coras, Bualoaf, rtwoolien. Bore,
Hot, Callous, Aching. Sweating Feet and In
growing Nails. Ailea i Foot-Base makes now
or tight shoes easy. At all druggist® and
•hoc stores, 23 tents. flamnle mailed FBJCS,
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y.
Don't fudge people by their clothes un
less you see the family wash out on thg
I ma.
Itew'a This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Han's Catarrh Core.
F. J. CHSKBT A CO., Toledo.O.
We, the undersigned, hare known F. X.
Cheney for the Inst 15 years, and bellere him
perfectly bonomble In all bnelnese transac
tions and financially able to carry out any
obligation made by their firm.
WEST A Tan AX Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.
WJXDXSO, SnrwAff A MAETIX, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
5 Hail'a Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, act-
I Ing directly upon the blood and mucoue sur
faces of the system. Testimonials sent free,
i Price, 75c. per bottle. Bold by all Druggists.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
Gome judges indulge in epigrams and oth
ers in long sentences.
' Aching backs are eased. Hip, back, and
■ loin pains overcomo. Swelling of the
" limbs and dropsy signs vanish.
| They correct urine with brick dust sedi
mcnt, high colored, pain in passing, drib
blirig, frequency, bd wetting. Dean's
i Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel.
Relieve heart palpitation, sleeplessness,
headache, nervousness, dizziness.
FoaTKt-MiLicmi 00., Buffalo, It. T.
Please send me by mad, without obarff*
trial box Doan'e Kidney Pilla.
POfit- nthr-*
(Cut f?
MUc ml Advlo. fm-CtrUU/ CaafldMttJT
| Farm Topics j
11l experiments at the Canadian cen
tral station for tile prevention of grain
smut, the best results were obtained by
spraying the seed with a solution of a
half-pint of formalin to five gallons of
water. The cost of two treatments docs
not exceed one cent per bushel. It
wns found to he an almost perfect pre
ventive of smut.
" The growing of root crops In ibis
country is only secondary to grain and
hay, hut in Europe beets, carrots and
turnips are prized more highly than
anji other crops, and It Is In England,
where turnips ore largely used, that
we procure our best specimens of cat
tle, sheep and swiue. Nearly aW of the
pure breeds of live stock in this ooun
try came originally from England. An
acre of land that will produce 5000
pounds of timothy hay will produce
25,000 pounds of mangels, and the live
stock will thrive better on mangels and
hay than on hay or beets alone. The
labor required to grow root crops Is
much less than formerly, nnd it will
pay to bestow the labor if the livo stock
must give a profit,
So essential is the regular nnd fre
quent use of salt for the maintenance
of health that animals, especially veg
etable feeders, living In a state of na
ture, instinctively travel many miles
to saline springs, the sea Rhore or to
Incrustations or beds of salt to get It.
It has been noticed that the skin and
hair of animals deprived of this neees-
Kliy become rough and dry; that they
do not take on flesh and thrive equally
as well as do those having frequent
supplies of salt. This lias been shown
to be true" of horses, cattle, sheep and
swine. The proper and safest dose to
plvo horses Is about one-half to one
ounce, once or twice a week. Cattle
will take twice that amount. Give
Sheep and swine one or two teaspoon
fuls; the yonng not as much as adults.
—l>r. M. D. "Williams, in Now England
This chute Is elghvfect long and two
feet and four Inches wide. The posts
Ht the low end are three feet long nnd
at high end five feet ami six Inches
long. Bottom Is entirely surrounded
With a belt -of six-inch hoards, while
■; -
top Is confined as shown In Illustration.
Posts are of two by four stuff and
fibs on sido are one by four. Tall
posts have holes bored every six
Inches from bottom up to onc-hn)f their
height These holes should be ono-half
Inch. Holes a, No. 1, should be bored
about four Inches from bottom for
CTOSS bolt Bottom plauk Is a foot
long and two feet wide and should be
two Inches thick at one end; a. No. 2,
straps of Iron pass around the end, just
leaving loop enough to take cross bolt
a. No. 2. Put plank Inside, Insert the
bolt as In a. No. L Insert cross bolt at
Other end at any desired height
Wagons are not all the same In height
So the plnnk being adjustable will
nicely meet the variations.—E. L. Kea
fiey, In Orango Judd Farmer.
It Is a loss to keep an animal four
years If It can be gotten Into market
when three years old, for the year's
ttao saved means labor and food, a
Well as Interest on capital Invested.
With the use of such beef producing
breeds as the Shorthorns, Hereford®,
Angus and Galloways, an average
Weight of 2000 pounds per animal has
been obtained In four years, while
three-year-olds have reached 1800
pounds, and two-yonr-olds 1400 pounds,
the dally Increase being over two
pounds for the yearling up to two
years old, and from one and one-half
pounds tc*one and three-fourths pounds
for older animals. The live weights
only are given, but animals have
dressed sixty-six and a half per cent
When In Experiments
Showing such results have been fre
quently made, and should convince all
farmers that they can produce steers
that will .weigh 1500 pounds, live
Weight In three years, if they will use
the proper breeds. Profit is made by
nalng tho best animals for the purpose
Actual test?* have shown that fowls
Which are kept together in large flocks
fire not profitable.
From ten to twenty hens in one flock
fire about the limit, and a larger num
ber decreases tbe proportion of profit.
Whether you keep ten or a thousand
bens they should bo separated, and In
that way tho average production of
eggs maintained.
There nro many reasons why tills is
80, principal among which is the feed
ing. It Is wen-nigh Impossible to feed
fi larger number of hens at the same
time without some of them getting too
much and others getting too little
With a small flock it is on end'/ mat
ter to look after each Individual fowl,
anc>noto Its condition from day to day.
Any symptom of disease can he read
ily detected and a remedy promptly ap
plied, nnd unprofitable flocks can by
thl3 method bo made to pay.—Home
and Farm.
Nothing Robs Ono of Strength Like Spring Catarrh—
Sorina Fever is SDrJncr
Misa Helen Whitman, 806 V& Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis., writes:
44 There is nothing HUe Peruna /or that tired feeling, which gives yo\
no ambition for work or play. After a prolonged Illness about a year ago
I/alt unable to r*gain my health, but /our bottles of Pertitia musdo a won
derful change mm € restored mo to perfect health. An long as you kec t
your blood Ist good condition you are all right, and Per una seems to fil
the veins with pure koalthjul blood. I thoroughly endorse it. tf
Have you. got nerves? Well, you ought
to have nerval. "" But they ought to be
strong nerves, good nerves. Docs your
hand trembler You are living too last.
Duel your heart flutter at times? You bad
better call a bait. Americana live too fact.
They crowd too much into a single day.
They have too little leisure. The hospital*
and insane asylums ere filling up. The
quiot, pastoral scene? of yore are becoming
rare. It's time that we quit this sort of
Rain U> Manila.
"What la rain In Manila," says a
man who has been there, "you think
the first time you see the spectacle
that the end of the world has come.
Why, one day In September that I was
there It rained 12 Inches. You would
think that would weary the elements
for some time, but it did not. The
pext day It rained a foot, the day after
that seven inches." "Where does the
water go to?" asked a listener. "Right
back whore It eame from," was the
prompt reply. "Alitor a downfall the
sun will come out hotter thou over and
you can fairiy see everything steam,
and yet there are a great many people
who wouldn't live anywhere else ex
oept In Manila"
JXaWIJ ,n a " seasons of their lives. as maidens,wives,or moth- l *- ■'. f> '■"' f" ftX
ers - 'hat the one simple, wholesome remedy which acts f *■.X~V iff)
/j) gently and pleasantly and naturally, and which may be l '
used with truly beneficial effects, under any conditions, jjffcWF a'Ti Vv'^Swwl
when the system neads a laxative, is—Syrup of Figs. It Sf "®3Pp& \%\ ' r" rL~jl
'\C£j ' 3 wo " hnown to be a simple combination of the laxative jf|K&& ''M-'"':''Xsfft
carminative principles of plants with pleasant, aro- 2®P} Vsg^V'
iVV-' matic liquids, which are agreeable and refreshing to the i3g iI <5; '•, Kr" V j) \\
* i ,^ 3te and acceptable to the system when Its gentle (|K\ \ { ft ? \ ! /j|
?? Many of the Ills from which women suffer are of a tran
dp MI
Jry Blent nature ai >d do not come from any organic trouble
Oat. and 11 ls pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to vEffl &&Y ill m MJr)
L{\ 'he beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs, but when anything w'M [ wflwl
WuN' mor 'han a laxative Is needed it is best to consult the i\% \'l2 KE> (Wji 'WI It
■A : f a mlly physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics and v-Kxiim Q
OiK. loudly advertised nostrums of the present day. When IMWIH £&?/*'. Istf?
- j ™ ri%M
VX"> gestlon, or similar ills, which attend upon a constipated i s4
condition of the system, use the true and gentle remedy— \MVKVS
Syrup of Figs—and enjoy freedom from the depression, ;s§&\\ii)
the aches and pains, colds and headaches, which are due VuT tS^§vR?i
jM/a to Inactivity of the bowels. ' W€^jVs%|l
Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hopa *'• L ,
CS t0 gat lts boneflclal effects and as a guarantee of the ex- Will
tLi cellence of the remedy the full name of the company—
J-&X. California Fig Syrup Co.—ls printed on the front of every C* W- MSVM I ,vXT
'Bgf package ami without it any preparation offered as Syrup I'jQ^Cwi
W °' Flgs 13 fraudulent and should be declined. To those M
mk who know th quality of this excellent laxative, the^'"v-U- I/)
,f t : ;■s& ° ffer i of fny substitute, when Syrup of Figs is called \ l ' j
always resented by a transfer of patronage to j a. imwfclfo ••••:!
VTffp SOIT ' O f'rat-class drug establishment, where they d^ : &L,
W not recommend, nor sell false brands, nor Imitation*'* i^Z}mZ& e \i/FB
iij§P r Tt? le s- I h ® B enulne a rcle may be bought of all X. G&P \SL
reliable druggists everywhere at 50 cents par bottle. ,• •' v y •*' f|
ffiW 11/
How to Get Strojig Nerve..
First, repair the injury already dona to
your nurves. The way to do this is to do
exactly as did Mettle B. Curtis, Secretary
of Legion, of Loyal Woman, Hotal Salem,
lloatoiL, Maes. She eaid in a recent latter:
"i luuered for over a year with general
weakness and debility manifested in se
vere headache and backache. I took four
bottles of Peruua, and for two months
have been entirely free from these mala
dies." ]
Disinfection of Steam.
Experiments to determine the effi
cacy of various disinfectants made by
the New York Board of Health shows
steam to he the most valuable. It not
only destroys quickly ail disease
germs, but has the poweT of penetrat
ing and disinfection not possessed by
formaldehyde or sulphur fumes. No
other agent Is effective In the disin
fecting of clothing and bedding.
Why He Resigned.
David Kaphokoaimohkeweonah, postr
master at Koeliea, Hawaii, has re
signed. His salary was only $2 per
year, which was not enough to pay for
tho Ink used In signing his name to the
official reports.
wpi. lilg Vcltdl X
Nervous Prostration.
Thousands of cases might bo quoted W
which Peruna has been used to rescue peo
ple from the perdition of deranged nerves*
and put them on the good, solid founder
tion of health. The bounty Auditor oj
Erie County, New York, Hon. John W.
jNeff, in a recent letter written at Buffalo,
York, stated: "I was persuaded by a
friend to try a bottle of your great nerve
tome. Peruna, and the results were so
gratifying that I am more than pleased to
recommend it."
A Spring Tonic.
Ahnoet everybody needs a tonic in the
g P rm §- Something to brace the nerves, In
vigorate the brain and cleanse the blood.
That Peruna will do this is beyond all
question. Every ono who has tried it has
had the same experience as Mrs. D. W.
•Timberlake, of Lynchburg, Va., who, in a
recent letter, made use of the following
words: "I always take a dose of Peruna
after business hours, as it is a great thing
for the serves. There ia no better spring
tonic, w.d I have used about all of them.
Catarrh in Spring.
The spring is the boat time to treat ca*
tarrh. Nature renews herself every spring*
Tho system ia rejuvenated by spring
wont/her. This renders medicines more tf
foctive. A short course of Peruna, assisted
by tike balmy air of spring, will cure old*
stubborn cases of catarrh that have resist
ed treatment for years. Everybody should
have a cony of Dr. Ilartman's latest book
on catarrh. Address The Peruna Modi*
cine Co., Columbus, Ohio.
Mrs. Lulu Larmcr, Stoughton, Wis.j
"For two years I suffered with nervous
ws*^2^.7 trouble and stom
-5 £ ac h disorders until
S seemed that there
'5 Jvl V \ e wns D °thing to me
t {SI t•/ i ut a bundle
> 0 corves. I was very
$ •***"" \ irritable, could nob
J peso myself, and
v;as certainly unfit
t £ to take care of a
I ?iT" i household. I took
5 w W > nerve tonics ana
5 Mrs. Lulu Larmcr. # pills without beuo*
lit. When I began
taking Peruna I grew stoadily better, my
narree grew stronger, my rest was no
longer fitful, and to-day I consider myself
in psrfsot health and strength. My recov
ery waa slow but sure, but I persevered
and was regarded by perfect health.' I *
Mrk. Lulu Larmcr.
If you do not derive prompt and lath*
factory results from the use of reruna write
at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state*
ment of your case, and he will be pleased
to give you his valuable advice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of The
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, 0.