Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, April 24, 1903, Image 4

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J. J. McMenamin, Manager.
Wm. A. Brady's
Immense Coxxxed.;y
and Rapid-Fire Hit,
"Foxy Grandpa."
Book by R. Melville Baker, Music by Joseph Hart.
Direct From Six Months Ron in New York City.
1. '/YY /Stfor/JttS.'
Swell Chorus - New Songs
Pretty Girls-Fetching Costumes-Pretty Girls
Tlx© Trl-u.rn.plx of tlx© Tirrxes
PEICES: 25, 50, 75c and sl.
Music by DePierro's Complete Orchestra of Tea Pieces.
Seats Now on Sale at McMenamin's Store.
Goodleby Goodman, who believes boys will be boys, and proves himself to be
a Foxy Grandpa Ed. Groli
Horace Goodman, his younger brother, who thinks Goodleby should have a
guardian... John Hendricks
Chub, Goodleby's grandson, who thinks Grandpa is a wonder,... Ed ward Koestler
Bunt, Coodluby'3 grandson, who thinks Grandpa is a wonder,... .Irving NewhofT
Signor Rolero, a facial arti9t, who makes a living by looking like other
people Lewis Morton
Jack Richman, who is English, with a strong fondness for the Yankee girl
Bert Young
Dan Harper, Tom Walker, Bob Somers, his chums
Kell Stover, Harry Griswold, Cbas. Quintan
Hiram Hopper, who is proprietor of Green Mineral Springs, Will Philbrick
Hank, his bell boy, night clerk, head waiter, porter and anything else the
occasion demands L. F. Albro
Weary Waggles, who has no fixed habition John L. Flatow
Henry Wilson, Nelson Stone, attendants at a private asylum
Harry Dawson, Fred Wynn
Pietro, Giorgio, Mlchelo, of the house of Colonna, who constitute a Nea
politan Trio L. F. Albro, K. Stover, H. Griswold
Dorothy Goodman, Mlllicent Goodman, Horace's daughters
Hilda Hawthorne, Dlna Gerrard
Signorina Colonna, who takes Grandpa into her confidence
Marquith Dwight
Polly Bright, who is Grandpa's protege, and if her sex would permit it, his
right hand man Fleurette DeMar
Elsie Vane Dixy Gerrard
Violet Young Stella Franklin
Agnes Ward Maud Nelson
Lucy Soap Portia Belm
Daisy Deane Gussie Chase
Amy Ames Catnille Clifford
Mary Sweet Helen Burton
Ethel Hunt - Ella Coakley
Betty Moore Louise Abbott
Doily Mum Florence Stone
Opening Chorus, "Before and After Taking" The Guests
Military Charlie Polly and Chorus
Comic Medley Chub and Bunt
Pretty, Pretty Polly Jack and Chorus
The Tight Rope Walker Grandpa and Company
Neapoli Neapolitan Trio Pietro, Giorgio and Mlchelo
The Country Club Polly, Dorothy, Jack and Chorus
The First Submarine Boat Grandpa, Chub and Bunt
Different Ways of Proposing Grandpa and Polly
The Bathing Lesson Chub, Bunt and Girls
Barcarolle, "Faiska Linda" Neapolitan Trio
Country Quadrille The Guests
My Clementine Dorothy and Chorus
Nfw Kxecntlv© Bulldinjr.
The new executive building contains
a central reception room about which
are arranged a spacious cabinet room,
a suit of rooms for the president, of
fices for liis secretary and for one of
the assistant secretaries, a telegraph
and telephone room, a large room for
the clerlts, one for the press and ade
quate lllerooms. Planned under the
supervision of Mr. Cortelyou, the presi
dent's ex-secretary, the new office
building contains every convenience
for the dispatch of the great and con
stantly increasing work of the execu
tive. Intentionally subordinated to the
White House, both in location and
architecture, or lack of it, the presi
dent's offices in time will be made still
less conspicuous by the growth of
vines, riicl when once the public be
comes used to the building it will be
only less noticeable than the ivy cov
ered wall it replaces.—Charles Moore
in Century.
A Sweet Breath
is a. never failing sign of a healthy
stomach. When the breath is bad the
stomach Is out of order. There is no
remedy n the world equal to Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure for curing indigestion, dys
pepsia ami all stomach disorders. Mrs.
Mary hi Crick, of White Plains, Ky.,
writes: ' I have been a dyspoptic for
years—tried all kind of remedies but
but continued to grow worse. By the
use of Kodol I began to improve at once,
and after taking a few bottles am fully
restored In weight, health and strength
and can eat whatever I like." Kodol
digests what you eat and makes the
stomach sweet. Urover's City drug store.
A Mystery.
A very small boy was watching his
mother sew whalebones in her dress.
"What are they, ma?" he asked.
"Bones," she replied.
"Whose?" continued the little fellow.
"Mine," she answered.
He regarded her a minute in amaze
ment and then asked solemnly, "How
did you get 'em out?"
His Shady Observation.
Miss Jones (to Mr. Brown, who has
survived three wives)— They must get
kind of mixed up iu heaven with so
many Mrs. Browns about
Mr. Brown—Oh, no; I calculate not.
You see, now, they're all different
shades of Brown.—Life.
A Failure.
"Yes, I consider my life a failure."
"Oh, Henry, how sad! Why should
you say that?"
"I spend all my time making money
enough to buy food and clothes, but
the food disagrees with me, and my
clothes don't fit."
Good for Children.
The pleasant to take and harmless One
Minute Cough Cure gives immediate re
lief in all eases of Cough, Croup and La-
Gripple because It does not pass Im
mediately into the stomach, but takes
effect right at the seat of the trouble.
It draws out the inflammation, heals
and soothes and cures permanently by
enabling the lungs to contribute pure
llfo-giving and life-sustaining oxygen to
tho blood ,and tissues. Drover's City
drug store.
liUblihl 1888.
FREELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by
carriers to subscribers in Freeland at the rate
of 12X cents a mouth, payable every two
months, or $1.50 a year, payable in advance.
The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the
carriers or from the office. Complaints of
irregular or tardy delivery service will receive
prompt attention.
BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of
town subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable in
advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods.
The date when the subscription expires is on
the address label of each paper. Prompt re
newals must be made at the expiration, other
wise the subscription will be discontinued.
Entered at the Postofflce at Freeland, Pa.,
as Second-Class Matter.
Make all money orders, checks , etc., payable to
'he Tribune Printing Company, Limited.
The quickest way of extinguishing
the iiaine of a gasoline stove is to put
a little flour on the burner.
Tinware may quickly be cleaned by
rubbing it with u damp cloth, dipped
in soda. Hub briskly and wipe dry.
A woolen rag wet with kerosene and
rubbed over the galvanized iron kitch
enware or the zinc sink lining will
brighten them brilliantly with little
Scalding water poured on apples will
cause the skin to slip off easily, saving
the labor of paring. The same treat
ment of bean pods will simplify the
shelling of the beans.
A little wood ashes thrown into kitch
en utensils, tea or coffee pots that have
become discolored, the vessels filled
with water, placed on the stove and al
lowed to boll for a few minutes will
cleanse them thoroughly.
Every kitchen should have a set of
the little brown or blue enrthenware
cups for custards and other bakings.
Popovers are delicate baked in them,
as are ulso soft corn bread, rice muttlns
and other luncheon bread.
Helpful Children Are Ifmpplent.
It is a pathetic trutli that more chil
dren are spoiled by too much love than
by too little, or, rutlier, by love shown
In the wrong way.
So anxious is a young mother to see
her little one happy, smiling and
amused that she often excites it by
playing with It, talking and tossing,
when she would better let it rest and
sleep. The happiest and healthiest
babies are those accustomed from the
very first to lie on a thick, warm rug
on the floor, cooing and crowing to
themselves and not expected to be pick
ed up, nursed, rocked, tossed and ex
And later on the happiest children
are those tanglit to wait 011 and "help
mother," not those perpetually expect
ing mother to put aside her work to
amuse' them. It Is neither wise nor
kind to wait on a child's pleasure and
to spend your time picking up its ball,
building houses witli its bricks, fetch
ing and carrying, for tlds destroys its
powers of self reliance and makes it
grow up selfish and unfit for a world
in which the most helpful are the most
t.'nnlred Bedroom*.
In the unaired bedroom long before
morning a blanket of heavy carbonic
acid gas hovers over the sleeper. As it
lowers, the unoxygenated blood grows
sluggish, and the sleep becomes a heavy
stupor, which exhausts rather than
rests the unconscious victim, and he
rouses to the morning's duties with ut
most reluctance, utterly unlit to per
form them. Restful sleep, during
which the body is recuperated, the
wastes of the working day being re
paired by metabolism, which assimi
lates nourishment and casts out waste
products, cun be had only in pure, oxy
genated air. There is no necessity for
its being cold, but It had better be cold
than impure. If the air be pure, with
the protection of warm, light covers,
the body will be warmer in a lower
temperature than in a warm, close room
under thin covers. Every sleeper in an
unaired bedroom is doing for herself
slowly what is done instantaneously to
helpless dogs and fowls when they are
lowered into caves and wells to demon
strate how deadly is the air in their
HIRII Heel* and Finl*heil Step.
A young woman vehemently defends
the use of high heels. She maintains
that they are more in accordance with
the laws of nature than heavy, stodgy,
so called "common sense" shoe heels.
"All the 'finishing schools' which teach
young women how to attain a graceful
carriage," she says, "have one inexo
rable law that is dinned into one's ears
morning, noon and night, 'Do keep off
your heels, my dear,' or, what is the
same thing, 'Walk more lightly, Miss
Blank.' And when you step lightly
you Invariably rise on your toes more.
Try it yourself and see. If you will
keep an eye on your low heeled girl,
you will see that her movements are
anything but graceful. The reason
lies in what. I have told you. She set
tles back on her heels, and the result is
a logy, stodgy, stiff aud uncomfortable
"utile'* Early Risers
The famous little pills.
The One She Liked, the One She
Whipped and Their Purty.
Little Annie was a very good mother
to all her dolls, but not one of them did
she think as much of as poor, unfortu
-1 nate Martha, who had passed through
many trials and was sorely afflicted.
She once had beautiful black eyes and
long golden curls, and could cry, and
because she was so pretty Annie de
lighted to take care of her. She had a
companion doll, but Annie was a little
tired of her, and when either doll had
been naughty the old doll was sure to
get whipped more than she deserved.
One day Martha fell and broke a
large piece out of her chin, and Annie's
sorrow was great. The tears ran down
her checks, and, taking up dolly, she
tried to comfort her. "Come to your
mother," she said, "and I will rock you
to sleep, and when you wake up I will
mend your chin and make you com
fortel." So she rocked Martha in a
tiny cradle and tucked the sheet over
her face to hide the hole In her chin
and put her in the closet till afternoon.
Then when Annie's father came home
she was brought out and the dreadful
wound shown to him, and he was ask
ed to mend it. So he took some wnx
and heated it and put it carefully over
the chin and soon made her look as
good as new. Annie jumped up and
down with delight and took dolly in
her arms and told her not to mind it,
as she could not get cold through that
hole in her chin any longer.
One day Annie had a tea party for
her dolls. She bad a table, with pretty
toy cups and saucers, a tablecloth, nap
kin rings at each plate and chairs for
the guests. And who do you think the
guests were?
On one side of the little table was a
grownup chair, on which were stand
ing a wooden goat and a horse. On the
next side was the "darling love of a
doll," as Annie called her, with the
mended chin. Ou the third side was
the unhappy doll who got all the whip
pings, and on the fourth side was
Mother Annie, wishing the hole in the
favorite's chin was not stopped up, for
it would have been a beautiful place
to poke in bread and cake. It would
seem so much like eating. Annie did
all the eating also, and just ns she was
finishing the last morsel of cake Mar
tini happened to tumble off the chair.
This new accident made her head very
weak, and It would keep turning round
and round, so that sometimes her eyes
were toward her back and she would
look very funny.
The Liffhtnlnu; Expre**.
Down grandmother's banister rail
Swift as the wind 1 slide;
I'm the engineer
That never knows fear,
And I travel far and wide.
Each time I rush upstairs
Grandmother cries. "Don't fall!"
When, whiz! I drop
Without any stop
Between Boston and Montreal.
I hurry again to the top.
Oh. my. it is such fun.
For this is the train
That's flying from Maine
And arriving at Washington!
Once more I am off like a flash
To carry the New York mall.
I am sure you would guesa
'Tia the lightning express
On grandmother's banister rail.
—Anna M. Pratt in Youth's Companion.
Traveler'* Alphabet Game.
The players sit in a row. and the first
begins by saying, "I am going on a
journey to Athens" (or any place be
ginning with A). The one sitting next
asks, "What will you do there?" The
verbs, adjectives and nouns used in the
reply must all begin with A, as "amuse
ailing authors with anecdotes."
If the player answers correctly, it is
the next player's turn. He says per
haps, "I am going to Bradford." "What
to do there?" "To bring back bread
and butter." A third says, "I am going
to Constantinople." "What to do
there?" "To carry contented cuts."
Any one who makes a mistake must
pay a forfeit.
Included All the Day*.
Little Johnnie had been told to write
a short composition in which he should
say something about the days of the I
The little fellow thought a few min- !
utcs and then triumphantly
"Monday father and I killed a bear,!
and there was meat enough to last over
Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday, Fri- i
day, Saturday and Sunday."
MyisicrioHM 37.
Take the number 37, multiply is by 3
and iHI the multiples of 3 up to 27 and
notice the peculiar results obtained.
1 Note also that the sum of the figures In
each product is equul to the multiplier:
37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37
3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 I
111 222 333 444 555 666 777 888 999
There is an old formula in philosophy
which says that no two things can oc
cupy the same place at the same time.
As a simple illustration, drive u nail in
to a board and you will find with every
stroke of the hammer, the nail will force
aside the particleVof wood into which it
is being driven, finally making a place
for itself, and proving that the nail and
the wood do not occupy the same place
at the same time, .
AND BLADDER and Dr. David Ken
nedy's Favorite Remedy cannot occupy
the same place at the same time. If you
are troubled with frequent pains in the
back; if your urine stains linen; if you
urinate frequently during the night, and
a burning pain accompanies its passage,
your kidneys and bladder are in bad
shape and should be treated at once.
Every dose of DR. DAVID KEN
but surely pushes aside some of the par
tides of the dread diseases of the kid
neys and bladder, liver, blood, rheuma
tism, dyspepsia and constipation, until
they completely disappear. Do not lose
faith or find fault, if you are not entirely
cured by one bottle, because if these dis
eases have fastened their grip on you
the longer aud harder it is to drive them
Druggists sell it in New SO Cant Size
and the regular SI.OO size bottles.
Sample bottle—enough for trial, free by mail.
Dr. David Kennedy Corporation, Rondout, N.Y.
Dr. Ita.ld Kenned,', Mneie E, Kaire for all
Dlien.e. or laflawuiallons of the i je. 15c.
The operators have notified the mem
bers of the board of conciliation appoint
ed by the mine workers that they will
name the three members allowed them
in the course of a week or so. The
popular impression is that they will
be Superintendent Rose, of the Dela
ware and Hudson; Superintendent Lu
ther, of the Reading, and Superintend
ent Phillips, of the Delaware, Lack
awanna and Western.
The mystery connected with the sus
picious death of Anthony Vorzok, of i
Sheppton, was cleared yesterday and
five men in Schuylkill county jail were
relieved of the charge. The coroner's I
past-mortem examination revealed the
fact thai the man died of alcoholism Q
The fact that be often walked miles
in pursuit of an imaginary foe may save
Patrick Hennessy from conviction of
the murder of Mine Foreman Dennis
Dorrls at Glen Lyon. Physicians be
lieve he Is insane and was at the time
he killed Dorris. His trial is set for
next week.
Due Notice 1H Served.
Duo notice is hereby served on the
public generally that DeWiit's Witch
Hazel Salvo is the only salve on the
market that is made from the pure,
unadulterated witch hazel. DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands
of cases of piles that would not yield to
any other treatment, and this fact has
brought out many worthless counterfeits.
Those persons who get the genuine De-
Witt's Witch Hazle Salve are never dis
appointed, because it cures. Grover's
City drug store.
An Ancient Clock.
Perhaps the most interesting gift to
the pope on his pontifical jubilee was
an ancient clock in the form of a plan
isphere, dating from 1725. It was con
structed at Plaisance by the mathema
tician. Baruardo Facial, who present
ed it to the wife of Philip 11. of Spain.
The planisphere gives the hours and
the minutes according to the Italian
anil Spanish style, the length of days
and uights according to the seasons,
the daily position of the sun according
to the signs of the zodiac, solar and
lunar eclipses, the real seasons and
the seasons according to astronomy.
Notwithstanding the enormous prog
ress made in mechanics since its con
struction, the movement of the wheels
is absolutely unknown. When once it
broke down, 110 one was found able to
repair it.
Tlie Plainb Line In Porto Rico.
One of the curious things that men
of science have discovered in their In
numerable efforts to measure and map
the earth with the least possible error
Is the fact that there are places where
the direction of a plumb line is not
vertical. Irregularities of density in
tlie crust of the globe may produce
this phenomenon. A remarkable in
stance lias been found In our new is
land of Porto Itico, where the devia
tion from the vertical is so great that
in mapping the island the northern and
southern coast linos as shown on the
older maps had each to be moved in
ward half a mile.
All kinds of ice cream at Merkt's.
Do You Enjoy
What You Eat ?
You can cat whatever and whenever you j
like if you take Kodol. By the use of this
remedy disordered digestion and diseased
stomachs are so completely restored to
health, and the full performance of their
i functions naturally, that such foods as would
i tie one Into a double-bow-knot are eaten
without even a "rumbling" and with a posi-
I tive pleasure and enjoyment. And what is
I more these foods are assimilated and
transformed into the kind of nutriment that
is appropriated by the blood and tissues.
Kodol is the only digestant or combination
of digestants that will digest all classes of
food. In addition to this fact, it contains, in
assimilative form, the greatest known tonic j
and reconstructive properties.
Kodol cures indigestion, dyspepsia and all
disorders arising therefrom.
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Makes the Stomach Sweet.
Bottles only. Regular size. $ 1.00. holding 214 times I
the trial size, which sells for 50 cents.
Prepared by E. O. DeWITT & 00., Chicago, 111. 1
I (Trover's City Drug Store. I
April 12, 1903.
0 12am for Jeddo, Lumber Yurd, Hazle
ton, Weatherly, Mauch Chunk. Allen
town, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel
phia and New York.
7 29 a in lor Sandy Run, White Haven,
Wilkes-Barre, Pittston and Scranton.
8 40 a m for White Haven, Mauch Chunk,
Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila
delphia ano New York.
9 58 a in for Hazleton, Delano, Mahanoy
City, Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel and
Potts vi He.
1 1 45 a in for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Phila
delphia, New York, Hazleton, Delano,
Mahanoy City, Shenandoah and Mt.
4 44 p m for Weatherly, Mauch Chunk, Al
lentown, Bethlehem, Easton, Philadel-
Shia, New York, Hazleton, Delano,
lahanoy City, Shenandoah, Mt. Carmel
and Potteville.
7 29 am frbm Hazleton.
9 58 a m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and
White Haven.
12 35p m from New York, Philadelphia,
Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk and Weatherly.
4 44 p m from Scranton, Wilkes-Barre and
white Haven.
6 33 p m from New York, Philadelphia,
Easton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch
Chunk, Weatherly, Mt. Carmel, Shenan
doah, Mahanoy City, Delano and Hazle
For further information c nsult Ticket
Time table in effect May 19,1901.
Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Eckley, Hazlt
brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow Road, Roan
and Hazieton Junction at HOO a m, daily
except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Drifton for Harwood, Cranberry,
Tomhicken and Deringer at 000 am, daily
except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sun
Trains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction,
llarwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and
at 0 00 am, daily except Bun
lay; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood,
• ranberry, Tomhicken and Deringer at 036 a
:n, daily except Sunday; and x 63 a m, 4 22 p m,
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida
Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road,
Oneida and Sheppton at ti 32,1110 a m, 4 41 p m,
daily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 311 p m.
Trains leave Deringer for Tomhicken, Cran
berry, Haiwood, Hazleton Junction and Roan
at 500 p m, daily oxcept Sunday; and 337
a m, 6 07 p m, Bunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Onolda, Humboldt
Road, llarwood Road, Oneida Junction, Hazle
ton Junction and Roan at 7 11 am, 12 40, 620
p m, daily exoept Sunday; and 8 11a m, 3 44
p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow
Road, Stockton, Ilazlc Brook, F.ckley, Jeddo
and Drifton at 5 20 p m, daily, except Sunday:
and 8 11 a in, 3 44 p m, Sunday.
Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver
Meadow Road, Stockton, Hazlc Brook, Eckley,
Jeddo and Drifton at 549 p m, daily,
exoept Sunday : and 10 10 a m, 6 40 p m, Sunday.
Train leaving Drifton at 000 a m makes
?onnoction at Deringer with P. R. R. trains for
WHkenbarre, Sunbury, Harrisburg and points
All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with
electric cars for Hazleton, Jeauesville, Auden
riod and other points on the Traotion Com
pany's Mne.
LUTHER O. SMITH, Superintendent.
VV RAILROAD. April 19. 1903.
Curs leave and arrive at corner of Broad
and Wyoming Streets. Ha'leton. as follows:
ForWiikesbarreund intermediate points,ooo,
8 00. 10 00 a in, 12 00 noon; 2 00, 4 0(1, 0 00, 9 00 p
in. daily, including Sunday. Arrive at Ashley
J unction at 7 05, 9 05, 11 05 a m, 1 06, 3 06, 5 05,
7 05 and 10 05 p m.
At Ashley Junction passengers will be
transferred to the cars of the Wiikesbarre and
Wyoming Valley Traction Cenipuny for
Wiikesbarre, their CHrs passing thut point
every til teen minutes.
The run from Ashley Junction to Wiikes
barre via the Wiikesbarre and Wyoming Val
ley Traction Company, to Court House Square,
consumes about twenty minutes.
Hetliming from Wiikesbarre, leave Ashley
Junction for Hazleton uud intermediate points
7 46. 9 45. 11 45 a m. 1 45. 3 45. 5 45, 745 and
10 45 p in. daily, including Sunday. Arrive at
Hazleton at 8 50, 10 50 a m, 12 60, 2 50, 4 50, 0 50,
850 and 11 50 p in.
For tlie information of travelers, to connect
with the cars of this company at Ashley Junc
tion, passengers should leave Wiikesbarre
(Court House Square) at 7 15, 9 15, 11 15 a m,
I 15. 3 15, 5 15, 7 15 and 10 15 p m.
By applying to this office special arrange
ments for parties may be made to hold the
last car from Ashley Junction.
1,000 milcavc tickets for sule at this office,
and trip and excuis on rickets can be pur
chased from conductors on ears.
Excursion rate, tickets good until used,
Hazleton to Ashley Junction, $1.40. Due Way,
tickets good until used, 850.
ALVAN MA UK I.E. General M linger.
(i. W. TH' MPSON, Superintendent.
A. F. H AUGER, General Passenger Agent.
Free land Schedule.
First car leaves Hazleton for Frcoland at
j 5 15 a in, then on the even and half hour
then after. First car Sundays at 000 a ra.
First car leaves Free land for Hazleton at
5 45 a m, then on the 15 and 45 minutes after
the hour thereafter. First cor Sutiduys at 045
Last car leaves Hazleton for Freeland at
11 00 i• m. Last car Saturdays at 11 30 p in.
Last car leaves Freeland for Hazleton at
II 15 p ni. Last car Saturdays at 11 45 pm.
C rs leaving liazh ton at 000 a ni connect
w ih D. S. \ S. Kaiiroad trains at Hazleton
Junction for llarwood, < ranberry. Tomhicken
and Derringer daily except Sunday, and 830
a m and 4 00 p ni Sunday.
Cars leave Hazleton for Humboldt road,
>neida and Sheppton at 0 00 and 1030 a in and
1 00 p ni daily, uud 7 00 and 3 00 p in Sundays.
Curs leave Hazleton for Beuver Meadow
road. Stockton. Hazle Brook, Eckley, Jeddo
and Drifton at 5 30 p m daily uud 9 30 a in and
5 30 p m Sunday
A. MARKLE, General Manuger.
•JERSEY. November 10. 1992
Stations-in New York: Foot of Liberty
Street, North River, and South Ferry.
For New York, at 8 16 a m.
For Philadelphia, a' 8 16 u m.
For White Haven, at 8 15 a m and 0 05 p m.
For Wilkes-Barre, Pittston and Scranton, at
8 15 a m.
For Mauch Chunk, Catasuuqua and Allen
town, at 8 15 a m.
Through tickets to nil points at lowest rates
may be hud on application in advance to the
ticket agent at the station.
C. M. BURT, Gen. Pass. Agent.
W. G. Rosier. General Manager.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
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