Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, December 15, 1902, Image 3

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    N E U BURGER'S -mSST™.
• Exceptional Advantages for Holiday Shopping !
Laiwr r Pllflll ITIVAT* and With ° ur S r#at 7 enlar g ed Daylight Addition you can make your selections under a perfect glare of daylight in
k;iUUI\D J_ liail any department of the Big Store. Every convenience you can desire aids you in making satisfactory purchases.
Holiday Buying Now on the Home Stretch " 4 Great Stock Ghristmas Gifts to Select From
5c fancy bordered Handkerchiefs, reduced to 1c
Jewelry Novelties, Jersey and ~s&,l IOC embroidered Handkerchiefs, reduced to 5c T r i i m • . rrr.
, T . 15 and 18c fine imported Handkerchiefs, lace and Useful Christmas Gifts are the
Cloth Leggings, Slippers, Wool-Lined % Kg* ffc „ p u- d f uced i° Apf 7W most highly appreciated, and greater
. Shoes, Fur Sets and Collars, Lace Col- (S& Jr 5c silk Handkerchiefs, with initials, 15c .
' 40c fine imported linen embroidered and lace Hand- assortments have never been shown in
lars, Neckwear, Rubber Boots and Felt kerchiefs, now 25c ilbLni „ 1 _ T . ~, XT
T) r ,1 T bii 11 ci Ladies' and* misses' 38c Golf Gloves, 25c ■B&l* lower Luzerne store, and the Neu
-00 for t,le Llttle *'1OWB, Sweaters, %|J flLadies' and gents' imported Scotch 75c golf Gloves, Burger policy "no goods carried over,' 7
| Caps, Perfumery, Cardigan Jackets, , reduced to 405 ] ; M f , , , ' ~. ,
'Vflk lt-5o gents silk lined guaranteed Mocha Gloves, \~Z // /I forced the reduction of prices
Furnishings, Silk and Velvet Shirt reduced to 51-OO r // *• * i
Waists Ladies' and gents' carola silk $i. S o close-roll steel- W\, I J, throughout the entire stock.
I'iim fn flmi'n T4 nt Ladies' and gents' all-silk $3.50 Umbrellas, reduced k & liß tmas Silver 75c Chain
T i ices Go Down, Down, Down! - to $ 2 50 Purse reduced to 45c
See Our Great Window Display: "Santa Clans Resting Before His Journey."
Comeand TryOn |\, R ~ Come and Fit On
° ur ® ults IMfcUDUrger S Our Overcoats
i Suits and Overcoats
When you buy a Suit or Overcoat here you get the acme of the tailor's art, as with our
new and better store we are selling new and better clothes, or in other words, Suits or Over
coats bou gbt of us now are Made Better, Trimmed Better and Fit Better than the most and as
B° od as the best that you can get made to measure by local tailors. A heavy purchase of very
m'mW lib finest clothing enables us to offer you fifteen styles in finest black and fancy Aft mm
Wim I worsted, and fancy cassimere hand made celebrated Rochester make SIB.OO I M ||||
Men's and Young Men's Suits. Your choice of entire lot at very low price of WAIMIJU A"7
Soils lor MOD, Boys ail Clilfa
Jc.oo Men's Suits O HQ s°° Children's Suits in all wool worsted
go now at ? nd cassimeres, all the broken lots
in the store, ranging in price from J flf I
„ , , , , , ~ , ~ , 2. 00 to 4.00, any in the lot now -Lv/"
Mens and boys absolutely all wool
black tibbet and fancy stripe 8.50 I If I
Suits go now at Children's all wool 2.50 Norfolk Suits, |
reduced to JL • 9 J
Men's Washington Mills absolutely pure
worsted 18-oz serge 12 00 Suits, Boys'3.oo double breasted and Norfolk O AA
coats made with non-breakable W ,J I Suits, reduced to
fronts, reduced to
Boys' and children's 4.50 Norfolk,
Men's 15.00 fine black imported unfin- ~| A jjji double breasted and blouse Suits, OAA
* ished worsted Suits, reduced to _|_\/ivw reduced to
Men's genuine teasdale cassimere 10.00 Hv Boys' 5.00 three-piece Suits O
very latest style all wool Suits, now reduced to
Men's 2.00 fancy worsted and heavy all "I #5-°° boys' long pants Suits
wool cassimere Trousers, reduced to * • >CT go now at
Men's 4.00 and $5.00 imported worsted Trousers, Boys' very latest coronation mixture
reduced to 2 48. 2.98 and $3.48 cassimere Suits, ages 14 to 19, now vJ
We have a varied assortment of styles and our sizes Boys . fine lß . oz black pure worsted }J /A/\
are so complete that we can fit anybody. serge Suits, ages 14 to 19, reduced to 4
Matchless Furnishings Bargains
' Boys' heavy 75c fancy stripe Sweaters, 39q
f j 1 _ Men's heavy 75c plain Sweaters, 39c
Men's sr. oo flannel Shirts, G9c
Men's and boys' heavy leather covered working
lala* I Mitts, 25c
Men's heaviest wool fleece lined Underwear, reduced to 38c
Ladies' and misses heavy fleece lined Stockings, per pair 10c
Ladies' 25c woolen Stockings, per pair 16c
Men's heavy woolen shaker Socks, per pair 15c
Ladies' 38c extra heavy fleece lined ribbed Underwear 250
Men's heavy wool Socks, per pair 10C
Men's silk embroidered Socks, 2 pr for 25C
Jos. Neu Burger Estate, R 0- FL°IL£ P:"""" 5 '
Dry Goods Department
Our Dry Goods Department offers many desirable Christmas
Gifts What is nicer than a Dress Pattern, a White Spread or a
Fine Linen Table Cover?
Heavy wool oxford 30c double fold Skirt Cloth reduced per yd. to 20c
Extra heavy all wool 50c oxford skirt cloth reduced per yard to 35c
50c all wool Suiting Cloths in all colors, reduced per yard to 35c
54-inch wide 75c wool Suitings, reduced per yard to J/.9c
Eat your Christmas turkey over a Neußurger linen Table Cover.
Fine Barnsley Linen, 72 inches wide, per yard
150 fine Marseilcs white Bed Spreads, reduced to £ QQ
NOTICE.—Save the Sales Slips you get
with all purchases. Handsomer Premiums
than ever are given now. Fancy Lamps,
Jardineres and Umbrella Stands Free.
ORKHI Department
$9.00 all-wool Oxford freize long Over- PC AA
coats reduced to \_F
$15.00 fancy Oxford and black imported
Melton 48-inch long swagger Over- |A AA
coats reduced to JLV/ivv
SIO.OO fancy Oxford all-wool frieze 48-
inch long swagger Overcoats now x_FtFx_/
$20.00 imported Oxford fiat Mountagnac .
48-inch long swagger Overcoats, re- iQ RA
duced to lU.UU
Men's $2.50 water and wind-proof heavy
storm-collar covert Working Coats | PC/~i
reduced to JLt-Fv/
f Children's all wool heavy
plaid lined chinchilla
reefers lIJOKj
Boys' all wool frieze 4.00
long swagger oxford
overcoats, ages 6 to 15 *F k A
years, reduced to
Boys' 5.00 fine melton oxford
long swagger overcoats, O KA
reduced to O.tJV/
Boys' imported genuine melton 7.50 PC AA
oxford long swagger overcoats, now lF\/U
losr liters-Slips
• AV/ Ladies'fine dongola and box
calf ?1 ' 75 Shoes *-25
CP Gents' $2.00 fine dress Shoes
fysxfr ' reduced to 1.50
Utk ,L*lt Ladies'and gents's 3 Shoes
£ I ' n a " l^e newest leathers
C! J ml* and sha P es g° during this
sale at 2.00
arrssj U Youths' and boys' guaranteed
W solid leather Shoes, re
duced to 98c
Men's Woonsocket vulcan leather insole Rubber
Boots reduced to 2 75
Men's fancy velvet Slippers, per pair 50c
Ladies' wool lined Slippers, per pair 50c
Youths' felt Boots, with first quality Rubbers, 1.15
Boys felt Boots with one buckle perfection rubbers,
per pair j 35
Men's felt Boots, one buckle perfection Rubbers
per pair | 75
Coats, Capes, Skirts and Waists
The popular inverted-back Monte Carlo Coat is the season's rage and
a heavy purchase enables us to offer a fine heavy all- a,-
wool Kersey SIO.OO Monte Carlo Coat in all colors at $7.00
Ladies' $15.00 satin lined Monte Carlo
Coats go now at SIO.OO ifem
Children's and misses' $5.00 Coats in all the
new styles go now at $3.50 \
$1.50 fine cloth Waists, pleated fronts, in
Fine Melton $3.00 ladies' heavy
stitched Walking Skirts, $2.00 K SSmL
Ladies' SIO.OO tight back 27-inch
long Box Coats reduced to s(j
Children's Fur Sets 98c to $5.00
Ladies' fur Collars and Boas
Ladies' Lace Collars 50c to $3.00
Store Open Evenings
10 O'clock