Abandoning the Missouri. j Thoro are Indications that the long and costly struggle to keep the Mis souri river a great highway of com merce is to be abandoned and that the river wi'Jl be permitted hereafter to pursue its erratic course to the Mis sissippi -without attempts -by United 6tat.es engineers to keep it in order. • Millions of acres of land have been swept away and deposited elsewhere. In one place a tract of 1,700 acres was i transferred in a single night from lowa to Nebraska by a change in the course of the niver. Horse Power. A horse power is the force required to lift a dead weight of 33,000 pounds ; one foot a minute. To find the horse power of an engine multiply the area of the piston in inches by the aver- ! age steam pressure In pounds per square Inch. Multiply the product by the travel of the piston in feet per j minute and divide that product by I 33,000. Lf an engine is rated at 73- horse power it wil raise 33.000 pounds one foot 73 times in one minute. Hall's Catarrh Cure is a liquid and is taken internally, and acts tipon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for I testimonials, free. Sold by druggists, 75c. F. J. Cheney A Co., l'rops, Toledo. O. • English shipbuilders get their guns and boilers in Germany. FIT 9 permanently onred.No fits or nervous ness after first day s use of I>r. Kline's Great Nerveßestorer. s2triol bottle and treatisef ree Dr. R.H. Kline, Ltd., 981 Archßt.,Phtla., Pa. The average salary of clergymen in tha United States is S9OO a year. Mrs. Winslo w's Scothin g Syrup for children teething, soften the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, oures wind colic. 25c. a bottle The first trackless trolley in America will be run in Franklin. N. H. Ido not believe Piso's Cu re for Consump- ' tlon has an equal for coughs tnd colds—JOHN F. BoYKn, Trinity Springs, Ind., Feb. 15,1900. It's usually youth and not learning that makes young people so smart. wiriEms j How Mrs. Bruce, a Noted Opera ■A Singer, Escaped aa Operation. Proof That Many Operations for Ovarian Troubles are Un necessary. 44 Dear Mrs. Pinkham : —Travelling for years on the road, with irregular meals and sleep and da: ip beds, broko down my health so completely tvro years ago that the physician advised a complete rest, and when I had gained MRS. G.'BRUCE. Sufficient vitality, an operation for ovarian troubles. Not a very cheerful prospect, to be sure. I, however, was advised to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vogefcablo Compound and Han- ; ativo Wash; I did so, fortunately for me. Before a month had passed I felt that my general health had im proved ; in three months more I was oured, and I have been in perfect health since. I did not lose an engage ment or miss a meal. 44 Your Vegetable Compound is cer tainly wonderful, and well worthy the praise your admiring friends who have been cured are ready to give you. I always speak highly of it, and you will admit I have good reason to do so."—Mrs. G. Biujoe, Lansing, Mich. | The fullest counsel on this \ subject can be secured without cost by writing to Mrs Plnkham, Lynn, Mass. Your letter will be entirely confidential* tGood | Tilings | to Eat | £ from Llbby't hmoui Hypienlo kltohena. a £ where purity prevails. All meats used la £ I LIBBY'S ! | Natural Flavor j *j Food Products | + are V. S. Government Inspected. X Kwp 1b the house for emergencies—for X X suppers, for sandwiches for any Ume X X when you want something good and waut X It qulok. Simply turn a key and the can X X is open. Au appetizing lunch is ready In X X an instant. X I LIBBT, McNEILL A LIBBT, CHICAGO. | X Write for onr free booklet, "Row to Make X J Good Things to Bat" $ (a;acauto CANDY CATHASTIC Bk. so*. DrmnUu Genuine stamped CC C. Never sold in * Beware or the dealer who tries to sell ''something just as good." P. N. U. 36. 'OA nDADCV NEW DISCOVERY; (IT*. V/I D ■ qaiok relief and oar*, womt •MM. BOOK oi end lUdeije' treetaieul bss. Of. a.a. aun ison. a— a. ni.au> aa. PUX-JM iildren| In Bat Land. A good little bat, wheo the day is nigh, Flies home to his snug little bed; As soon as the sun is up in the sky j No bat should be seen overhead. They sleep all day, tucked out of the way, And what seems the strangest of all, Their heads hang down where their tails ought to be, And they cling by their toes to the wall. When the nan has set and the birds are at reßt, And the moon and the stars are on high, Then each little bat pops out of his nest And goes for a sail through the sky How topsy-turvy their life must be! They oreakfast at 8 p. m.; And just at dawn they are ready for tea— But it doesnt seem queer to them. —Washington Star. Talking Stones. Contrary to the general belief, city 4FCOCFCHO M.nDOeORSTUVWX-VS & — } r*'V " — ww c w °* vellw ■ TAKE N9 SUBSTITUTES 8 ON SALE EVERTWHEIC "• uniMUßrra r- SMOWING'FULL UNE Of />/ GARMENTS AND HATS A.W.TOWCB CO.,BOSTON. MAM, m SHOES mm IV. L. Douqlas shoes are the standard of the wcrld. W. L. Douglas mndo and raid more roon**Good rear Welt (Itand Sowed Proceea) shoes 1" the first six months of 1902 than any Other maniifoftnier. ,si4o,ooo Best imported and American leathers. Heyl'e Patent Calf. En xmol, Box Calf. Calf. Vict K,d. Corona Colt, Nat. Kangaroo. Fust Color Kyel t rseu. fnitiun f T be genuine havnW. L. DOUGLAS* Lull 11041 . nam" and price stamped on bottom. Shoes by mail, 2.1 c. extra. 11l us. Catalog fret, W. L. DOUGLAS. BROCKTON, MASS. =!mOMnOFSOBE^ NOTRE DAME, INDIANA. FtTI.T, COURSES IN daisies, Cotters, Economics and History, Journalism, Art, Scleiico Pharmacy, Law, Civil, MnclianU | cal and Electrical liuuiuecring, AvcbUcc -1 Thorough Preparatory and Couimercial Rooms Free to all students who have com* Iletftd the studies required for admission Into the nnior or Senior Year of any of tho Collegiate ibuomn to Rent, moderate Charge to students over seventeen preparing for Collegiate Courses. A limited mini tier of Candidates for t lie Ecclesi astical stato will lie recoivod r.t special rates. St. Edwari'.'a Hall, for hoys under 13 years, la unique In tho completeness of Ich equipment. The 51) th Year will onen September 0, 1002. Catalogue* Free. Address REV. A. IMOIMUHSJV, C. S. C., President. OENSioi^K^ri^ Q 3 > re In civil war, 15 adjudicating: claims, ntt.v since dieaßssgHmiHasEnSi ICURLS WHtUE AIL ELSE FAILS. BT m Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use 2 In time. Fold by druggists. |®f EsßaZoßislHiHZagi