In many places of Greece a cream colored water jug or Jar is made which so porous that when filled with water the moisture keeps continually exuding to the outside and there evap orating, which wonderfully cools the contents, especially when the vessel etands in a draft. These cheap "water coolers" are used by everybody, rich and poor, and great numbers of them are manufactured and sold every year. Ladles Can Wear Slines One aizo smaller after using Allen's Foot- Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot, sweat ing, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. At all druggists and shoe stores, 25c. Trial package Fiike by mail. Address Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. More aluminium than ever is being used for the caps of fruit jars for ail classes ot goods. • J. 8. Parker, Fredonia, N. Yf, says: "Khali Dot call on you for the § (Aunt Harriot lias lived in fear and trembling since Willie had u white rat given him as a birthday present. He lias just lost it). Willie—"Don't move, nunt, the beg gar's under here somewhere."—Moon shine. VENTILATING COAL MINES. The Presence of Fire Damp Adda to the Cost. In Great Britain the coal lies at very great depths. In America a shaft of 200 feet is considered fairly deep, while one of 200 yards in England is but a shallow pit, and some few workings are nearly 4,000 feet deep. The result of this is that the cost of hauling the coal out ami the pumping of large quantities of water from great depths make coal mining very expensive in Great Britain. A drift mine is more cheaply ventilated than a shaft one, and the mines are much more fiery in England than they are in America. The presence of fire damp in British mines greatly impedes the rapidity of working and adds to the cost in many ways. There are many stringent reg ulations to be carried out with a view to the prevention of explosions, which, nevertheless, occur only too frequent ly, and when they do they are usually ot a very serious nature, causing large loss of life and property. Frequently several months elapse before the mines are in complete working order again after such an accident. The cost ot this loss of life and property naturally is veiy great. Centenary of Trcusers. Most people will be surprised to hear that trousers, as at present worn by the male portion of humanity, have just celebrated' their centpnary, but, according to fashion, such is undoubt edly the case. They "came in" on ac count of the high living prevalent in England a hundred years ago. This produced a good deal of gout, whose twinings the tight-fitting costume in use at that period made unbearable, llcnccc tho invention of the wider form of garment, which soon became popular, and was adopted by many royal personages at home and abroad. Among tho "dandies" of tho period, however, the new stylo was regarded with contempt, and when Almack's self was once refused admission he srii't the great Duke of Wellington him sell was once refused admission be cause ho presented himself in trousers instead of the (for that time) orthodox nether garments. So far has their sway now extended that they threaten to supplant even the Scottish kilt. The 8010 and the Bayonet. The chief of ordnance has ordered 100 bolos as a tentative substitute for the regulation army bayonet. The bolo of the Philippines and the machete of Cuba are essentiallly the same, and iiave been used with such deadly effect that,troops operating against guerrilla ftrces armed with them were, on the whole, less afraid of the indifferently handled riffles with which a part of the enemy were supplied. The lance is al most out of date as a cavalry weapon, tlie saber is in disfavor, and- now the bayonet is under investigation. The bolo is a cutting as well as a thrust ing weapon; it is serviceable for troops in seach of kindling and is handy in the camp kitchen; it is useful for in trenching. Tho Ghurkas and other British troops are armed with a sim ilar weapon. Berlin's Horseflesh Steaks Popular. The consumption of horseflesh among the poorer classes of Berlin has been steadily growing from year to year. There exists a private establishment in the Greifswalder street where 12,000 horses, to the value of £125,000, were slaughtered last year for the purpose ot being turned into steaks and sau sages. The Berlin Town Council is now considering the advisability of constructing additional buildings at the place where the public slaughter house is situated. They will provide accommodation for many hundreds of horses at a time which are destined to find an inglorious death at the hands of the city butchers. An Owlish Belligerent. I.ast year a pair of large brown owls had a nest in a wood, close down to the shoro on Milford Haven, with a road passing through it. On several occasions the cock bird violently at ttacked dogs pasing through the wood. This year the male bird lias has not only attacked dogs, but has several times flown down most viciously ill daylight at people walking along the :oad. He tore a boy's ear, and his last performance was to knock a man down with the suddenness of his swoop and injure his face so badly that it is feared he will lose his eye. The bird has since been shot. Titled Clergymen. By the accession of the new Earl of Chichester 6 British secular peerages arc now held' by clergymen. They are the Marquis of Normanby, the Earls of Chichester, Devon and Strafford. Baron I'onsonby, who is also Irish Earl of Bessborough, and Baron Scarsdaie, the lather of Curzon, Viceroy of India Another Irish peer, Viscount Moles worth. is also a clergyman. The Earl of Devon, 97 years of age, is the second oldest peer in England. Found In Arctic Ice. The steamer Centennial, which ar rived at Port Townsend, Wash., from Nome, Alaska, reported that on June 17 a whaling ship had sighted in the ice pack 80 miles north of Cape Prince of Wales the steamer Portland, which was blown into the Arctic ocean with 144 persons on board. The revenue cutter Thetis was standing by the Port land and would bring her in safely. Genuine stamped CC C. Never sold (n bolk! Beware of the dealer who tries to sell "something just as good." Beat Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use In time. Sold by druggists. m KIDNEY TROUBLES. Mrs. Loniso M. Gibson Saya That This Fatal Disease la Easily Cured by Lydia E. Piukham's Vegetable Com pound. " DEAR MRS. PINKHAM : I felt very discouraged two years ago, I had suf fered BO long with kidney troubles and other complications, ana had taken so much medicine without relief that I began to think there was no hope for me. Life looked so good to me, but what is life without health V I wanted to be well. MRS. I M.^G '' "Eyclia E. Plnkham's Vege table Compound cured me and made me well, and that is why I gladly write you this, and gladly thank you ; nix bottles was all I took, together with your Pills. My headache and backache and kidney trouble went, never to return ; the burning sensation I had left altogether; my general health was BO improved I felt as young and light and happy as at twenty." —MRS. LOUISE Oißson, 4813 Langiey Ave., Chicago, 111.— faooo forfeit if about testimonial is not genuine. If you feel that there is anything at all unusual or puzzling about your case, or if you wish confidential advice of the most experienced, write to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass., and you will be advised free of charge. Lydia E. Pinkhum's Vegetable Coin pound has cured and is curing thousands of cases of female trouble. Good Things t<> Eat From Llbby's famous hygienic kltcheua. whore purity prevails. All meats used in LIBBY'S Natural Flavor Food Products ore U. R. Government Inspected. The wholeome ueasand gomiiiesaof evory article in preserved in its preparation tor your convenience, in the handy key-opening cans. A supply on your pantry shelves eimblssyouto have always nl hand the essentials to the very best IIIOHIH. The little book, "How to Make Oood Things to Eat," tells all about them— sent free. Lihby's Atlas of the World, mailed free for 111 cents postage. LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO. ALABASTRINE The Only Durable Wall Coating Wall Paper is unsanitary. Kal somiiies are temporary, rot, rub off and scale. ALABASTINE is a pure, permanent and artistic wall coatir.g, ready for the brush by mixing in cold water. For sale by paint dealers everywhere. Buy in packages and beware of worthless imitations. ALABASTINE COMPANY, Grand Rapids, Mich. RIMNS I use Ripans Tabules for periodic headaches, always with quick relief. Only last evening a lady asked me what I thought good for paiu in the stomach from eating rich food, and 1 gave her a Ripans Tabule. To-day she tells me she lias bought a package, the one I gave her helped her so much. At drugget*. 1 The Five-Cent packet is enough for an/ ordinary occasion. The family bottle 60cents, contains a supply for a year. DROP SY SSZ 33S2SZEL £S rtati llook of testimonials and lO davo> treatment Free. Dr. H. M. GREEN BONB. Box B. AtUoto. Go. P. N. U. 28, 02. F" LENSIONU'VL^,"^ jyiali oivll war, 15 Mdjudlcutiug cluiuiN.utky aiuoe