FREELAND TRIBUNE. VOL. XV. NO. 31. STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, EAST STROUDSBURG, PA. Locution This popular State Institution is located in the midst of the Delaware Water liap-Mt. Pucono Summer Itesurt Region, the most healthful and picturequo in the state, and one tiiat is visited by thousaiids ol' tourists annually. Courses of Study In addition to tho departments of the regu lar Normal Course, we nave special Depart ments of Music, Elocution, Art, Drawing and Water Color, and a full College Preparatory Departmuut. You can save an entire year in your college preparatory work by coming here, free Tuition Tuition is absolutely free to those complying witn Die new state law. This gives a rare opportunity to those desiring a complete edu cation and should be lakeu ad\aiituge of ut once, us tins law may be repealed by the next Legislature. Cost of 'ig Hoarding expenses are $3.uU per week, which includes fully furnished and carpeted room, heat, electric light and laundry. The addi tional expense is less with us lhaii ut most uuy other schools. Improvements Among these are a new Uyiunusium, a tine Electric Ligui Plant, and a new Recitation llall now being creeled, winch wilt uoiituiu fifteen large mid tuny equipped recitation rooms, in addition, all bed rooms will be re plastered and lilted up and various other changes mude in tho dormitories lor the further eotiiiorl and convenience ol the pupils of the school. New Catalogue Catalogue for 1902, gives l'ull information as to tree tuition, expenses, courses ol study, and other facts of interest and will oe mailed witu out charge to those desiring it. Fall Term upcus September 8, 11X12. E, L. KEMP, A. M., Prin. ORION SXROH, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW una NOTARY PUBLIC. Office: Uoume 1 and 2, Uirkbevk llrick. PreelHiie Mclaughlin, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of Any Description. ilrcnnuu's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland. J. O'DONNELL, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. Campbell Building, - Freoland. White Haven Office, Kane Building, Opposite Postoilicu; Tuesdays, Saturdays. JOHN J. Mt'IiREARTY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Legal Business of every description. Fire Insufauce, and Conveyunefug given prompt attciition. McMenamin Building, South Centre Street. JQR. N. MALEY, DENTIST. OVER BIRKBECK'S STORK, Second Floor, - - Birkbeek Brick jyjRS. S. E. HAYES, FIRE INSURANCE AGENT. Washington Street. None but reliable companies represented. Also upcut for the oelebrutoa high-grade Pianos ot Hazeltou Bros., New York city. JQR. S. S. HESS, DENTIST. North Contro Street. Bell Telephone. Second Floor, - P. O. S. of A. Building. qpHOS. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. All business givfn prompt attention. Tribune Building, - - Main Streot .A.. OSWALD, dealer in Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries and Provisions. FRESH ROLL AND Creamery Butter Always in Stock. Minnesota's Best Patent Flour A Specialty. EVERY ARTICLE GUARANTEED. M. W. Cor. Centre and. Front Bts. t Freeland. TOAMPBELLr dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes. Also PUSLE WINES LIQUORS ron FAMILY AND MKDIVINAL L'O'KT'OHKFI. Cfiitre and Main "frvi'l.. Kriwland CLJEEY'S Groceries, Provisions, Green Truck, Dry Goods and Notions are among the linust sold in Freoland. Send a sam plo order and try them. E. J. Curry, South Centre Street. Co: d/ 0. Boyle, dealer in LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The ttneot brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen andoah Ueer and 7on(rib"' 0 on tap. FREELAND, PA., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1902. A. 0. K. OF M. G. CONVENTION Select Castle of the State Is Now in Session. Rain Prevented the Parade Arranged for Yesterday Afternoon—Results of the Drill Contest—Crand Ball. The thirty v^^L.\\//>second annual convention of the select castle \V7Y"*r?\\ Iffj iw // — "77 °' Ancient jJ Order Knights of Mystic Chain v vanla opened at Krell's hall at 10.30 o'clock yesterday morning In the presence of & largo number of the citizens of the town, delegates, officers of the order and members of the Mili tary Hank. * Major Stephen Drasher delivered the opening address and was followed by Itev. J. J. Kuntz with prayer. Burgess John F. Boyle and Daniel Kline, Esq , welcomed the visitors to town in a cor dial manner and their remarks wore responded to by Select Commander W. VV. Wetzel, of Allentown, who was fol lowed by ex-Judge J. B. Black, of Phila delphia. Benediction by Rev. Kuntz closed the opening session and adjourn ment was taken until this morning. TODAY'S SESSIONS. The select castle was called to order promptly at 9 a. m. today by Select Commander Wetzel. The number of delegates answering roll-call was 194, representing castles located in all parts of the state, including all the principal cities and towns. The annual reports of the officers wore presented and ap proved. The report of Select Commander Wet zel thanked the members for the able assistance they gave him in advancing the Interests of the order during tho past year and promised full and gonor ous support to his successor. The membership report, presented by Select Scribe John J. Davis, of Pitts burg, was very complete and showed that there wore 13,441 in good standing in the stato at the close of tho term ond ing June 30 last, an increase of 514 over the number given in the last report. Durlng\ho torm there wore 1,202 propo sitions, 1,120 elections, 1,034 initiations, 20 admissions by card and 109 reinstate ments. There were 738 suspensions, 10 withdrawals by card, 2 expulsious and 74 deaths. The financial condition of the select castle was reported as follows by the financo committoe: Balance, Septem ber 1, 1901, $344.10; receipts, $2,812.95; expenditures, $2,710.04; balance, Sep tember 1, 1902, $441.07. The total value of cash and property owned by the subordinate castles of the state is $212,430.30. The report of the Fuueral BenoGt Re- - : ' . . . 'j. v- " : rr \- ■■.">• • • ■ . . " ' ■ -V • • . . A. ■ • • • v •. " •\ . • ' . •• >• • "• V' •:• : : • •.•• ' V ' '• o' : Y •' •/ ;.. ?; * V -• • ' , ; \ i ' /'V • • j ; s •. • ' : • • . • /?.■; • .■ . • v. 4 •' . t v ■ '..