Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, July 25, 1902, Image 3

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ghe Milliner.* Seem to Hare tlio Palm
Among Their Sex.
"Have you ever noticed," said a
clever woman, "that very salient dif
ferences In dress and general appear
ance you may observe in the women in
different lines of business?"
"What has your eagle eye fallen on
now?" said her auditor.
"Well, the actresses, of course, are a
class by themselves. It is a part of
their business to present a stunning
appearance, and they set the pace.
But in the ordinary occupations in
which women are employed you will
■' always find that milliners lead in style
and generally attractive get-up. Their
training teaches them neatness, and
fm the artistic blending of colors, and no
other woman can achieve their style on
the same salary."
"What about the dressmakers?"
"Oh, the very same remarks apply
largely to her, of course, for milliners
and dressmakers hunt in couples. Sales
women in the big stores, especially
In the better lines of goods, come under
this head, as do those in hair stores,
manicuring establishments, and all
sorts of grooming places. Now when
you get among the teachers, you will
find an entirely different atmosphere.
Truth to tell, teachers, as a class, are
apt to be a little frumpy. Some way
or another, clotlicsology doesn't seem
to combine readily with the other
'ologios.' But don't run away with the
Idea that this necessarily condemns
the teacher, even in masculine eyes,
v Look at that spinster teacher who
■ captured that big, big gun in Washing
ton the other day. I suppose that he
could have had almost any society
woman that he threw his handkerchief
to, but you see he wasn't looking for
a fashion plate. Some men are built
that way.
"Then there are the women doctors
and lawyers, continued this solon, med
itatively. "I believe they're worse
than the teachers, as a whole. A really
successful doctor doesn't know what
she has on. She doesn't have to. Her
success depends so entirely on her
competence that her appearance cuts
no figure. Her mind is on her patients,
not her clothes. I know a woman doc
tor over on the East Side who is mak
ing §4OOO a year, and she looks like
a bag tied in the middle. There are
scarcely enough women lawyers to
judge of them."
1 "Women artists cught to be the most
artistically clad of their sex,"remarked
the listener.
"Well, that depends. When they ap
ply their genius to their own dress, art
ists, designers, illustrators, all that
sort, are the most delightfully gowned
women in the world. Not in l'ashfcm
plate style, you understand; but grace
ful, artistic, poetic, esthetic kinds of
Ihlugs, with just enough adaptation of
the latest stylo to save them from odd
ity. That kind of woman always
adapts, creates, and the result is u
picture. But half the time the woman
who can do these things pays no man
ner of attention to her appearance.
If she recollects to comb her hair she
does well. I tell you, dress is an art,
and to achieve distinction in it you
have got to put your mind on it, same
as you would anything else."—Wash
ington Star.
Artistic Fashions.
In the earlier part of the season there
were all sorts of rumors that frocks
were going to be far less graceful than
they had been. However, they prove
false, for all the tendencies of the fash
lctsable world are toward really artis
tic dressing.
We see a great tendency toward the
■Chinese and Japanese styles, particu
larly In cut. Classical draperies are
also dealt with in evening tea gowns
and wraps. Then, again, we are re
maining faithful to the empire period;
we arc wearing King Charles hnts and
Itussian hlouses of every kind and de
scription. Never was fashion more
varied or more charming.
There is only one thing which has
a tendency toward following strictly
a set fashion of the moment, and that
is the corset. Women are still elon
gating their waists in front and short
, k onlng their backs out of all proportion,
"v To go to extremes of this sort is very
foolisb, but out of evil comes this much
good—never were corsets more by
l gicnjc; they somewhat resemble a very
I wide belt with enormous gores on the
K hips. It is wise to encourage a lissome
movement and to give freedom to the
hips, so long confined by whalebone.
The corset should not be a stiff armor
in which wo incase ourselves, but a
protection against the hundred and one
strings which are considered necessary
in the conventional feminine garb ol'
to-day. A perfect corset is as small
as possible.
But despite tills there arc many ultra
fashionable women Who strive to make
themselves look ridiculous In a straight
, k fronted corset when their figures are
■ entirely unsuited to it. Every woman
k T who desires an individual style of fig
ure should carefully consider the points
of the passing fashions and blend them
into the style that suits her best.—
Washington Star.
Cobweb-Flno Stoclitncß,
"Can be pulled through a wedding
ring!'' is the legend attached t® a lox
I of cibweb-flne stockings displayed in
I a Fifth avenue shop window.* To the
woman with n literal mind the advan
tages of stockings that can he pulled
through a ring of any kind may, at
first blush, appear a trifle obscure, hut
she will appreciate the lacey hose as
much as will her more imaginative sis
ter, once she is convinced that being
pulled through wedding rings is not
the only or even the chief use for which
these thin stockings are designed.
Ever since low shoes came to be the
regulation footgear for all-year-round,
stockings have been growing more and
more frivolous every season, until now
we can buy, provided we have the
means to do so foolish a thing, stock
ings with medallions of point of chau
tilly lace adorning the instep, and in
some cases running up almost to the
knee; also stockings embroidered with
silver and gold thread in fantastic
designs of flowers and serpents.'Again
colored silks are employed and cupids,
pink and chubby, are found clambering
up trellises of gold or silver, which
serve as backgrounds for green vines
and brilliant blossoms.
The butterfly is a favorite of the ar
tistic stocking beautitter, and appears
in all manner of guises, in laces, in
embroidery, and In water color. The
old bow-knot always has its admirers,
so it is much used, but can not he
given a place among the novelties.
Twisted ribbons, wrought in sparkling
sequins of vivid hue, encircle the leg
of some stockings from instep to knee,
terminating in a bow-knot in front,
just below the knee.
A novelty in black stockings for
summer wear is colored embroidery on
line thread or silk, in small patterns,
such as tiny bouquets of rose buds,
sprays of forget-me-nots and posies
or other wild flowers tied with float
ing ribbons. Sometimes the flowers
are inerly worked in outline so as to
give as light an effect as possible.—
New York Commercial Advertiser.
Low-Uoeled House Slippers.
A friend who was troubled with a
wrench in the tendons of her foot, so
that she could hardly walk, tried oue
physician after another. The last one
said: "Are you in the habit when you
come Indoors of changing a pair of
low-heeled walking shoes for French
heeled slippers?" She confessed she
was; she had done It for years. "That
la what is the matter," said the doctor;
"I have a score of patients who were
suffering from the same thing until
I hit on this theory. The foot, almost
flat half the day, is raised the other
half the day to an unnatural level,
and the result Is a straining of the
tendons. I do not say that it would
injure all women; some people have
stronger feet than others. See the en
durance of a ballet dancer, for in
stance. You have neither strong an
kles, nor strong tendons, so give away
your French-heeled slippers to some
body who will appreciate them, then
And a pair of low-heeled slippers, and
wear them." My friend took the advice
and within a few weeks her feet were
perfectly strong again.—Good House
FindLnß tlio Dotlclency.
"I always enjoy talking to a clever
girl until I discover that she Is not
pretty, and to a pretty girl until I dis
cover that she Is not clever," said the
man to the woman he had taken out to
dinner. He read that, thought the
woman, and he thinks it sounds well.
Aloud: "And you never find prettiness
and cleverness combined?" "Alas!
no." "Has it ever occurred to you
that the deficiency lies in your judg
ment?" He won't enjoy his epigram
so much the next time, she reflected,
as she saw him looking at her queerly
and a bit resentfully.—New York
A novelty in dress trimming is un
dulated black velvet ribbon.
A very pretty handle for a white
parasol is of delicately toned pluk
The China silk and crepe waists have
silk embroideries and lace flowers let
into the silk.
Irish lace boleros lend a touch of
elegance to simply made blouses of
loulsine or peau de cygne.
Heavy white Madras with a narrow
Persian stripe Is smart among the
season's shirt waist materials.
Silk waists iu the light shades are
also variously trimmed with striped
black and white and gray and white
Lace made of washable white braid
appears in most attractive patterns.
This will be much worn on linen, duck
and cheviot suits.
Silk poplin is recommended for the
long cloak. It will wear much better
than silk and has the same lustre.
Dark blue poplin looks especially well
in a cloak.
Ecru Valenciennes lace is used
again this year on gowns of white or
gandie, though preference is given to
the pure white laces as a trimming for
the new >was of this dainty material.
Linings of bright silk, most effestiva
among them an uncompromising scar
let, are used to give color contrast to
many of the new parasols of linen
batiste. Tucked edges are pretty when
employed In the sheerest of those ma
Pretty sets of wide turn-over collars
and cliffs are of white hands of dow
ered lawn, or something of that na
ture, set iu just inside the hem. This
hem Is about ball' an inch wide, and
the band tbo same width, set iu on
both edgec with hem stitching.
J HOUSEHOLD 9 9 9 >.
?!'.w. , .v.v„w.vavaww
How to make the Household ISoard Look
Its Best.
Try to have ready at all times a
(lower or a small growing plant tor the
table. A small asparagus fern adds to
the dantiuess of the table almost as
much as does a vase of flowers. A si
lence cloth is also a great addition to
the appearance of the table; even a
poor cloth looks better when spread
over a silence cloth.
See that the glasses and silver are
always bright and sparkling, and that
the napkins are fresh and well ironed.
The salt-cellars should be emptied
and washed at least twice a week, and
in the meantime they should have the
salt carefully smoothed each day.
Silver knives can be replatcd when
they are worn, and kept in good condi
tion for a long time, especially if they
are old, as the earlier knives were
plated 011 white metal of much better
quality than those which have been
made during the past few years.
There is a very good mixture that
can bo made at home with but little
trouble for cleaning tile silver. Take
one pound of whiting and pour over it
one quart of boiling water. Stund it
away until it is cold, and then add one
tablospconful of turpentine and the
same amount of household ammonia.
Shake well and stand away until it Is
wanted. Before using stir it up from
the bottom aud apply It with a soft
cloth or brush. Let it stand, then dip
into boiling water and wipe with a
clean, soft cloth; then rub with
chamois. This will keep your silver
in good order and the labor of keep
ing it clean will be greatly lessened.
For the small pieces that are in ev
eryday use, such as the knives and
forks, plenty of good hot suds and a
vigorous rubbing after they are washed
will keep them in good condition with
very little cleaning.
A good supply of doities and carvers
will protect the tablecloth and will
make it possible to avoid spots. The
carvers may be easily made at home,
and if the linen Is bought by the yard
and the cloth hemstitched, and a little
embroidery put on them, they will add
greatly to the appearance of the table,
and the work may be done between
times when some light or fancy work
is desired.—Philadelphia Record.
Tho Useful Newspaper.
When putting garments away for
the summer newspapers are more valu
able than camphor, moth marbles or
insect powder. These, as a general
thing, moths and carpet bugs revel in;
but newspaper Is the unattractive ma
terial that can be presented to these
omnivorous insects. They will not
touch it; and your winter furs and
woolens will rest secure from their
depredations if pinned up tightly in
Laying a Matting.
When we get a new matting instead
of putting it down in strips with tacks
or staples, we sew it and lay it like
a carpet. It not only looks a great
deal better and last longer, but is much
easier to take up or put down. In sew
ing, use a strong linen carpet thread,
and whip It over with rather a long,
loose stitch, so that when opened it will
lie flat and not have a seam under
neath. It can bo used on either side.—
Good Housekeeping.
. . RECIPES . .
Poached Eggs aud Herbs—Put two
tablespoonfuls of butter and two table
spoonfuls of flour In a stewpan, one
teaspoonful of chopped parsley and one
tablespoonful of chopped chives; stir
one minute and add gradually one cup
ful of white stock, salt and pepper to
season; stir until boiling; have six
eggs nicely poached on a hot platter;
pour the boiling sauce over them.
Salmon Soup—Drain the oil from one
can of salmon, remove the skin and
bones, chop the salmon and rub it
through a sieve; scald three cupfuls of
milk aud pour it over the fish; melt
two tablespoonfuls of butter, add four
level tablespoonfuls of flour; stir until
smooth; add it to the flsh and milk,
stirring until boiling and thickened;
add salt and pepper to season, a little
chopped parsley and a little nutmeg,
if liked; serve very hot.
Potato Noodles—Cold mashed pota
toes may be converted into an appetiz
ing luncheon dish by mixing two cup
fuls of mashed potatoes with one egg
and enough flour to kuead into a
smooth noodle dough. Itoll the dough
half an inch thick and cut into narrow
strips. Boil them tun minutes in salted
water; drain aud cool. Brown the
noodles in hot butter,and serve. Grated
cheese or minced parsley may be
sprinkled over them if liked.
French Lemon Tart—Spread three
thin layers of light puff paste in jelly
cake tins. Bake and lay aside to cool.
Beat the yolks of three eggs with one
cupful of sugar, add three level table
spoonfuls of flour, then the juice of
one and one-half lemons. Melt one
teaspoonful of butter in one aud one
half cupfuls of water, turn It iato the
egg mixture and boil until thick.
Spread cacli layer of pastry with rasp
berry jam, then with the lemon cream.
Build them in cake form, cover the top
with a meringue made of tho whites
of three eggs beaten with two table
spoonfuls of powdered sugar. Sprinkle
a little sugar over the top and brown
in a moderate oven. Serve cold, cut
ting the tart inio sections like pie.
Some fellows don't have to be loaded
In order to shoot off: their mouths.
No Citizen of This Country Ma. a Bight
to Have Ills Servants Wear Tliem.
I have had rather a remarkable let
ter from a New York woman, who
asks me to ascertniu for her, if pos
sible, the significance of the black
cockude wbicli is worn by lier coach
man and footman. She states that a
friend of here lias informed lier that
she lias no right to place the black
cockade, or any other for that matter.
In the headgear of her servants, and
she desires mo to Inform lier as to
the correctness of this point. In this
instance I have to rely on the informa
tion derived from a great authority on
these matters, namely, Mr. F. Lee
The cockade in present use, not only
in England but abroad—excepting the
United States—is a distinction of of
fice rather than of title. Inasmuch as it
Is a headdress which can legally be
worn only by servants of royalty, in
cluding naval and military officers,
diplomatists and the lieutenants, dep
uty-lieutenants and high sheriffs of
counties. As worn by these its color
Is black, and Its introduction to Eng
land in this form is due to the House
of Hanover, but cockades of various
colors have been known in England
long before that time. Under Charles
I. there was a scarlet cockade, but
under liis son the color wus chnnged
to white, and this became the budge
of the Jacobites, or adherents of the
Pretender, while the oruuge was that
of William of Orange. At this time
tile cockade, white or black, was mere
ly used by soldiers to denote 1 heir
specific allegiance. Orange Is still the
color in Holland, while other Euro
pean nations adopt a large variety of
hues, as is shown especially In the
streets of Loudon, in the foreign liv
eries of carriage attendants, namely,
black and white for Germany, black
and yellow for Austria, the tri-color
for France, scarlet for Spain, blue and
white for Portugal, and black, red
and yellow for Belgium. The word
cockade was borrowed from the
French eaeardc, having originally been
applied to tlio plumes of cock's feath
ers worn by Croatian soldiers serving
iu the French army. Such a plume,
or iu Its place a bunch of ribbons,
came to be used in plnniug up the flags
of a hat into a cocked posltiou. and
thus gradually the word passed for the
designation "the cocked hut" itself.
I hope this Information will satisfy
my fair inquirer that she is really not
entitled to use a cockade in the bend
dress of her liveried servants, but she
may be consoled by the news that she
Is only one of many hundreds of thou
sands who do likewise, without know
ing or caring that they are transgress
ing an old rule.—Town and Country
The Jury Turned 'ltouml.
Gibes at the intelligence of the Brit
ish jurymen are not warranted, but
there are occasions upon which tlie
"good men aud true" appear in a ludi
crous light. Such an instance hap
pened in the York Assizes the other
day. The evidence In the first ease
had concluded, the judge summed up
and all that remained for the jury
was to consider tliclr verdict. The
Clerk of Assize told tliem to "turn
round" leaving that they were to con
fer together without leaving the court,
as is frequently done iu simple cases.
They obeyed his instructions to turn
round literally and to the letter. All
twelve, six In the top row and six In
the bottom, stood up and turned round.
The noses of the uppermost sextet
almost grazed the panels iu the back
of the jury box, while the nethermost
six stared at tlielr colleagues' backs.
There they stood for half a minute like
naughty boys who bad beeu told to
face the wall. The judge smiled aud
the court was convulsed. The faces
of the jury were something to behold
when they realized how absurd they
had made themselves appear.—Pall
Mall Gazette.
Coal Supply and Demand.
"You suggest the not very remote
exhaustion of our coal fields. What Is
the total coal area of the United
States?" About 280,000 square miles.
A little over half of this is productive.
Pennsylvania produced in 1000 241,,-
000,000 tons. The anthracite coal fields
aie confined to Pennsylvania, Virginia
and North Carolina. The lignite coal
deposits are not included in the above
estimate, and embrace 50,000 square
miles in the Dakotns, Wyoming and
Montana. The exhaustion of this
vast deposit of coal Is not the ques
tion, but bow long will It be able to
keep up with the Increased demand?
Tlie next resource must be thnt por
tion of China which borders on
Thibet, not less tbnn three thousand
miles from the sea.—New York Tri
People an They Come and Go.
After the man who boards has been
told by liis doctor thnt lie musn't eat
strawberry shortcake it seems that
they never have anything else for
A married woman has lier happiest
moments when she uses the desk in
ber husband's den as a cutting table.
No poet lias ever been nlilo to learn
from experience that a mau cannot be
a hero to his valet.
Posterity isn't likely to judge any
woman by tlie style of ber visiting
It Is seldom that a man becomes so
near-siglited as to be unable to see a
pretty woman across the street.—Chi
cago Record-Herald.
Ah Elephantine Record.
Paris lias a mighty hunter, the Vis
count of Bourg de Bozas. with Ills
trusty rifle, killed six big elephants In
four minutes. Tartnriu of Tavascon
did nothing like this.—Philadelphia
mmmmpgnrrf^^^iBi m iiiii WMtr
Tlie FOOI'B Luck.
They said he had a fool's good luck,
Until one luckless day.
He risked and lost his all. They stuck
Their noses up then, free to own
That anv fool might well have known
'Twould turn out just that way,
That's all they had to say.
—Chicago Record-Herald.
"Well, madam, you've sot your wish
—you've married a rich husband."
"No, dear, I've married a rich man,
but a poor husband."—Tit-Bits.
"Pa, are palaces always big?"
"No, my boy. Any little old shack'll
do for a 'palace of art' at a one-horse
exposition."—Chicago Record-Herald
An Order.
Druggist—"Well, what do you want?"
The Kid—"l wants sometbin' dat'll
grow a big black mustache in a week
or so."—New York Journal.
Mrs. Trout—"l'm afraid our little
Speckles Is small for liis age."
Mr. Trout—"Don't worry. If any
one catches him he'll figure as a pound
and a half at least."—New York Sua.
Tlie lieal Thine.
"My queen!" exclaimed her adorer,
timidly, "may I kiss the royal band?"
"My faithful subject," replied the
young woman, with the air of one gen
tly eluding him, "what is the matter
with the royal lips?"—Tit-Bits.
By Mall.
In her missive the maiden sent a
thousand kisses.
"Printed matter?" asked tlie clerk at
the postoffiee.
"Not yet!" the maiden faltered, col
oring In sweet confusion.—Puck.
Well 15orn.
De Style—"l hear Miss Manhattan
comes from fighting stock."
Gunbusta—"Y'es, ber mother engaged
in 991 bargain sales; fought through
091 bridge jnms and participated in
ninety-nine parade crowds." New
York Sun.
An Easy Way.
"I wish," be said in a dreamy sort
of way, "that I knew what she really
thinks of me."
"Why don't you find out the name of
the girl to whom she confides her se
crets and call on ber some time?"—
Chicago Record-Herald.
First Fruits.
Kindergartuer—"Children, this morn
ing I have a surprise for you. I have
brought a lovely big rubber plant for
us to have in our room, and every day
we will water It and "
Gracie—"Oh, Miss 11., can't I have
the first pair of rubbers?"— Chicago
Works Both Ways.
"We are continually being misrepre
sented by the newspapers," said the
Irate statesman.
"Well," answered Senator Sorghum,
"If the press was successful in Its ef
forts to be absolutely accurate, some
of us would never get Into office."—
Washington Star.
A Fancy.
Lion—"Do you mind taking off yout
Bertie—"W—why ?"
Lion—"Only a little fancy of mine. 1
prefer my food without dressing."—
The King.
Drawing tho Lino.
"If there is nnythlug 1 resent," said
Mr. Slrlus Barker, as lie took a bite of
graham bread and sipped his gruel,
"it's the assumption of titles of distinc
tion by any and everybody."
"Yes," answered the friend, "we do
have a great many 'majors' and 'colo
nels' and 'judges' who are neither mil
itary men nor lawyers."
"Yes. I'm a patient man. But 1
draw the lino somewhere. I am just
waiting for somebody to come along
calling himself 'professor,' because he's
a ehampiou ping-pong player. Then
I'm gdng to say something sarcastic."
-Washington Star.
History of the Seat Upon Whioh thelloi
nrchH of England Are Crowned.
For more than sixty years the Stone
o£ Scone has not been in requisition.
So long a period of rest has probably
not occurred in the course of its long
and varied experience. There are two
legends as to its origin, one of Irish
and the other of Scotch birth, which
in process of time have been inter
mingled, and some inconvenient details
ignored. The tale as given by the
chroniclers is briefly this:
A certain Greek, Galethus by name,
went to Egypt at the time of the Exo
dus, where he married Scota, the
daughter of Pharaoh. After the de
struction of the Egyptian hosts in the
Red Sea, Galethus and Scota, with
a baud of Egyptians, traveled along
the north coast of Africa to Gibraltar.
Thence they crossed to Spain, where
they settled, and Gulethus founded a
kingdom. For many generations this
kingdom continued to be ruled by the
descendants of Galethus and Scota
Their royal seat was the "Stone of
Destiny," described in . the earlier
legends as a "stone shaped like a
In the course of time Simon Brech,
leader of a band of Scots, took the
stone to Ireland, and was crowned on
it at Tara, as King of that country,
Here it was called the "Lia Fail," 01
Stone of Destiny. Fergus, son of
Erie, lineal descendant of Simon
Brech, being driven out of Ireland, by
his foes, 500 B. C„ went to Argyle,
in Scotland, taking the fateful stone
along with him. He set it up at Duns
staffenage, with the inscription:
"N1 fallur fatum Scoti, quoeuuqua
Invenient lapidem, regnare tenetur
Forty kings were successively
crowned upon the stone while it re
mained in Argyle. The last of these
was driven back to Ireland. Ilis
nephew, Fergus McEro, returning, con
quered Argyle in the sixth century "in
the marble chair."
In 1298, after the defeat of Bailiol
by Edward 1., the Stone of Scone was
transported by the conqueror to Eng
land, as one of the most precious spoils
of victory.
Its removal was regarded as a na
tional humiliation by the Scotch, and
in the treaty of 1328 one of the condi
tions insisted upon by the Scotch was
the return of the "Stone of Scone."
However, for some unexplained rea
son, this was never done.
Henry 111. had rebuilt Westminstei
Abbey, and erected a chapel, to con
tain a splendid shrine to Edward the
Confessor, the original builder of the
Abbey Church. The shrine was the
work of an Italian artist, Peter of
Rome, and originally shone with color,
gilding, and flue mosaic work. These
glories have been much defaced and
dimmed during the centuries which
have elapsed since it was erected.
The floor of the chapel was also laid
in beautiful mosaic work—now worn
away by the trampling feet of mjiuy
generations. Against the altar-screen
in this chapel stand tne coronation
chairs of England. The Queen's chair
was made for Mary, the daughter of
James 11., when, in 1089, William of
Orange and Mary were crowned at
The stone is an oblong block of red
sandstone, and is placed under the
scat of the elinir on a board, supported
by four carved lions, one at each cor
ner. It is said to have been gilded and
otherwise decorated, but, if so, these
adornments have entirely disappeared.
In modern coronations it is covered
with cloth of gold.
It Is, to say the least, very curious
that the solo claim of Edward VII. to
be crowned sitting upon the Stone of
Scone rests upon his descent from a
Scottisli Princess—Elizabeth Stuart,
only daughter of James 1., of England,
wife of the Elector Palatine, after
ward King of Bohemia, the heroine
of the Thrity-Years' War, who in
herited the beauty, wit and the mis
fortunes of her grandmother, Mary
Queen of Scots.
Bug Agriculture.
The myth regarding the Intelligent
sowing and reaping done by certain
species of "agricultural ants," long
supported on such good authority as
Darwin and Lord Avebury (Sir John
Lubbock), is finally disposed of by Pro
fessor W. M. Wheeler in the American
Naturalist. If a nest of the species in
question be observed at the proper
season It will be seen that the workers
often carry out from the store cham
ber grains of ant-rice which have
sprouted and deposit them in n heap
some distance off. These seeds fre
quently take root and grow, and since
the ants feed mainly upon such grass
seed it is no matter for surprise that
"ant-rice" should predominate in the
miniature fields about the nest. To
state, however, that the ant, like a
provident farmer, sets aside a portion
of his grain every year for seed and
sows and weeds it, is as absurd as to
say that the cook is planting an orch
ard for future use when some of the
peach stones she has thrown out of the
window chance to grow into peach
trees. Whatever the origin of the
practice of these ants, however, the re
sult is obviously very much the same
as if their operations were guided by
an Intelligent purpose; that is the pro
duction of an abundant crop of grain
near the nest, convenient for harvest
Greed to seize somebody else's honors
is politely called ambition.—New York
A conscientious woman will keep J
secret even if she lias to call in two 01
three friends to help her.