FREELAND TRIBUNE. ZiUbllihel 1888. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY TBI TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN.STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION KATES. FHEELAND.—The TRIBUNE is delivered by curriers to subscribers in Freelund at tbe rate of 12X cents a month, paj'able every two months, or $1.50 a yeur, payable In advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the ollioe. Complaiuts of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY MAIL.-The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of towu subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable in advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The dute when the subscription expires is ou the address label of each papor. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Entered at the Postoflloe at Freeland, Pa., as Seeond-Cluss Matter. Make all money orders, checks , etc., payable to the Tribune I'rinttnu Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., JULY 10, 1902. APHORISMS. When lu doubt, tell the truth.—Sam uel Clemens. What makes life dreary is want of motive.—George Eiiot. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market.—Charles Lamb. He is a wise man who wastes no en ergy on pursuits for which he is not fitted.—Gladstone. If you will be cherished when you are old, be courteous when you are young.—John Lyly. If you would hit the target, aim a little above it. Every arrow that files feels the uttractiou of earth.—Longfel low. There Is nothing so powerful as ex ample. We put others straight by walking straight ourselves. Mine. Swetchine. Have a purpose In life, and having It throw such strength of mind and mus cle into your work as God has given you.—Carlyle. Formerly we were guided by the wis dom of our ancestors. Now we are hurried along by the wisdom of our de scendants.—llorne. Faith. A mother in one of the suburbs of New York, wishing to preparu the minds of her two children for a coming event of great importance, told them that if they would like to have a little brother or sister she thought if they prayed earnestly every night and morn ing God would send them one. In due time the desired baby urrlved, to the children's great delight and evi dently to the strengthening of their faltli, for the next duy the father came Into his wife's room, saying: "Look here, Lizzie, this thing has got to stop. I just went Into the purler and found both those children on their knees praying as hard as they could for goats!"— New York Times. Airy I'lTNlfliigv ut Sea. The ship groaned. Put the giddy young thing who was talking to the captain was a good sail or and didn't mind a bit of rough weather. "Doesn't it seem unnecessarily cruel, captain," she said, "to box a com pass?" "Not any more so, miss," he replied grimly, "than to paddle a canoe." And the ship groaned soin m from New York, Philadelphia, Eaaton, Bethlehem, Allentown, Muuch Chunk and Weatherly. 4 44 P m from Seranton, Wilkes-Burro und White Huven. 0 35 P m from New York, Philadelphia Huston, Bethlehem Allentown, Mauch Chunk. Weatherly, Mt. Carmel, Hheiiun douh, Mulianoy City, Deluuo and Hazle ton. 7 29 P m from Seranton, Wilkea-Barre and \ bite Huven. For further information inquire of Tloket A fronts. UOLLIN H.WILBUR.GeneraI Superintendent, J® Cortlandt Street, New York City, CHAB. 8. LEE. General Paaaenver A iron t., „ . .J? Cortlandt Street, New York City. G. J. GILDItOY, Division Superintendent, Huzleton, Pa. THE DELAWARE, SUSQUEHANNA AND SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect May 19.1901. 1 rains leave Driiton for Jeddo, Eelcley, HazJe Brook, Stockton, Beaver Meadow ltoad, Roan and Hazleton Junction at HOO a m, daily except Sunday; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p in, Sunday. Trains louve Drttton for Oneida .Junction, Garwood Road, Humboldt Road, Oneida and Shoppton at ti 00 am, daily except Sun liav: and 707 a in, 2118 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Road, Humboldt Road Oneida and Sheppton at 6 82, 11 10 a m, 4 41 pro dally except Sunday; and 787 a m, 311 dm' ' Sunday. * Trains leave Derinirer for Tomhickcn, Cran berry. Hut wood, Hazleton Junction and Roan at em n m, dally except Sunday; and 887 e m, 6 07 p m, Sunday. ..J™"" k '™ sbeppton for Beaver Meadow ,1; 5£ wk, ?l' ~Kzl' ' Ilru<)k . Eokiey. Jeddo iU' In "i/i 2,1 P daily, except Sunday; and." 11 a m, J 44 p m, Sunday. IYain leave Hazleton Junction for Beaver Meadow llnad, Stockton. Huzle Brook, Bcklcy. Jeddo and Drlfton at 5 411 p in. dally! ekcent Sunday; and 10 10 a in, 6 40 p m, Sunday! All trains connect at Hazleton Junction with eloctno ears for Hazleton, J eanesvllle, Auden riod and other points on the Traction Com pany's line R.NTIT*R " A,MNR