Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, June 11, 1902, Image 3

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Some Sensible Advice to Wo
men by Mrs. E. Sailer.
passed through what is known as
' change of life,' I had two years' suf
fering,— sudden heat, and as quick
chills would pass over me ; my appetite
was variable and I never could tell for
President German Relief Association,
Los Angeles, Cal.
a day at a time how I would feel the
next day. Five bottles of Eydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound
changed all that, my davs became days
of health, and I have enjoyed every day
tince—now six years.
44 Wo have used considerable of your
Vegetable Compound in our charitable
work, as we find that to restore a poor
mother to health so she can support her
self and those dependent upon her, if
such there be, is truer charity than to
give other aid. You have my hearty
endorsement, for you have proven
yourself a true friend to suffering wo
men."—MßS. E. SAILER, 756 S Hi 11 St.,
Los Angeles, Cal.— S6OOO forfeit Ifakooe tes
timonial l not genuine.
No other person can gfvo such
helpful advice to -women who
are sick as can Mrs. Pinkham,
for no other lias had sucli great
experience—her address is Lynn,
Mass., and her advice free—if
you are siclt write her —you are
foolish if you don't.
Queer Places Men Have Hidden Large
Surre of Money.
"In the sure knowledge that man
doeos not turn to his bible until he is
in the greatest distress, I have placed
SSOO in notes between pages 141 and
142—Hamburg. 1870.' Tills curious
and welcome letter was l'ound by a
Hamburg shopkeeper when, in dire
misfortune, lie had determined to sell
the family bllile that had been in his
possession for many years. Looking
through It before taking it out of the
house, ho found the letter and bank
notes. At such a critical time a for
tune would not have been more wel
come. The shopkeeper had failed in
business, his wll'o had long been .11.
and consequently ho was much in
debt. The discovery of over $60,000
was the result of a game at hide-and
seek. Some children were playing
near the ruins of ail old mansion in
the Canton of Argoore, Switzerland,
when one of them, hldiug from the
others, found a large box partially
burned. It was almost filled with
money, jewelry and other valuables.
The father, on behalf of the children,
claimed $5,000 as a reward for their
find. His claim waj contested, how
ever, and tlio Swiss courts eventually
awarded SSOO to the children.
Impoverished Blood.
Whether due to inheritance or caused
by a depleted condition of the system,
is the cause of much agony.
Vogcler's Curative Compound,
when taken for this trouble is a means
of salvation. It creates new fresh
tissues and pure red blood corpuscles
and by giving strength and tone to
the great vital energies of the body,
it enables them to perform their nat
ural functions. The reader should
not lose sight of the fact that Vogeler's
Curative Compound is made from the
formula of ono of the most eminent
Send at once to St. Jacobs Oil,
Ltd., iialtimore. for a free sample
MRS. MARY SHORTI.CY, 26 Court, Goaport Street,
Coventry, writes " Several years ago 1 met with an
accident through a fall, hurting my hand so badly that
1 was unable to use the same for five weeks. I tried
everything I knew of hut did not receive any benefit.
Finally, as a last resource. 1 applied St. Jacobs < >il and
after using the first bottle I could move iny fingers,
after the second bottle 1 could open my hand and
finally 1 regained the use of my hand and all pain lelt
mc. It was only by the use of St. Jacobs Oil that I aiu
Dow able to lollow my tmployment."
w. .11011 it IN.
lulldlUll WitMliliitftuii, D.CY
3.yrM.i civil war. 13adjiidlcntiugi l.iiiiiti,utty blueti
IMa-Mt'iMfi 1
Best Cough Hyrup. Tastes Good. Ueo
In time. Sold by druggists. I*l
-= I dv-Jj Oi ft Kalsomines are temporary, 0
AA rot ' ru '' sca ' e - £
If \ J Iss') anc l other disease germs are X
'*r\' nurtured and diseases dissent- f
ipm* 0 ' b y wa " P a pet- i
itsyP should be used in renovating £
and disinfecting ail walls. {
cannot tin-ire. - ' Q
ALABASTINE COMPANY. Grand Rapids, Mich. £
A Curious Stcry. '
A curious story about the royal tour
comes from Portsmouth, England.
When the (Jphir, with the Duke ana
Duchess of Cornwall on board, was
nearing St. Helena,. the signal was
mhde to the attendant cruisers, St.
George and Juno, as it was desirable
to reach port before nightfall, "Can
you steam another knot?" and the
Juno replied, "Yes, four if you please."
This answer was regarded as imperti
nent, and when the vessels reached
Portsmouth, as a mild form of pun
ishment, the Juno was ordered to lie
up the harbor, while the more re
spectful St. George came alongside
the dockyard. And the Juno is lying
at her moorings still.
Union Pacific Railroad officials
have created consternation in the
Boulder oil fields by announcing that
nearly all tlio deeds for property sold
during the past six years contain a
clause expressly reserving the miner
al on the land.
Terra cotta sleepers are in use on
Japanese railways. The increased
cost is compensated for by the great
er resistance of decay.
FITS permanently cured. Nsyfltwor nervous
ness ftftor first day's uso of Dr. Kline's Great
Nerveliostorer.'jUl trial bottle and treatisefre®
Dr. 11. If. KLINE. Ltd., 931 ArchSt..Ph!la.. Pa.
Yickors, Sons & Maxim, the British
shipbuilders, have decided to erect a
motor car manufactory.
How's Tills ?
' We offer One Hundred Dollar?- Reward for
any easo of Catarrh that cannot he cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CKZNEY iV. Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have kiuwwnF. J.Che
ney lor the last 15 years, and bed .eve him per
fectly honorable in ull business transactions
find financially able to carry out any obliga
tion itftdo by their firm.
WEST A TBUAX, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
WA LDINO. KIN NAN ASI AIIV 1 N .Wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo. Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the Mood and mucous sur
iaccs of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle.
Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hull H Family Pills are the bw;t.
Any season 01 the year- is planting time
with the undertaker.
Half- Sick
" I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla
B in the fall of 1848. Since then I
1 have taken it every spring as a
I blood - purify in g and nerve-
I strengthening medicine."
fj S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
' If you feel run down,
are easily tired, if your
nerves arc weak, and your
blood is thin, then begin
to take the good old stand
ard family medicine,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
It's a regular nerve
lifter, a perfect blood
builder. 1.00 a bottle. All droixliti. H
Ask your doctor what lie thinks of Ayer'e
| Satsuiinrllla. lie knows nil about ihls srsiiil
old family medlrlno Follow Ids advice and
we will lie Hiilistled.
1 J. u. AVER Co., Lowell, Mali.
WUVWI'-WWfe| l. ■r , C,-^*l.l-.l_MJ]Uj
The Biographer a Shrewd Man, Wh;
Knew His Value.
It will be said, and truthfully said,
808 well was a great artist. So in
deed lie was. a superb artist and a
self-conscious one. Nobody knew bet
ter tlian be what a great subject good
luck bad put in his way. lie loved
Johnson with perfect sincerity, but ho
also loved that James Boswell who
lroni his earlier days had been sim
ply devoured with anxiety for literary
lame. Boswell saw his way to write
a book the. world would willingly let
die. But these considerations fail al
together to reassure me; indeed, It is
just these very considerations that
fill me with alarm. I am dreadfully
suspicious of great artists bent on Im
mortality. Their one object, their
fixed and almost fierce determination,
Is to make a great and lasting Im
pression In the minds of men; and to
do tills they know, else were they no
artiste, that they must make great
sarriflce —they must leave some tilings
out —they must put other things In —
the color must not lie too bright in
this place or too faint In that. Much
has to be sacrificed ere you can pro
duce either a great book or a great
picture. What if It is the truth?
Suppose, after all, the Johnson we
know and love is, indeed, only Bos
well's Johnson. Something, of course,
must be allowed to the idlosyncracl is
of the biographer. Nobody sees any
thing in exactly the same light as rn
other. Burke's Johnson, Levitt's John
son, were doubtless all different, each
from the other, and from Boswell's
riie grumbler growls at nature's plan;
He's sorry that he's human.
He doesn't want to be a man
Nor yet to be a woman.
He'd hate to be a beast or such
As share the tish's lot;
In fact, 't would not annoy him much
If he were not.
He takes you by the button-hole
And grumbles in your ear.
He tolls you that bis very soul
fs shriveled up and sere.
He wishes he were dead and gone;
But. whew! You'd make him hot
To hint the world would still jog on
If lie were not.
—Catholic Standard and Times.
"Pa, what's a flunkey?" "Oh. almost
anybody that gets a chance when the
other fellow's crowded out."—Chicago
Daggs—"l'd have you know, sir, that
tny ancestors were blue-blooded." Diggs
—"Too bad. Why didn't they take some
thing for it?"— Ohio State Journal.
The Lady—"Yes, it is only men that
turn tramps. Why aren't women idle?"
The Tramp—"Because most of them
are busybodies, mum."—Chicago News.
Our borrowing friends
Oft cause us regret.
,The longer we have 'em,
The snorter we get.
—Philadelphia Record.
Edith—"What on earth made you
break the engagementV 1 thought you
were awfully in love with him."
Madge—"l was, but Rover couldn't
bear him."—Brooklyn Life.
He—"l don't see why a woman
shouldn't lay something by for a rainy
day as well as a man." She—"Why,
they do. I have a lovely rainy-day
skirt."—Philadelphia Bulletin.
His political creed.
By his actions expressed!
He best serves his party
Who serve.-, himself best.
—Chicago Tribune.
The Mother—"Uncle Charles asked
the baby what kind of eyes it had."
The Father—"Just as if the dear little
thing could tell him!" "Well, she did;
she said. 'Goo, goo.'" Vonkers States
First. Bulgarian Bandit- "The chief
has cut the ransom to $1000." Second
Bulgarian Bandit "Yes. his idea is to
close out all the missionaries on hand,
to make room for new stock, I'm told."
—Now York Sun.
"Isn't it stange that there are so
many self-made men in this country?
You hear so many of them bragging
about, it." "There are more 'self-un
made' men, only they don't brag about
it."—Philadelphia Press.
"It's too bad about those crullers
you made," said the new husband, sad
ly. "Why?" asked his wife, quickly.
"Well," replied the husband, "they're
too rich to eat. too heavy for life-pre
servers anil too small for quoits."—
Ohio State Journal.
She—"Jack, I'm afraid this dog you've
given me isn't a good one." He—"Not
a good one! Why, what's the matter
with him?" She "I don't know, I'm
sure; but I've had him a whole mouth
now, and no one has ever tried to
steal him!"— Punch.
Teacher—"lf you face the north, di
rectly behind you will be the south,
ou your right baud will be the east
and on your left hand west." Seeing
a lack of attention on the part of Bob
by, and wishing to catch him: "What
is on your left hand, Bobby?" Bobby
(in deep confusion)—" Please, it's some
tar, an' it won't come off."—Tit-Bits.
Notorious "Billingsgate. *
This is the notorious Billingsgate,
but one looks in vain for the iish-wifc
who made its ancient fame. It is
no use to inquire after her from the
porters, they have never heard of her
existence. Her brawny arms are for
gotten, her eagle eye for custom, her
thrist for gin, her shrewd gibes, her
ready pipe and her more ready re
partee, her torrents of invective. Evil
answers made her bile boil over. Only
one human means was ever found to
quiet her. It. is said to be one of
Ilorne Tooke's titles to fame that lie
silenced a fish-wife with the retort;
".Madam, believe me, you are a par
allclopipedon." But what mail could
not accomplish for one moment has
been done forever by the slow lapse of
years. Of all her rhetorical armory
only profanity remains, anil even this
is so like the universal profanity of
man that it makes the fish-wife seem
the more hopelessly extinct. John
Corbin, in Scrlbner's.
Co Witt rce ICultMl by tlie Title,
For some twenty centuries, the com
merce of London has drifted up with
the tide, and down with the tide. The
strenuous Romans of old found a town
of the Britalns at Llu-dyn, and con
quered it; and the strenuous Saxons
conquered tlie town the? Romans had
left. The strenuous Danes made thepv
selves masters of the Saxons, ami then
came the strenuous William of Nor
niandy, and built the massive tower
over there to dominate llic city ami
port, But in Loudon to-day tlie com
merce still drifts, and is steered, None
of tlie great ports of the world has had
a longer or more varied history; it is
the heart of the greatest of commercial
nations, and the cradle of the mistress
of the seas; but it. is still regulated by
tlie tide. It is at last well proved, this
philosophy of drifting and steering.
Who can say that It will not continue
to rule the world for another 2000
years? Its methods are not brilliant,
but they are sure.—John Corbiu, in
I Jo not believe Pitfo's Curo for Consump
tion has iui uquill tor coughs and colds - Jon*
F. BOYEB, Trinity Springs, Ind.. Fob. 15, 1900.
Cancer causes 4251 deaths annually in
Ask Your Dealer For Allen's Foot-Fa**,
A powder to shake into your shoes: rests the
feel. Cures Corns, Bunions, Swollen. Sore,
Hot, Callous, Aching, Sweating Feet and In
growing Nails. Allen's Foot-Ease makes new
or tight shoes easy. At all druggists and
shoo stores. 25 cents. Sample mailed FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, N. Y.
It has been decided to found an eye
hospital and an asylum for the blind
as Ceylon's memorial to the late Queen
All goods are alike to PUTNAM FADEI.ESS
DYES, as they color nil fibers ut one boiling.
Bold by all druggists. /
Messages From Tra'ns.
When a traveler In the grand duchy
of Baden, Germany, wants to send a
telegram while he is in the train he
writes the message on a postcard
with the request that it bo wired, puts
on a stamp and drops it into the train
letter box. At tho next station the
box Is cleared and the message sent
Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way, and it is mainly a ques
tion of right-living 1 , with all the term implies, but the efforts which strengthen the system,
the games which refresh and the foods Which nourish are importaut, each in away, while it is
also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from uusuui
tary conditions. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the
medicinal agents used should bo of the best, quality and of kuowu value, and tbe one remedy
which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxative, is -Syrup of Figs—manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co.
With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char
acter and yield promptly to the gentle uetion of Syrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to
the heart, and if one would remove the torpor uml strain and congestion attendant upon a con
stipated condition of the system, tako Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from tlie aches and
pains, the colds and headaches uiut the depression due to inactivity of the bowels, lu case of
any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician, but when a laxative Is required
remember tlmt tbe most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with
the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs. It is for sale by all reliable druggists. Price fifty
cents per bottle.
The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used lu the
combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and
uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative. Ail the members of the family
from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it whenever a laxative is needed and
share alike in its beneficial effects. We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of
known value, but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that itacts gently
and pleasantly without disturbing nuturai functions, in any way, as it is free from every ob
jectionable quality or substance. To get its beneficial effects it is always necessary to buy the
genuine and the full name of the Co.—California Fig Syrup Co.—is printed on the front of every
San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y.
You can't buy a □ gar of better
quality for 10 cents each.
" FLORODORA " Bands are of same value as tags from " Standard Navy,*' "Jolly Tar."
"J T.," " Spearhead," "Vinco" and "Star" Tobacco.
When you bu/ garments bearing the
above trademarkyou have the result of
more than half a contury of experience
bached by our guarantee.
Genuine stamped CC C. Never sold in bulk.
Beware of the dealer who tries to sell
"something; just as good."
I Capsicum Vaseline
Put up In Collapsible Tubes.
I A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any
other planter, and will not bLeter the most delicate
skin The pain allaying and curative qualities of
i ihie article are wonderful. It will etop the toothnahe
) et once, and relieve headache aud sciatica.
We recommend it as the best and safest external
I rounter-irritant known, also as an external remedy
! for piiius in the chest and stomach And all rheumatic*
j neuralgic and gouty * unplaint*.
I A trial will prove what we claim for if, and It wIU
| hi- found to lie invaluable in the household. Many
i people say ' 'lt is the best of all your preparations."
i Price, 15 cents, t all druggists, or other daalei*
or by sending this amount to us in postage stamps
: we will send you a tube by mail.
Kb article should be accepted by the public nnleet
the same carries our label, as otherwise it la not
I genuine.
17 Bute Street, New York City.
Great catalogue, with large number of seed sample*
mailed on receipt of lie Worth SlO.OOtoget a start.
Malzer'. >luic Crushed shrlls. llesi on earth,
SI. 36 per 300 lb. hag. . 53.76 for SOOlbs. ;f 5.60 for IQOU lbs,
In A Rfll T Wall Border same prion,
lb M DULI ULBO SIC, 'W, 3C. 4c, Rc up. Sam
ples free. Ewing Wall Co., Beaver Falls, Pa