Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, May 16, 1902, Image 4

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Freeland's Greatest Store
The excavations and foundations of the large new Daylight Addition now
being built to our store are completed. This addition in itself is larger than any
other Freeland store. As the bricklayers, carpenters and decorators are pre
paring to put this addition in readiness for us we are compelled to reduce our
mammoth stock to such proportions that we cau easily handle the samq while
the improvements to our present quarters are in progress, which will consist of
the lowering of the floor, renovating, placing in new show windows, and ar
ranging the new fixtures which, when completed, will make Neußurger's the
shopping centre of the Lehigh coal regions.
We Find Ourselves Now Compelled to Sacrifice Our Stock
that the workmen shall not be impeded in the progress of their work. Hence every article in every department of our Big Store has been
slashed in price to the most surprising extent ever heretofore attempted in northeastern Pennsylvania. We are now helping you to earn
money by the opportunities we offer for saving it during this great sale of Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Hats, Caps, Cloaks, Trunks,
Valises, Notions, Etc.
We Defy Other Merchants to Meet These Prices:
The best black and white stripe heavy drilling Working Shirts
ever made; full 36 inches long; every seam double-stitched and felled;
gusseted bottoms and sleeves, and made with extension k)6l
collar-bands; all sizes to 17
The new style heavy blue duck white pin stripe Men's Overalls,
made with two seams in legs, loose swinging top pockets; watch, hip
and rule pockets, and the new patent high back; every
seam double-stitched and felled; per pair O
Coats of above, made with three pockets, each 39c
Men's and Boys' Suits—All our 5 00 and 6.00 Suits in worsteds,
cheviots and cassimeres, all sizes in this lot of 400 suits iy \LO
and any one a great bargain; only * "O
Boys' Knee Pants made of all wool blue cheviot, all sizes 4 to 14,
and as many as yen want; every pair is warranted not to rip ~J
anrl the L'reatest value ever offered I.
Extraordinary Dry Goods Bargains
Heavy Fine Muslin-—We offer 2,500
yards Camden mills extra heavy fine un
bleached full yard wide 8c muslin at 5c yd
Best Calicoes reduced to 5c a yard
Fine Crash Tea Toweling at 1c a yard
Very best Imported Russian Crash
Toweling at 10c a yard
2,000 Yards Fine Dress Goods—ln this
lot are batistes, challies and worsted goods
worth up to 25c a yard, at 5c a yard
Genuine Bates Seersucker at 10c a yard
Shirt Waists, Wrappers, Underwear
Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists—Fine white
lawn Gibson waists, trimmed with two rows
insertion, and fine fast color percales in all
the newest styles, regular 75c values re
duced to 48c each
Ladies' fine 1.50 Shirt Waists, made up
of all the newest materials and in all the
popular styles in white and colored, re
duced to SI.OO
Ladies' 4.00 fine Silk Waists reduced
to $2.48
Fine Bleached Pillow Cases, 10c
Jos. Neußurger Estate, Freeland, Pa.
25c Summer Dress Goods in all the
season's newest and prettiest styles in col
ored lawns, lace, stripes and plain, reduced
to 15c a yard
Fine 40c and 50c fine Cashmeres, Hen
riettas and Chevlons reduced to ffoc a yard
1,000 yards fine i2)ijc Embroidery and
Insertion at 8c a yard
ioc white figured Nainsooks reduced to
tic a yard
40c two-yard wide fine Bleached Table
Linen reduced to 25c a yard
Ladies' 1.00 Wrappers, made with
flounce and ruffles, reduced to 79c
Our entire stock ladies' ready-to-wear
Muslin Undergarments reduced 25 per c nt
Ready-to-use Sheets, Pillow and Bol
ster Cases reduced to surprisingly, low prices.
St.oo fine Mercerized Skirts reduced to
Ladies' fine Bleached Muslin Night
Gowns, embroidery and insertion trimmed,
at 48c
Hoys' All Wool Suits—ln this big lot arc all sizes in plain
blue cheviot anil fancy stripes, either blouse or Norfolk for QQ
the little fellows and double-breasted for the larger boys
Men's and Boys' Suits—This lot embraces all our newest styles
bought for this season's selling at 7.50 and all our 10.00 suits left front
last season; we have all sizes for boys 14 to 19 years and men's sizes
34 to 44, and we guarantee any suit in the lot to be unap
proachable at the price we are selling V/
Men's and Hoys' Custom-Tailored Suits—ln this great assort
ment we offer our entire stock of high-grade black and blue absolutely
pure worsted and fancy cassintere and unfinished worsted suits; the
coats are made wjth the new permanent front and padded shoulders;
these suits we bought fer this season's selling at 10.00 and
12.00 and are a value extraordinary at I
Men's and Boys' Furnishings
Men's large size linen finished fancy
bordered Handkerchiefs, He
Men's and Boys' newest styles in fine
Bedford-cord 75c Negligee Shirts, 38c
Men's fine 1.00 woven Madras summer
Dress Shirts, 50c
Boys' 25c absolutely fast black corduroy
Stockings, made with triple knees, heels
and toes, 15c a pair
The season's prettiest styles in Men's
50c Ties, in the new Florodora, reversable
four-in-hands and tecks, 25c
Men's and Boys' 25c Shield Bows for !
high-band collars go now at 10c
Our entire stock of Men's 50c, 75c and
1. 00 fine Shirts, in broken lots, reduced to 29c
Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps
Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps re
duced 33 per cent.
Men's fine braid senna Japanese silk
band 50c Straw Hats, 25c
Caps for children in all the latest and 1
prettiest styles at very low figures.
Men's High-Grade Suits—lf you have 10.00 to spend for a suit
don't spend it until you see the great assortment we now offer at this
figure; every new style make, every new style cloth, tailored in the
very best manner; every suit in the lot worth 15.00; ~t A
now going at the remarkble low price of I ' 1.1 M t
Boys' All-Wool Pants—Made of all-wool cassimere and in the
best possible way; colors, plain blue and grey check; they M
certainly are nothing short of phenomenal in value at
Boys' High-Grade Suits—Your choice of our entire stock of Boys'
two-piece Norfolk or double-breasted or blouse 3.00 all- -j fw P*
wool suits at JL |
Boys' Extraordinary Fine Suits—Our entire stock of Boys' fine
pure worsted and silk-stripe cassimere 4.00 and 5.00 suits £)
go ndw at
Boys' blue denim Brownie Overalls, per pair, 21c
The Greatest Shoe Bargains Ever Offered
Men's Solid Leather Oil Grain Tap Sole 1.50 Creole Congress
Working Shoes, reduced per pair to
Men's Fine Satin Calf Lace or Congress 1.50 Dress Shoes, -d
reduced per pair to JL vJ\/
Men's Fine 1.75 Oxford Ties, ... -g -g g-*
reduced per pair to 1I l
Misses' Fine Patent Leather 1.00 Oxfords, - - **
reduced per pair to |
Ladies' P"ine Patent Leather Oxfords, - - -g
reduced per pair to
Ladies' 2.50 Fine Patent Leather Oxfords, - -g fm y
reduced per pair to _l_ ( O
Children's Fine Dongola Spring Heel Shoes, - fcd y-v
reduced per pair to OUC