All conveniences known . to the modern business . house will be installed for > the accommodation of our ; \ patrons. The work has already been commenced which will convert our present store into lower Luzerne County's greatest business place, and Freeland's only modern department store. During the progress of this work it becomes neces sary for us to reduce our great stock to such an extent that the workmen will not be impeded in their progress. Hence We Are Compelled to Sacrifice Prices to such an extent that the Most Surprising Bargains in Higli-Grade Clothing, Shoes, Dry Goods, Furnishings, Hats, Caps, Trunks, Valises, Notions, Etc., ever offered in Northeastern Pennsylvania now await you. This Great Sale Began Monday, and to those desiring high-grade merchandise this is an opportunity which but seldom occurs in a lifetime. Clothing Department. The Neußurger Clothing has long been famous for its being equal to the best and betterthan the most made-to-measure clothes, and this great sale has not changed any of the style, every garment being strictly up to the minute and has not taken any of the value or the wearing quality out of the £ Neußurger Clothing. But the Price—That is where the sacrifices have been made for your gain, and i no such clothing bargains have ever been offered as Rebuilding Neußurger's Store has made possible for you to procure. Men's black worsted fancy lined $5.00 Suits go during rebuilding O Ott sale at -J.f/O Ourientire stock of the very newest patterns and shades and plain black absolutely all wool fine tibbet and fancy cassimere $7.50 A Gents' and Boys' Suits, rebuilding sale price T.sL'vJ' 200 Gents' fine black clay worsted and silk finished blue serge pure worsted and guaranteed fast color $12.00 Suits, built with the new stiff front and padded shoulder coats, rebuilding O A Q sale price '• All our newest styles in cassimeres, cheviots and worsted $lO 00 and $ll.OO Suits, of which we can show you a selection of PT \ Q fifty styles, go during rebuilding sale at ® • * No such pretty styles, correct fitting, or dependable fabrics have ever been sold in ready-to-wear clothing as the immense stock OO we bought for this season's selling at $15.00 and SIB.OO. During rebuilding sale we offer your choice in colors and blacks at SIO.OO 300 pairs Men's fine imported worsted custom-made Dress Trous- O A O ers, ranging in value from $3.50 to $4.50; go while lot lasts at J All the above styles in Young Men's and Boys' Long Pants Suits at Proportionately Reduced Prices. A Group of Dry Goods Bargains. Read Carefully, as No Such Bargains in Dry Goods Have Ever Been Given Before and the Great Opportuni ties Offered Must Prove Interesting. 1,000 yards fine fast color Apron Ginghams, per yard, S'/.c 2,500 yards fine fast color Dress Ginghams, per yard, Be Heavy Canton Flannel, per yard, Be Fine yard-wide 8c Muslin, during rebuilding sale, per yard, Be Fine Tea Toweling, during rebuilding sale, per yard, o'/^C 850 yards fine Dress Goods in worsted and wool, these goods range in value up to SI.OO a yard; they are slightly soiled and are excellent for quilt covers or children's dress; we offer your choice of them at 10c per yd Genuine Bates Seersucker, in all the season's pret tiest styles, go during this sale at IQc per yd 25c Near Flannel, the new waist material, reduced to 1 Be per yd 40c two-yard wide fine Table Linen, reduced to 25c per yd 75c two-yard wide fine Table Linen, reduced to Jj.Sc per yd Fine 40c Henrietta, reduced to 2Bc per yd Fine genuine priestly Black Henrietta, re duced to § /. "[(). Our Entire Stock of Dress Goods and Trimmings have been reduced to rapid selling prices. Jos. Neußurger Estate, R a F tl„ A d( B Z m " g ' NEUBURGER'S ; ; Great Rebuilding Sale. k > White Goods Hemmed Sheets reduced to Jj.Bc 75c Lace Curtains reduced to Jjßc pi' Lace Curtains reduced to 98c pr 52.00 Lace Curtains reduced to SI.JjS pr 8c Curtain Scrim goes now at Be per yd 15c Lace Stripe Scrim reduced to 10C per yd 2,000 yards fine 10c, 12c and 15c Insertions and Embroideries reduced to Sc per yd The new style imported Lace Applique 25c Dress Trimming, reduced to IJc per yd The Latest Novelties Dotted Swiss, White and Colored Organdies in all the new shades in 36-inch wide 25c values; go during rebuilding sale at lßc per yd fine White Counterpanes reduced to 98c Best six-cord 200-yard Spool Cotton in all standard makes, Jc a spool Our Entire Stock of Suits, Skirts and Neckwear Reduced to Quick-Selling Prices. All Blankets and Ready-to-use Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Cases Reduced. 500 pairs Men's Pants in the famous Sweet Orr and Co. yellow ticket $1.50 Pants, and other kinds in cheviots, cassinieres and worsted; some worth up to $2.50; the entire lot go during p? _ rebuilding sale at the unprecedented price of I Ml; 200 Boys' all wool Suits in plain blue and the new stripes in Nor- QQ/t folk Blouses and double breasted, rebuilding sale price l/Uv Boys' Norfolk and double breasted S2. 50 all wool Suits in every QQ new pattern, reduced to Boys' Norfolk and double breasted and blouse $3.00 Suits, re- ~| O O ' duced to i'OO J Boys' fine serge and cassimere $4.00 blouse, Norfolk and double I breasted Suits, reduced to Boys' 54.50 all wool three-piece Suits, O AO reduced to Boys' fine absolutely pure worsted blue serge Suits, O QQ reduced to All our high grade fine $5.00 Boys' Suits in blue and fancy stripes O A Q go during rebuilding sale at **• it J Muslin, Underwear, Shirt Waists and Wrappers Never in our history have we shown such an endless stock of decidedly new novelties as now, and never yet have we offered such values. 25c Corset Covers reduced to 15c 38c Tucked and Hemstitched Drawers 25 c 75c Skirts and Night Gowns, tucking and embroid ery trimmings, reduced to 50c Our Entire Stock of Fine Lace Trimmed Underwear Reduced Astonishingly. 25 dozen Ladies' fine percale 75c Shirt Waists, this season's newest styles, reduced to 38c Silk finished Madras, the rage for the season in Ladies' Waists, made up in all the new ways; all are $1.50 values, during rebuilding sale i) 8c Our entire stock of Ladies' $1. 50 pretty White Waists go during this sale at f)Bc $5.00 Ladies' fine Silk Waists in all the season's pretty shades, reduced to §3 25 dozen Ladies' best print st.oo wrappers, made with flounce and ruffles, reduced to f9c A Landslide of Furnishing Bargains Men's large white Linen Handkerchiefs 2c each Men's ioc Socks, reduced to 5c pr Boys'and Girls' heavy-ribbed double-knee 15c fast black Stockings, reduced to lOcpV The very heaviest Boys' and Girls' 25c triple knee, heel and toe Stockings, reduced to 15c pc 50 dozen Men's and Boy's Negligee Shirts in laun dered and unlaundered, with and without col lars, worth 50c tp $1.00; you can take your choice at 2!) c Men's fine bedford cord 75c Shirts, in all the newest styles, reduced'to 38c The Celebrated Freeland 75c never-rip Overalls we offer in all styles—dark blue with white pin stripe, plain blue, or white and hickory stripe, made up with double-stitched felled seams, swinging top pockets, and watch, hip and rule pockets, with and without aprons; coats of same with three pockets, pv 5o dozen very best drilling black and white stripe Men's Working Shirts, made full '36 inches long, banded collars and felled seams, 35ceach i Workmen began opera . tions Monday upon the exca , vations of the large new ; daylight addition to be built 1 to our store. Hats and Shoes. No Such Complete Stocks of Hats, Caps and Shoes are to be found in Freeland as at Neußurger's, and at no such tempting prices have good shoes and hats ever been offered. ROSSMORE MAKE. The Panama has proven the greatest seller ever produced in a hat and a more comely or dressy head covering was never created. We offer this hat in black, stone, pearl and nutria shades, with bands to match, and in the popular combination pearl hat with black silk bands, in asi. 50 grade *P .UU 500 Pairs of these fine $1.75 Ladies' vici kid and J#' dongola Shoes, in lace or / button, stock or patent leather tips; the prettiest {/ shapes of the season; re- | Vtj\ jj |t& building sale-,, . q P 1 BjffSß price, per pair *P 1 * f K VWSjY The Misses' shoes of | | ) above, sizes nyi to \V / |H 2, per pair at "Ob Boys' and Youths' fine satin-calf Dress Shoes, per pair 98c Men's fine $1.50 satin-calf Dress Shoes, reduced per pair to $1.09 Men's oil grain tap sole >11.50 Working Shoes, reduced per pair to $1.09 Men'g Poplar calf, the newest style leather, just like patent excepting that they will not break or crack; these high-grade $3.00 Shoes we offer per pair at $2.00 Best grade Bucks County Hand-Made Mining Shoes, per pair $1.09 Our Fine Premium Offer With each sale we give you a slip stating the amount of your purchase, and with every $20.00 worth of slips we give you a Beautiful Jardluere— Absolutely Free of Cost.