The Kiiul You Have Always Bought, and vrliicli has been iu use l'or over 30 years, has borne the signature of 'J - and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its ini'aiiey. '■"■itC+uM Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR!A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms noil allays Peverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—Tlie Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought in Use For Over 30 Years. From InfanpyToAge for Babies —lt is the best and moat effective laxative for children. BEST because It is safe and made entirely of harmless ingredients. BEST because A"* it is non-irritnting and never gripes or eauses pain or f J irritation. BEST because It is sure anil never fails. BEST C I liecatiHO " Children like it and ask for it." BEST because I its tonic properties are so good and so strengthening that \r~. " —it keeps tlie little ones in line, hearty condition. w cathartics that rack and rend their little bodies. DON'T Jv IfZttt/ DO IT—give them Laxakola. For constipation, coated tongue, simple colds and fevers it is invaluable. l.nxatiola for Young Girl® on tho threshold of womanhood, has been found invaluable. When they bo come pale and languid, tho eyes dull, aching head, feet \fgf and hands cold, appetite gone or abnormal, and their sys terns generally run down, they need building up, and their jfmffiJmM blood needs cleansing. Give them Laxakola, its gentla UftHuW'ift bowel action to cleanse and its tonic properties to build up the system, will show immediate and most beneflciul results. Tioxukola for Mothers —lt is particularly valuable ftn< * UHC ' to women, especially mothers, as it is a gentle and eafo remedy to use during all conditions of health whenever their peculiar and delicate constitutions require a mild and efficient laxative and tonic, while to nursing mothers, worn out witli the care of infants and whose ays* BJLJ m terns therefore are particularly susceptible to disease flKflt <5 **l Laxakola particularly appeals. MB- It clears tho complexion, brightens the oye, sharpens tho appetite, removes muddy and blotched condition of tlieskin y/ and cures sick headache to a certainty by removing thecause. V To women suffering from chronic constipation, head vv^aches, biliousness, dizziness, sallowuess of the skin and dyspepsia, Laxakola will invariably bring relief. I,xukola for Old Folk*. —ln tlie Autumn and Winter of Life, when the various organs through long years of action have become more or less sluggish, itbo comes necessary to stimulate them by some remedy best f"X \ v ''' W| adapted to that purpose. That Laxakola is such, has beeu proved beyond all question. Its gentle warming,soothing action on the bowels, liver and kidneys, stimulates them to increased activity, cleanses tlie blood, quickens tho circu iry lation, and puts tho whole system iu a condition of health and enables it to ward off disease, while its tonic properties tone up the system and keep it healthy. Laxakola Does It. Laxakola is not only the most efficient of family remedies, but the most economical because it com. bines two medicines for one price, tonic and laxative. No other remedy Rives so much for the money All druggists 25c. and coc , or free sample of The LAXAKOLA CO., 132 Nassau St., N. Y , or 356 Dearborn £ VEKTISEMENTS* NOTICE TO CANDIDATES FOB THE OF FICE OF STATE MINE INSPECTOR. Notice is hereby given that an examination of candidates for the oflice of Inspector of Mines for the First Anthracite District (Luz erne County), will be held In the High School Building, corner Union and Washington streets, Wilkesbarre. Pa., on April 1, 2, 3 and 4 lIN 12, beginning at 10 a. in., when and where all candidates are requested to present them selves for examination. No previous notice of intention to upply is required. Morris Williams, Albert C. Leisenriug, John Gllhooley, James Llewellyn, Robert Monroe, Board of Bxuminers. "UHHt SERVICE.-Three bulls—one large, F one medium and one small. Apply to Geo. Malinky, Fern street, Freeland. FREELAND TRIBUNE. Established 1888. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY, WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. BY THE TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY, Limited. OFFICE: MAIN STREET ABOVE CENTRE. LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. FREELAND.-The TRIBUNE is delivered by carriers to subscribers in Freclaud at the rate of 12/4 cents a month, puyable erery two months, or $1.50 a year, payable in advance. The TRIBUNE may be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attentiou. BY MAIL.—The TRIBUNE is sent to out-of towu subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable iu advance; pro rata terms for shorter periods. The dute when the subscription expires is on the address label of each paper. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise tho subscription will be discontinued. Entered at the Postofllce at Freeland, Pa., .is iSecond-Class Matter. Make all money orders, check s, etc., payable to the Tribune Printiny Company, Limited. FREELAND, PA., MARCH 17, 1908. ROUND THE REGION. Morgan Evans, a prominent resident of Contralia, was removed to the Dan ville asylum yesterday, violently insane Evans was a lire boss at Contralia colli ery until a month ago, a difficulty with one of the company officials cost him his job, and being of a sensitive mind the misfortune prayed keenly upon him. From a happy, prosperous man Evans became sullen and morose, accusing his best friends of being in a conspiracy against him. The Lehigh Valley Railroad may be able to resumo traflic over its main line by the end of tho week. Temporary bridges have been erected over the river at Penn Ilaven, Bridgeport, Tan nery and Hayes creek, where the flood carried away the structures. They are rapidly being strengthened in order to bear tho weight of trains, while work on permanent structures is being rushed day and night. (ieorge P. Lindsay and Thomas Close, who received a tie vote for school director in the Tenth ward of Plymouth, on Saturday drew lots for the office. L'wo cards were put in a hat, one being blank. Close drew the blank and Lind *ay was declared elected. Word lias been received at Summit Hill announcing the death of James Boyd, of that place, in the hospital at Manila. He served twelve years in the regular army and his last re-enlistment was in the trenches at San Juan, where his time had expired. A systematic search for the body of Annie Urban, tho Derringer girl who was drowned iu the flood on March 1, is now being made. The creek will be searched from Derringer to the Susque hanna river. Mrs. Eckloy R. Coxe will bear the expense of tho work. Dry Sunday Up Country. Yesterday was a dry Sunday In the upper end of the county. All the saloons in Wilkesbarre were closed and by order of tho Retail Liquor Dealers' Association the blinds in the front of each saloon were up and the interior was visible. At Plttston, where the Anti-Saloon League succeeded in having licenses re fused to twenty-two of the principal places, all liquor shops were closed and even in the townships, where side-door trade, it is said, was a feature of the business heretofore, nothing was sold. Elected Officers. The Sacred Literary Society has elected the following officers: President—Connie Johnson. Vice president—Ralph DePierro. Secretary—Lorotto Hayes. Paper—Pauline DePierro. Question box—Annie Kelley. Sergeant-at-arms—Daniel McUee. Critic—May Jacobs. Treasurer—Millie Honoma. Important to Mothers. The manufacturers of Castoria have been compelled to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to familiarize the public with the signature of Chas. 11. Fletcher. This lias been necessitated by reason of pirates couterfeiting the Castoria trade-mark. This counterfeit ing is a crime not only against tho pro prietors of Castoria, but against the growing generation. All persons should bo careful to sen that Castoria bears the signature of Chas 11. Fletcher, if they would guard the health of their children. Parents, and mothers In particular, ought, to carefully examine the Castoral advertisements which have been appear ing in this paper, and to remember that the wrappers of every bottle of genuine Castoria bears the fac-slinile signature of Chas. 11. Fletcher, under whose su pervision it had been manufactured continuously for over thirty years Phila. Bulletin. A. Oswald has the agency for the cele brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Trv them. Subscribe for the TRHM'NK. A. BUCKLEY, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE. AH busineee given prompt attention. \ Tribune Building, - - Main Shreet PAIN IN THE BACK A Sure Sign of Kidney Trouble—Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy Will Cure You. Pain In the back is a noyer failing sign of kidney disease; another sure sign is the condition of the urine; if you have a pain in the back then look to the condi tion of your urine. Take a glass tumbler and till it with urine; after it has stood 24 hours, if it has a sediment, if it is milky or cloudy, pale or discolored, stringy or ropy, your kidneys and bladder are in a dangerous condition and need immediate attention, or the consequences may prove fatal. P. C. Wilcox of 559 New Brittain ave., Hartford, Conn., says: "I had a frightful pain in my back, the result of kidney trouble. My physician seemed powerless to re lieve mo. I determined to try Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy; it helped mo wonderfully, and in a short time cured me completely." Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is the one medicine that really cures all diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood, rheumatism, dyspepsia and chronic constipation and corrects the bad effects of whiskey and beer on the symtem. It is wonderful how it makes that pain in the back disappear, how it relieves the desire to urinate often, especially at night, and drives away that scalding pain in passing water and in a remarkably short time makes you well and strong. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Remedy is for sale by all druggists. SI a bottle, or 0 bottles for $5 —less than one cent a dose. Sample battle—enough for trial , free bp mail. Dr. 11. Kennedy Co rpo rat 100, Hondo nf.N. V. Dr. David Kennedy's Rose Jelly radical cure Catarrh, Hay Fever and Cold in Hoad. 50c. Knxtcr lints. Enstor hnts will rust tlioir shadows in nil directions. The day of the great, drooping brim is nt hand, and we must be prepared to droop with all the rest. It Is to ho a floral hat, the Easter hat, and flowers such as never bloomed on land or mountain side will trim it. Co lossal will the blooms be and exqui sitely tinted. The crowns will rise a little higher than they rose last East er, and the roses will likewise lift their heads with more distinction. The cost will be greater, too, and the Easter liat will rank in dignity along with the gown in matter of price. lla4t With I, HOP. Most of the Parisian hats are nt this precise moment artistically decorated with lace. Small llounces overhang the brims about an inch wide in front and sometimes get wider toward the back. For example, a large black hat has a long lace veil (black) twisted round it and is fastened in on either side at the back with two pins with large mallet shaped heads of "cloudy amber." A tricorne shaped toque com posed entirely of black and white tulle is caught up with a couple of big rough pearl cockades. So smart! So chic! ttlrl niul lint. The right frame for a pretty face and glossy hair, just a hat shape becom ingly twisted and garnished with clus- PICTURE GIItL AND PICTURE HAT. ters of rich velvet leaves in grayish to greenish shades. This hat shows the fascination of the simple ideas of the new season.—Washington Star. An Orlwlnnl Gown. A dinner gown of black net studded with steel and bordered with an in crustation of lace shamrock leaves outlined with tiny ribbon velvet is made over a billowy foundation of white mousseline de soie. From the waist downward are graduated rows of black velvet. The low. square cut bolero is entirely of shamrock leaves, and the deliciously original and be coming waist belt is of green pompa dour silk, brocaded with shaded pink roses. Majlc Color Picture*. A glass of water and a sponge or brush act like a box of paints on the wonder ful " Watergraphs" which will appear in next Sunday's Philadelphia Press. It's the cleverest novelty of the year. The pictures are printed apparently in black ink. You touch them with water, and in a second they become beautiful wat er color painting. No skill is needed. Children can do it as well as grown up folks. These "YVatergraphs" are in ad dition to the mysterious magic pictures, which you rub over a blank space with a coin and a picture appears. The great puzzle-man, Sam Loyd, is now on the Sunday Press staff of enter tainers. He has a page each Sunday that will set you thinking and amuse you, too. Order next Sunday's Philadelphia Press of your newsdealer In advance. Then you'll be sure to get it. 81.50 a year is all the TRIBUNE cost*, Always Ug-toDate! I ESI That is the motto we have es- S| tablished and try to live up to. ' That is why you find us with a s| large and complete assortment S of the || Latest Spiiii Goods. 1 ®1 The season's changes are re- s] fleeted in the character of the 5 stock we carry, and with the first sj breath of spring we bring them |n to your notice. We ask you to £jj call and inspect our 1902 Makes of Men's Hats, | [ffll Latest Fashion Neckwear,! Spring Shoes for Ladies | and Gents, j 1902 Patterns in Shirts,! [Si Special Spring Underwear.l McIENAMIK'S I Gents' Furnishing, [b| Hat and Shoe Store. K m South Centre Street, j|| \ The Cure that Cures i p Coughs, & \ Colds, j jp Grippe, fk \ Whooping Cough. Asthma, 1 4] Bronchitis and Incipient A 31 Consumption, Is fcj roTJosj } $ The German remedy" £ VT Cares Wr oat.-ax\& J 8 l soiAs/| Wilkes-Barre Record Is the Best Paper in Northeastern Pennsylvania It contains Complete Local, Tele graphic and (ieneral News. Prints only the News that's fit to Print.... 50 Cents a Month, ADDRESS. $6 aYearby Mail The Record, Carriers--- w , LK . s . BARn ,. PA . Condy 0. Boyle, dealer in LIQUOR, WINE, BEER, PORTER, ETC. The finest brands of Domestic and Imported Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen andoah lleer and Yeumriinir'* Porter on tap 98 Centre street RAILROAD TIMETABLES T EHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD. I_< June 2, 1901. AKKANOKMENT or PAHSKKOEK TRAINR. LEA VIC FH ICELAND. 6 12 n in for Wcut.berly, Maucb Chunk AIU-utowii. Bethlehem, Huston, i'liila ur.l New York. 7 34 a in for Sandy Hun. White Iluven, Wilkes-Banc. Pittston and Scranton. 8 15 a m lor lluzleton, Weulherly, Mauch <'miuk. Allen!' wn, Bethlehem, Huston, Philadelphia, New York, Deluno and Pottsville. 9 30 " in f