Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, December 06, 1901, Image 3

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How Cruse Saved the Trooper,
THOMAS CRUSE, quartermas
ter's department, United
States army, got another step
the other day and once more
changed tho little image iu his shoul
der strap. Colonel Cruse has been a
i long time In the staff department
which has to do with army mules,
tents, canteens and haversacks. When
he first left the line for the staff friends
said he couldn't stand it, but when a
y- man has fought more than most and
j v licked all that he fought, It's not over
hard to urge him to take the soft side
of a pillow. They say in the army to-
I day that Tom Cruse can't pick up a
[ sample shovel thnt some contractor
' has submitted for inspection without
coming to an "advance carbine" with
1 it and later trying to cock the thing.
Cruse for years was an officer In the
Sixth Cavalry. Out at Fort. Sheridan
the other day a retired enlisted mau
who had served under Cruse some
years ago told the story of how the
| quartermaster officer won the little bit
of bronze which on certain occasions
he wears piuned to his blouse.
In the early summer of 18S2 Cruso
was a second lieutenant iu "K" Troop
of the Sixth Cavalry. He was out
i scouting after Apaches down in the
very hottest part of Arizona. The
command had trailed along till It come
to the rocky basin known as til. Big
Dry Wash. Cruse hnd something less
than a corporal's guard with him. The
little band hnd not seen a sign of r.u
Indian since it set out, but then
Apaches are not given to making signs,
f nor do they wait for formal introduc
tions before extending warm greetings
to those who would cross the thresh
old of their rook desert fastnesses. Be
yond the basin of the Big Dry Wash
was a natural fortification of rocks.
Cruse sent a man to the right flank to
take a peep behind the bowlders before
crossing. The trooper returned and
reported there was nothing there. Then
the little command pushed down Into
the basin and fury opened from behind
the rocks to their front. The fire was
concentrated and terrific. Two of the
six saddles were emptied and the
mounted command gave way and
sought the shelter of the rocks to the
rear. Under the thumping hail of bul
lets Cruse lifted a wounded trooper to
his saddle and bore him back to shel
ter. where the men dismounted and
took what count (hey could of their
hidden enemy across the basin.
It was supposed that the second
trooper who had fallen in the open was
dead. While looking out across the
waste between him and the ambushed
savages Cruse saw the fallen trooper
move. Then there happened one of
those things which a single line in the
inedal of honor list tells about, but to
which a whole volume cannot do jus
tice. Cruse, carbine in linnd, stood
straight up, a fair and easy mark for
a bullet. A tawny face showed beyond
and an eye glanced along a rifle bar
rel. Before tho weapon spoke Cruse's
carbine sent a bullet straight through
the Apache's head. Then he rounded
the rock in front and strode across the
open toward the wounded soldier. At
every third stride lie fired. He was
one of the crack shots of tho army,
and the bullets scarred the rocks close
to the heads of the lurking reds. Th y
had seen their comrade's head split
clean at 150 yards. They dared not
' expose themselves enough to take care
ful aim, but tliey answered the officer's
carbine challenge with a scattering
volley. He reached the moaning troop
er. Behind liim hnd come two of his
men. "Pick him up, boys;" and I'll
cover tho retreat." He stood there
facing the enemy's lurking place. A
savage braver than the rest stood up
and fired. The bullet scratched
Cruse's arm, but an ounce of lead
crashed into tho Apache's head. Cruso
walked backward, while behind him
his two devoted men bore their strick
en fellow. Bullets tore up the sand,
but the magnificent nerve and courage
of the soldier who cent back true a
shot for every volley palsied the
Apaches' aim.
Back to their breastworks the sol
diers went with their burden, Cruse
standing erect and sending one last
shot before sinking to cover. Then re
enforcements came and eighteen sav
ages were put to llight. To-day it is
nothing but two cents' worth of bronze
and a hit of ribbon that reminds one
of the gallantry on that July day is
. the basin of the Big Dry Wash.—Ed
>ward B. Clark, in the Chicago Record
Man Defeats Doc*
Awakened from his sleep by tho
maddened beast. Dr. Robert J. Kings
ton had a terrific encounter lasting for
more than an hour, at his home in
Newburg, N. Y„ with Bruno, his St.
Bernard dog, weighing more than 200
pounds. He overcame the brute, chok
ing him to death, but at no light cost.
Dr. Kingston had reared the dog
from a puppy It was left at home at
night to protect the household when
professional business called the head
af the family away. He was out one
alght on a ease and in the morning was
resting, and the children were playing
with the dog.
Suddenly the animal was seized with
convulsions, and. running out of the
dining room, ascended to the bed
chamber of the doctor, sprang on the
sleeping physician, and the fight for
life followed. Dr. Kingston realized
Jfthat the animal was wholly uneontrol
-1 [able, and that there was grave danger
for other members of the family if it
, should escape and get down stairs
again. Under this thought he lost
sight of his own peril, and devoted
himself to preventing the beast from
so doing. He succeeded In driving the
frenzied animal Into the bathroom ad
joining his apartment and then closed
the door. But In the act Dr. Kings
ton was forced to lock himself in as
well, for the brute foughi fiercely
every step of the way.
Once the door was locked Dr. Kings
ton began the battle for his own safe
ty, fighting with grim desperation, for
he knew thnt only by winning a com
plete victory would he be spared a
fearful death. The physician Is wiry,
hut not apparently a man of great
strength, and for a time the struggle
was an unequal one.
Time after time the dog burled its
teeth In the fleshy part of the lower
arm, which the doctor used as a guard
for ills neck and face. Finally the ani
mal was forced into a position whence
it could not escape.
With both bauds clutching its wind
pipe, Dr. Kingston choked the breath
out of the animal's body, and then,
with the assistance of a neighbor, who
had arrived, threw the huge carcass
from the window.
Dr. Kingston sank to the floor, not
unconscious, but weak from the exer
tion and the excitement. Dr. F. M.
Phillips was summoned, and the in
jured arm, bitten through and through
in many places, was cauterized and
While the fight was on the noise was
heard by neighbors, and among those
who came to the rescue were Bryant
Young and the son of Governor Odell,
who lives directly opposite Dr. Kings
ton. lie wanted to shoot the dog, but
the expedient threatened danger to the
physician, who at that time had al
most mastered the beast.
Much Might Hnvo Happened.
When tigers are really at large in
England, says the London Chronicle,
there are no newspaper paragraphs
about the fact. The secret is firmly
held. At Clifton there is a delight
ful zoo.
It was discovered one morning that
a tiger had escaped from his cage
during the night. It was the day of
a children's fete at the zoo. A hasty
search of the grounds was instituted,
but no tiger was found. Then the su
perintendent decided to keep his own
counsel and trust to luck; for it seemed
as if the tiger had scaled the walls
and was iu the opea country.
Thousands of children romped in the
gardens during the day, and cried
"Oh!" and "Ah!" as the fireworks
gleamed in the night. All the evening
they played and sauntered about
among the trees and in shaded alleys
and dark corners, and then everybody
went home, tired and happy.
In the early dawn there was anoth
er search for the tiger; and in the
corner of a disused monkey house was
found the "monarch of the jungle,
still trembling from freedom and fire
His keepers threw a handkerchief
about his neck, and he meekly allowed
li/mself to be led back to the grateful
safety of his cage. But many things
might have happened during that fete
TVlfo Killed Wildcat and Saved Ilasbnna
"I never want to see another wild
cat," said Mrs. John Green.
Mrs. Green had saved the life of her
husband, but is not boasting of her
prowess. Mr. Green hud fired at the
wildcat with a shotgun, but missed.
Before lie had discharged the second
barrel the animal had sprang from the
limb of a tree and fastened teeth and
claws in the man's shoulder.
The family dog attacked the wildcat,
but would have been killed had not
Mrs. Green taken part iu the battle.
She seized the shotgun from her bus
baud's hands and struck the cat a
blow on the head. That ended the an
imal's life and the battle.
Green Is a sawyer, living on Canaan
Mountain, in Connecticut. He and his
wife were aroused by the harking of
the dog. Going outside tho man
discovered a large wildcat and a young
one crouched In a tree near the house.
After ho had fired and missed his wife
came to his rescue.
A Lineman's Ilcmnrtcnble Escape.
There have bectv many remarkable
escapes from death, hut Oliver Ladou
cer, a St. Paul lineman, had an expe
rience lately that is hard to beat.
He was testing a wire that extends
from the store of Hurley Brothers, in
Itobert street, to tho store of William
It. Burlthard, directly across the street
Ladoucer was hanging on to tho wire
with both hands and was slowly crawl
ing out, hand over hand, toward the
middle of the street. He had got but
a few lengths when he felt the wire
giving way.
He jumped toward the street, a dis
tauce of thirty feet. Iu falling he made
a grasp for the electric feed wire of
the street far line. It held him with
out his feet touching the ground, and
this saved his life. Had his feet
touched anything he would have bee a
instantly killed.—Minneapolis Tribune.
Whales Attack Men In a Cnnoe.
While trying to fight enraged whales
from canoes two members of the
Charleston telegraph line construction
party at Fort Simpson were hurt so
seriously that they barely escaped
with their lives, says a special from
Vancouver, B. C. Sixty men are at
work stringing Government wires on
tho Skeena River. Lart Friday three
whales came tweuly miles up the river
and a dozen men turned out to chase
them. The whales turned on the light
canoes, and the river was soon in a
foam with the splashing of the ani
mals and the efforts of the eanoemeu
to escape. One of the boats was
smashed by a glancing blow of one of
the whales. One man's arm was bro
ken, while a second was knocked un
conscious.—Chicago Tribune.
A writer in Le Mouvement Geo>
graphique describes a cave in East
Africa, near Tauga, in which one
chamber rises to a height of 250 feet,
while another covers an area of 5000
square yards.
India is rapidly becoming an jmport
pnt factor in the coal murker. The
output last year was nearly forty per
cent, in excess of that of the year be
fore, and a still further increase will
be seen this year. Exportation of
coal from India has already begun.
The coal is found over wide areas.
The largest stationary engine ever
built in the United States has just
been turned out at East Pittsburg,
Peun. Though nominally of GOOO
horse-power, when occasion demands,
it can deliver 10.500 horse-power. The
whole engine weighs more than 1,500,-
000 pounds and stands twenty-seven
feet high. The fly-wheel is twenty
three feet in diameter, and the main
shaft, measuring from twenty-six to
twenty-nine and a half inches in di
ameter, weighs 130,000 pounds.
Cosmos tells of a recent experiment
ty some Frenchmen in using a kite
instead of sails to propel a boat. A
Malay kite less than seven feet high
when well aloft, it was found, had
power enough to tow a boat loaded
with six persons. It is obvious that It
would be impossible to go against tho
wind, but it was found possible to take
a course forty-five degrees off in either
direction by using the rudder. It is
suggested that the steady and strong
currents of air some distance above
the surface of the earth might be
thus utilized to assist navigation in
come cases.
According to the geologist of the
Antarctic expedition in tho steamer
Belgica there is a remarkable differ
ence in the distribution of ice around
the two poles of the earth. Going to
wards tho South Polo perpetual snow
is encountered at the sixty-fifth de
gree or latitude, and he thinks that
tile floating ieo of that region comes
from a layer covering the whole po
lar crown. The floating ice of the
r.orth, cn the contrary, comes from
true glaciers, which are pushed down
through valleys until they reach the
water. Up there the glacial caps do
cot reach the sea.
Professor Woodward, of Columbia
University, believes that tho height of
the earth's atmosphere vaiies with the
distance from the equator. The fig
ures that he gives are so enormously
In excess of these formerly taught,
that they will be received with aston
ishment by the average reader. About
2CO miles is the height that the scien
tists used to tell us, only forty-fivo
miles of which, comprising the belt
immediately around the earth, had ap
preciablo density. Professor Wood
ward, however, shows reasons for
thinking that tho height above the
equator Is fully 20,000 miles, which
gradually diminishes to about 17,000
miles above the polos. At the same
fine, he cays that above a few hun
dred miles from tho earth, it has no
coc3ity, or so little, at least, that its
cCcrts are imperceptible.
lliiiul Sweeping Machines.
TTand sweeping machines have been
need with much success on tho Wash
ington streets, says tho Engineering
Record, according to Mr. Warner Slut
icr, superintendent of tho Street
Cleaning Department, who recently
mado tho following report on-the ap
paratus. "The advantages to be at
tained by the use cf this machine over
tho present method are as follows; The
work is bettor done for tho reason
that no dust is raised by the machine
and scattered by tho wind, and much
more of tho fine dust Is taken up. No
sprinkling is necessary, as the dust is
carried into the machine, the opera
tion of which is very much like that
of n carpet sweeper. The sprinkling
of a street in advance of sweeping pre
vents the machine or broom from tak
ing up the fine dust. Instead, it is
plastered to tbo street by the broom
to become dust again as soon as dry.
Vv'ith tho use of this machine one man
can cam for cue-third mora area of
streets and keep them cleaner than
lie can with the hand broom. For the
foregoing reasons and the further fact
that this machine is superior to ail
others tried by me, I would respect
fully rcctmmend lis adoption In this
city." ..
Anta natlc Flagman For Trains.
Wilb a view to preventing accidents
at level crossings ar.d collisions in the
neighborhood of railway stations a
very ingenious mechanism has recent
ly been tried In France. It consists
essentially of a huge hook, or catch,
made of Iron, which is connected with
a lever at the station by means of a
wire, through which a current of elec
tricity passes. When it is lying in its
place the train passes over it quite
caaily, but as Soon as it is raised it
catches a lever which is attached to
tho engine. The lover thus caught
causes an air valve on the engine to
open automatically and applies the
brakes at once so that the whole train
Is brought to a standstill within a
very short distance. In foggy weather
the use of such an apparatus cannot
be overestimated, as it is calculated
to prevent a train running into an
other which happens to be delayed at
a station.—Pearson's Weekly.
The Discovery of Felt.
Tradition gives the discovery of felt
to au early English monarch. As a
comfort for his cold feet it is told
that he put wool into his boots, and the
combination of heat, pressure and
pioisture produced feltiu, a primitive
state from which the modern kind
gre vt.
Your Hair
"Two years ago my hair was
falling out badly. I purchased s
bottle of Ayer's Hair tyigor, and
soon my hair stopped coming out."
Miss Minnie Hoover, Paris, 111.
Perhaps your mother
had thin hair, but that is
no reason why you must
go through life with half
starved hair. If you want
long, thick hair, feed it
with Ayer's Hair Vigor, I
and make it rich, dark, I
and heavy. g
SI.OO a bottle. All drngflsts. 8
If your druggist cannot supply you, 9
Bond us one dollar and we will express B
you a bottle. He sure and give the naino I
of your nearest express office. Address, 9
J. C. AVER CO., Lowell, Mass.
Your Tongue
If it's coated, your stomach
is bad, your liver is out of
order. Ayer's Pills will clean
your tongue, cure your dys
pepsia, make your liver right.
Easy to take, easy to operate.
25c. All druggists.
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black? Then use
It has been calculated that some
thing like 1,250,000.000 pints of tea
are Imbibed yearly by Ixuuloners, and
that the teapot necessary to contain
that amount, if properly shaped, would
comfortably take in the whole of St.
Paul's Cathedral.
T.he only building at Spitzberger. Is
a tourists' hut about live hundred
miles from civilization.
colors either Silk. Wool or Cotton perfectly
at ono boiling. Sold by all druggists.
Virtue is its own reward, but some few
people are good because they really like
to be.
Dealers say that the hammock contin
ues to hold its own.
Are' You Using Allen's Foot-Faao ?
It Is tho only ouro for Swollen. Smarting,
Tired, Aching, Hot, Sweating Feet, Corn*
and Bunions. Ask for Allon's Foot-Ease, a
powder to bo Bhaken into tho shoos. Cures
while you walk. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FJIEE. Address,
Allen S. Olmsted, Lltoy, N. Y\
The Bank of France compels customers
checking out money to accept at least one
fifth in gold coin.
Frey'e Vermifuge by ITlall*
Send 25c. to E. A S. FUEY. BALTIMORE, MD.,
If not for sale at your Druggist or store.
Lots of people make their calls over the
Rest For the Rowel*.
No matter what ails you, headache to a
cancer, you will nover get well until your
bowels arc put right. CAHCARETS help nature,
euro you without a gripe or pain, produce
easy natural movements, cost von just 10
cents to start getting your health bock. CAS
CAUETS Candy Cathartic, the genuine, put up
in metal boxes, every tablet lias C. C. C.
stamped on it. Beware of imitations.
The coal miner generally finds himself
in a hole.
FITS permanently cnrcd. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Norvo Bostorer. £2 trial bottle and treatiso froo
Dr. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., 1)31 Arch St., Piifla. Pa
There may be plenty of room at the top,
but some people prefer to getr at tho bot
tom of things.
\ \\ \ I I To tell you all to pay the best attention
Unto the date that he herein will mention.
V K /&aEv) For important that you should remember
V*/fficJay . Nintcen hundred and one, first of September.
*2f\l i Jyj|' > Jw. ft \ AS on that date the Lion's list of prizes,
Will be renewed—but filled with new surprises 1
His newest Premium List, which will be naming,
The List comprises gifts most wisely blended
y/ or bouseho'.d use and ornament intended,
as ,00^8 toys to suit the younger,
1 ~ —Who after playthings naturally hunger.
*■* From his balloon the Lion makes suggestion
9m \ f iat on September first you ask the question:—
\ki "The LION COFFEE Premium List you're
Don't hesitate, because your need is pressing,
Watch our noxt advertisement. Just write to us,—a two-cent stamp inclosing,
We'll send the List, no further work imposing.
Just try a package of LION COFFEE an( l y° u will understand
the reason of its popularity.
A Real Funny Scory.
Old Tim Linking, tho barber of Wabash Ave
nno, Chicago, in a great student of proverbial
philosophy, and ho sometimes entertains his
customers, in tho interval of a "scrapo" or
" haircut," by his apt applications of the well
known proverbs of tho pust to the conditions
or requirements of tho present. liis regular
customers know his strong point, and many a
man who apparently goes in for a shave, is
really m search of a rest in a cosy chair, and
has a desire to hear "Tim" hold forth pro
verbially. Ono day last woek a Btrangor came
in for a shave, and as ho strotehed hirusolf
wearily in the chair, Tim prepared to lather
him. The man incidently remarked that he
had Intended coming in earlier in the day but
had bocu prevented. "Well, it'a better lato
than never," said Titn, smilingly. "Not al
ways," replied the stranger, slowly. "How
about losing your pocketboolc ? I never lont
ono until yesterday—never did, but I would
sooner have kept it. Now, why was it hotter
for mc to lose it lato than not at all ? " Tim
acknowledged that ho was wrong and tho man
continued: "Don't know whet I would havo
done in ray predicament, only an old acquain
tance of mino on the Lake front let me havo
twenty to go on with." "Ah," chipped In
Tim, "that was good I A friend in need is a
friend indeed." "No, he isn't," snapped tho
man who was being shaved. "There you're
dead wrong again. How can a friond in need
bo a friend indeed? I have a good many friends
who are always in need and they are u nuisance
to me. Always on the borrow. "Tim thought tho
problem ovor in his mind and reluctantly ad
mitted that tho man was right. He had al
most made up his mind not to speak again
when tho stranger continued, "Yes sir, they
are nuisances. Why, one of them follows has
been calling on me for tho past year and
threatens to get even with mc somo way if 1
do not loan him tifty dollars. Ho threatens
mo at evory visit." "Oh, I wouldn't mind
that," replied Tim unconsciously, "you know
the old adago 4 A barking dog never bite*.' "
"There you are again," said tho "slinvee " as
ho wipcu a little lathor from tho corner of
his mouth. "Say, what do you know about
dogs, anyway, that you talk in such a cilly
strain ? Have you over ventured to go too
closo to a barking dog,—and if you did, what
did ho do to you ? Did you ever know a bark
ing dog that didn't bite if he got the chance?"
Tim said ho couldn't exactly call to mind any
canine acquaintance that strictly fulfilled the
claim in the proverb, and there was a sllenco
for a few minutes while his razor was gliding
over the man's face. Then the harbor smiled
to himself as ho bethought him of a good joke.
"I suppose," he said, as ho applied tho bay
rum, "I suppose you don't believe in the bar
bers' proverb at all?" "What's that ?" asked
the stranger, rising. "Two heads are hotter
than one," answered Tim. "Of course you
can understand why they are, in my business,
but l.know you would like to say they would
be bad for a man with the hondacho or—"
""Nothing of the kind," put in the other, smil
ing. "Ono of your proverbs, at least, is right.
I lmppou to know that two heads ure better
than ono." "Tuen you don't objoct to that
old adago?" "Not at all. It is dead right.
And I would thank you very much if you havo
any stray Lion heads at hand—tuoso taken
| from the Lion Coflfeo wrappers. My wifo is
collecting thofn and she is about six thy of
tho number required to get a Lady's Gold
Watch. Yon sec in this case "two heads are
better than ono, and twenty are better than
ten." "Just so," added Tim, cheerfully, "but
you 800, my wife is doing tho same thing, and
expects a premium i:i a tew weeks. So to her
also/two bauds are Loiter than ono.' " " Well,
in that cane," said th" stranger, as ho paid
Tim for the shave and prepared to depart,
"you had better tell your wifo to do ths same
as mino is doing. Save up the Lion hcadr<
until after September Ist next, when tho new
Premium List is issued. Then if she scuds
them to the Woolson Spici Co..Toledo, Ohio,
she can have her pick of somo very choice
The coral roads of Bermuda arc
the finest in the world for cycling.
They are as smooth as a dancing floor
and are never dirty.
ConuU'tor E. D. Lromis, Detroit. Mi h.,
says : "Tho effect of Hall's Catarrh Cure is
wonderful." Write him about it. bold by
Druggists, 75c.
Some people seem to think they fa.l into
luck when they fall into debt.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, soften tho gums, reduces inllamma
tion,allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c a bottle
The chronic kicker deserves to stub liij
I do not believe Piso's Cure for Consump
tion has an equal for coughs and colds. — JOHN
I'. lioYEK, trinity Springs, tad., Feb. ls, I'JUO.
It's a good thing to swallow your prido,
provided you can digest it.
Garfield Headacho Powders descrvo your
consideration and confidence; they are a posi
tive cure for headnch's and save much suf
fering ; they do not derange tho system and
ure absolutely harmless.
Even the man who die may feel that
thev have much to live for.
The Danger I rom Flies.
A number of investigators recently
have vailed attention to tile important
role ployed by insects in disseminating
disease. Because of their great num
bers and active habits, Hies are no
doubt the most dangerous insects in
tliis respect. After feeding on thq
expectoration of the tuberculous, on
the feces of typhoid patients or other
; infective material, they carry disease
germs into innumerable places and de
posit them not only by direct con
tact with their filthy little bodies,
but by their excreta and the dust
formed by the crumbling of their
dead bodies. Restaurants infested
with Hies are special abominations.
The danger from this source is not
small, and as the summer will now
soon be on us in good earnest with
hordes of these pests is seems desira
ble that everything possible shall be
done to limit the amount of mischief
done by them. More effective meas
ures are needed for destroying their
multiplication. The war on moequl
tos by our sanitary department in
Cuba has shown what can be done in
several exterminating insects, and the
preparations which are already being
made in several different places in our
country to carry out the Cuban met.lF"
j ods show that the people are willing
to net if they are shown the best
ways. Until some successful method
has been devised for exterminating
files special care should be taken to
prevent their access to sputum, pus,
or other infectious material; fruits and
foodstuffs should be thoroughly cooked
or washed if flies have been allowed
to come in contact with them, and
should be protected from flies after
preparation for use.
Great Domain Ho Rules.
It may surprise most persons to
know that the British possessions in
North America and West Indies are
larger than the territory of the United
States in America, even including Por
[to Rico and Alaska. On the North
American continent alone King Ed
ward's possessions are nearly 100,000
I square miles larger than those of the
I United States, and taking in the West
Indies and Newfoundland more than
| 300,000 square miles larger. No man
ever before reigned over an empire
|so great as King Edward's. The
empire to which Victoria acceded in
| 1837 covered one-sixth of the land
j surface of the globe; the empire to
i which King Edward has acceded cov
j ers nearly one-fourth. It is 53 times
! as big as France, 52 times as big as
| Germany, three and a half times as
j big as the United States without Alas
j lea and the island possessions and
three times as big as continental Eu
Peoplo who suffer from hoadaehoa, general
denrcaiion, weak nerves and alcopieasnesa
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