I A Fioncor Woman Physician. Dr. Hannah W. Longshore, of Phil adelphia, who reached her eighty-sec- H ond birthday a short time ago, was a * pioneer among women in tho medical profession, having been a practitioner in that city for lifty years. She is a \ graduate of the Woman's Medical Col ■ lege, and was one of the tlrst of the Ik women physicians of Philadelphia.— |p> Woman's Journal. . , Women as Undertakers. A new opportunity for women was discussed at a meeting of the Kansas State Association of Undertakers by / a woman speaker, who said: "I can safely promise the women who con template entering this calling a most kindly reception on the part of the men, for I am sure they will find that our co-operation is just what is needed in the art of embalming." One Way to Carry n Watch. The entirety up-to-date girl now wears her watch dropped Inside her collar, with a chain live or six inches long hanging outside. This is to keep the timepiece witldn easy access, 118 without such precaution, it would be likely to slip out of reach. The chain is finished by an ornament or seal, the odder tho better. A curious pendant i is a miniature sarcophagus that holds #- a tiny vinaigrette or puff. v English Women Like Jewels. French women care more for the en semble of their gowns, while the Eng lish women are particular about cer tain points. The English woman pre fers fine jewels, if less money is put into her frocks. It Is for this reason that a quantity of French jewels were sold recently in England. Among these was a magnificent pearl neck lace weighing 9030 grains and made up of 424 magnificent pearls, evenly matched and of exquisite quality. The clasp was of a First Empire design. Tho Unhygienic Earring. A French savant is protesting vlffor i "©usly against the practice among civil ized women of wearing ear-rings. He pronounces it not only a relic of bar barism, extraordinary and incon gruous at this stage of tho world's S progress, but remarkable besides, in the light of our improved sanitary knowledge. Every wound, or even A abrasion, of the skin is a danger spot, thoroughly understoo'd in these days J of germs and microbes and wanton I laceration of a healthy part of the | body for tho display of gold and jew- I els is a relic of savage vanity which the modern woman should be ashamed I ... ; Queen "Will Bo a Nurse. That spirit of progress so rife among I the women of Europe has attacked the Princess Frederick Augusta of Saxony, daughter of the Grand Duke ■and Duchess of Tuscany, who some day will be tlio Queen of Saxony. She is now taking a regular course of training as a nurse at the Lutheran Hospital, in Dresden. While she is taking tho entire course the Princess is particularly interested in ambulance work and what is known in the army as "first aid to the in jured." Her Boyal Highness attends I operations and applies bandages with her own hands, and has no more as sis.aneo given her than would fall to * the lot of the humblest novitiate in the * study of trained nursing. Indeed, she I made tho special request that nothing be done for her that was not always 1l tho ordinary treatment of tlioso who studied as she is studying.—Lon- I don Sketch. A New Walk. A Dublin paper lias discovered n ' new and hitherto uuchronicled vagary of feminine fashion. "The last few years," it says ".have seen the golf I walk (which was a lifting stride) and the hockey walk (whlcii was, and is, a rolling swagger) appear among the ranks of smart womo , grow common and gradually verge toward extinction. At present there is an entirely new walk to bo observed in Grafton street j of a morning, at polo in the park and in the squares about calling hours. It comprehends a slant forward that re tk oalls the prehistoric Grecian bend of chignon (lays, oddly combined with a backward-tilted' neek and shoulders, if and a gait that is not uusuggostivc of a turkey. The cause Is understood to be in the adoption cf a new and strange | apparel, which practically reverses the lines of the feminine form. The dis comfort is considerable, and the cost large." Fashions For Girls ond Hoys. ' The sailor suit looks especially well made in white duck or pique, with a | broad sailor collar of blue linen or I flannel. Frocks of dotted muslin nro fashionable this year for young girls as well as older women. The line B polka dots in white nre the smartest, and there needs to be very little trim ming with laee—that is, there Is no necessity for lace insertion; if the flounces and rallies are trimmed with narrow lace, that is all-sufficient, and the laee need not be of an expensive J quality. Dotted muslin,is not a cheap A material in itself, because the coarser W qualities are not a good investment; hut so much can be saved on the (ft trimming that in the end the frock can jhft be counted among the reasonably bjF cheap ones. For young girls these frocks look better worn over white lawn under-dresses, but a color may be used If desired, and an entirely different effect may thus be gained. With an all-white a variety is made by the sash and ribbons that are worn. These may be of surah, taffeta, or sat in, if so desired, but the best of all nro the soft peau de sole ribbons that this year come in such attractive shades.— Harper's Bazar. Gossip. Mnthllde Weber, who recently died at Tubingen, aged seventy-two, was one of the pioneers in South Germany in the movement for securing greater privileges for women. Mrs. Blssell has entire charge of a carpet sweeper factory of Grand Bap ids, Mich. It is even rumored that tho Invention was hers rather than that of her husband, now deceused. Mme. Bottard, the oldest nurse In t',e Taris Salpetriere, has retired af ter sixty-one years of service at the age of eighty years. Some years ago she was decorated with the Legion of Honor. Mrs. Jean Fnqua Beckham, wife of tho Governor of Kentucky, is only twenty-two years old. She met tho present Governor when he was Speak er of the Kentucky House of Kepre sentatlves. The autobiography of Boolcer T. Washington Is now being translated for "The Star of India" by Miss Llla vatl Singh, a young woman of India, who spoke at many religious gather ings In the United States last year. • Mrs. John Kidder, of Nevada Coun ty, California, Is President of the nar row gauge road running from Colfax to Nevada City. Her husband owned much stock and during his illness she familiarized herself with the business. Women are experimenting with elec tricity these days. A very prnetical Invention lias just been patented by Corinne Dufour, of Savannah, an elec tric carpet sweeper, said to be a vast improvement upon the old-time arti cles. Miss Belle McKinnon is superintend ent of a big manufacturing plant of Little Falls, N. Y. She employs 1200 hands, Is trained in business, and Is especially noted for having nmieably settled several disputes which threat ened strikes. Miss Elvira Miller, a Southern wri ter, has just been engaged as passen ger agent upon the Louisville and St. Louis road, and it is confidently ex pected that she will present the "su perior attractions" of this railroad in a wny to interest women travelers. Mrs. J. P. Ford, of Manchester, Conn., hns given S2OOO toward the erection of the new dormitory and In dustrial Hall for the practical training of female students at Mnlinlleu Sem inary, Kensey, Ala. This building will provide facilities for fifty more stu dents to enter at the fall term. A very young woman of Syracuse Is paying her way through college by a domestic occupation on a large scale. Even as a child her spare time was spent in fruit canning and jelly malt ing, and this work she has found more lucrative than under-graduato teaching In order to secure money for her university expenses. Fashion Notes. Gray linen shoes are cool and sensi ble footwear for the little ones. A small girl looks well dressed In red frocks with red shoes and red stockings. Pearl buttons come in mnny fancy shapes. Diamonds and almonds, as they are called, from the oval form, are among the prettiest. A number of brides this season have worn wreaths of flowers under their tulle veils. Transparent yokes also re lieve the severity of the bridal gown. A gauze ribbon, an inch wide, with a little satin edge and drawing threads to draw it up into a ruehing is selling for twenty cents a piece. The ribbon comes in all colors. Low buckskin shoes with white eye lets and laced with a gray lacing worn with gray—and of course nothing is prettier than silk-stockings make the most attractive of footwear. A short necklace of alternate coral and crystal beads is pretty. The crys tal beads are flat, as large in diameter one way as the coral beads, but do not occupy more than a quarter the space on the string. A beautiful gown worn by a matron recently was of pale gray crepe do chine combined with black Chantilly lace and silver embroidery. With this she wore a black hat, trimmed with white geraniums and lace. A veil with which one can take one's choice of spots has these in the form of round dots, set on to the black veil ing, black on one side and white on the other. One may have either out, and when the veil lies in folds both show. Soft, self-colored linens are liked for country frocks, being made usu ally with three tier or three flounce skirts. Each of these flounces is em broidered and scalloped around the edges. A touch of black in a belt or rosette is always in evidence. A pretty tea gown all of black hns a yoke of puffings of the silk low at tho throat and finished with black lace, and the body of the garment falls from the yoke in accordion pleats to the lower edge, where there is a not very wide ruffle trimmed with black lace. Very beautiful gulmpes are to he found to wear with silk waists or fine waists of any kind. They are made of the linest and sheerest materials in white and are correspondingly expen sive. The stocks or standing collars are made on the gulmpes, and they make a very easily arranged nddition to a handsome gown and offer mux-Je means for a change. A GLOWING HEPORT. An Tndlatiß Maw Compares Wee Urn Cam am, UWWaWJ-L'■gLMMHI A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They cure con stipation, biliousness, dys pepsia, sick headache. 25c. All druggists. Want your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black? Then MHO B BUCKINGHAM;SOYE{%a%rs Cot'on Plantations. For many generations after the first bale of cotton raised in the United States was sent to market most of the cotton plantations of the country were east of the Mississippi. But now near ly one-half of the entire American crop of cotton comes from the terri tory west of the river. We refund 10c. for every package of PUT HAM FADELESS DYE that fails to give satisfac tion. Monroe Drug CJo., Unionville, Mo. The shortest terms of Governors are in Massachusetts and Ithode Island one year each. It's the hard rubs of the world that make a man bright. There is more Catarrh in this section of tha country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to bo incurable. For a great many years doctors lironounced it a local diseaso and prescribed ocal remedies, and by constantlv failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced it in curoblo. Bcionce has proven catarrh to be a constitutional diseaso and thereforo requires constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .T. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on tho market. It is taken internally in doaes from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any caso it fails to euro. .Send for circulars and testi monials. Address F.J.CHENEY & Co., Toledo, O. Bold by Druggists, 75c. Ilall's Family Pills are the best. South Dakota has more Indians (11,000) than anv other State. Of the Territories Indian Territory has 50,000 and Arizona 25,000. . u Drat For Hie Rowels. No matter what alls you, headache to a cancer, you will never get well until your bowels are put right. CASCARETS help nature, cure you without a gripe or paiu, produce easy natural movements, cost you Just 10 cents to start getting your health'back. CAS CARETS Candy Cathartic, tho genuine, put up in mctai boxes, every tablet has C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware of imitations. The longest Slate is California (770 miles; the widest, Texas (760). The next in breadth is Montana (580). Frey's Vermifuge Eradicates worms. It cures. 25c. Druggists or by mail. E. AS. FBBY, BALTIMORE, MD. The area of Texas is 260,000 square miles; of Rhode Island, 1247. FITS permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of .Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. !ii2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. H. KLINE, Ltd., 931 Arch St., Puila. Pa. The girl who is lost in admiration easily finds herself in love. Brooklyn, N. Y., Sept. 15th.—Tbo Garfield Tea Co., manufacturers of Garfield Tea, Gar field Headacho Powders, Garlicld-Tca Syrup, Garfield Relief Plasters, Garfield Digestive Tablets and Garfield Lotion, are now occupy ing tho large and elegant office building and laboratory recently erected by them. For many years the Garfield Romedies have been growing in popularity and their success is well deserved. From 1890 to 1900 the population of Ne vada fell from 45,700 to 42,300; the popu lation of Oklahoma increased from 01,800 to 398,200. "The Cradle Rules the World" and all wise mothers make st Jacobs Oil a household remedy for the bimplo reason that it alweyj Conquers Pain An Error of Natura. Among the more interesting exam* pies of uncommon British birds at the London Zoo is a crossbill, that seed eating fowl which Bulfon stigmatized as being "an error and a defect in na ture." But Buffoon only dwelt npon the odd way in which the upper and lower beak cross each other obliquely, and was not aware that this appar ently deformed bill is exceedingly ser viceable in extracting tlie seeds of apples and pines, upon which the crossbill chietly feeds. The speci men at the Zoo is of a greenish yellow hue, but the full-dressed male bird i 9 bright red, which color, together with itscrossed bill, has been explained in a mediaeval legend us due to its at temps to draw out the nails from tho cross. Russia a Land of Uniforms. If anything Russia excels even Ger* many in the matter of uniforms. On the sidewalks of any of the largo cities, and more especially at railway stations, it is safe to assert that at least 25 per cent, of all male adults are in uniform. It is a puzzle to tho tourist to identify the bearers of such distinctive garbs, consequently tho different branches of the Govern ment service are often wrongly inter preted. The gaudy uniform does not always indicate a high official, as an officer of high rank may appear in a plain uniform and one of low rank not infrequently parades the streets with more fuss and feathers than his commander. In tlie time of Pliny, silk was sup posed to be a vegetable product and his "Natural History" contains a louj story of the way in which it was picked* from trees in the East Indies and spun and woven into fabrics. or Mom Than a Oiiarler of n Century Tho reputation of W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes for stylo, comfort and wear has excelled all other makes sold at these prices. This excellent reputation has been won by merit alone. W. L. Douglas shoes have to give better satisfaction than other $3.00 and $3.50 shoes because his reputution for tho best $3.00 and $3.50 shoes must be maintained. The standard has always been placed so high thnt the wearer receives more value for his money in the W. L. Douglas $3.00 and $3.50 shoes than he can get elsewhere. W. L. Douglas sells more 53.00 and $3.50 shoes than any other two manufacturers. W, L. Douglas $4.00 Gilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price. shoes sro mads at tho ssms hlQ.f nrado leathers usod In $B and $6 shoos and aro Just as good. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere. Insist upon having TV. 1.. Douglas shoes with name and prico slumped on bottom. Slow to Order ly Mail.— If W. L. Douglas shoes are not sold In your town, send order direct to factory. Shoes sent anywhere on receipt of price and t /• .. ri- I cts. additional for carriage. My i 11 a! 0 }! 1 d rr,n n,(M,t , wm §i ou * U" 3 ** V loin madeshoes. in style, ru nn<* f v t\. O. jyS. foot as shown on state I /y Ny ir y I---I- mm ■*** V A.J.TOWERCO., BOSTON. MASS. 4i< ASTHMA-HAY FEVER CURED BY |N |N FREE TRIAL BOTTLfi Address DB.TAFT79 E.I3O^St.:HY.CiTY S9OO TO SISOO A YEAR We wont intelligent Men and Women a Traveling Representatives or l.ocal Managers; salary $./h> to #iyo a year and all expenses, according to experience and ability. We also want local representatives; salary to/15 f week and commission, depending u]>on the tire* Cc voted. Send Ma nip lor full particulars uud position pre fere d. Address, Dept. B. TH lIUT.T, COMPANY. Philadelphia. Ta. CTARK thees v. J STARK LKO3. Louisiana, Mo.; flunuvillc, Ala., Em DRQPSYJMSraS Cn-n. Bo.lt of tentitnonlsla and 10 day*' tiaatmanft Free. Dr. H. H. QRF.F.N H BOSH. Buz Atlanta. Qa. "The Rttire tfimt msile Went Point fhrnona.*, McILHENNY'S TABASCO; r. N. U. 58, 1901. art nt , st^? h^ l r ߣ p ~ |