FREELAND TRIBUNE. Bftaalisbel 1888. PUBLISHED EVERY MONDAY", WHDNESDAY and FRIDAY, ar the TRIBUNE FEINTING COMPANY, Limited. Orrici: Main Stueet above Centue. Lufft Distance Telephone. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. FKEnLAKD. -TTAO Tkibune is delivered by carriers to anbaoribers in Freelund at the rate of 13.'* 'hh a month, payable every two months, er f.M n year, payable in advance. The Tin BtrNU ioaj be ordered direct from the carriers or from the office. Complaints of Irregular or tardy delivery service will receive prompt attention. BY M AlL.—The TniBUNE is scut to out-of town subscribers for $1.50 a year, payable iu advaac#; pre rata terms for shorter periods. The date whew the subscription expires is on the address label of each paper. Prompt re newals must be made at the expiration, other wise the subscription will be discontinued. Entered at the Postofllce at Freoland, Pa., as Second-Class Matter. Main *ll mousy orders, checks, etc., payable to the Tribune Printing Company, Limited. FRF 11 LAND, SEPTEMBER 2, 1001. IFi M !• tt Vuri ExcurMionM Via the Lehigh Vullry Kail road. Huffs!#: Labor Day, Pan-American Exposition. 'Jlckets on sale August 31 and S#pt#ab#r 1. Syracuse: New York State Fair. Tick#tt sold September 7-14. Itbftea: Tompkins County Fair. Ticksts said September 17-20. Newark Tail's?: Northern Tioga Ag ri*u!tat*l Sscisty Fair. Tickets sold Sept.etsar It. 11 and 12. Naples: Account of fair. Tickets sold tispteabtr 17. 18 and 19. CaaandaifHa: Account of fair. Tick ets sold Septemper 17, 18 and 19. Dry don: Account of fair. Tickets sold September 17, 18. 19 and 20. Tank bannock: Account of fair. Tickets sold September 18, 19 and 20. Indianapolis. Ind.: I. O. O. F. meet ing. Tie Writs sold September 12-13. For particulars concerning these low fare excursions consult Lehigh Valley ticket agents. (). G. Buck, Belrne, Ark., says: I wa troubled with constipation until I bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers. Siuue then I Wave been entirely cured of my old aornplaint. I recommend them. Grocer's City drug store. fan-American Exposition. Law fares via the Lehigh Valley Rail road to the l'an-Americao Exposition. Five-day tickets, good only in day coaches, will be sold on Tuesdays and Saturday*. May 1 to October 31, from Freeland at thy rate of §7 for the round trip. Tan-day tickets will be sold from Free land every day, May 1 to October 31, good on any train, except the Black Diamond express, at the rate of .$lO for the round trip. James White, Bryantsvllle, Ind.. says DuYVitfc's Witch Hazel Salve healed run ning sores un both legs. lie had suffer ed •' daughter, lives in the 11P.W •eeton Courier. ErepWee, tuts, burns, scalds and sore, e/ ell kinds quickly healed by D.VTSto. WiVe* Hazel Halve. Certain fire fer pile.. Beware of counterfeits. Be .ere yee jet the original—DeWitt's.'. Otto 4rtig store. law VaroN to Cleveland, O. Yla tha Ltkifh Valley Railroad, ac count G. A. t national encampment. Ti#fcts • ■ Ml* September 8 to 12 inclu sive Ceaiiit Lehigh Valley ticket agants for particulars. If tka aetias of your bowels is not easy sad regular serious complications must lha flual result. DoVVltt's Lit tle Karly Ki*ars will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant and effective. Drover's City drug store. <*. A. K. Re-Union, South Bethlehem, I*a. Low fares via the Lehigh Valley Rail road. Tickets on sale September 7. A. Oswald iias the agency for the cele brated Elysian's extracts and perfumery. The finest goods made. Try them. lec soda at Keiper's. PLEASURE. September 1. — Labor Day picnic and gauiet the Central Labor Union of Freeland sad Vicinity at Public park. Seplem her 31.— Hop of Columbian Base Bali Club at (troll's opera house. Admis sion, 25 ceuts. GAG LAW FOR LABOR A JUDGE WHO IS GREATER THAN THE CONSTITUTION. A Blanket Injunction That Smothers the Last HlgM of the Citizen—Fum ily Relations That Create Suspi cion In Many Minds. | Whether we believe that liberty Is a ! good thing or not It Is certainly an Im i poutant one. The process of whittling j away the liberties of a nation cannot fall to be Interesting whatever we may think of It. Therefore each new step ! In the Judicial curtailment of those I rights which the founders of our re public thought they had Imbedded se | surely In Its constitution Is worthy of ! note. | Edwin B. Gager Is a new Judge In Connecticut. He has Just performed his tirst official act, which consists In I laying down rules for the couduct of certain striking machinists of the Far rell Foundry and Machine company. Judge Gager has issued un order en- Joining the strikers: "From In any •manner Interfering with any persons who may desire to enter the employ of the plaintiff by way of threats, persuasions, personal violence, Intimidation or other means calculated or intended to prevent such persons from entering or continuing In the employ of plaintiff or calculated to Induce such persons to leave the em ploy of the plaintiff, from boycotting the plaintiff and the plaintiff's work men, either by threats, Intimidations, persuasion or otherwise; from inter fering, Intimidating, boycotting or threatening in any manner any person for the purpose of Inducing such person or persons not to deal with or do business with the plaintiff or not to deal with or furnish supplies to the plaintiff's workmen; from congregating or loitering about in the neighborhood of the premises of the plaintiff or In other places with the Intent to Inter fere with the employees of the plaintiff or the prosecution of their business or to interfere or obstruct in any manner the business or trade of the plaintiff. "From picketing or patrolling the factory or other property of the plain tiff or causing said premises to be pick eted or patrolled, or from loitering about the factory of the plaintiff, or from making loud or boisterous noises In the vicinity thereof, or from causing any of such acts to be done by others, or from persuading or assisting any or counseling or advising any such acts." J.udge Gager's law Is a long way In advance of that laid down by the New York court of appeals In the case of Reynolds versus Everett, 144 N. Y., 18b. In that case the court found that each factory involved In a strike was picketed; that the employees were nc costed, urged and entreated to leave the plaintiffs' employment In order that the plaintiffs might not be able to continue their business, mul that by such persuasion and entreaty and in ducements many of the plaintiffs' em ployees were Induced to leave their employment. It refused to find that these proceedings were illegal and re fused to grant an Injunction against them. Without discussing the question whether Judge Gager's first ruling is based on better law than a decision of the New York court of appeals let us ask whether the Connecticut Jurist would be willing to apply his princi ples in all cases. For instance, sup pose the Northern Pacific war should break out again and Mr. J. Pierpont Morgan should visit Greenwich for the purpose of trying to persuade Mr. E. C. Benedict to take a hand in It on his side. Would Judge Gager hold such per suasion unlawful and issue an Injunc tion forbidding It? Would he enjoin Mr. Morgan from "loitering about" Mr. Benedict's premises or from standing In the road to Intercept him and talk to him 011 the way to the station? Formerly the name of Judge Gager was pronounced as If It were spelled Gage-er, but now they call it Gag-er, with the accent 011 the "Gag," In honor of his injunction against free speech. Farrel Foundry and Machine com pany. Principal owners Frank Farrel, Charles Bliss and Mrs. George Bryant. Counsel for the Farrel company— Wooster, Williams & Gager. Associate counsel—George Bqyant. W. 11. Williams of the above firm, state prosecutor, who Is pushing the charges against the strikers. E. 11. Gager of the above firm, Judge of the superior court, who issued the injunction, saying It was unlawful for union men to use persuasion against the men who came to take their places. George Bryant of the above firm, city judge, who fined a .man ssu and costs for saying, "The scabs have come to town." Such Is the chain of connection be tween the Farrel Foundry company and the machinery of the law at Auso nia. Conn., where three good citizens have been thrown into prison for exer cising the right of free speech. Mure than that. Judge Bryant is a son-in-law of Frank Farrel. Yet he did not hesitate to sit In judgment upon cases In which his wife had a mone tary interest. Thomas Davis, a waiter, remarked that "the scabs have come to town." Deputy Sheriff Parinelc heard him aud dragged him before Judge Bryant, son in-law of Millowner Farrel. The judge scored him for using the word "scab," although lie did not say it iu a loud voice or to a crowd. "Will you give a definition of scab?" asked Davis. "This court is not a dictionary," re sponded the court "Fifty dollars and costs." "And I want to add," continued the judge, "that if any one else comes be fore me on the charge I shall not only line him SSO, but send him to jail for pix months."—New York Journul. Tlio Kind Yon Ilavo Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of -J? and has been inado under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. 4 Allow no one to deceive you in this. Aii Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor OiJ, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverisliness. It cures Diarrhoea and "Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 1111 i '7 C |°l !■! From InfancyToAge w. Lnxnkola for Viable*. —lt 1B tlio best and most J Directive laxative for children. BEST because It 1b safe / _ and made entirely of harmless ingredients. BEST because It in non-irritating and never gripes or oauses pain or | K \ irritation. BEST because it is Biiro and never fails. BEST I \ l)ecaUßo " Children like it ami ask for it." BEST because I /sv7 tou^c properties are so good and BO strengthening that Vj" f y it keeps the little ones in flue, hearty condition. Mfi ■ t-J-j irt a dangerous thing to give little babies violent ff v( tBS *1 / cat^artrs that rack and rend their little bodies. DON'T /J fi&zjl/ IT—Ri v © them Laxakola. For constipation, coated tongue, simple colds and fevers it is invaluable. Lnxokoln for Young <*irl* on the threshold of JgJsTwomanhood, lias been fouml invaluable. Wheu they bo come pale and languid, tlio eyes dull, aching head, feet Mr aiu *t ,an d® cold, appetite gonoor abnormal, and their sys tenia generally run down, they need building up, and their blood needs cleansing. Give them Laxakola, its gentle myWpm bowel action to cleanse and its tonic properties to build up ™ tbo system, will show immediate and most beneficial results. Jjr Laxakola for Mothers.— lt is particularly valuable and ÜBoful to women, especially mothers, as it 1B a gentle and Bafo remedy to uso during all conditions of health whenever their peculiar and delicate constitutions require a mild and efficient laxative and tonio, while to nursing mfedT.. mothers, worn out with tlio care of infants and whoso sya tcms therefore are particularly susceptible to dlseußO fgtt&s ~ J Laxakola particularly appeals. HB dgjzn It clears tbo complexion, brightens the eye, sharpens the 1 U's :/ / appetite, removes muchly and blotched condition of tlio skin V/ J a,l( l clircß headache to a certainty by removing thecause. V To women Buffering from cbronio constipation, head* aches, biliousness, dizziness, sallowncss of tlio skin and dyspepsia, Laxakola will invariably bring relief. w-Laxakola for Old Folk*. — In the Autumn and Winter of Life, when the various organs through long years of action have become more or less sluggish, itbo conies necessary to stimulate them hy Home remedy beat adapted to that purpose. That. Laxakola is such, lias been proved beyond all question. Its gentle warming, soothing Wv -1J •* action on the bowels, liver and kidneys, stimulates them to <- .s"; -y increased activity, eleanses the blood, quickens the clreu- V'I'IKA other remedy gives co much for the money. All druggists, 25c. and 50c , or free sample of The LAXAKOLA CO., 132 Nassau St., N. Y , or 356 Dearborn St., Chicago. Getting Even. Stern Employer—Confound you! Do you see the great blunder you've made? Why, you are—well, not far from a jackass! Clerk—Exactly so, sir; not more than three feet. Arrented Development. Charles was punished severely. Drawing Charles close to her and wip ing the tears from ids eyes, mamma said: "When I was your age, my boy, I never told a falsehood." "llow old were you before you be gun?" asked Charles between sobs. I'. T. Thomas, Sumtorvllle, Ala., ' I was sulTe.ring from - dyspepsia when I commenced taking kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 1 took several bottles and can digest anything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the; only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition. Clover's City drug store. Dtiln;; n Double Turn. "That boy of ours is a little too clever." "What is his latest freak?" "I Just found out that he can whistle beautifully out of one corner of his mouth and at the same time stud jam into the other corner."—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tlione Sporty Sea L'rclilmi. "What's all the fuss about over there?" asked the bluetlsh of the cod fish down In the briny deep. "Oh. it's nothing!" returned the cod fish carelessly. "Only a lot of those sea urchins having fun with a dogfish with u can tied to its tall."—New York Times. I'naaooeanfol. Quinn—l don't see how a man who has failed a score of times could give much advice lu a book, "How to Get Iticb." De Tonte—Oh, yes! You see he enu merates all the schemes he tried, and you can steer clear of them.—Chicago Mews. Snnrrnlnnry. Naggus (literary editor)— Boms' last iK)ok is called "Blue Blood." It's awful rot. but I don't want to hurt his feel ings by saying so. Airs. Naggus—Can't you say it is written in the author's best vein?— Chicago Tribune. Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure permanently and completely re moves this complaint, it, relieves per i manently because it allows the tired j stomach perfect rest. Dieting won't rest the stomach. Nature receives snp ; plies froi.n the food we eat. The sensi ble way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia (hire, which digests what you eat and can't help hut do you good. Drover's City drug store. Soda water—all tlavors—at Kuiper's. Clean-Up Sale, of Summer Goods In a few weeks we will be talking of Fall Goods; just that much time left to dispose of the balance of our Summer Stock. With the customer it's quite differ ent, as he will have use for them for eight or ten weeks to come, although at the prices we are now offering them it will pay the average man even if he lays them aside for next season. We have fine assortments of SUMMER UNDERWEAR, SUMMER HEADGEAR, SUMMER HOSE, SUMMER SHOES, SUMMER NECKWEAR, SUMMER FURNISHINGS. McMENAMIN'S Hat, Shoe and Gents' Furnishing Store, 86 South Centre Street. \ The Cure that Cures i p Coughs, \ Colds, f I) Grippe, (k \ Whooping Cough, Asthma, 1 jM Bronchitis and Incipient A Consumption, Is fcj loTJo'sl A TV\e GERMAN remedy" £ P Cures Wrotfc ■arvi J a\\ Wilkes-Barre Record Is the Bust Paper id Northeastern Petinsylvuaiu.... It contains Complete l.oeul, Tele graphic anil (ienerul News. Prints only the News that's fit to Print.... 50 Cents a Month, ADDRESS, $0 a Year by Mail The f^ccord, or Carriers WILKES-BARRE. PA. RAILROAD TIMETABLES LEIIIUII VALLEY RAILROAD. June 'J, 1001. ARRANGEMENT OK PASSENGER 'J'UAINH. LEAVE FUKKLAND. 6 12 n m for Weatherly, Munch Chunk, Allcntown, Jlothiehcm, Huston, Phila delphia and New York. 7 34 in lor Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkes-Ha ire, Pittslnn and Scranton. 8 15 u in for Ha/.leton, Weatherly, Maucli ('hunk, Allcntown, Jh-thlchcui, Euslon, Philadelphia, New York, Dcluno and Pottsville. 9 30 a ill for Hu/.leton, Delano, Muhanoy City, Shenandoah and >;t. Carinel. i 1 1 42 a in for Weatlu riy, Maueli Chunk, Al lcntown, Dct hleheiii, Huston, Phila delphia, New York, Huzleton, Delano, Muhanoy City, Sheriandoah and Mt. Curinel. I 1151 it iu lor White Haven, Wilkea-liarre, Scranton and the West. 4 44 pin lor Wcuthcrly, Maueli Chunk, Al lcntown, nethlehciii. Huston, Philadel phia, New York, lliizlcton, Delano. Mahaiioy City, Shciuiiidoah, Mt. Curinel and Pottsville. 0 35 1> ni lor Sandy Hun, White Haven, Wilkcs-Uarrc, Scranton and uli points West. 7 29 p in for Huzleton. AKItIVK AT KREKLAND, 7 34 a ni from Pottsville, Delano and Huz leton. 9 12 a in from New York, Philadclphiu, Eua tou, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Muuch Chunk, Woutherly, Hazleton, Mahaiioy City, Shenandoah and Mt. Curinel 9 30 a m from Scranton, Wilkes-Darre and White Haven. 1 1 51 a m from Pottsville, Mt. Carmol, Shen andoah, Muhuuoy City, Delano and Hazleton. 12 48 j m from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem, Allcntown, Muuch Chunk, und Woatherly. 4 44 P in from Scruntou, Wilkes-Baric and White Haven. 0 35 p ni from New York, Philadelphia, Huston, Bethlehem Allcntown, Maueli Chunk, Woatherly, Mt. Carmol, Shenan doah, Muhanoy City, Delano and Huzlc ton. 7 29 P m from Scranton, Wilkes-Harro and White Haven. For further information inquire of Tiokot A fronts. KOLLIN H.WlLHUß.OonerulSuperintendent, 20 CortJundt Street, New York City. CHAB. S. LEE. Ocnerul Passenger Airent, 20 Cortlandt Street, New York City. G. J. Git.I)HOY, Division Superintendent, Hazleton, Pa. nr*HJ£ DELAWARE, SUBQUEHANNA AND JL SCHUYLKILL RAILROAD. Time table in effect March 10. HHll. Trains leave Drifton for Jeddo, Hekley, Hazlo Brook, Stockton, Heaver Meadow Hoad, Roan and Hazleton Junction at ano a m, daily except. Sunday; and 707a m, 2118 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Drifton for Hurwood, Cranberry, I'oinbicken and Doringer at 000 a m, daily except Sunday; and 707 a m, 208 p m, Sun drains leave Drifton for Oneida Junction, Garwood Hoad, Humboldt Hoad, Oneida ami -hoppton at 000 a m, daily except Sun day; and 7 07 a m, 2 38 p m, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Harwood, Cranberry, Tomhicken und Doringer at. 036 a m, dally except Sunday; and 8 63 a m, 4 22 p in, Sunday. Trains leave Hazleton Junction for Oneida Junction, Harwood Hoad, Humboldt ltoad, Oneida and Shcppton at 0 32, 11 10 a iu, 4 11 p m, doily except Sunday; and 7 37 a m, 311 pm, Sunday. Trains leave Doringer for Tomhicken, Cran berry, Haiwood, Hazleton Junction and Houn at 800 p m, daily except Sunday; una 337 a in, 5 Ui p m, Sunday. Trains leave Shepptou for Oneida, Humboldt Hoad, Harwood Hoad, Oneida Junction, Ilazle (on Junction and Hoan at 7 11 am. 12 40, 626 p m, daily excopt Sunday; and 811 a in, 344 p rn, Sunday. Trains leave Sheppton for Beaver Meadow Hoa