Freeland tribune. (Freeland, Pa.) 1888-1921, August 26, 1901, Image 1

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VOL. XIV. NO. 25.
Will soon be here, and
from now till the opening of
the term we will be busy
getting the young folks
ready for school. As usual
we have paid particular at
tention to our lines of Suits,
and Shoes, which for price,
style and wear cannot be
Clothing and Shoe House.
Don't fail to ask for our 50c
"Wear Well" School Pants-—lined
gll through.
doa'or in
Dry Goods, Notions,
Groceries and Provisions.
Creamery Butter Always in Stock.
Minnesota's Best
.Patent Flour A Specialty.
2V. W. Cor. Centre and Front /ST*., Freeland.
dealer in
Dry Goods, Groceries,
Boots and Shoes.
Contru and Main streets. Freeland.
Groceries, Provisions,
Green Truck,
Dry Goods and Notions
are among the finest sold
in Freeland. Send a sam
ple order and try them.
E. J. Curry, South Centre Street.
Wm. Wehrman,
"VC 7 " citcixm.al2:er.
Repairing a Specialty.
No Trust or Credit.
Next to the Central Hotel.
Geo. H. Hartman,
Meats and Green Tiack.
Freak Lard a Specialty.
Centre Street, near Central Hotel.
Condy 0. Boyle,
doulor in
The tlnest brands of Domestic and Imported
Whiskey on sale. Fresh Rochester and Shen
andoah Iteer and Ycumrlintr's Dorter on lap.
vh Dpiit re wtroot
We always go straight to
the point; no false modesty
about us. We have the
finest stock of Shoes in the
town—we know it, and we
want you to know it. We
have bought them especially
for you. We have every
style in the market, and
warrant all our goods. We
have just the goods for sum
mer wear—Underpriced for
the sake of introduction.
Centre and Walnut Streets.
Serious Damage Caused by
Heavy Fall of Rain.
Many Collieries in the Lehigh
Region Forced to Suspend
Operations—Four Persons
Drowned at Mauch Chunk.
At 3 o'clock Saturday morning tlio
almost Incessant rain of tho past week
culminated in a cloud-burst which did
great damage in this part of the state.
From 3 a. in. until late in the forenoon
the rain fell in torrents. All the collier
ies in tho region, accepting those which
are drained by tho .leddo tunnel, suffer
ed severely, creeks overflowed their
banks and entire fields of crops wore
At Highland all work in the mines has
been suspended, several slopes at Upper
Lehigh and Sandy Run are drowned out,
pumps have been lost in many collieries
and a general demoralization of the coal
industry lias resulted from the storm.
So great was the alarm at Upper Le
high on Saturday that the mine fore
men who attended the Mountain Park
excursion were summoned home.
This time a year ago at most collier
ies water trains were run day and night
hauling water to enable them to operate.
At Mauch Chunk four porsons were
drowned it) the Hood. The victims are:
Jesse Struthers. 40 years old; Patrick
Johnson, 10 years old; Harry Haggerty,
14 years old, and William J. Morgan,
15 years old. All resided in tho town.
The drowning occurred at 4 o'clock in
the afternoon on West Broadway, imme
diately in front of Struthers' residence.
Details of great loss at Weatherly,
Lehightou, Packerton and Allentowu
are reported, but there was no loss of
life at those places.
Store Order Law Attacked.
Tho constitutionality of the storo
order tax law is to bo tested in court,
and nine appeals have been made from
settlements of taxes by the auditor
general. This was the bill so vigorous
ly fought for by tho representatives of
the minors at the last session and which
was so mysteriously hung up in the
senate finance committee. It imposes
a tax of 35 per cent on all store orders
or evidence of indebtedness represent
ing an amount due for wages, and
applies to corporations, firms and
individuals alike.
It was said when the hill passed that
it would soon get into court, and to test
it the appellants sent a report of the
orders issued for two weeks on which
the auditor general made his settlement.
For tho two weoks the Bethlehem Steel
Company was taxed $2,236.84; Rochester
and Pittsburg Coal and Iron Company,
$6,440.02; Lehigh Coal and Navigation
Company, $1,230.36; Buffalo and Susque
hanna Railroad Company. $272; J. S.
Moyer A: Co., $032.30; Empire Coal Min
ing Company, $203.70; Hyatt School
Slate Company. $165; Harvev & Sullivan,
$730.08; A. Pardee & Co., $2,430.15.
Counsel for tho companies set up
numerous constitutional objections to
the act, among others that if sustained
its purpose will ho "to prevent employers
and employes from contracting with
each other; that it will deprive employes
of the privilege of receiving advances
upon their wages or of making pur-
In cases of cough or croup give tho
little one One Minute Cough Cure.
Then rest easy and havo no fear. The
bhlld will be all right in a little while.
It never falls. Pleasant to take, always
safe, sure and almost instantaneous in
effect. Grover's City drug store.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
It artificially digests the food and aids
Nature in strengthening and recon
structing the exhausted digestive or
gans. It is the latest discovered digest
aut and tonic. No other preparation
can approach It in efficiency. It In
stantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn,
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea,
Sick Headache, Gastralgia.Crampsand
all other results of imperfect digestion.
PriceSOc. and SI. LarKCSl7.ocontr.ins 2'S times
small size. Book all about dyspepsia run 1 led free
Prepared by E. C. DeWiTT A CO' Cb'caflO.
Qrovnr'w CJitv Drug Hhoro.
ITUm SALE. Single six-room dwelling house
I' on West Walnut street, property of Thus.
E. Duvics Estate; lot is 70\ 156 icct , contains
litrgre stable, shanty, outbuildings, line well,
etc. Apply for terms to W. E. Da vies, 525
ltidge street, Co.xe udditiou, Freeland.
chasms for themselves or families at such
store as they choose and giving tho store
keepers orders upon their employers,
and from having similar orders honored
by the payment of sneh amounts as they
may designate to their family physician,
priest, beneficial association, etc,'* and
that, therefore, the act is in violation of
tho bill of rights in the said constitu
They allege, also, that as a tax law it
is in conflict with the uniformity clause
of the state constitution, as it does not
apply to all orders, checks, etc., but only
to such as are not redeemed in cash
within thirty days.
Auditor General llardenbergh is mak
ing an investigation of the methods of
business of corporations employing
labor with a view to enforcing
the act. The attorney general's depart
ment will support tho constitutionality
of the act.
Counsel for the companies claim that
even if the act bo held constitutional
some or all of them will escape.
Elected as Delegates.
Tho following Democrats will repre
sent this vicinity in the county convoii;
tion at Wilkesbarro tomorrow:
First ward—Daniel McGarvoy.
Secoud ward—Peter B. Carr.
Third ward—-John Schneo.
Fourth ward—Francis Mooney.
Fifth ward—John A. Gal I ugh or.
Sixth ward—Edward Brennan.
Jeddo—Philip Brislin.
Woodside—Patrick Dover.
Highland—James Dougherty.
Sandy Run—Ben Duffy.
Drifton—James North.
llaxle Brook—Patrick Sweeney.
Eckloy—John Uaffney.
East Foster—John Campbell.
Upper Lehigh—Patrick McGuiro.
Pond Creek—Edward Doudt.
The majority of tho delegates will
leave for the county seat on tho 6.31
train this evening.
German Fish Laws.
Through the courtesy of Frank M.
Brundage, United States consul at
Alx-la-Chapelle, a copy of the game
laws of Germany has been received by
Hugh Malloy, president of the Freeland
Game and Fish Protective Club. The
laws cover several type-written sheets
and in them Mr. Malloy has found a
number of good points which at some
future time he will endeavor to have in
corporated into the laws of this state.
The copy was brought to Mr. Malloy
by S. J. Neußurger, who spent several
days with Consul Brundage. The latter
is a Luzerne county man and is known
to several people in town.
Prohibited the Game.
Deputy Sheriff Honeywell yesterday
afternoon prohibited tho ball game
which was to be played by the Chicago
Bloomer Girls and tho local club at tho
Tigers park. Ho notified tho manager
of the girls' club that ho would arrest
thetn If the game began, and this caused
the visitors to refuse to play. Over 1,500
people were around the grounds waiting
for the game.
The deputy sheriff's action was based
on a petition sent to Sheriff Harvey,
which was signed by the minister and
live members of the English Baptist
church. The petition asked him to
prohibit the game.
Drifton Neighbors Quarrel.
There was much excitement at No. 2
Drifton last evening, due to a quarrel!
between the Patzner and Storusky fami
lies. Word was sent to Freeland that a
murder had been committed, and Con
stable Welsh and Officer Mollk hurried
to the scene. It was found that Mrs.
Storusky had been badly worsted in the :
melee. She was sufftring from wounds i
on her head, inflicted with a poker. !
bucket and wash-boiler.
Mr. and Mrs. John Patzner were ar
rested and placed in the borough lockup.
Telephone Improvements.
The Anthracite Telephone Company's
exchange will bo removed from Wood
ring's store to the room directly above,
on tho second floor, and will be in
charge of Miss Gertie Keck, who is to
succeed Miss Rose Boyle, the prcsont
Miss Boyle will on September 1 take
charge of tho night service to be inaug
urated on that date by the Bell Com
Low Karen to l'an-American Kx position.
Via the Lehigh Valley Railroad. Five
day tickets will bo sold on Tuesdays
and Saturdays, from Freeland, at the
rate of $7.50 for the round trip. Tick
ets good only in day coaches.
Ten-day tickets will be sold from Free
laud every day, May 1 to October 31,
good on any train, except, tho Black |
Diamond ox press, at the rate of $lO for j
the round trip.
O. <). Buck, Holme, Ark., says: I wa
troubled with constipation until I
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then I have been entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them.
Grovor's City drug store.
Herman Sturly, of Pittston township,
has applied to court for an injunction
to restrain the Rapid Transit Company
from running a trolley line through
his barn, which is on tho surveyed route
of the road being constructed between
Wilkosbarre and Scranton. Tho com
pany has offered to purchase a portion of
the property, but Sturly says it must
buy the whole plot or none. Company
officials say they will cut away a piece
of tho barn when their workmen reach
tho spot.
There Is to be placed on the market
In a few days the Parish Priest cigar,
named after the play by Daniel L.
Hart, which made such a big success
last season. In the centre of the box
cover is a picture of Daniel Sully, who
plays the title role, on one side the
residence of Mr. Mart and on the other
a scene from the play.
Anthony Muchinski, of Forest City,
was arrested by the Bartel Brewing
Company, of Edwardsvllle, upon tho
charge of embezzlement, it being alleged
that lie collected bills to tiie amount of
$160.50 and did not pay the money to tho
company. He was placed under bail for
a further hearing.
The striking mill weavers at the the
I'ittston silk mill are jubilant over their
success in closing tho works. Strikers'
pickets stationed about tho mill succeed
ed in inducing the non-union girls to
leave tho looms and operations were
suspended. Every worker has joined
the strikers' ranks.
A monster demonstration is to be ar
ranged in Wilkosbarre for September
14, when a reception will be tendered
President John Mitchell, of the Mine
Ico cream soda at ICeiper's.
The American House, the leading ho
tel of Mauch Chunk, has been seized by
tho sheriff. Louis F. Prince, tho pro
prietor, has disappeared.
The state convention of Republican
clubs will be held in Scranton on Sep
tember 17 and 18.
The Philadelphia and' Reading Rail
way Company has notified its employes
that they must be vaccinated.
Charles Mauror, lessee of the Mauch
Chunk shoe factory, has failed, and W.
(). Kline is appointed assignee.
Reese 1). Reese, of Plymouth, a notod
singer, committed suicide yesterday by
jumping into tho Susquehanna.
A Large Excursion
The excursion of the White Haven
Relief Association to Mountain Park on
Saturday was largely attended, notwith
standing the inclement weather. Nine
coaches were usod to convey the excur
sionists from Upper Lehigh and four
from Sandy Run, and all were crowded
by young and old. It is safe to say that
a merrier or jollier crowd never left for
a day's outing. The women and girls
fared tho worst at tho hands of the
weather and quite a number bad their
drosses ruined. Notwithstanding that
almost every ono in attendance had
some form of protection to resist the
downpour of rain, all were more or less
wet. This, however, did not detract
from tho pleasure tho excursionists suc
ceeded in extracting from tho day.
Had the weather conditions been fav
orable almost twice as many more people
from this vicinity would have attended.
It was the first time in all the many
years since tho excursions were inaug
urated that it rained before the trains
left and tho disappointment to the pat
rons was keenly felt by those who at
tended and also by those who remained
at home.
Deaths of Children.
John Mathers, aged 7 years, a son ol
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Mathers, died al
the family homo in the Second wArd
early this morning. Tho child was re
covering from an attack of diphtheria
when a reaction set in and death re
sulted. The funeral will leave tomor
row at 3 a. m. for Frackviilo, whore the
interment will be made.
The funeral of Ida, tho young daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. George Hoidenricb,
Washington street, took place yesterday.
Services were conducted by Rev. J. J*
Kuntz at St. Luke's Lutheran church
and tho remains wore interred at Free
laud cemetery.
Freeland Wins First Half.
The game of alley ball between the
Gallagher brothers, of town, and Han
ley and (Brard, of Mllnesville, at tho
court of William Gallagher on South
Ridge street, yesterday afternoon, afford
ed plenty of excitement to the hundreds
of spectators present. The Milnesvillo
men had a lead of eleven aces at one
time. Later tho Froeland men drew up,
finally heating the visitors by a score of
41 to 30. Tho next half will be played
at Milnesvillo. Mark O'Uourko was
Short Items of Interest to
All Readers.
Happenings of the Past
Two Days in and Around
Freeland Recorded With
out Waste of Words.
School boards in the coal region
which did not last year enforce the vac
cination law aro getting ready to carry
out its provisions upon the opening of
tho term. Children not vaccinated
may be barred from schools. This action
is being taken to proveno the spread of
small-pox which has prevailed this sum
mer in some towns.
At an informal meeting of the bor
ough school board 011 Friday evening it
was decided to ask for bids for the
erection of a school room in the old 1
electric light building, which was re
cently purchased by the board.
Much interest is being taken by the
miners of the vicinity in the United
Mine Workers' convention to be held at
Ilazlcton tliis woek. The convention
will opon tomorrow.
A. Oswald lias the agency for the cele
brated Elyslan's extracts aiid perfumery.
The finest goods made. Try them.
Local Union 1037, of tho United Mine
Workers, held a well attended ball at
Kratise's hall on Friday evening. Not
withstanding tho Inclement weather the
affair was a decided success.
Tho Lehigh Valley- lfailrnad has a
large force of men repairing the damage
caused by the cavo-in between Freeland
and Highland. Trains are run slowly
over the ground affected by the cave-in.
At St. Ann's church yesterday the
bans of marriage were announced be
tween Hugh ISoyle, of Ridge street, and
Miss Bella tiallaghor, of South Wash
ington street.
On account of tho rain 011 Saturday
the game of ball between Freeland
Actors and Weatherly club was post
poned till next Saturday.
The finest ico cream in town, all
llavors. wholesale and retail, at Morkt's.
Several members of St. Patrick's
Beneficial Society enjoyed a day's outing
at old Buck Mountain yesterday.
A daughter has been born to Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh A. Shovlin, South Washing
ton street.
Sun Brothers' big show will exhibit at
Froeland on September 7.
McAdoo and IJriiton ball clubs will
play here next Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. S. 11. Allport, Johnstown. Pa..
says; "Our little girl almost strangled to
death with croup. The doctors said she
couldn't live but was instantlv relieved by
One Minute Cough Cure. Grovor's City
drug store.
Sister M. Pauline and Sister M. Gcrod,
of West Scranton, are visiting at Free
land, the former as tho guest of her
mother, Mrs. John Gallagher, Birvan
ton, and the lattor with tho Misses
Ferry, South Washington street.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Oswald, of Freeland,
and Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Oberronder, of
Brifton, aro attending the Knights
Templar convention at Louisville, Ky.
Miss Mary O'Dounell, of Philadel
phia, is the guest of the Burke family
on Walnut street.
Miss Minnie Ferry, of Wilkesbarro, is
sponding bor vacation with her grand
mother, Mrs. Denis Ferry, on Ridge
Attorney and Mrs. C. O. Stroll return
ed 011 Saturday from their ten days'
visit to Sea Isle, N. J.
Miss Maine McGowan, o( Philadel
phia, is visiting relatives and friends in
Miss Mary A. McNeils, of Drifton, is
spending a woek at Warrior Run.
Miss Sarah Gorman, of Mahanoy City,
is the guest of the Misses Campbell,
Centre and Main streets.
Patrick Rogan, of South Centre street,
is visiting his sons at Lansford.
August 31.—Picnic of Local Union
No. 1053, of Sandy Run, at Fairehihl
August 31.—Picnic of Drifton Base
Ball Club at Eborvalo grove.
Septembor 2. —Labor Day picnic and
games of the Central Labor Union of
Freeland and Vicinity at Public park.
James White, Bryantsvllle, I ml., says
DeWitt's Witeh Hazel Salve healed run
ning sores on both legs. lie. had .suffer
ed 0 years. Doctor's failed to help him.
Hot DeWitt's. Accept no imitations.
Grovor's City drug store.
i Great Is the
Saving Here
liut greater is the satis
faction you get from wear
ing our good clothes. Every
suit we sell is thoroughly
reliable—made in the heigh
th of fashion for our exclu
sive selling, and holds its
shape as well as its color.
All JVos. 16, 161 and 17
Shirts in the house are
reduced to TTTTc.
Phila. One-Price Clotliißg House.
Birkbeck Brick, Freeland, Pa.
£MiAS. ORION ST 11011,
Office: Rooms I and 2, Bii-klieck Brick, Freeland
All legal business promptly attended.
Postoftieo Building, ... Freeland.
Legal of Any Description.
Brennan's Building, So. Centre St. Freeland.
Campbell Building, - Freeland.
White Haven Offloe, Kane Building. Opposite
I nstolnce; 1 ucsduys, Thursdays 'Saturdays.
Legal Business or every description, Flro
Insurance, and Conveyancing given prompt
McMouamln Building, Sooth Centre Street.
Second Floor. . Birkbeck Brick
jyjRS. S. E. HAYES,
Washington Street,
None but reliable companies represented.
Also agent for the celebrated high-grade
Planus oi Har.ellon Bros.. New V„rk city.
37 South Ceutrc Street.
Second Floor Front, - Hefowich Building.
AU busbies* given prompt attention.
Tribune Building, - . Main Street
Hojs mid (.iris, wr will Trust \ou. No MOIICV in intuuirc.
vonMuTl'* 1 " ,I, r 1 <" I'-llMnm IM,. 5..,„| mi
.•st.d'ili.. V dewlpied Tup i ''. r.'„,, Tr'J
Mf.Gßl'l SUPPLY CO., 179 Broadna>, New York.
Corner of Centre and Front .Streets.
Gibson, Dougherty, Kaufer Club,
Kosonbluth's Velvet, ol which we h ivo
Muuim's Extra Dry Champagne.
Heunoßy Brandy, Blackberry,
Gins, Wines, Clarets, Cordial,;, Etc.
Ham and Schweitzer Cheese Bandwioh*i t
Sardines, Ktc.
B. G. LAUBACH, Prop.
Choice Bread ot All Kinds, Cakes, and Pas
try, Dally. Fancy utld Novelty Cakes Baked
to Order.
supplied to balls, parties or picnics, with
all necessary adjuncts, at shortest
notice and fairest prices.
Delivery and supply wagons to all parts of
town and surroundings every day.
Ijlil|^|i^VVl hii. 1<I L) Al^Tl LSt
Special Low Fares to Cleveland, o.
Via tho Lehigh Valley Railroad, ac
count (1. A. U. national encampment.
Tickets on sale September s to linclu
sive. Consult Lehigh Valley ticket
agents for particulars.
P. T. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala., T
was sufTerlng from dyspepsia when L
commenced taking k'odol Dyspepsia
Cure. 1 took several bottles and can
digest anything." K'odol Dyspepsia
Cure is tln only preparation containing
all the natural digestive lluids. It. gives
weak stomachs entire rest restoring
their natural conditlou. G rover's City
drug store.